TOWN WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE (601 Rudder) A scien ce fiction classic about a group of scientists who build a spaceship to escape the predicted des truction of Earth. Thursday at 7:30 and 9:45. Rated G. URBAN COWBOY (Manor East) John Travolta stars in the film that popularized cowboy shirts at places other than Texas A&M. Friday and Satur day at midnight. Rated R. GO Students use pros to edit research BLACKSBURG, Va. — A new term-paper service here is providing a bit of controversy for Virginia Tech students and faculty. The company, Editorial Services, advertises that it will help stu dents edit their research papers for a fee of $10 per hour or $1.25 per page, whichever is less. “We don’t sell term-papers and we don’t write term-papers,” says the firms owner. “Our expertise is in making whatever it is (the author) has to say readable." Virginia Tech has a strict honor code and students using the service must clear it in advance with their professors. The firm says it assumes the students will get such permission before coming to them. — Collegiate Headlines Film: Check theaters for specific times and prices. Movies subject to change without notice. (Campus Theater 846-6512) (Manor East 823-8300) (Plitt Cinema l&ll 846-6714) (MSC Box Office-Rudder 845-2916) ALL THAT JAZZ (Rudder Auditorium) Roy Scheid- er stars as director- choreographer Joe Gideon in Bob Fosse’s autobiographical story of life, and death, on Broadway. Winner of four Academy Awards. Friday and Saturday at 7:30. Rated R. BREAKING AWAY (Rudder Theater) Peter Yates directed this Academy Award winning story of four young men who ride their bikes into adult hood. Sunday at 7:30. Rated PG. THE DEER HUNTER (Manor East) The story of three all-American boys from Pennsylvania who went to Vietnam, and what happened to them there. Stars Robert DeNiro. Friday and Saturday at midnight. Rated R. MEATBALLS (Rudder Auditorium) Animal House goes to summer camp. Bill Murray stars as a counselor at Camp North Star, an anything- goes summer camp. Friday and Saturday at midnight. Rated PG. MIDDLE AGE CRAZY (Manor East) Bruce Dem stars as a business executive who hits 40 and discovers younger women and the hot tub. Ann- Margaret stars as his devoted wife. Rated R. ORDINARY PEOPLE (Plitt Cinema l&ll) Robert Redford’s debut as director, with Mary Tyler Moore and Donald Sutherland. Some people think it’s a real tear-jerker. Rated R. PRIVATE BENJAMIN (Manor East) Goldie Hawn stars in this comedy about a Jewish princess who is lured into joining the Army by promises of condominiums and yachts. Rated R. THE BIG RED ONE (Campus Theater) Samuel E. Levine presents this compelling war drama star ring Lee Marvin. This is a war movie like the ones they used to make. Rated R. THE BLACK STALLION (Manor East) A story of a shipwrecked boy and his magnificent black horse. Based on Walter Farley’s novel of the same name. In Dolby stereo. See review on page 16. Rated G. Live Entertainment: BACKSTAGE: Thursday, Kevin Matheny per forms. Cover is 750. Friday and Saturday, Back- stage presents a Greek Festival, featuring belly dancers and food served Greek-style. Admis sion is $1.25. CELL BLOCK FIVE: Dunn Hall party Saturday, 8 p.m. to 1 am, featuring the music of King Cobra from Fort Worth. Tickets available at the MSC, Sbisa and the Commons. GRINS: Thursday, Lyle Lovett performs. Cover is $1.50. Eaglebone Whistle perform Friday and Saturday. Cover is $2.50. LAKEVIEW: Dennis Ivey and the Waymen perform Thursday. Cover is $1 for women and $3 for men, with 50 beer. Saturday night is Battle of the Bands, featuring Dennis Ivey and the Waymen and Texas Fever. Admission is $3. REBELS: A band called Your Move will perform through Saturday. No cover. ROSEWOOD JUNCTION: The Max appears through Saturday. No cover Thursday, $1 cover Friday and Saturday. TEXAS HALL OF FAME: Thursday night the De- bonnaires perform. Friday, Bill Busby and the Busbies from Beaumont appear. Saturday night the Matheny Brothers from San Antonio appear. Monday, Ronnie Milsap performs. Advance tick ets purchased for last Tuesday’s cancelled show are still good, and the doors open at 6. TJ’s WHISKEY BAR: Stardust will perform through Saturday. Cover is $2. Other: THEATER ARTS: “Solid Gold Cadillac,” Rudder Forum, 8 p.m. Tickets are $2.50 and $3.50. See story on page 3. ART LEAGUE: The Brazos Valley Art League pre sents an art market in Manor East Mall, Satur day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Works of 75 artists will be featured. MSC OPAS: The National Chinese Theater per forms tonight, Nov. 13, in Rudder Auditorium. Tuesday night, Pianist Bella Davidovich will per form at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Tickets for both are available in the MSC Box Office. MSC ARTS COMMITTEE: Fall Photo Contest Ex hibition, MSC Gallery. Tuesday through Nov. 23. (boarsTT) Smiles turn to growls for Ms. Piggy MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Foiled by the jealousy of her competi tors, Ms. Piggy didn’t reign over the Middle Tennessee State Uni versity Homecoming. Instead, she withdrew from competition after being selected as one of five queen finalists. Her departure was prompted by the “negative attitudes” of other students, said Ms. Piggy, who was actually a MTSU student who wore a pig mask and refused to reveal her identity. — Collegiate Headlines focus THE BATTALION Policy: Focus will accept any stories, drawings or photographs that are submitted for publication, although the decision to publish lies solely with the editor. Pieces submitted, printed or not, will be returned upon request. Deadline is 5 p.m. the Thursday before publication. Contributing to this issue were: Uschi Michel-Howell, Cindy Gee, Kathleen McElroy, Geoff Hackett, Scott McCullar, Dave Einsel, Lynn Blanco and Bob Sebree. Editor: Scot K. Meyer Assistant Editor: Cathy Saathoff On The Cover: Can you find the Wurst-dressed Texan? (Hint: he’s in the bottom row.) Cover drawings by Scott McCullar.