The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 13, 1980, Image 1
3UII KA m INW JOLP'i The Battalion Serving the Texas A&M University community Vol. 74 No. 54 14 Pages Thursday, November 13, 1980 College Station, Texas USPS 045 360 Phone 845-2611 ongress OKs Alaskan nd use-conservation bill United Press International WASHINGTON — Congress’ lame-duck session Bptly squelched any thoughts of a quick tax cut this K then passed the Alaska lands bill, the largest land S Krvation measure since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. ■sklent Carter was delighted, indicating the bill soon mural neyJfoecome law. isoringaloji "lam pleased and gratified,” said Carter. “Both houses wIogofortltEngress have now endorsed the greatest land conser- • ThecontJn legislation of the century, thus assuring the ts, faculh frown Jewels of the Alaska natural wonders are lorded protection.” awarded, |||e bill, passed after seven years of congressional fight- be availaUfBets aside more than 100 million acres of unspoiled :e at loSuiskei lands for national parks, wildlife refuges and wil- ■sss. Alaska Gov. Jay Hammond said the bill “certain- itself wi!|iW no means perfect and with its passage we’ll no extended Jt return to Congress in January to seek changes, but seconds«P ee t s about 80 percent of the consensus points.” S Igjies form student lobby Carter said besides the conservation aspects, the bill provides for development of Alaska’s oil, gas, mineral and timber resources. But Reps. Don Young, R-Alaska, and Steve Symms, R-Idaho, attacked the measure as “locking up” vitally needed oil and mineral resources. Symms called it “a tragic waste” of resources. The House passed a Senate version of the measure Wednesday night on a voice vote, with only two members dissenting, and sent it to the White House. Earlier, House and Senate leaders generally agreed the two things they must do in the post-election session are approve a budget for fiscal 1981 to keep the government running and pass appropriations bills to provide funds for the various agencies. The $39 billion tax-cut bill was abandoned after Presi dent Carter told House Speaker Thomas O’Neill and Senate Democratic leader Robert Byrd he would veto such a measure. Senate Democrats then voted overwhelmingly not to consider the tax cut before they turn the reins over to President-elect Ronald Reagan and a Republican Senate. “We felt Mr. Reagan ought to have his opportunity at bat,” said Byrd after the Democrats met privately. Byrd, who had supported the idea of acting on a tax cut, said he talked to Carter and other Senate and House Democrats and decided there was not enough time or support for the bill during the lame-duck session. The House started work on a $4.6 billion revenue sharing measure while the Senate waded into a bill to fund the Departments of State, Justice and Commerce. Neith er completed the measures and action was to resume today. Many lawmakers had hoped to adjourn by Thanksgiv ing, but House Speaker Thomas O’Neill, Senate Demo cratic leader Robert Byrd and other Democratic leaders agreed Wednesday to work until Friday, Dec. 5. iTSA drop due to conflicts shutouts ani lowest. ofReuss’sc no-hitter Francisco! 3 with I son. His Eli; By NANCY ANDERSEN 'CSt in the iv Battalion Staff ■hough Texas A&M University Stu- -2 marl(Bl!Bfi overnniien t withdrew from the Texas tt year. ButeBp* Association last August, it is still :hpawwoi)M ved with the group. Heledthe JSA * s a Austin-based student lobby pe up of representatives from 15 B)ls. These include North Texas State lersity, Lamar University, Southwest ■ State University, Stephen F. Austin lersity and Angelo State University. Texas A&M had been in and out of TS A pit was established in 1949, and had P especially active in it since the early said David Collins, vice president for a) affairs. It there were several reasons the mem- brship was dropped, he said. II Utlfl'“First, for the money we were spend- J ig,” Collins said, “it wasn’t worth it.” lembership fees were about $730 and ounds of Wd probably have been about $800 this Penick Intf^ he said. :nient in qhese fees were too high for what Texas louston hiilM was getting out of the organization, ver the Uni | sa id. “I couldn’t justify it,” he said. And Kdid not include transportation costs to have shot )g var i ous TSA conferences, Collins otal oflOl, Ided. hed TuesdiSecond, TSA dealt with legislative elow par % es ” he said. “It’s pretty naive for a ilacewitk’-ioup of students to get together and zero louston con^‘bn legislative priorities. With so many idualraceir kite irid public schools and 30,000 plus 32. Bart Cd ipllments and 45,000 plus and 13,000 it’s /ell head tk pard to formulate one comprehensive lay totalsff^islative policy.” Third, the way the TSA constitution is iment coniHen, Collins said, student services were essed only during non-legislative years. ■kick fff r e C°fh ns considers student services ^ Aft Pi eDia ' n P ur P 0Se °f a student organization, MJLllK' wa s a conflict of interest. The constitution states; “The general Jities of the association shall be based the regular meetings of the Texas Legisl- The legislative orientation of TSA oincide with the meetings of the Texas ilature, during which time the Legis- DENTS )ID mi lative Information Office shall be principal instrument of the association. During non legislative years, student service exchange will be emphasized and the Service Infor mation Office will serve as the principle instrument of the Association.” Fourth, there was a lot of political man euvering, he said. “Politicking is a theme, particularly dur ing the conventions with elections,” Col lins said. “The main emphasis is not to take Texas A&M had been in and out of TSA since it was estab lished in 1949, and had been especially active in it since the early ’70s, said David Collins, vice president for external af fairs. information back to their students, but to get their people elected. So what you have is a lot of people running around saying vote for me.” The decision to quit TSA came to a head at the spring convention, Collins said. Texas A&M student Cheryl Swanzy unsuc- cesfolly ran for TSA president, and Collins said this “most certainly” had something to do with the decision. “There’s potential in the organization and we wanted to go in there and grab it and do what we could,” he said. “Cheryl’s losing shocked us into reality and helped us to re-evaluate the situation.” So the spring convention delegates and a group who had dealt with TSA for three or four years discussed the pros and cons of dropping their membership. “This had been a recurring issue since last October,” Collins said. The group recommended to the senate that membership be dropped and the sen ate agreed, he said. When Collins attended a recent TSA convention, he said it was better and im proved because it put more emphasis on student services. But, he said, it’s still not where it should be. “It ought to be dealing more with stu dent services because you can show some thing tangible to the students,” he said. Collins would not rule out a possible affi liation in the future. “I wish them luck,” he said, “and if nothing else we re going to keep the lines of communication open and work with them if we have similar in terests.” Since the withdrawal, the external affairs committee has formed its own lobby to take care of Texas A&M’s interests, Collins said. Ten students are on the lobby committee, and they will be researching legislative issues, determining who will be affected by these issues and making presentations to legislators in Austin. The committee will also seek out student feeling on legislative issues through polls, Battalion ads and public hearings. Collins said he will be closely inyolved with the lobbying effort, drawing on his experience this summer working for Con gressman Ken Hance in Washington D.C. Besides the lobby committee, external affairs is also attempting to address student service issues with a state-wide conference next February. The Conference on Student Government Affairs (COSGA) will focus on student representation, student services and student adviser communication, said Greg Hood, a conference organizer. The purpose is to get schools who do good jobs on some things together with those that don’t do good jobs, and exchange ideas to improve, Collins said. The areas involved would include issues such as handling bicycle traffic on campus, football ticket allocations and creating and maintaining good relations with University administrators, he explained. All Southwest Conference schools and 34 others have been invited, Hood said. Col lins said he received “positive feedback” from 20 schools in two weeks. Lecturer found dead in home John S. Caldwell, 60, a graduate student and lecturer, was found dead in his apart ment Tuesday morning, according to Col lege Station Police. Caldwell is believed to have died from a heart attack. His death was ruled “natural causes” by Justice of the Peace Mike Cal- liham. Caldwell was a lecturer for the industrial engineering department and was also a doctoral candidate for the bioengineering department. He had been employeed by Texas A&M University since 1976. His classes will be taken over by other faculty members for the duration of the semester, Dr. William Hyman, head of the bioengineering department said. Accident Photo by Bob Lewis Boowoong Kim, a Korean graduate student in Industrial Engineering, received stitches in the back of his head as a result of a car-bicycle wreck about 2 p.m. Wednesday. He was riding next to the car when it turned right at Ireland and 700 University. The Weather Yesterday Today High 81 High ....80 Low. . 52 Low . ...44 Rain . 0.00 inches Chance of rain . . . ....0% Jeanne down to tropical storm United Press International PORT O’CONNOR — Spawned by Tro pical Storm Jeanne and a large high- pressure system over the southeastern Un ited States, high winds whipped the seas and pushed tides above normal along the Texas coast this morning. The National Weather Service cautioned small craft to remain in port and advised campers, fishermen and residents of low elevation areas along Matagorda Island, the Port O’Connor area and inland waterways to take precautionary measures and stay off gulf beaches. Pre-dawn tides were running 2 feet above normal along the central coast and were expected to rise an additional 1 to 2 feet this morning, the weather service said. A tide of 4 feet above normal would put the water level just below the seawall at the Port O’Connor bay front, causing flooding of tidal land. Shortly before 4 a.m. today, the Coast Guard at Port O’Connor reported the tide at 1.95 feet above normal. The Port Isabel tide at midnight was 3 inches above normal with an estimated swell of 12 feet. Tides were running about 2.5 feet on the ferry run between Port Aransas and Aransas pass. As the storm centered approximately 400 miles southeast of Corpus Christi, swells of 8 to 10 feet were reported along the middle coast and 10 to 15 feet on the lower coast. Water was up to the dunes in many sec tions of gulf beaches. Heavy seas along Matagorda Island were expected to create dangerous rip tides and undertows. Accompanied by scattered thunder storms and squalls, swells from Port Arthur to Brownsville were forecast to reach up to 18 feet in some areas before decreasing Friday. Satellite and aircraft information indi cated Jeanne shifted toward the northwest during the night and commenced move ment at 5 to 10 mph. At 5 a.m., the weather service said, max imum storm winds were at 70 mph, just below hurricane force. K.A.O.S. resumes play Club has no sponsor We, Redpot Hotel Staff photo by Greg Gammon L version of a log cabin stands on the bonfire site behind due to the early cutting dates and “a lot of slack time” this Juncan Dining Hall. The “hotel” is used by senior Red- year, the seniors decided to go all out on a log cabin. The pots for breaks during work on the bonfire. In the past, cabin is complete with beds, game table and even a 'Redpot Hotel” has been a simple and humble tent, but refrigerator. By JANE G. BRUST Battabon Staff K.A.O.S. agents have resumed play fol lowing a two-week time out. Mark Ollington, president of Killing As Organized Sport, said play resumed on Monday, Nov. 3, because players wanted to continue the game. “We thought we’d get a lot of pressure from the administration after the shooting at the chapel,” he said. “So, we thought we’d stop for a few weeks to let things cool down. ” Each K. A. O. S. agent stalks a specific vic tim who is also an agent. The object of the K.A.O.S. game is to stay alive while all other agents are assassinated with plastic dart guns. Club members began their game again two weeks after Dr. Rod O’Connor, then club sponsor, called the officers to suggest they discontinue play. O’Connor, head of the freshman chemis try program, said he contacted club officers after Dr. Thomas Sugihara, dean of the College of Science, told him that Dr. Charles Samson and Dr. J. M. Prescott had expressed concern for the club’s activities. Samson is acting president of Texas A&M University. Prescott is vice president for academic affairs. Their concern followed an Oct. 18 shoot ing incident at the All Faiths Chapel which left a man dead and a Texas A&M student wounded. The student, Janie Koester, 19, is a freshman. Prescott said the game was “in poor taste” in light of the incident at the chapel. O’Connor told club officers that other students may be upset by the shooting game after an actual shooting had taken place. Prescott said he and Samson were also concerned with the safety of the players, specifically the possibility of someone mis taking a toy gun for a real one. With plans to apply for University recog nition, K.A.O.S. officers had asked O’Con nor to sponsor their club earlier in the year. However, the necessary application forms had not yet been submitted when O’Connor spoke to the officers three weeks ago about discontinuing the K.A.O.S. game. As of that time, O’Connor said he is no longer the club sponsor. “We might try to find another sponsor this semester so we can have one for next semester,” Ollington said, “but we seem to have a lot of people (University officials) against us.” He said K.A.O.S. players can continue playing their game even if they do not get a sponsor. Ollington said he would like to have a sponsor in order to apply for University recognition. That recognition would give the club more publicity, he said. Ollington described the K.A.O.S. club as being in a state of disorganization during the two-week time out. He said that one officer had started calling members to say the club was canceled shortly after O’Con nor had simply suggested that they dis band. He said only a few agents had turned in their victims’ dossiers to stop playing altogether. Since the time O’Connor made his sug gestion, Ollington said he had wanted to continue the game and simply take a time out until the concern over the real shooting had quieted down, he said. He said the officers decided that if any agent shot a victim before Nov. 3, it would not be counted as a hit. Although play resumed a week ago, Ollington said the action has slowed down compared to play before the Oct. 18 shoot ing incident. “There aren’t as many hits as before,” he said. “Some members just aren’t as enthu siastic as before.” Ollington said some players may be thinking twice before shooting their vic tims after what Thomas Parsons said in an Oct. 28 article in The Battalion. Parsons, who is director of security and traffic for the University Police, had said he would report anyone walking around cam pus with a gun in a sleuth-type operation to Ron Blatchley, director of student affairs. Parsons said Wednesday he still plans to make such reports to Blatchley. Blatchley said Parsons might fill out a complaint form for anything that would in terfere with the police department’s nor mal operations. Ollington said only one of the 100 players still “alive” as of Oct. 18 quit the club. He said that player is a friend of Koester and quit because of “moral implications." Sat