The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 10, 1980, Image 6

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‘Boy in a bubble’ dies of cancer
United Press International
DURHAM, N.C. — Ricky, the 3-
year-old boy who spent his life in a
germ-free isolation chamber because
his body couldn’t fight off disease,
died of cancer Sunday, a Duke
Medical Center spokesman said.
The boy’s body will be returned to
his parents in Ohio for burial. Funer
al arrangements are incomplete at
present, but a memorial service was
scheduled today at the Duke Medic
al Center chapel.
Ricky (his last name has never
been revealed) was bom with Severe
1 NOV. 13, 14,15, 20, 21,22
$2.50 J
Combined Immune Deficiency, a
hereditary condition that left his
body without any ability to combat
the millons of disease organisms one
encounters daily.
So the youth was kept alive at
Duke by keeping him in germ-free
environment. Another boy has been
kept alive in Texas under similar cir
cumstances for the past nine years.
Duke Medical Center physicians
tried seven times to transplant fetal
liver tissue containing the disease
fighting kinds of white blood cells he
couldn’t produce on his own. The
treatment worked on Ricky’s older
brother Jamie, who also had been
bom with the immune deficiency.
Dr. Rebecca H. Buckley, Ricky’s
primary physician, said the boy died
of lymphoma — cancer of the white
blood cells.
“The illness from which he died is
relatively common in patients with
Severe Combined Immune Defi
ciency,” she said, adding that per
sons with Ricky’s condition are more
than 10,000 times more likely to get
cancer than are normal people.
“If his immunity system could
have been corrected adequately, it is
possible that he could have lived a
relatively normal life.”
Ricky’s condition brought him
widespread publicity, including cov
erage on network television news
shows and his picture in National
Eddie’s ‘mad’commerci,
are over for a t least 2 years
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United Press International
FORT WORTH — The election is
over and so are the radio commer
cials that infuriated liberals and
pleased conservatives.
The “I’m mad” commercials were
sponsored by conservative oilman
Eddie Chiles, who claims credit for
helping defeat three of the nation’s
best known liberals in the United
States Senate.
Chiles, the 70-year-old chairman
of the board and chief executive offic
er of the Western Co. of North
America, says he has stopped his
“I’m mad” radio campaign carried in
18 states because “it has served its
purpose now.”
In other words, the election is
over. He left little doubt, however,
that he will be back in two years.
Chiles, who attacked big govern
ment and the liberal majority in Con
gress, said his radio campaign on 700
radio stations was a factor in the de
feat of liberal Democrats George
McGovern of South Dakota, Frank
Church of Idaho and Birch Bayh of
Chiles began his “I’m mad com
mercials in 1977 with test spots, in
creasing the frequency in 1978 to
help elect Republican Gov. Bill Cle
ments and Sen. John Tower, R-
Texas, and then stepped them up
again this election year.
Bill Finn, a Tyler public relations
man, helped Chiles create the “I’m
mad” commercials to present his
political views.
“He suggested I scream where
someone could hear me — over radio
— so we bought a few test spots,"
said Chiles.
Some Democrats threatened to
complain to the Federal Communi
cations Commission about a possible
violation of the fairness doctrine this
year, but Chiles said the threat “died
a natural death.”
Former wife assails doctors
One of the Democrat* offthei 7
Worth attorney Don Gladden
few stations did “backoff'atti over ’ ^
by taking off the commericfj
ting down the frequency The
The majority owner of tk, - tralbank '
Rangers baseball team batter in a r ° W ’
.600 in his election year * ^ T
but lost some contests r®' ^ COnfic
own backyard. One of thet# W °. g °
national importance. show that
House Majority Lead e , inl1 j ion . J
Wright, a Fort Worth De war< Sp1 '
was strongly opposed by
honaire oilman, but the vetensE 1
gressman easily defeated Rep^T
challenger Jim Bradshaw,®,^
city councilman. ^ a ?
Chiles has vowed to confeLe ana
campaign against Wright, Hr t
Wright is “philosophically,' nSCS ‘
and socialist.”
Til keep my mad for wbttfl " ’'
doing,” the Fort WorthoilniiB
The L;
Doctor warned McQueer 0
United Press International
HOLLYWOOD — The Mexican
doctor who treated Steve McQueen
at a controversial cancer clinic near
Tijuana claims he advised the actor
against the surgery he underwent
three hours before dying of a heart
McQueen, who starred in the
“The Great Escape” and “Sand Peb
bles,” died early Friday in a Juarez,
Mexico, clinic following three hours
of extensive surgery to remove mas
sive tumors extending from his intes
tines to his neck.
Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, director
of Plaza Santa Maria Clinic south of
Tijuana, who earlier announced that
the growth of McQueen’s tumors
had been halted, told the San Diego
Union Saturday:
“We (the treatment doctors) all
met to discuss the (possibility of
surgery) situation (Oct. 30). We were
with him about a couple of hours.
Finally, he said ‘OK, I’m going to
think about it and I will let you
Rodriguez said he told McQueen,
“It’s up to you. I don’t think you
should do it.”
Mrs. NeileToffel, McQueen’s first
wife and the mother of his two grown
children, has bitterly denounced
Rodriguez and other doctors at the
clinic who treated the 50-yeEir-old
actor with laetrile, intramuscular in
jections of animal cells, vitamins, an
organic diet, coffee enemas and rub-
downs with castor oil.
Toffel, who remarried after her di
vorce from McQueen, termed the
doctors at the clinic “charlatans and
exploiters,” adding:
“What bothers me is that all the
publicity surrounding Steve will
convince other innocent people to be
misled into going down there for
laetrile and other unproved cures. ”
Rodriguez said he opposed the
surgery because he felt that
McQueen’s body had been making
progress against the cancer.
"I wanted to take advantage of that
and keep going in that direction, he
said. "He was in pain, but nothing
that you could say was really killing
But Toffel said because McQueen
died of heart failure after bj
tion, “They (the doctors) c
died of a heart attack]
Rodriguez said Dr.
Kelley, the former Texas c
tist who designed McQueeiil
conventional treatment, hadrJnguez sau
mended Dr. Cesar Santos, lljbrmation
geon at the Santa Rosa Cffitficials ar
Juarez who operated on (bland inborn
before he died. of the pn
The Santa Rosa Clinic is c p^kle r<
nected to the Plaza Santa HriB ;or ^’ n 8
nic of Tijuana where be U released F
receiving treatment. Iretails.
j He said
federal po
fehicles ii
Baby girl killed
by family python
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[ Rodrigu
sional test
“one know
I workin;
llpolice) in
jstolen veh
' Luis Ba
United Preu International pleft Bure
DALLAS — An 8-foot-long pet python crawled from a ten
into an infant girl’s crib, bit her face and head dozens of times andt
crushed the child to death.
Authorities said Sunday the 7-month-old girl, Toni Lynn Dnl||
died a slow death and was unable to scream for help because the si
squeezed the breath from her lungs.
The Dallas County medical examiner’s office ruled "Wlij
traumatic asphyxiation” and said the child’s body bore “countless ip J
and head bite marks. I Un .
The smothering aspect answered my questions about wbv? NORW]
parents didn’t hear the child cry," said a spokesman for the mtc D gj c j a ] s s ,
examiner s office. “She couldn’t. As the victim tries to breathe j]j em to
snake squeezes tighter and tigher around the body.” ixidizer \
The child, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eugene Duboe,®i c ] ea j !
pronounced dead at 8 a.m. Saturday, about two hours afterhenb| y spoke
Authorities said the child died a slow death and the asphyxiitjute readii
process may have taken five minutes or longer. Igfrom tl
After finding the child’s body, Mrs. Duboe awakened her husfe(j u t ^ wa
who found the snake curled up on a wooden shelf above the baby s; there was i
A trail of blood marked its path from the crib to the shelf. ion equip
Authorities said Duboe became hysterical, grabbed the po'®! Lt. Cyi
snake and wrestled it into his bedroom. He tried to kill it witbal% 0 p e ]j ant
then shot it with a .25-caliber pistol. When it still would notib nvestigate
partially severed the head with a kitchen knife and threw the ' io
back into the room with the dead child, where police found it
Police described Duboe as “deeply grief-sticken” and said bis'|
was also hysterical. ..JF
The child s 5-year-old sister, Jessie, was sleeping in another k ./
the same bedroom but was not harmed.
The 7-pound snake apparently escaped from its living room ttr:y|
ium during the night by using its strength to nudge aside s
covering the top of the glass cage. It then slithered into the bei
It is legal to keep a snake in a private residence in Dallas. R° se J
however, he intended to present the case to a grand jury,
recommending negligence charges. SI
A neighbor said the Duboe family had been living in the apart® 5
for^bout three months and also had a pet ferret. j -
I remember when my daughter told me, I was shocked tMjr^
have a large snake with the baby around,” said neighbor r
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