The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 10, 1980, Image 1
The Battalion Vol. 74 No. 51 12 Pages Serving the Texas A&M University community Monday, November 10, 1980 College Station, Texas USPS 045 360 Phone 845-2611 The Weather Yesterday Today High 84 High ....85 Low 62 Low ....59 Rain . 0.00 inches Chance of rain . . . ....0% "ompetM ‘ain hasreaM 'laying wei. 3 can put™ tition togetU lent insteai he said. r$! IS I0US( m Iran's ex-prime minister slams Ghotbzadeh jailing United Press International Iran’s former prime minister denounced the jailing of powerful ex-Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh as a strike against free speech. Ghotbzadeh advocates the re lease of the 52 American hostages, but official silence reigned on the issue of the captives. The Washington Post, citing unidentified informed sources, reported Sunday the Carter administration was preparing to respond to Iran’s four demands for release of the hostages with proposals that will meet the spirit if not the letter of Tehran’s position. But a State Department spokesman, asked about the report, said there was no indication when a U.S. reply would be sent on the Iranian conditions: a move to return the wealth of the late shah, freeing Iranian assets frozen in the United States, a pledge of non-interference in Iran’s affairs, and dropping of financial claims against Tehran. The Post said a proposal on the U.S. response was under study by senior officials, but had not been given to President Carter for final approval. The paper said offi cials hoped Carter would approve the response early in the week for transmission to Iran. In Tehran, there were no new developments to indi cate the release of the captives, held for 372 days. In a stunning development Friday, Ghotbzadeh, who warned that radical policies in Iran were making the release more difficult, was imprisoned after allegedly cri ticizing both officials of the state radio and television and the militants holding the hostages. Former media chief Maolegh Eslami, who also partici pated in the interview with Swedish television, was ordered to surrender. He was being sought. The once-powerful Ghotbzadeh was seized by revolu tionary guards and hauled off to Tehran’s notorious Evin prison used by the late Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s SAVAK police. Sunday, the newspaper Mizan run by Mehdi Bazargan, Iran’s prime minister early in the revolution that swept the shah from power, called the arrests of Ghotbzadeh “treating a toothache with a punch and a hammer. ” “If Ghotbzadeh and Eslami are arrestable, then so should two-thirds of the Iranian people under the same charges,’’ the newspaper said. The case of Ghotbzadeh, who was accused of making “provocative” remarks that sowed dissension and dam aged Iran’s war effort, was discussed during Sunday’s session of Iran’s parliament. Pars News Agency reported. Two members of the Majlis, or parliament, said the appointment of new heads for the radio and television networks by the public prosecutor, replacing those fired after Ghotbzadeh’s speech, was interference by the courts. One legislator also asked why “the former Iranian ambassador to Scandinavia, Amir Entezam, had been under arrest for more than one year without his case being investigated,” Pars said. In the interview, Ghotbzadeh, a former head of Iranian television, said the confusion surrounding the release of the hostages was a result of his country’s prolonged ex periment with radicalism. Iran rationing; Iraq mobilizing Persian Gulf war in eighth week US Full Um Lonely at the top Staff photo by Pat O’Malley Senior redpot Kyle Gish climbs above the rest to add a few personal [ouches to the bonfire. Bonfire building continues frantically this week in efforts to finish on time. United Press International The Persian Gulf war entered its eighth week and the Moslem New Year today amid signs the fighting is draining both sides. Iran is announcing extensive rationing and Iraq is mobilizing everyone over the age of 65. On the battlefront, Tehran Radio said Iranian forces repulsed Iraqi attacks on the key oil-refining city of Abadan and the port of Khurramshahr, and Iraqi artillery shel led residential parts of Susangerd through the night. lon.-Ut. Ii bfo officer caught from 'behind’ uring episode of Iran-Iraqi war Iranian warplanes struck oil and gas in stallations in Kirkuk in northeastern Iraq, but an Iranian military communique said the amount of damage could not be esti mated. Iran accused Saudi Arabia Sunday of arresting more than 130 supporters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to prevent an uprising on the first anniversary of the sei zure of the Grand Mosque at Mecca by Islamic gunmen. Iran announced rationing of essential goods and services — most immediately sugar and electricity — and said it would hike the price of gasoline to private motor ists in an effort to raise more money for the war effort. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called on all Iraqis aged 65 or older to volunteer for the armed services and report for duty within 10 days, Baghdad Radio said. The radio did not say what role elderly Iraqis would play in the war effort. Tehran Radio reported the government’s appeal to the International Red Cross to investigate Iranian allegations that its oil minister, Jawad Baqir Tunguyan, was tor tured by the Iraqis after his capture near Abadan Oct. 31. The radio also quoted an Iranian foreign ministry statement as saying U.N. Secret ary-General Kurt Waldheim has appealed to Iraq to release Tunguyan, who Iraq says was wounded at the time of his capture. Hussein used the occasion of the Moslem New Year Sunday to appeal for Moslem support for Iraq’s “holy war” against the descendents of the Persian empire “des troyed by Islam.’’ While Khomeini, addressing Pakistani pilgrims, urged Mos lem nations to rise up against Iraq. Iran’s official new agency Pars, quoting a statement by the “Islamic Revolutionary Organization of the Arabian Peninsula,” said Saudi authorities launched raids fol lowing demonstrations against “the aggres sion of the infidel regime Iraq” and the deployment of U.S. AW AGs radar planes in Saudi Arabia. More than 130 arrrests were made, in cluding two religious leaders in the Shar- quieth region in eastern Saudi Arabia, Pars said. Sunday was the first anniversary on the Islamic calendar of the takeover of the Grand Mosque at Mecca, Islam’s holiest shrine, last Nov. 20, by armed followers of a little known Islamic cult. They barricaded themselves inside with 50,000 pilgrims for two weeks until Saudi troops stormed the mosque. $3,5 CovC United Press International BAGHDAD, Iraq — The Iran-Iraq war has produced its share medy — the Iraqi general who forgot the way back to head- lers and the Baghdad information officer wounded by a snip- the buttocks as he told a reporter the danger was over and it safe to stand up. hen the Iraqi authorities announced the opening of an exhibi- of war material captured from the Iranians, most observers cted to be shown an impressive array of the most sophisti- , up-to-date American weaponry the Iranians have, stead, they were shown a motley collection of obs olete pment, which included several old British cars, a Soviet World War II flare gun and a .22-caliber air rifle. The most ipressive exhibit was a British-made Chieftain tank — its gun irrel rusted. But it is shooting in the war that has produced some scenes ordering on slapstick. In embattled Khurramshahr, Iran, an Iraqi information minis- ry officer showing journalists a “safe” area called to a reporter on J ieground that the danger from sniper bullets was past and it was ? e to get up. A sniper’s bullet promptly tore the official’s pants and nicked — in the left buttock. In another incident, a general lost his way. After tearing down several wrong streets in a van, the general confessed he had gone the wrong way somewhere and they would have to go back — through the area where a sniper was very much in action. Another reporter, arriving at the the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border, was told his typewriter would be confiscated because it is illegal to use a typewriter in Iraq without a license. He objected and Iraqi customs officials said they would im pound the machine at the border and the reporter could collect it when he left the country. The reporter said he planned to leave via Jordan. Very well, they said, and informed him they would put a customs seal on the typewriter so he could not use it. When they could not find one, the officials asked the reporter to promise not to use his typewriter while in Iraq. The reporter duly promised and in he went with the type writer. The offical English language daily, Baghdad Observer, has done its bit to keep the humor quotient high —- with its at times unorthodox use of the English idiom. The paper recently lauded the “hilarious operation of the Iraqi Air Force” and listed Iranian losses as “one Phantom jet, one tank, two armored personnel carriers and one shovel.” Schedules to be ready Tuesday Class schedules for the coming spring semester will we released Tuesday morning. The schedules can be picked up at Heaton Hall after 10 a.m. Pre registration for the spring semester will be Monday through Friday of next week. 102 starving Hai tians to be rescued today United Press International NASSAU, Bahamas — The Bahamian government, saying it was too tied up ship ping illegal refugees back to Haiti to do so earlier, promised to dispatch a vessel today to rescue an estimated 102 starving Hai tians marooned more than a month on a tiny, uninhabited island. William Kalis of the Bahamas News Ser vice said Sunday a Bahamian boat would leave Nassau today to pick up the refugees, who were stranded on the island of Cayo Lobos — roughly the size of a football field — about 20 miles north of Cuba. He said the rescue tender was expected to reach the island Tuesday. mmmmt am — in the left buttock. lwo armurt:u personnel earners anu one snuvei. — — ——» the island Tuesday. ^Students urged not to park in fire lanes n whereto et the best m we'll tell you don't, psonlw ianbelun! I new 1981 3 car that's ome great y your fun. By DEBBIE NELSON Battalion Staff As long as parking places are at a pre mium, blocked fire lanes at apartment com- jilexes are the undesirable by-product. Apartment managers and Off-Campus Aggies are urging apartment residents to use common sense when choosing a park ing place. “If you’ve got cars parked where a motor- lycle could hardly get through, how’s a fire truck supposed to get through there?” southwest Village apartment manager San dra Martin asked. “I had an irate young man tell me he was mad about having his car towed. I said, Look, how would you feel if it was your ipartment burning?”’ Martin said. ; Off-Campus Aggies is warning students ■out stricter enforcement of fire lane no- parhing rules. |; “A lot of times at night, people just park anywhere and that’s the most likely time for afire to occur and get out of hand,” OCA President Paula Sorrels said. College Station requires a 22-foot-wide curb-to-curb fire lane. If cars park next to the curb, there must be 22 feet between car bumpers, deputy fire marshal Ron Garri son said. t Painting the curb yellow with black let tering is the responsibility of each apart ment complex. I Some fire lane curbs have recently been repainted. “Since we’ve painted the lanes and had a couple of them (cars) towed, it’s gotten better,” Martin said. College Station itself or the apartment mager can have cars towed from apart ment fire lanes. The city has only two or ee cars towed a month, Garrison said, if afire hydrant is being blocked or the car has iseveral tickets on it. I “The fire marshal has the perfect right to call me and tell me to clear out the fire lanes,” Tanglewood South manager Yvon ne Davis said. If fire lanes remain blocked, the apart ment complex can be taken to court, Garri son said. Otho Byrd, owner of Byrd Wrecking Service, said the fire lane situation is “ridi culous,” such as one night when he was called to clear out a blocked fire lane at Treehouse Apartments. “I’d pull one (car) in and somebody else would park there by the time I got back. I’d pull three or four in one night from one place.” Byrd charges $45 to tow an illegally parked car. But he said he gives the offen ders some warning. “When I go out there, I turn my red lights on, circle through there two or three times, and they just scatter like ants, mov ing them (illegally parked cars) out of there. But the one parked in the worst place never moves, so it gets towed.” Visitors, not residents, are the cause of parking offenses, Metro Properties mana ger Sherrie Thompson said. At the eight Metro Properties-managed apartment complexes, Thompson said, “A lot of people have two or three friends come over and they park in the spaces so the residents park in the lanes. “We have more than enough spaces for residents.” Asked if College Station patrols fire lanes 24 hours a day, Garrison said, “It’s getting to that point.” Fire lanes are patrolled by the College Station fire department from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Garrison said. Police patrol during the other hours. As for the fire hazard, Garrison said, “It increases every year when the students come back.” Staff photo by Jeff Kerber Parking in an apartment fire lane can mean double getting out of hand. Even if there is no fire, fire lane trouble. A parked car blocking a firetruck trying to get parking can be a costly venture, when a car is caught close to a fire can be responsible for a fire needlessly illegally parked and towed away, or even just ticketed. Members of the marooned party, which includes several pregnant women, told the U.S. Coast Guard two men and three women have died on the island. A Coast Guard plane sighted the re fugees on the uninhabited island Oct. 9. The Coast Guard parachuted food and wa ter to the Haitians on Oct. 9, 10, 31, and Nov. 7. Kalis said the Bahamian government sought aid for the refugees from the Haitian government three times prior to Oct. 16, when the Port-auPrince government final ly responded. Reagan begins 5-day rest in California United Press International SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — President elect Ronald Reagan today begins a five- day hiatus in California at his 688-acre ranch, determined to stay out of the public eye while aides work on his transition into the presidency. Reagan, dressed in a blue denim shirt and sporting Italian-made cowboy boots, left Los Angeles with his wife, Nancy, Sun day night aboard a Marine helicopter. The 69-year-old president-elect will spend much of the week relaxing at his Rancho de Cielo located in the mountains near Santa Barbara. But the stay won’t be all recreation, as Reagan pointed out to reporters on Sunday. “The top priority right now is the transi tion — to set up our administration and be able to hit the ground running,” Reagan said as he left the BelAir Presbyterian Church. The Reagans were greeted by hundreds of well-wishers at the church, including the Rev. Donn Moomaw, the pastor, who prayed for the next president and said, “We thank God for you.” Reagan also told reporters he was not surprised by the degree of cooperation pledged so far by congressional Democrats, saying he believes “there’s a great desire on the part of many people in and out of gov ernment to help correct the things that are wrong. “I’m most grateful for all the help that has been offered.” Reagan does not plan to meet with any notables during his stay at the ranch. His chief of staff, Edwin Meese, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday there are no plans to meet with any foreign leaders until after Reagan is inaugurated.