The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 04, 1980, Image 7
$ THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1980 Page 7 vhich ed. 110 signs 4 olested, • n g pend sy- 12 male 2 two fei wlested stroll foi p.m. «Soutlil 1 the L 'dow, Bum upset with refs, again ), the sli ilson, l irch by omen golfers improved; ekoach eyes more expansion obswheil By CAROLYN BARNES Tied to #i Battalion Reporter verejaildf Last year, the Texas A&M Univer- edriver sity women’s golf team had a slow icketing, ftart and never really recovered due Icat strilefoseveral injuries on the team. This contract t^ear, the Aggies are finally healthy ers said i! and the results have been healthier, es. too. driven™ In its last tournament appearance, some i: the team finished fourth out of a field -ere ipio!ftf22 teams at the Georgia Invitation- ■d in thesllToumament Oct. 14-16 in Athens, i a state i#' i The Aggies have placed higher 9 diseli mPn last year in each of the first three tra Speltzsi° ur naments entered, nllbealtoi A&M Head Coach Kitty Holley |id the team has good depth this nst the ijt'^ar and has shown a lot of improve- r unfair P ent ov er last year. | The Aggies placed fifth in a 24- |am field at the Susie Maxwell All- Mege Classic in Oklahoma to start 1980 fall season off, and at its «d tournament in Albuquerque, ., the team had a very good fin- to place sixth out of a very strong team field. The nine players making up the ies this season are “basically a tty young team” and are “very |se to being a winning team,” said lley. ere are seven girls on full scho- hip and two non-scholarship ers. The scholarship players in- le Kim Bauer, a senior who was ed to the All-State team and is a er y strong candidate for All- ~ |§erica this year; junior Monica Velsh; three sophomores, Jackie ■ \rj tram ’ Shirle y Furlong and Sheila i Xdficld; and freshmen Susan Yantis n “ Kerry Bower, who hails from agansport, Ind. ■ M/l Holley said the two non- cholarship players, Cynthia Wat- I I U f? 1 ’ a froshman from St. Louis and Jnny Hughes, a transfer from Tem- l| J ui u° r College, are both very food players. O i la y in g as a team has been an im- ffftant asset this year. Co-captains 3 anC ^ have contributed »he team spirit with their terrific eadership, said Holley. , Hey, who has been the golf c °ach since the program began wyears ago, said the program has xpanded every year and that there ® now eight full scholarships in ‘'omen s golf. ^ecruitjjjg for the team has -ady begun with March being the mst that scholarship agreements ■ ®h ers °f intent can be sent out. e re expanding, and we ll keep fanding,” said Holley. e wo men s golf season runs from September to June. This year, the Aggies face one of the toughest schedules they have played in a long while. Texas A&M plays only 54- hole competitive tournaments, which apply toward qualifying for the AIAW National Championship. Only five team members go to each tournament, and the four lowest scores from those members are used. Team members with the lowest scores from three days of 18- hole qualifying rounds travel to the next tournament. Three members of the team have been exempted from the qualifying rounds by finishing in J$MSC AGGIE CINEMAmWmffo "YANKEE DOODLE DANDY" WED. 7:30 FROM WARN£R BROS A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY IOPOWARNIR BK< >S IM *| | RIGHTS RISIRVID ions >ard FRI. SAT. 7:30 & 9:45 7:30 & 9:45 the top 20 at the Georgia Invitational — Bauer, who tied for 11th; Welsh, 5th; and Furlong, who tied for 20th out of a field of 110 players. The next tournament will be the Lady Gator Invitational at the Uni versity of Florida in Gainseville, Fla., Nov 14-16. The last tourna ment of the fall semester will be a partnership duo-match at the Bluebonnet Bowl Golf Invitational co-sponsored by Rice University and Tenneco at the Columbia Lakes Country Club in West Columbia. Next semester the team has tour naments scheduled in Texas and one in South Carolina. The Texas A&M “Future Pro” Tournament will be held at the Briarcrest Country Club in Bryan March 1-3. MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT Good limes on “Thirsty Thursday”! United Press International HOUSTON — Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips Monday de nounced the referee’s handling of an inadvertent whistle incident, which cost his team a touchdown against the Denver Broncos. Phillips said, however, he would take no action against back judge J. W. Sanders or referee Gene Barth because their decision to strip Carl Roaches’ of a 74-yard punt return was the correct action even though “they just really messed up.” NFL rules state a referee’s whis tle, whether intentional or not, stops play. Sanders apologized to Phillips af ter the Sunday incident, but neither a kind word nor the Oilers’ eventual 20-16 win dulled the edge of Phillips’ ire, which he said was caused by mat ters following the play. “I really wasn’t mad at the call so much as the way they went about it,” he said. If you blow the whistle and kill the ball, you are supposed to con tinue to blow the whistle to stop the play. He didn’t. Hell, he ran down- field after the play.” Referees huddled as Phillips con gratulated punt returner Roaches and the Oilers’ extra-point team lined up to kick. “Nobody came over and told us anything after their huddle. The re feree should have walked over to us and said, ‘Now coach, I know it’s hard to believe but we gotta call it back because the ref inadvertently blew his whistle.’ But they started back down the field with the ball and nobody is telling anybody anything, ” he said. Phillips said he was standing less than 15 feet from Sanders and did not hear a whistle. He added that the game film showed Sanders getting bumped from behind and apparently ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A * maraun cadi o £ Manor East Mall + 823-8300 THE AWAKENING „ oxon PICTURES /?•/•••• pTnjT] Thm WARNER BROS O A Warner Communications Company 01980 ORION PICTURES C0MPAKY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHARLTON HESTON SUSANNAH YORK SHOWS 7:45 9:55 ENDS THURSDAY STARTS FRI. | “SOMEWHRE IN TIME” (PG) R] ia © 1980 TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX ‘Thirsty Thursday BEER Kt Cover Charge $2.00 — Aggie Corps Members Free With ID. ^° r Reservations Call 696-1905 V 6 ACROSS FROM TEXAS WORLD SPEEDWAY § Wednesday Special 3 3 69 REG. ^ 4.15 Enchilada ^89 Dinner £* Monterey *3199 Dinner Fiesta Dinner REG. 4.55 l MEXICAN ^^RESTAURANTS 1816 Texas Avenue 823-8930 907 Highway 30 693-2484 exhaling with the whistle in his mouth. “Number one, you don’t put the whistle in your mouth until you’re ready to blow it,” Phillips said. The Oilers were given the ball at their own 25-yard line although Phil lips said the film shows Roaches advancing to the 35 when Sanders was bumped. picking up a fumble when stopped by a whistle. The latest referee’s mistake, Phil lips said, proved again an old saying of his: referees never beat you. “They didn’t yesterday, but they tried. That game was a pretty good example and what I’ve said. They cost you a touchdown, but you come back to play the type of ball you’re it get you down. And hell, you go ahead and win anyhow,” he said. The Oilers drove 75 yards after the incident to score and go ahead 20-9. Tailback Earl Campbell carried the load on that drive and a later one which the Oilers used to maintain the football in the final minutes. “It was probably the best football game we’ve played this year. It was a game we had to win. It was against a beanbag was thrown to mark the start of the return. Now doesn’t that make sense,” Phillips said. The inadvertent whistle was the second in the past two weeks at Oil ers games. Against the Cincinnati Bengals, defensive tackle Jesse Bak er was running in the open field after team that had to wm, Phillips said. MSC Arts Committee is sponsoring a ! CAMPUS i 210 University 846-6512 i... m Juried Student Art and Crafts Competition » K Now Showing: i FAME 1 K I Adults 3.00 Children 1.50 N Showtimes: u i 7:20 ! Entries will be accepted November 17 through 19 10 a.m.-10 p.m. at the MSC Craft Shop. DAILY AFTERNOON S i MATINEE 5:30 Showtime Admission $1.50 Box office opens at 5 P.M. u For rules and further information contact the MSC Craft Shop. 0MSC AGGIE Cl Lv.V. tp I YOU CAN DECIDE I WHAT MOVIES WILL BE SHOWN IN SPRING SEMESTER 81 BY PARTICIPATING IN A POLL SPONSORED BY MSC AGGIE CINEMA THE POLL WILL BE CONDUCTED NOV. 3 — NOV. 6 AT THE MSC THE BOX OFFICE ZACHARY & THE COMMONS MSC AGGIE CINEMA — AN ORGANIZATION TO SERVE YOU! • -Haft iaga im I feeling trapped? | feeling locked in? FREE BEER & • A FUNDRAISER FOR APARTMENT COUNCILS. SETUPS