THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1980 Page 3 .ocal defends Reagan’s tax policy 'dible, eofuseti ) sympatl) wants i kp. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., says Americans can choose between Darter, who will continue increasing the nation’s wealth and axes, and Reagan, who will expand the economy. The con- ressman also endorsed the Kemp-Roth tax bill, of which he is o-author. 1 • Brown criticizes Jarron on bonds % By STARR MOORE Battalion Reporter The Republican candidate for nty attorney, Jeff Brown, took ■her shot Thursday at the incum- p, John M. Barron Jr. At a press conference he called, nvn charged the county attorney i n failing to collect an estimated R500 in bond forfeiture money. Brown said he has discovered at ast 60 cases where bond money has Bbeen transferred from the sher- fs department to the county idget. )nce a bond has been forfeited, punty attorney representing the ? and representing the interest of people has the obligation and re- iisibility to make sure that bond is jlfected and brought into county lifers,” Brown said. llowever Barron, contacted later ■rsday, said the money can be col- cted at any time and that the bond rfeitures are nothing to get upset lout. He said the money is in the county easury in most cases and that it is ily a matter of transferring the funds. The county has certainly not lost the funds, he said. “In the last nine months, I’ve been more interested in prosecuting cases than in collecting money,” Barron said. The money is available for col lection after arrest warrants are issued but not served. If they are not found after a year, their bonds are forfeited by the county court at law judge. Barron added the judge has not ordered forfeitures in “a while. ” Brown said the 60 outstanding bond forfeitures that he has disco vered date back to March of 1978. Brown did say Barron had col lected 20 bonds and transferred the money to county funds, but Brown does not know where the $20,500 is or why the judge has not ordered bond forfeitures in 18 months. Sheriff Bobby Yeager said there are 24 forfeitures in his records that were ordered by the former county court at law judge Bradley Smith. He said the county attorney must file a civil suit in county court to recover the amount of the bond. Then, the judge must order the sher iff to transfer the funds to the county. I must* in answe«| the prop* ams?’ f d Baylor mar beat! 1 ! nparison, iy 4 poil* lont areaf' t anywltf 1 n the NF r. Surely' Wilson’s [ points '* l reyW.W / editoi X) words i^ 1 ’ 1 , TheediW' j intent E* lone icoM 1 xasA^ s 5 t Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Majors San Francisco Bay Area company developing state of the art computer software and hardware for integrated voice and data office communications systems seeks talented individuals interested in: SOFTWARE • Operating Systems • Real Time Distributed Computing • Data Communications • Office Automation Applications • Office of the Future Applications • Diagnostics • Software Tools HARDWARE • Microprocessor Applications • Digital and Analog Design • Telephony • Data Communications ROLM Corporation, founded in 1969 has grown 50%-100% each year and currently has 3700 employees. ROLM’s Telecommunications Division is the leading independent supplier of computer controlled voice and data business communications systems. Included in ROLM’s outstanding benefits package is a three month paid sabbatical after six years (and every seven years thereafter), company paid tuition and time off for graduate study at Stanford University. Employees can take advantage of flexible working hours to use ROLM’s million dollar recreational facility which includes tennis courts, racquetball courts, basketball, exercise room, volleyball, swimming pools, par course, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi. On Campus Interviews MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Meet with working software and hardware engineers from ROLM in the Placement Center. See our Company Literature in the Placement Center. If unable to attend an interview, send resume to: Gibson Anderson Manager, Recruiting & Training ROLM Corporation 4900 Old Ironsides Drive M/S 560 Santa Clara, CA 95050 We are an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. iiluniii CORPORATION By JANE G. BRUST Battalion Staff Americans can vote for either “an era of limits” under Jimmy Carter or “an era of potential” under Ronald Reagan in the Tuesday election, Republican Congress man Jack Kemp said Thursday. The congressman from New York spoke to 300 per sons in Rudder Theater, promoting the Reagan-Bush ticket. Reagan had reportedly considered Kemp as a possible running mate before he selected Bush. Kemp, 45, said Americans can re-elect Jimmy Carter, whose administration will continue redistributing the nation’s wealth and increase taxes, or they can elect Reagan, who will expand the economy with increased entrepreneurial capitalism. Kemp is co-author of the Kemp-Roth tax bill, which Reagan endorses. That bill calls for a 30 percent tax cut over a three-year period. The congressman described his bill as a “micro- economic tax cut” that is “not at all radical. ” He said the gradual tax cut would repair five years’ damage to the current tax system. He said Carter’s administration taxes success, pro ductivity and savings while subsidizing welfare and un employment. “If you tax a factor of productivity, you get less of it,” he said. “If you subsidize it, you get more. We keep getting more welfare, more unemployment.” Kemp said that while Reagan says government causes inflation, Carter claims that consumers cause inflation. “The chief mascot of Carter’s administration is the scapegoat,” he said. Several such one-line attacks on Carter aroused laughter from the crowd of mostly Reagan supporters. “There’s no energy shortage,” he said quietly. “It’s just a lot of red tape and Mickey Mouse information from the Department of No Energy.” Kemp responded eagerly to one particular question. “How do you think the Chargers will do this year?” a student asked. “I’m for the Bills,” Kemp quipped. Kemp played quarterback for the Buffalo Bills and then for San Diego Chargers prior to beginning his political career. Kyle Field's old turf not just pitched out By BELINDA McCOY Battalion Staff All of the used Astroturf pulled up this year in the re-carpeting of Kyle Field did not go to waste in a trash bin. Instead, it was sold. Who would want to buy used Astroturf? Associate Athletic Director Wally Groff says a large portion of the old turf was purchased by the Astro dome Corp. The corporation will use it in the Astro Hall for stock show exhibitions. “The concrete floors will be lined with the Astroturf ... for the cow- shows, so they won’t be slippery any more.” The used artificial turf was also sold in strips to several individuals. One of those individuals was for mer student Keith Langford, now a Houston businessman. Langford bought the strip of turf that had the round T-A-M logo on it. He wanted to put it around the swimming pool at his home at Medina Lake, near San Antonio. One local business bought a quan tity of the turf and is now selling it doormat size, with the T-A-M emblem, for $25 a square. The own er said the mats are being bought mostly by A&M alumni and their families as keepsakes. But, she said, the turf squares are not being used as doormats. “Some are framing them, some are even using them as table decorations to set their punch bowls on.” dyer electronics First ever anywhere 0CT0HALL0WVEMBER STEREO DYER DEAL AM-FM Cassette Car Stereo with Auto-reverse Dyer will give you $350 for your present receiver In trade on these separate components! $349.95 $199.95 S299.95 • 50-wpc Power Amp with power meters • Deluxe Preamplifier wlthMCHeadamp • Digital AM-FM Tuner with scan & memory YOUR PRICE W/$3S0 TRADE $849.85 AKAI Hikko Audio VjrUrlN Urolo • Full 35 watts per channel and Nikko'sexciuslve circuit breaker protection very briefly describe the Nft-719 receiver. 3-year warranty. • Semi-automatic belt-drive Akai AP-B20 turntable with Empire 200-E cartridge. • The Genesis 2 speakers employ a passive radiator for rich-sounding bass at all volumes. 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