The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1980, Image 13
THE BATTALION Page 13 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1980 : is gonna ;end,” ve been nu finish our 3 seconds ii : | e e ■ same rum ; past three- nen are inter, Adelaide B: n and Mu verallcomp# dividual spot It will be tii er seen," it One more step Staff photo by Texas A&M University running back Johnny Hector breaks out of the tackle of a Rice player last Saturday as he scores the only Aggie touchdown of the game. The Owls won the contest football heads up usy Ag weekend 30 ■ere’s a rundown of what’s hap- |ing in Texas A&M University its this weekend: Basketball — The women’s will have a scrimmage against ir Junior College at 2:30 p.m. irday in G. Rollie White. iROSS COUNTRY—The Aggie ien travel Saturday to Arkansas rnipete in the Southwest Asso- Jon of Intercollegiate Athletics iomen Regional Meet. FENCING—Texas A&M will be (alias to compete in the Dallas tn, an international meet, u's tournament, considered to be [most prestigious in the South- jt, begins Saturday and ends ■day. WOTBALL —The football team (also be in Dallas, taking on SMU irday at 2:50 p.m. at Texas Sta- 8r e S ame w iH be televised region- COn* §by ABC-TV. Midnight yell prac- || will be held at The Rail Head at . . reenville and Park Lane. ^ | Q LACROSSE — The men’s team the 15. will play Rice at 1 p.m. here. POLO — The Aggies will take on the Austin Polo Club at 2 p.m. Sun day on the University polo field. RACQUETBALL — The TAMU Racquet ball Club will sponsor a tour nament today through Sunday at De- Ware Fieldhouse. The tournament will begin at 8 p.m. tonight. The finals will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday. RODEO CLUB—The A&M club will host the annual All-Aggie Reun ion Rodeo tonight in Snook at 8. MEN’S SOCCER — A&M will play Texas Tech on the Penberthy Intramural Complex at 2 p.m. Saturday. WOMEN’S SOCCER — The women’s team, on the other hand, will play out of town twice this weekend, as it takes on Texas in Au stin on Saturday at 11 a.m., and Baylor in Waco on Sunday at 2 p.m. TENNIS—The Aggies will host a Tri-meet today which will include Texas and Trinity. The matches be gin at 1:15 p.m. DIGITAL UI0N oustonians remain angry over dismissal u United Press International nOUSTON — Angry businessmen told Houston Astros owner John cMuIlen in a half-page newspaper ad they will credit fired General anager Tal Smith with the team’s succeses and him with any ilures. Smith was to vacate his Astrodome office today. I ve never been the recipient or the beneficiary of such an outpour- g of genuine support and love and affection and I’m overwhelmed, ” ; said Thursday. “It’s been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I am very appreciative of the sentiment and the support of so many °ple. It s very, very touching. I would prefer that the issue had ever developed. There was great satisfaction for me. But now it has [ecome a very difficult thing to handle and to cope with. ” Smith seemed uneasy in reacting to the protest. I just wish the fans’ reaction had been because we had won, and !>ere was a certain amount of it. But this has transcended that in plume and it’s very difficult to acknowledge,” he said, the ad placed by five automobile dealers in Thursday’s Houston hrouicle said: “We Want Tal Smith Back!” Smith is credited with building the team into a World Series con- nder. It has become a very difficult thing to handle and to cope with, ” he as he boxed up papers and mementos of 18 years in the Astros "ont office. *SC ARTS PRESENTS NTSU l O’CLOC ab band 12 [MAL GET p. p. prizes ' 6, mo 8:00 pm RuddS Auditorium Students $2.50 Non-students $ 3.5 0 dditional Information MSC Box Office 10-6. Hector and A&M travel to Dallas Saturday to SMU Mustangs at 2:50 p.m. GRADUATING ENGINEERS- EARN AS YOU LEARN WITH A DYNAMIC YOUNG ORGANIZATION The Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station, Port Hueneme, California CIVIL SERVICE CAREER OPPORTUNITY working with experts in weapon systems technology involving in-service engineering and integrated logistics support for nearly 150 U.S. Navy ships — tactical software, digital computer, missile testing, launching systems, three- dimensional search radars, etc. GENEROUS CIVIL SERVICE BENEFITS. FLEXTIME. DELIGHTFUL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL CLIMATE. Uncrowded community. Let’s talk it over. REQUIREMENTS: BS OR MS IN ENGINEERING (preferably electrical, electronics or mechanical). Our representative will be on your campus Nov. 7th, 1980 OPPORTUNITY FOR GRADUATE EDUCATION AT NEARBY UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. 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