THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1980 Page 11 The Battalion Picks Rick Stolle Kurt Allen dp Mike Burrichter Richard Oliver Texas A&M at SMU rkansas at Rice Jose State at Baylor CU at Houston Texas at Texas Tech wth Carolina at Georgia lissouri at Nebraska Ussissippi St. at Alabama 'owboys at Cardinals filers at Broncos A&M by 1 Arkansas by 2 Baylor by 28 Houston by 9 Texas by 17 Georgia by 13 Nebraska by 6 Alabama by 3 Cowboys by 10 Oilers by 1 27-13 (.675) SMU by 10 Arkansas by 7 Baylor by 17 Houston by 14 Texas by 10 Georgia by 3 Nebraska by 6 Mississippi St. by 2 Cardinals by 2 Oilers by 3 45-22 (.672) A&M by 2 Arkansas by 13 Baylor by 14 Houston by 3 Texas by 14 Georgia by 7 Nebraska by 7 Alabama by 14 Cowboys by 20 Broncos by 3 44-23 (.657) SMU by 31 Arkansas by 10 Baylor by 35 Houston by 17 Texas by 21 Georgia by 12 Nebraska by 3 Alabama by 6 Cowboys by 6 Broncos by 3 43-24 (.642) SMU by 3 Arkansas by 1 Baylor by 30 Houston by 3 Texas by 14 Georgia by 13 Nebraska by 7 Alabama by 21 Cowboys by 21 Broncos by 14 41-26 (.612) SMU by 10 Arkansas by 6 Baylor by 35 Houston by 13 Texas by 10 Georgia by 7 Nebraska by 13 Alabama by 25 Cowboys by 14 Oilers by 4 40-27 (.597) Volleyball team at UCLA tourney 4-0 soccer team to travel Schmitt said ! it as aid. ^ regulatioi ons of the ilso hasaJd] ike test as [j.! ■ are schei it at the ion. > will coni ck, which o ose at noon, runs are st ill continue! break, a cal vedforthe band and« group jss is in the pends y- : to be fain r the drive said Schmiltl / of the mei •eet cars, to have fan and talk The Texas A&M women’s soccer team, off to one of its better starts ever, hits the road early Saturday morning to begin a long weekend of traveling. Saturday, the team will play Texas in Austin at 11 a.m. On Sunday, it’s on to Waco to face the Baylor Bears. The Ags are 4-0 this fall, and are once again searching for a state title. So far, they’re on the right track. Led by a trio of “Carols” — Smith, Gittinger and Sullivan — Texas A&M has scored 18 goals in four games, and has posted wins over such teams as Trinity, arch-rival Stephen F. Austin and Rice. Head Coach Rob Borgeson said the play of his three “Carols” as well as Sue Tesar has been an important factor in the Ags’ drive. So far this season, Sullivan has led the Aggies, scoring 10 goals over the four games. The A&M defense has also been excellent, giving up only three goals against Stephen F. Aus tin, who came in second in last year’s state championship behind A&M. By MIKE BURRICHTER Battalion Staff The Texas A&M women’s vol leyball team, on their first stop of their California “tour,” lost to San Diego State University by scores of 15-9,15-5,15-6 Tuesday night in San Diego. Now the Aggies are in Los Angeles, where they begin their big gest tournament thus far this season. The UCLA Invitational kicks off to day, and A&M coach Terry Condon says this tournament has almost as much talent in it as the national championship should have. The competition should be in tense throughout for the young Aggies, who carry a 19-25 record into the tourney. To start things off, the Ags are faced with playing three of the nation’s top 10 teams in their opening pool. Condon said Utah State, ranked No. 5 nationally, and the University of the Pacific, ranked third, should be the teams to beat in A&M’s open ing pool. Placement in the six-team pool, which is a round-robin event, determines bracket placement in the overall tournament championship. Condon said the other teams are no pushover either. The University of Washington just knocked off the country’s top-rated team, USC, and should be ranked somewhere in the top 10. And the other two teams, Arizona and California-Irvine, though unranked, play in perennial power UCLA’s league. Condon, who has yet to settle on a definite starting lineup, says the tournament should help her team tremendously in the preparation for the Texas State Championship to be held at G. Rollie White Coliseum on November 6-8. The UCLA tournament will mark somewhat of a homecoming for Con don, her assistant, and three A&M players. First-year coach Condon, who played on the U.S. national team for 12 years, spent her college days at UCLA, as did her assistant, Lindy Vivas, who graduated last year. Sophomore players Elizabeth Echternach, Sue Wetzel and Anne Yardley all hail from neighboring Newport Beach. Condon will probably start the three Californians, two juniors, and use a variey of sophomores and fresh men at the other starting position and as backups. The team has no seniors, and Condon stressed the im portance of getting her youngsters as much experience against good teams as possible to ready for the state championship. “This tournament definitely has the 10 best teams in the country in it,” she said. Music By The BANDED GECKOS Friday & Saturday HALLOWEEN PARTY FRIDAY! Prize For Best Halloween Costume 4410 College Main 846*9408 kM basketball clinic is Saturday riONAls- ntative le campus DAY 8. 1980 By JON HEIDTKE Battalion Staff Texas A&M University will be tiding a girls’ basketball clinic all Saturday which will be high- ited by a full scrimmage between M women’s team and Tyler nior College. Over 500 junior high and high |ool coaches and players attended | year’s clinic and A&M coach |erri Rapp expects another good Owd this year. “The clinic will cov- all aspects of the game as well light training,” Rapp said. “It will a good, well-rounded program. ” Registration will be held in the yer of G. Rollie White from 8 to 9 jn. From 9 to 9:45, Rapp will con- let a session on “Offensive Pat- ps and Drills.” Iprom 9:45 to 10:30, George Cox, ^thage High School girl’s basket- B coach, will give a presentation “the Full Court Press” and “Drills After a brief break, Tyler Junior College women’s basketball coach, Herb Richardson, will give a demon stration on the “Zone Defense.” From 1:30 to 2 p.m., Mike Fore man, A&M assistant weight coach, will give a lecture on “Weight Prog rams for Women Athletes” which will be followed by the scrimmage. The registration fee is $10 for coaches and $3 for students. The Aggie Ladies play their first game of the season Nov. 14 at home against Southeast Louisiana. fications itudy at :an SCHOOL artunities Se d for the Press.” dd of WANAGEMil BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars & ^ *9.75 pXSI^ 1 Oil change filter!* oil $4.oa Tune up & oil change PLUS OIL * PARTS Jlj By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. 3,000Aggies scheduled 1 ] 'ick up tickets OFFICE tpr TffiJ ! e , Xas Ticket Manager Jim )ER ™ otch reported Thursday approxi- -—- fly 13,000 tickets have been ven out to Aggies for this Satur- JATE SCHOtiys game against SMU in Dallas’ MANAGEMiwras Stadium. Campus 0nI y approximately 2,000 of those ana 8530f J stude nt tickets. The ballgamebe- _ S at 2:50 P-m. and will be region- }\ televised by ABC-TV. VIL5 Lssn Amity Review Seminars 15 student average class size 5 Specialist Instructors Convenient weekend classes EXCLUSIVE MATH REFRESHER For information call 800 243-4767 inclutM of Abile" c MSC Arts Committee is sponsoring a Juried Student Art and Crafts Competition Entries will be accepted November 17 through 19 10 a.m.-IO p.m. at the MSC Craft Shop. jsho an ^ ^ ur ^ er information contact the MSC Craft TENDER LOVING CARE! FOR YOUR THESIS OR DISSERTATION 1 OF A LIFETIME. | We Care At KINKO’S COPIES | 201 College Main e 846-8721 | Open Every Day jj| .a. i.iiitii' iiri'iiMi)iW'''iB~r"fnr“'‘iTir“'“ii Lour tea for Men & Women “The cut that falls into place naturally 1 ' open 8:00am-7:30pm located behind Ramada Inn College Station For Appointments 846-3877 or 846-2924 its MUS/C FxmESS ’s Annual Halloween Costume Party! 0/ OFF MFG. LIST TRADE-IN RECORD SALE No Tricks.. .Just Treats! Bring in “any” 33 1 /3 RPM Record, new or used — we don’t care — and trade it toward a coupon worth 40% OFF LIST on any regular priced Album in the store. Sorry, Cutouts and Budget Albums not included. Each album brought in is good for “1” coupon. No limit! So gather up those old dust collections, disco records and buying mistakes and let us treat you to hot new music at the best sale prices in town!! Sticker 5.99 6.99 List Sale Sticker 7.98 7.99 8.98 5.39 9.99 List Sale 9.98 11.98 7.19 Sale Good Friday & Saturday Only LIVE ROCK & ROLL WITH FINE LINE! FREE BEER & “WITCHES BREW”! ($25.00 Gift Certificate for the Wildest Costume) 6 p.m. — Closing Come Get Crazy! fAUS/C EXPRESS 725-B UNIVERSITY DRIVE OPEN 10-10 ‘‘ik-liiml Skaggs 6c McDon.ilds MO-li-ll