The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1980, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Serving the Texas A&M University community
. 74 No. 45
4 Pages
Friday, October 31, 1980 USPS 045 360
College Station, Texas Phone 845-2611
The Weather
.... 72
. 0.00 inches
Chance of rain . . .
andidates pound trail in last days
United Press International
tli President Carter and Ronald Reagan are pursuing a fren-
campaign pace with four days to go, and their rhetoric is
iQlj tpg A 6 whip in the home stretch.
Igan told an enthusiastic crowd in Bayonne, N.J.: “I’ll be
fted if we re going to let him (Carter) get re-elected,
nd Carter said Reagan has performed “political plastic
pry to disguise his record on war and peace.
|rsday, Carter went from Philadelphia to New York to Sagi-
Mich., to St. Louis to Springdale and Columbia, S.C. Today
iesto Lakeland, Fla., then Memphis, Tenn., Jackson, Miss.,
| Houston.
Bgan started Thursday in Dallas and went from there to
C^npliis, Tenn.; London, Ky.; Newark, N.J.; Philadelphia and
Burgh. Today he hits four Michigan cities — Grand Rapids,
Battle Creek, Saginaw and Pontiac, and winds up in Columbus,
Exhaustion should be a matter of course with schedules like
that. Actually, both men apparently are holding up quite well so
far. By late Thursday Reagan was beginning to show signs of
weariness, and Carter s voice grew husky, but neither was slow
ing down appreciably.
Reagan concentrated on Carter’s economic record. He said
Carter “has no right to seek re-election,” because the economy is
in far worse shape today than when he took office.
That criticism escalated at each stop until the former California
governor roared to a crowd in heavily Democratic Bergen Coun
ty, N.J., “He’s seeking re-election — but I’ll be damned if we’re
going to let him get re-elected. ”
Carter pursued three main themes in his daylong oratory: the
Democratic Party is the party of the people “and don’t you forget
it,” Reagan’s attitude on the use of military power and on controll
ing nuclear arms is dangerous; and Reagan’s change of position on
“Governor Reagan has become an expert in rewriting his own
record,” Carter said. “This campaign scheme, as a last-minute
operation, is political plastic surgery and it’s not going to work. ”
The president had big, friendly crowds throughout the day, but
two were notable. The traditional garment district rally in New
York drew thousands, clogging Seventh Avenue for four blocks
and pushing in on the barricades so enthusiastically the Secret
Service moved in to protect the president with a cloth-covered
metal shield.
And in St. Louis, a rally at a packed suburban shopping center
was marked by fireworks, balloons and music as well as speeches.
Observers said it was much larger than the one that turned out for
Reagan several days ago at the Gateway Arch downtown.
Each campaign was marred Thursday by a peripheral issue:
— Sources reported that a Justice Department interim report
to the Senate on the Billy Carter investigation said the president
has canceled three interviews with investigators trying to wrap up
the case, and said official Michael Shaheen is threatening to resort
to a “compulsory process” — presumably a subpoena — to force
his testimony.
— Richard Allen, Reagan’s top foreign policy adviser, resigned
because of news reports indicating he used his power during the
Nixon administration to make money for himself. A top campaign
aide said Allen continues to have the confidence of Reagan and the
campaign, but withdrew “to remove this matter as a possible issue
in the campaign.”
Mystery illness slowing down
Battalion Staff
ir a night of what some might consider total misery,
are beginning to calm down around the A. P. Beutel
Center at Texas A&M University.
C jhe health center treated about 175 students for
Ra, diarrhea, fever and cold chills between Wednes-
I«id Thursday afternoons. Most of the students were
ed for their symptoms and released; however, 15 of
|udents remained overnight.
: cause of the mysterious malady that struck primari-
mbers of the Corps of Cadets is still under investiga-
Ir. C.B. Goswick, director of the student health cen-
pid many of the students who checked in Wednesday
wanting to eat Thursday afternoon, which was a
sign. Some had gone home, he said.
fe’ve been seeing people all along since September
these same symptoms,” Goswick said Thursday,
what happened last night was just totally unantici-
i$J , It got people really upset, us included.
it had persisted we would have been in real trouble,
waiting room was absolutely full this morning. We
had people sitting, lying and, well, they were just practic
ally holding the walls up.”
Because of the sudden influx of inpatients at the health
center, visitation privileges to the second floor were sus
pended Thursday, but are now back to the normal 9
a.m.-9 p.m., Goswick said.
“I just have a strong feeling that because this thing has
been so explosive, it’s probably going to end the same
way,” Goswick said. “It’s probably just going to pass right
out of the picture and we may never really know what it
Test cultures from affected students are being sent to
the national Center for Disease Control in Atlanta for
analysis, but Goswick said the results will not be known
for a few days.
Goswick said he thought the students were affected by
a virus transmitted through the air.
“It’s not typical of classic food poisoning in which the
person is extremely ill,” he said. Besides, he said, the
employees at Duncan Dining Hall — where it was origin
ally thought the students contracted the illness — eat the
same food as the students, and they are not sick.
“Food is always the scapegoat,” he said. “We go
through this once or twice a year, and (blaming it on food)
seems logical since it’s something that they’re all exposed
to. After you do some investigation, you frequently find
that it wasn’t food at all.”
However, samples of link and patty sausage and milk
from the dining hall are being tested at a University
laboratory, Assistant Director of Food Services Lloyd H.
Smith said Thursday.
Smith said he was told that health center officials ques
tioned the affected students, and though most had eaten
at Duncan, there was no single food that all the students
had eaten.
Goswick said, “I don’t see how there’s any other way of
spreading something like this so fast than it for it to be
airborne. ”
He said other possibilities were considered: “We did a
survey of those we saw (Thursday) morning to see which
dorm they lived in, but it was of no help at all. They’re
spread throughout the dorms.”
If the virus is being transmitted through the air, Gos
wick said, it will be almost impossible to control. Howev
er, as of Thursday afternoon, Goswick said the number of
students coming into the health center with the symp
toms had tapered off.
Reza Shah II wants to unite Iran
United Press International
IRO, Egypt — Crown Prince Reza
—jclaimed himself shah of Iran today and
.led on Iranians to end the “nightmare”
Sarnie regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah
J femeini.
—‘I shed the tears which you must hide, ”
son of the late Shah Mohammed Reza
|evi said in a 10-minute speech addres-
sed to the Iranian people from Cairo’s Kub-
beh Palace.
Reza, who turned 20 today, enabling him
to claim the vacant Peacock Throne based
on the 1906 constitution, took the name
Reza Shah II, fulfilling the deathbed wish
of his father, who, Reza said, died with “a
broken heart.”
“We must unite in love, equality and
common purpose. It is imperative that all
patriotic groups, inside and outside Iran,
should now join forces in the common
cause,” he said, without specifically men
tioning Khomeini in his speech.
Reza, a student at Cairo’s American Uni
versity, made the speech seated in his
JClark presents questions
?not answered in debate’
Battalion Staff
The American people lost Wednes
day’s presidential debate, Libertarian
Party candidate Ed Clark said Thursday
The third party presidential candi
date said it was hard to determine
" whether Democratic incumbent Jimmy
n) Carter or Republican Party candidate
Ronald Reagan won the debate, but
Americans clearly lost.
The packed crowd in Rudder Theatre
heard Clark point out three questions
not mentioned in the debate:
Why can’t we have real tax cuts? Why
can t we have spending cuts? Why do
we spend so much each year to defend
western Europe and Japan?
Clark, 50, said “unbeknownst” to
Carter, the Japanese have recovered
from World War II and can take care of
themselves. He said China and Japan
can defend Asia from Russia, and the
ermans have shown that they can take
care of themselves as well.
Americans should not meddle in
other countries’ affairs, he said.
Anti-American feelings in Iran prior
to the hostage seizure were due to such
meddling, Clark said.
Referring to the CIA’s efforts to put
the exiled shah of Iran back in power, he
said that while Carter is “not the best
president” ever in office, he would not
like to see Iran install one of its leaders
to the U. S. presidency.
Clark also criticized Reagan, specific
ally his platform supporting superiority
over Russia in all defense weapons.
“That’s a proposal for an endless arms
race,” Clark said.
Clark said the SALT II agreement is
“nothing fantastic, but it is a step to slow
down the nuclear arms race.
“That’s a very desirable step,” he
The Libertarian said he favors a
strong military force only to defend the
home country and does not support the
draft because it is “a violation of civil
He criticized the Republican
nominee further for his failure to sup
port both the Equal Rights Amendment
and freedom of choice on abortion.
The Libertarian Party is based on the
support of civil liberties, Clark said,
much like the philosophies of Thomas
Any potential problems which might
arise from the ERA ratification are “not
significant enough to offset its virtues.”
Clark said he wants to provide an
alternative to government-sponsored
“Education should be developed and
directed by the private sector,” he said.
He said he would like to see a $1,200
tax credit to anyone supporting a stu
dent in any school where fees must be
paid, including private and parochial
schools, colleges and universities.
In another issue relevant to college
students, who comprised most of his
audience, Clark described a program
which would remove people under 40
from the Social Security system.
“People age 20 to 40 think they’ll nev
er be paid (by Social Security) — and
they’re right,” he said. “They need to
establish their own individual retire
ment account.”
The audience was quite receptive of
that idea as they were of Clark’s idea to
cut taxes in order to expand Americans’
civil liberties.
“I’d like a 50 percent cut in personal
income tax,” he said. “We want the tax
payers to keep their own wages.”
He added: “If anyone heard Jimmy
Carter talk about tax cuts in the debate,
he was listening more closely than I.”
He said, “Incompetence is the cur
rent domestic theme.”
Clark said that an economy should not
be able to have high inflation and high
unemployment at the same time.
“Jimmy Carter has brought a miracle
to the American economy — we have
Clark also attacked independent can
didate John Anderson, saying Anderson
is running on a two-plank platform.
“The first plank is 1 am not Jimmy'
Carter’ and the second plank is 1 amt
not Ronald Reagan, ” he said.
office in the palace where his family has
lived since it came to the Egyptian capital
in March.
Dressed in a business suit and wearing
the Order of Pahlavi, an award his father
reserved for chiefs of state, Reza read the
message observed only by two press photo
graphers and two TV crews.
Senator says
he's innocent
of corruption
United Press International
NEW YORK — Sen. Harrison Williams,
the first senator and the most influential
figure accused in the FBI’s undercover
Abscam investigation, says he is innocent of
the bribery and corruption charges — and
still holds his head high.
The 60-year-old New Jersey Democrat,
powerful chairman of the Labor and Hu
man Resources Committee, was indicted
Thursday with three other men by a federal
grand jury in New York. He is the first
senator and the seventh member of Con
gress to be indicted in the FBI’s undercov
er probe of political corruption.
“We have held our heads high. We have
worked hard for New Jersey and the na
tion,” Williams told reporters on Capitol
Hill. “I am innocent. I did nothing wrong. ”
The nine-count indictment charged that
during seven meetings with FBI undercov
er agents posing as Arab sheiks or their
representatives, beginning in March 1979
and extending to January, Williams asked
them to lend $100 million to a Virginia
titanium mine in return for promises to use
his influence to win government contracts
for the venture.
“A suggestion was made which was im
proper. It was immediately rejected. That
was the end of that,” the 22-year Senate
veteran said. “The facts will prove my inno
cence in a court of law before 12 Amer
Williams’ term is not up until 1982. If
convicted, he would face a maximum pen
alty of 59 years in prison and $110,000 in
Reps. Michael Myers, D-Pa., and John
Jenrette, D-S.C., already have been found
guilty and four other House members face
bribery trials in the biggest scandal in con
gressional history. Myers was expelled
from the House, but is seeking re-election.
The indictment against Williams also
leveled bribery and conspiracy charges
against Mayor Angelo Errichetti of Cam
den, N. J. — convicted with Myers and two
others in the first Abscam trial — and two of
Williams’ associates, New Jersey lawyer
Alexander Feinberg and New Jersey busi
nessman George Katz.
Williams also was charged with promis
ing to introduce a private immigration bill
in Congress to allow a phony Arab sheik to
enter and remain in the United States and
“take other official action as would be
necessary to achieve that end.”
Photo by Dillard Stone
Flight of the great pumpkin
Members of Company C-2 run interference as the Great Pumpkin makes
his way down the Quad Thursday night. The C-2 junior given the “pri
vilege” of wearing the huge pumpkin is charged while trying to make his
way down to Dormitory 11. Band members and other cadets did their
best to make sure the Great Pumpkin was not successful. The event is an
annual Halloween tradition in the Corps of Cadets.
Samoa to count votes
on live television
United Press International
PAGO PAGO, American Samoa —
When the election polls close Tuesday, the
most thoroughly supervised ballot count
will be conducted in the South Pacific terri
tory of American Samoa.
The estimated 6,000 ballots will be
counted in full view of the entire electorate
— one ballot at a time on live television.
Even though the American Samoa ballot
does not include the presidential candi
dates, a great deal is at stake. The salaries of
the 41 people elected to govern the terri
tory’s 29,000 residents total more than
$500,000 a year.
American Samoa is an unincorporated
territory of the United States, so the vast
majority of its residents are nationals but
not citizens. Therefore, they do not have a
say in the presidential race.
But the six inhabited islands of the
seven-island, 76-square-mile territory
have a non-voting member of the U.S.
House of Representatives, a governor, a
lieutenant governor, a president of the
Senate and speaker of the House and 36
other members of the territorial legisla
The posts are non-political, so such tags
as Democrats and Republicans have little
The votes are cast in 17 districts, some of
which include villages that are inaccessible
by car. The ballots are flown from the three
Manu’a Islands, 60 miles from the main
island of Tutuila, and some from villages on
the remote north shore of Tutuila. Ballots
from the island of Aunu’u are brought in by
The locked white boxes of ballots are
stacked carefully in the studios of the gov
ernment-owned and operated television
station KVZK. The station was constructed
in the mid-1960s to provide televised clas
ses for children in schools throughout the
territory, so it reaches every village.
Although nearly every home now has its
own TV set so residents can enjoy the sta
tion’s variety of network and PBS color
programs, the schools also offer all-night
coverage of the vote count.
The ballots are dumped into a large card
board box, and two election officials draw
them out one at a time and present them to
the election officer. He calls out the names
of the chosen candidates loud and clear.
Other election assistants, stationed at
large blackboards behind the election offic
er, repeat the call and chalk up a mark
below the name of the voter’s choice. The
ballot is then passed around a table where
representatives of each candidate study it
carefully for possible challenges.
The watchfrd eye of the TV camera never
leaves the procedure.
It’s an all-night job, because they have to
call recesses on occasion so the election
workers can rest their throats and weary
arms. But the camera keeps a close watch
on the ballot boxes.