o KBTX OKCEN O KPRC Midwest Wonder Woman CBS News MacNeil Lehrer News Untamed Worid MacNeil Lehrer Tic Tac Dough Happy Days Again Hollywood Squares P.M. Magazine Magazine Rockford Files Movie: "The Godsend" The Dukes World Special The Dukes The Ascent Of Man Hazzard Hazzard NBC Movie: “Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Movie: "Condo minium" Part 2 Song Of The Canary CBS Movie: "Love At First Bite” NBC Movie: “Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking CBS Movie: "Love At First Bite” NBC Movie: "Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking World Special Movie: Warriors" Song Of The Canary None Of The Above American Body building Champs. News Tonight ABC News Campaign '80 Post- ABC News Bonanza Dick Cavett Carol Burnett & Friends Evening At Symphony ABC News Tonight Tonight HBO Sneak Preview Movie: "Avalanche Etcetera To Be Announced Marcus Welby Campaign '80 Post- Election Report Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow Express" Ironside Woman The Khmer Woman AFTERNOON 3:00 CD CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS Joseph (Richard Jor dan) becomes permanently estranged from his brother, disowns his sister, then black mails a U.S. Senator (Henry Fonda) into blocking passage of a crucial alien contract bill. (Part 3 of 5) 4:00 HBO WHISPERS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE "Facts Your History Teacher Never Told You About The Presidents” come to light as trivia items about past chief executives and the First Families are present ed. EVENING 7:00© WORLD SPECIAL "The Islamic Bomb” The story of how the Pakistanis were able to obtain nuclear technology from the West and financing from Libya to build the first Islamic bomb is documented. 8:00 0 WORLD SPECIAL "The Islamic Bomb” The story of how the Pakistanis were able to obtain nuclear technology from the West and financing from Libya to build the first Islamic bomb is documented. © SONG OF THE CANARY An examination of the dangerous working conditions that Ameri cans are subjected to every day is presented in this special dealing with the controversial subject of occupational health. 9:00 Q SONG OF THE CANARY An examination of the dangerous working conditions that Ameri cans are subjected to every day is presented in this special dealing with the controversial subject of occupational health. 9:30© NONE OF THE ABOVE A look is taken at today’s non voters, particularly those who used to vote but are now choosing to sit out elections. 10:30® CAMPAIGN ’80: POST ELECTION REPORT An in- depth analysis of election results and a look at the future implications for the presidency and the Congress will be pre sented. 11:00 0 CAMPAIGN ’80: POST ELECTION REPORT An in- depth analysis of election results and a look at the future implications for the presidency and the Congress will be pre sented. HBO HBO SNEAK PREVIEW Husband-and-wife comics Jer ry Stiller and Anne Meara intro duce the movies, specials and sports events coming to Home Box Office in November. 11:300 DON’T FORGET THE KHMER Filmed on location at a refugee camp in Thailand, this documentary focuses on the plight of the Cambodian people — the violence they have been subjected to and the uncertain ties that the future holds for them. AFTERNOON 1:30 ©THE ATHLETES EVENING 10:00 HBO AMERICAN BODYBUILD ING CHAMPIONSHIPS Highlights of the popular and very muscular "Mr. America” contest feature a competition between female bodybuilders and a mixed pairs flexing exhi bition. AFTERNOON 5:00 HBO “Arabian Adventure” (1979) Christopher Lee, Mickey Rooney. An evil sorcerer holds a beautiful princess captive while a young prince gets assistance from genies and fly ing carpets in a brave attempt to rescue her. (G-1 hr., 38 min.) EVENING 7:00 HBO “The Godsend” (1980) An adorable child is actually on a mission of terror which leads to supernatural scares for the members of an innocent family. (R-1 hr., 28 min.) 8:00 O Q €D "Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story” (Prem iere) Art Carney, Telly Savalas. Clarence Carnes, a man who was sentenced to life imprison ment at the age of 16, is sent to Alcatraz after several failed escape attempts. (Part 1) O © ★ ★★ “Love At First Bite” (1978) George Hamilton, Susan Saint James. The world’s most famous vampire gives up his one-bite stands when he falls in love with a wacky New York fashion model. © ★ ★★ "Condominium” (Part 2) (1980) Barbara Eden, Stuart Whitman. Based on the novel by John D. MacDonald. An impending hurricane threatens the lives of the resi dents of an exclusive condomi nium built by a greedy and irre sponsible corporation. 8:30 HBO “The Warriors” (1979) Michael Beck, Dorsey Wright. Blamed for the murder of a charismatic leader at a New York street gang convention, members of a Coney Island gang must fight their way back to their home turf. (R-1 hr., 30 min.) 11:30 HBO "Avalanche Express” (1979) Lee Marvin, Robert Shaw. An international spy fakes hie own death and runs into natural disaster while attempting to smuggle a defec tor out of Europe aboard a trancontinental train. (PG-1 hr., 28 min.) Why in the world is K AM U broadcasting a boo boo? It's no mistake. Come Friday, October 31, we have a double-boo Halloween Special that will scare you out of your wits. It all begins with a Count Dracula episode that you can really get your teeth into But. if the Count doesn't leave you cold we also have a terrifying trilogy of stories by Edgar Allan Poe Don't be afraid to stick your neck out. Join us forthe Friday Night Frights. Halloween night starting at 6:30 • KAMU-FM 90.9 Public Radio... A World of Difference