The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1980, Image 22
U LTD Qj} Li‘S?Lrii 0 KPRC G KBTX O KCEN o KTBC 0 KUHT CD KHOU QD KTRK CD KAMU GD KVUE KTW €B KHTV HBO Midwest 0 0 O 0 CD CD CD O O CD O Community 0 0 O o 0 CD CD CD o o CD ^:00 News News News News Untamed CBS News News MacNetl News News Wonder W 15 World Lehrer Woman ll 30 Hollywood Family TicTac P.M. MacNeil PM Family News Happy Days TicTac Football: V:45 Squares Feud Dough Magazine Lehrer Magazine Feud Again Dough Inside ■TP:00 Games Grinch Games The White Meet The The White Grinch Up& Grinch Games Rockford The NFL f 15 People Night People Shadow Regional Shadow Night Coming Night People Files f :30 Play Halloween Play Candidates Halloween From Halloween Play Movie: f :45 Almost... Almost... Jumpstreet Almost... "Every ft :0 ° NBC Movie: Barney NBC Movie: CBS Movie: CBS Movie: Barney Adelante Barney NBC Movie: Movie: Which X 15 “Damien- Miller "Damien- "Rape And "Rape And Miller Miller "Damien- "Wash- Way But IJ 30 Omen H" It’s A Omen 11” Marriage: Marriage: It’s A This Old It'S A Omen IT’ ington Loose” W:45 Living The Rideout The Rideout Living House Living Behind A :0 ° 20-20 Case" Case" 20-20 Masterpiece 20-20 Closed 11:15 Theatre Doors” ri :30 "Pride And PartB HBO Sneak Prejudice" Preview 1 A :00 News News News News Ok* News News News News News News Whispers 1 11 15 Cavett From The 111 30 Tonight ABC News Tonight Carol Burnett When The The ABC News Dick ABC News Tonight Benny White Jh V:45 Charlie's & Friends Boat Jeffersons Bonanza Cavett Charlie's Hill House 1 1 :0 ° Angels Late Movie: Comes In McMillan MacNeil Angels Kojak Football: 1 1 15 "Lost & Wife Lehrer Inside 1:30 Tomorrow Tomorrow In A Sneak Sneak Tomorrow The NFL Ji X :45 Police Harem” Previews Charlie's Previews Police 1 A :0 ° Woman •• Angels Woman Thriller Movie: 1 Z 15 "Save The 1/30 " Tiger" X mm :45 News Police Thuirsdlay 1M1®¥5@s AFTERNOON 3:00 Q) ★★Va “Hitler: The Last Ten Days” (1973) Alec Guinness, Simon Ward. Narrated by Ala- stair Cooke. Possessed by per sonal turmoil, Adolph Hitler spends his final days barricad ed in a bunker from his ene mies. 4:30 HBO “You Only Live Twice” (1967) Sean Connery, Donald Pleasence. Secret agent James Bond travels to the Orient to learn who is behind the hijack ings of American and Russian space capsules while they are still in orbit. (PG-1 hr., 57 min.) EVENING 7:30 HBO “Every Which Way But Loose” (1978) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. A two-fisted trucker and his orangutan com panion take off in pursuit of a pretty country-western singer, while a vengeful motorcycle gang pursues them. (PG-1 hr., 54 min.) 8:00 0 Q €D ★★Vi "Damien - Omen II” (1978) William Hol den, Lee Grant. A wealthy industrialist and his wife adopt his deceased brother’s son, a mysterious youngster who is actually the child of the Devil. (R) O ID “Rape And Marriage: The Rideout Case” (Premiere) Linda Hamilton, Mickey Rourke. An enraged wife and mother presses rape charges against a man for whom she still has strong feelings. 11:00 0 ★★ “Lost In A Harem” (1944) Bud Abbott, Lou Costel lo. The throne of a small king dom up for grabs is contested by two prop men and a singer. 12:00 HBO “Save The Tiger” (1973) Jack Lemmon, Jack Gilford. A middle-aged dress manufactur er, sinking into a deep depres sion because of his inability to recapture his youth, decides to collect on his insurance policy by setting fire to his factory. (R- 1 hr., 40 min.) Ttarsdla^ EVENING 6:30 HBO INSIDE THE NFL Len Dawson and Nick Buoniconti present highlights of the week’s football action as the teams vie for places in the annual Super Bowl. 11:00 HBO INSIDE THE NFL TGwsdla^ Sp@e8al* EVENING 7:00 0 CD ffi HALLOWEEN IS GRINCH NIGHT A small boy is blown away from Whoville by a fierce wind and winds up atop Mt. Crumpit face to face with the grouchy grinch. (R) Q MEET THE REGIONAL CANDIDATES Host Susan Wright from KUHT, and the League of Women Voters Pres ident Lynne Johnson ask PAM CARLA VERONICA SUZETTE DEBBIE BECKY ELAINE A Staff of Professionals 209 E. University 846-4771 regional candidates questions and listen to their views. Scheduled candidates are from the U.S. Congressional Race, districts 7, 8, 9, 18 and 22; State Representatives from dis tricts 17, 78, 79, 80, 84, 87, 92, 95, 97, and 100; State Senators from districts 7, 15, and 17; and two Railroad Commission seats, one full term and one unexpired term. 7:30 0 CD © THE HALLOWEEN THAT ALMOST WASN’T The Halloween witch threatens to cancel her favorite holiday unless she is given equal status with Dracula as a Master of Monsters. (R) 8:00 © WASHINGTON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS An explosive expose of political intrigue, espionage, conspiracy and cor ruption is based on former Nix on White House aide John Ehrl- ichman’s bestseller “The Com pany.’’(Part 6 of 6) 9:30 HBO HBO SNEAK PREVIEW 10:00 HBO WHISPERS FROM THE WHfTE HOUSE "Facts Your History Teacher Never Told You About The Presidents” come to light as trivia items-