The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1980, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Serving the Texas A&M University community
Vol. 74 No. 44 Thursday, October 30, 1980 USPS 045 360
32 Pages in 2 Sections College Station, Texas Phone 845-2611
The Weather
. 0.00 inches
. moderate
Chance of rain
oycott delays session
: United Press International
DNDON — Hard-line deputies boycotted a crucial
jn parliament session on the fate of the 52 American
tages today, forcing a postponement of the meeting
:il Sunday.
lie ofiBcial news agency Pars said flatly the meeting
! canceled when “several deputies who, four days ago
(tested the Majlis (parliament) taking up the hostage
leat this time of conflict, boycotted the session.”
mother public session was called for Sunday, but a
liament spokesman told UPI the same “full attend-
e” rule that canceled today’s session also would apply
The Pars report referred to the hard-line bloc of 87
jlis deputies, most of them from the extreme frm-
nentalist Islamic Republican Party, which tried to
owout the whole hostage issue when parliament began
secret debate on their fate last Sunday.
? our times since then, parliament has debated in pri-
e the recommendations of its seven-man hostage com-
ision, headed by Hajjatoleslam Mousai Khoyeni, 39, a
•dliner who was the leader of the 400 Moslem militants
who stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and seized the
52 American hostages 362 days ago.
Not one firm indication of its arguments or recommen
dations leaked out of the secret debates, although every
deputy and every parliamentary official had his own
version of what was taking place or was likely to happen.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini met almost immediately
after the parliament session was canceled with Iran’s en
tire political and military leadership, Pars said.
It said “details of the conflict on the southern fronts and
the general progress of the Iranian defense were discus
sed, ’ but noted “the session continues.”
During Wednesday’s five-hour Majlis session, parlia
ment had resolved to hold a public session today, but
stipulated all deputies must be present.
Tehran Radio broadcast a directive saying “it is essen
tial that all the deputies should attend.” Iranian television
repeated the requirement.
But so many hard-liners boycotted the meeting it was
not clear whether even a normal quorum of 179 members
was present. Pars and the parliament spokesmen refused
to say how many turned up.
Several Moslem fundamentalists in the clergy-
dominated parliament were believed to be insisting that
at least some of the hostages should be put on trial as
The U.S. government has said trial for any hostage
would bring “grave consequences” to Iran.
State Department spokesman John Trattner also re
sponded to repeated, although unofficial, reports Iran
intended to release the hostages in batches. This, Tratt
ner said, would be “unacceptable” to the United States.
“We seek the release of all the hostages,” he said.
“Holding one would be just as unacceptable as holding
In an interview on Swedish Radio, Ayatollah Sheik
Sadegh Khalkhali, a harsh Islamic judge and a hard-liner
in parliament, said Iran would not set tougher conditions
for the hostages’ release and would like the United States
to deliver weapons and military spare parts which Iran has
In Rochester, N. Y., President Carter refused to discuss
the report, saying, “I think it would be better for me not to
comment until I see the exact statement. I talked to the
State Department early this morning. I think I won’t
comment now.”
issistant says Khomeini has cancer
Moore remarks infuriate officials
United Press International
VASHINGTON — Administration offi-
jls said they believe the hostage crisis is
proaching its climax and they’re worried
Itatement by a top presidential assistant
!ii|ggesting Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
s terminal cancer could delay further the
pease of the 52 Americans.
■White House and State Department offi-
icials were incredulous and openly furious
at remarks by Frank Moore, presidential
Issistant for congressional relations, in an
interview given to the Shreveport (La.)
lournal during a campaign stop.
I In the interview, Moore is quoted as
laying Khomeini has cancer of the colon
"ind he’s not going to last long. ”
[According to the interview, Moore said
nomeini would be replaced by a coalition
of Iranian military men, some of them now
in exile.
It was Moore’s reported statement about
the military successor regime that sent
shock waves through the State Department
and White House with both preparing to
hear the terms for the hostage release at an
open session of the Iranian Parliament.
The White House quickly denied
Moore’s assertions Wednesday.
A statement said, “Mr. Moore is not a
spokesman for the administration on mat
ters relating to Iran. The administration has
no information suggesting Ayatollah
Khomeini is terminally ill. As a matter of
policy, the administration does not specu
late on the course of internal developments
in Iran.”
Khomeini, 80, is known to have suffered
a serious heart attack, but there has been
no information published that suggested he
has cancer.
Angry administration officials said the
Moore interview gave the impression the
United States was “in cahoots” with the
emigre Iranian military officers. “That is
simply not true,” an official said.
“If Moore really said that, he should be
fired on the spot,” one State Department
official said.
In the printed interview, Moore was
asked whether the United States planned
to take any action that would ensure a pro-
Western government after Khomeini. No,
said Moore, the administration was not en
couraging anyone.
He said an assurance the United States
would not meddle in Iran’s internal affairs
was a major condition for securing the re
lease of the 52 Americans held hostage
since Nov. 4, 1979.
Moore said the highly publicized Iranian
parliament hostage debate was “hurting
Jimmy Carter” because it was taking place
so near the election.
He said the Iranians might want to re
lease the hostages to free Iranian assets now
blocked in the United States.
“The Iranians, I think, have finally come
around to the conclusion it is not in their
self-interest to have the hostages any lon
ger,” Moore said.
andidates go for the vote-rich states
Staff photo by Jeff Kerber
Asking not to have his true identity revealed, Richard Nixon distributed
leaflets to promote the appearance of Libertarian candidate for Presi
dent, Ed Clark. Clark will speak tonight at 7:30 in the Rudder Theater,
sponsored by the MSC Political Forum.
Montgomery cleared
United Press International
On Election Day minus five, President Carter is spend
ing the day in Philadelphia — and could cross paths with
opponent Ronald Reagan, who also had a stop in the City
of Brotherly Love on today’s schedule.
Pennsylvania is one of the key vote-rich states currently
deemed too close to call, and neither candidate is willing
to concede it without a strong last-ditch effort.
In the first 24 hours following the Cleveland debate,
both men appeared buoyed by the debate results and
both were greeted by big and friendly crowds at their
mpaign stops.
Carter campaigned across Ohio, Pennsylvania, upstate
New York and New Jersey before going on to Philadelphia
for the night.
Reagan began the day in Cleveland, then flew to Texas
for appearances in Houston, Fort Worth and Dallas. To
day he was stopping in Memphis, Tenn.; London, Ky.;
Newark, N.J.; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Carter was greeted at a black Baptist church in Newark,
N.J., an enthusiastic audience, and was in a jubilant
mood. At a downtown rally earlier in Rochester, N.Y., a
huge crowd that may have been the largest of his cam
paign swamped the rally area and filled surrounding side
walks for blocks.
Reagan and his entourage also were upbeat in the
aftermath of the debate. Reagan, clearly in a good mood,
told reporters he is confident of having been able to refute
“the falsehoods that have been told numerous times by
the whole Carter campaign.”
He spoke to an estimated 10,000 people at an outdoor
rally in Houston, and accepted the gift from a local ran
cher of a 2,300-pound Longhorn steer in Fort Worth.
Both men may have spent the early hours of Wednes
day thinking of points they had failed to make under the
pressure of the debate format. Later Wednesday the
speeches of both candidates were peppered with lines
aimed at their opponent’s stands on issues that arose
during the confrontation.
Carter did not challenge on Tuesday night Reagan’s
denial of ever having said nuclear proliferation is “none of
our business, ” but on Wednesday he said: “The New York
Times on Feb. 1 reported Reagan as indicating he be
lieves the United States should not stand in the way of
countries developing their own nuclear weapons and
quoted him as saying, “I just don’t think it’s any of our
“Every American ought to stop and think what will
happen to this world if we take the position it’s none of our
business if terrorist nations have atomic weapons, ” Carter
United Press International
McKINNEY — Citizens were shocked,
surprised and indignant in'this northeast
Texas community because of a jury’s ruling
that Candace Montgomery was defending
herself in killing her former lover’s wife
with 41 ax blows.
A nine-woman, three-man jury declared
Wednesday the 30-year-old housewife and
mother of two young children was innocent
of murder in the bizarre hacking death of
friend and fellow church member Betty
“As far as Tm concerned, justice will be
Infamous mansion used as haunted house
An unidentified masked man gets the Halloween spirit.
Battalion Staff
The movies may have their scary scenes,
but the Bryan-College Station Jaycees have
their own version, and that is only the be
ginning of the happenings in the area this
week in celebration of Halloween.
The eighth annual B-CS Jaycees haunted
house got under way last Friday in what
may be described as the “ideal” location —
the Howell mansion in Bryan.
The mansion, built by an ambassador
from South America in the 1930s, has a long
history of speculation about its possibly
being haunted.
Local rumors say that hidden some
where deep inside the mansion is over $1
million. Others speculate that the mansion
was once used by devil worshippers for use
in their demonic practices. Still, others be
lieve the late ambassador may still be
“around,” in one form or another.
After the ambassador’s death, the build
ing was donated to Allen Academy for use
as a dorm. A few years later Allen sold it to
Young Brothers Construction firm. The
building has been vacant for some time and
recently was declared uninhabitable by the
Joe Holliman, Jaycee project chairman,
described the building as “the ideal loca
tion” since most of the original furnishings
are still in place.
Many who visited the house said it was
one of the best haunted houses they had
ever gone to.
“It was great. The best I’ve ever seen,”
said one person Saturday night.
“I was crying and went over by this nice
policeman and he told me to sit by this lady.
And I was scared,” said one young visitor,
The Jaycees have been working most of
October to get the building in shape as this
year’s haunted house. They have spent
over $2,500 on the project and expect to
draw a total of 3,000-5,000 people. Admis
sion is $1 for students under 18, and $2.50
for adults. Halloween night there will be a
special “Midnight Madness” for all stu
dents. Admission is $1 and is will be well
worth the trip as nothing will be held back,
Holliman said.
The house is located at the comer of
Booneville Road and Ursuline in Bryan.
Proceeds from the house go to the
Christmas Toy Drive the Jaycees annually
Other ghostly happenings in the area in
— The third annual Alpha Gamma Rho
Haunted House will be held Thursday and
Friday nights from 8-12 p.m. It is located at
418 College Main. Admission is $1.
— The Residence Hall Association is
sponsoring a pair of costume judging con
tests Thursday in front of Sbisa and the
Commons dining halls. The contests get
under way at 5:45 p.m. and are followed by
yell practice at 7 p.m. From 8-9 p.m., the
men’s dorms will visit the women’s dorms
on a trick-or-treating escapade. From 9-10
p.m., the women will go trick-or-treating
in the men’s dorms. Street dances will be
held from 9-12 at Sbisa and the Commons.
— The Methodist Student Movement
will hold a costume dance Thursday night
beginningatSp.m. in 201 MSC. Prizes will
be awarded for costumes entered. There is
no admission charge.
— The MSC Cepheid Variable will pre
sent a Halloween Film Festival Thursday
beginning at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium
with “The Legend of Hell House.” At 10
p.m. “The Fog” will be shown in Rudder
Theater, to be followed by “The Haunting”
at midnight. Admission to all three movies
is $2.50.
—The Peppertree Apartment Council, a
sub-division of Off-Campus Aggies will be
holding its first annual Halloween party at
Peppertree Apartments Thursday night. A
costume judging contest and door-to-door
Trick-or-Liquor will be featured. Trick-or-
Liquor is similar to trick-or-treat, but the
treat will be a mixed drink. All apartments
participating in Trick-or-Liquor are re
quired to display a pumpkin on their door
step. All students are invited to attend.
Each is encouraged to bring his/her own
glass. The women will visit the men’s apart
ments from 7-8 p.m., and the men will visit
the women from 8-9 p.m. A party will fol
low in Peppertree Apt. #3 from 9-12 p.m.
— Friday night the MSC Aggie Cinema
will show “Amityville Horror” at 7:30 in
Rudder Theater. At midnight “Halloween”
will be shown. Admission to each movie is
served,” said Bob Pomeroy of Norwich,
Kan., the victim’s father.
Pomeroy discounted Montgomery’s tes
timony that she was defending herself after
Gore confronted her about an affair with
Gore’s husband, Alan, and produced an ax.
Mongtomery showed no emotion when
the verdict was read by District Judge Tom
Ryan. She fought back tears, however, as
she and her husband, Pat, were whisked
out of the Collin County courthouse under
heavy guard after Ryan had received a let
ter threatening Montgomery’s life.
More than 100
Aggies suffer
frotii virus
Battalion Reporter
While hundreds of Aggies were out
dancing and socializing Wednesday night,
at least a hundred others could be found in
their dorm rooms, suffering from a virus
that began to affect them that afternoon.
A nurse from the A.P. Beutel Health
Center at Texas A&M University said she
wasn’t sure what the mysterious malady
The nurse said all she knew was: “A lot of
lads, mostly Corps people, have been sick
with vomiting and they all seem to have one
thing in common — they all ate at
The students were treated for their
symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, fever and
cold chills. Only 14 of the students were to
remain overnight at the health center.
The nurse said she came in at 4 p. m. and
had seen at least 50 students in the 7 hours
she had been on duty. However, one cadet
who was at the health center said many of
the sick cadets weren’t going to the health
“There will be a lot of people out of class
tomorrow,” he said, “and there probably
won’t be too many people doing push-ups
and runs tomorrow.”
The planned Corps trip to SMU this
weekend probably won’t be affected be
cause the symptoms don’t usually last over
24 hours, a doctor from the health center
said. He added he has seen many people in
town who have not eaten at Duncan Dining
Hall and who do not attend Texas A&M
who are suffering from the same symptoms.
“We know there is a virus going around
in this area,” a health center doctor said,
“but we won’t know exactly what it is until
we get the diagnosis back from Atlanta.
(The national Center for Disease Control is
in Atlanta, Ga.) I don’t think it’s food
There is no apparent link between the
cases treated at the health center except
that all those afflicted ate at Duncan. Some
of those who are sick ate breakfast at Dun
can and didn’t eat lunch there; others who
are sick ate lunch, but not breakfast in Dun