The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1980, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1980 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Housework. $4/hr. 846-2918. IHOP is now accepting applications for all shifts. Apply in person. 103 S. College. 3tfii DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hous. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2991. 696- 8032. 38tfn STUDENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE in THE DEPT. OF RURAL SOCIOLOGY Telephone interviewing. Shifts from 5 to 9 pm. Sunday thru Thursday. Call for more info. 845-73104213 If you want to.... *Get exercise *Leam the community ‘Work flexible weekday hours ‘Earn up to $4.00/hour ‘Clean homes and offices Call Home Care Services 846-1905 4ot6 SWENSEN*S Waiters, waitressfis Waiters, waitresses, fountaineers, cooks, and § dishwashers. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE needs part time employee. 16-20 hours a week. Counter sales and some manual labor. Apply 9-5. 202 S. Bryan. 42t2 KAMU-TV is accepting applications tor a photographer/re porter for newsroom. It requires 20 hours a weak with emphasis on camera work and some reporting. CONTACT BILL DAVIES, NEWS DIRECTOR 845-5611 4015 bni PART TIME HELP Flexible hours. Wages Negotiable. POTS OF PRIDE 1903 Old Hearne Rd. 822-1478. after 5 775-4977 40t6 FULL OR PART TIME MECHANIC 815 Texas Ave. C.S. 391? FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6tfn needs full or part-time male or female help. Day or night. Apply in person. 201 Dominik 0) b Z< S N OH o a Now hiring Delivery Personnel Must have own car and insurance. $3.50/hour plus commission and tips. Apply Domino’s Pizza 1504 Holleman or 4407 Texas Ave. after 4:30 p.m. Mr. Gatti’s of Bryan now hiring DELIVERY AND COUNTER HELP. Apply in person at 2901 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 39ts CHANELLO’S DELIVERYMEN $3.50/hour plus tips and commission and PHONEPERSONS $3.35/hour. Flexible hours. Apply In person. 301 Patricia DOMINO’S PIZZA Now hiring phone and counter help. Apply Domino’s 1504 Holleman. igitin paht-time HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. I tin ELECTRIC PARTS COUNTER SALES PERSON for part time and full time. Call 822-4862. PART TIME HELP WANTED Neighborhood convenience store. Evenings and weekends. $3.25/hour 693-8733 28tfn FOR SALE ’75 Trans Am parts. 696-4030. 1975 VW Rabbit AM/FM. Good Gas. $2495. 693-2954. 39t5 '75 Honda XL 250. 7423. Yamaha “212 ”. 100 watt guitar amplifier. Call 696-7492. Ask for Jeff. 43tl Kawasaki KH500 motorcycle. Mint condition. Custom paint. 2100 miles. $1025 or best offer. 696-2645. 43t5 YAMAHA 1978. Enduro 400. 3000 mi. w/hel- met $1100. 846-1896. 38tl0 MUST SELL: Zenith Quad Stereo System with 8-track player and turntable. Will talk •price. 693-2329 p.m. 41t5 1974 Toyota Corolla Clean. 1846-1912/846-678)17 FOR SALE $100.00 down, 5 acres, College Station area. COUNTRY LAND C0. 713/468-8501 26t23 LOST Ladies’ gold Seiko watch. Triangular black face. Sentimental value. Please contact 693- 5416. REWARD! 43t5 LOST: Large male dog. Tan and white. An swers to Ashley. Please call 696-4355. 43t7 MINIATURE COLLIE (SHELTIE) SABLE AND WHITE. LAST SEEN MANOR EAST MALL. REWARD. 693-1732 or 693-1584. ..28t23 1980 Houston High School Class Ring. Silver with blue stone. REWARD. 693-8852. 40t5 CALCULATOR Lost Thursday, Oct. 16, in SBISA Bloodmobile. Tl SR-50, 7 years old. Sentimental Value. Call Darrell Kuhn 696-2260. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. 42ts FOR RENT Furnished apartment for boys only. $100. Call 846-5132 after 7pm. lltfii HELP WANTED BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time [ L Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 ^oc JOB OPPORTUNITIES JOB OPPORTUNITY Now taking applications for part time salesman and outside computer salesman. APPLY NOW. Radio Shack. Culpepper Plaza. 28tfh GRIMES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Navasota, Texas has immediate openings for full time Registered Staff X-Ray Technicians, Staff RN’s and LVN’s for floor and ICU positions with shift and ICU differentials. Excellent pay and good fringe benefits. For information contact Burna Erwin, Personnel 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 713-825-6585. CT d 1 ;a I • a • Jo b For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. r Texas A&M University i LAB TECHNICIAN NEEDED For clinic in Navasota. Training or experience in Clinical Pathology required. Car pooling available. Good salary. Call Pat 1-825-6444 Ext. 204. WANTED Wanted: 1 male roommate. 1-bedroom. $115/mo. All utilities paid. NearTAMU. 846- 4041 after 5. 40t6 TT ~~T CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center ; 3731 E. 29th St/, Bryan 846-4708 , FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 1-bedroom, 1-bath apt. Deposit plus share of rent $162.50. Available now or Spring semester. Call 696-4091. 40t4 SERVICES Class papers, reports, theses, dissertations, resumes, etc. typed on our word processing system. We understand form and style. Auto mated Clerical Services, 846-1731. ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate wanted. Partially furnished duplex. $100/month + l A bills. 693-7732. 43t7 Typing, symbols, Notary Public. 823-7723. ISOtfn Expert Typing. Gloria. 693-8286. 9tl4 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. 178tfh Professional Typing. 779-2683. 27t20 NEEDED: ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE! Spring semester. Studio Apt., U/z baths, furnished, front door shuttle bus sen/ice. Will share room. $138.50/month + Vs of electricity/month. Call 693-7313 after 6. Ask for Kim. 4214 Typing. Professional, neat, fast. Expertise scientific papers. 846-2814. 28U5 SPECIAL NOTICE ic6 For Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOB COMPANY INC.! Dodge Sales and Service Since 192: 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. 693-2481. 1 l| .,’72.Jmpala.. New engine. $800-or best offer. 846-2919. 40t5 Hitachi AM/FM Stereo with 8-track recorder and turntable. $125. 846-4257. 39t5 AKC Shetland sheepdog, “Sheltie”. 6 weeks old. $150. 846-4257. 39t5 BUMPER STICKER: “WARNING! Telling Aggie Jokes may be hazardous to your health!” - $1.00. CELCO, Box 1597-C, Richardson, Tex. 75080. 39t5 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations or theses Oh'buf' WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. B/CS 209 University East ’ 846-5794 testfn WEIGHT WATCHERS wishes you a skinny new year and would like to show you how you can dine excitingly while you lose weight. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Stu dent Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. Awake or Asleep. Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-4076i8tioi DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up dirr- ifig the Academic year in which they are pub lished. .. Must sell. $600. 696- 40tl0 8 USTUDENTS — PROFS i Card Keypunch done fast and efficiently. II ScanoExaBE 779-9602. exesSb AGGIE LAND REFUND POUCY “Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid.” TUTORING Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Experienced English tutor for foreign stu dents. Call 775-1568. 42t5 OFFICIAL NOTICE Twenty-one Texas Aggies have been excited about their Legal CO-OP work positions. These students have been able to file documents at the courthouse, to do research, bookkeep ing, maintain a law library, and per form other office functions. All Texas A&M students with a GPR of 2.5 or above are eligible for the Legal CO OP program. For information contact Henry D. Pope or Susannah Lindsay In Room 107, Harrington Tower or call 845-7814. 4015 For All Your Needs OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY MAKE-UP EXAM A MAKE-UP EXAM for all JUNIORS and SENIORS in the College of Science who have not previously taken the English Proficiency Exam will be given on Thursday, October 30,1980, at 7:30 p.m. Exams will be taken in these locations: BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT MAJORS ROOM 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY department majors .. ROOM 231 CHEM MATH DEPARTMENT MAJORS ROOM 101 MILNER PHYSICS DEPARTMENT MAJORS ROOM 301 RHYS In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself/herself in acceptable English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examination in English composition (ERE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C". This course must be taken at TAMU. ANY STUDENT WHO FAILS THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION (ERE) MUST SATISFY THE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT BY TAKING ENGLISH 301 AT TAMU AND EARNING A MINIMUM GRADE OF “C”. For Information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the departmental secretary. Local Campus Names Fennan D. Jennings, director of the Texas A&M University Sea Grant College Program, has been named president-elect of the Sea Grant Association, a 50- member association made up of colleges and universities with Sea Grant programs and indus trial firms and other associations with marine interests. Jennings, who has directed the Texas A&M Sea Grant pro gram since March 1978, will serve as president-elect for one year, after which he will become president for a one-year term. Jennings was formerly head of the National Science Founda tion’s Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration in Washington, D.C. He has also served as acting director of the Division of Ocean Sciences and deputy of the Ocean Science and Technology Division, both with in the National Science Founda tion; as head oceanographer in the Geophysics Branch of the Of fice of Naval Research; and as senior engineer at Scripps In stitution of Oceanography. ago after 33 years of service with the Texas A&M University Sys tem. His most recent positions were TAEX director and as sociate dean of the College of Agriculture. Texas Agricultural Extension Service director Dr. Daniel C. Pfannstiel has been named to the Extension Committee on Or ganization and Policy (ECOP), a major national policy group of the Cooperative Extension Service. Pfannstiel was selected by Ex tension directors of the Southern Region of the United States to represent them for the next four years, and to plan and imple ment policies of the U.S. De partment of Agriculture — Sci ence and Education Administra tion agency. He previously served on the ECOP Legislative Subcommit tee and the ECOP Task Force on International Affairs. He has been Texas A&M University System TAEX director since 1976. J. Milton Nance, historypt fessor at Texas A&M Universi for 38 years, has been honoic with a lecture series establish in his name by the universit Department of History. The J. Milton Nance in Texas History will emi Texas and regional history. Nance was head of the hifc department from 1958 1973. He has received including election to Pi Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, F the Texas State HistoricalAssoj. ation, Amoco DistinguishedF» ulty Award in Research and Pu lication and the establishment/ Baylor University School ofht of two J. Milton Nance si ships to be awarded annu Dr. John E. Hutchison, for mer director of the Texas Ag ricultural Extension Service, has been named planning and devel opment officer for the Texas A&M University System. Hutchison will assist Robert G. Cherry, assistant chancellor, in defining and interpreting Sys tem programs and needs and providing such information upon request to state and local offi cials. Hutchison retired four years Texas A&M University animal science major Robert W. Jones was one of 30 agricultural stu dents across the country recently selected to receive an Alpha Zeta scholarship. The scholarships were granted by the National Alpha Zeta Foundation of America, Inc. Al pha Zeta is a professional frater nity in agriculture with chapters on 65 university campuses in the United States and Puerto Rico. Jones is from Gaviota, Calif. John Olin (Jack) Teague h been named executive assistm to the vice president for busts affairs at Texas A&M Universit Vice President Howard L fe tal said Teague will assist hin a variety of activities rangiil from coordination of the uniwa sity’s auxiliary enterprises tot|j cal review and planning. Teague retired from theli 1 Force last month after a 20-yet career which included assf| ments as a fighter pilot, ron commander and, at timet| retirement, executive to commander of the Air ForceSj) tern Command at AndrewsAFl] He is the son of former l',i, Representative and Mrs. Olinl (Tiger) Teague. He from Texas A&M in 1959witli| degree in journalism. STUDY IN FRANCE Earn up to 36 hours for 1 year at University of Strasborg. Open to majors in all fields, junior stand ing. Sophomore French or equi valent. Inquire: U. of Houston French Dept., Houston, Tx 77004. (713) 749-3480. TTexias JS'T'A'te: o GO FOR fTP- ^ i McNeil c Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired % 216 N. MAIN BRYAN 822-6105 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 8 a.m.-l p.m. Sat. Storage Space FOR RENT Secure • Well Lighted Various Sizes • Behind U-RENT-M In College Station The Storage Station 693-0551 B While Jir agan deb it, canc ed their \ lates Fot ague of \ wnty. ie Fort 7:30 p.m. al lerated ithy Leab landidat jjthree mil then re itted by n :er respoi iws, they mite clos pproxin didates 1 e, Bra: mnty Co iree, and Fpur and S< ms and p Headlini; fo: AUTO INSURANCE. FOR AGGIES: f] Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 13400 S. College 823-8051 Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where .satisfaction is standard equipment' 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 ing that on moralit ship. He supporting ing that he over $2000 o-abortio Capertoi |hat he wa: to handle 1 |tion than v When a igislation troduce ar first year c ihool teac of concern McNeil ing these p fall profits Ski Purgatory 1 ^ AIRFARE-HOTEL-RENTALCAR Wi Adventure Tours U.S.A. American Fbssenger Travel Agency Culpepper Plaza College Station, Texas 693-2689 MMSC AGGIE *Spe Mu *Sel< Jew *Ge] Sw: *De< Act 809 e "THE MAGIC FLUTE'' WEDNESDAY OCT. 29 7:30P.M. RUDDER THEATRE RATED G ADVANCE TICKETS] AVAILABLE 1