The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 27, 1980, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION MONDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1980 China cities hide tunnels United Press International PE KING—They were built at the height of the Cold War to save China’s urban population from the devastation of a Soviet nuclear attack. For years, millions of shop assistants, garage mechanics and even old-age pensioners hacked at the earth with picks and shovels and even their bare hands. The result was the creation of vast underground tunnel complexes, virtual cities beneath cities. Now these complexes are being transformed into commer cial enterprises. Many of China’s major cities have tunnel complexes under neath their busy streets. The capital of Peking has the largest and has taken the lead in turning it into a money-earner with hotels, shops, restaurants and even theaters. In recent months, 58 shelters have been converted into hotels to provide an extra 6,000 beds for visitors in a capital hard pressed for accommodation. The Hilton it isn’t, but for the equivalent of $1 a night, guests receive a iron bed (six to a room), running water, toilets (Western or Asian style) and central heating — facilities not always available in many of Peking’s above-ground hostelries. Several underground restaurants have opened. Other kitch ens provide food for overhead factories. Miles of tunnels are leased as storage space for shops. And thousands of people crowd nightly into spacious meeting rooms converted into cinemas and theaters. The tunnel complexes are even becoming tourist attrac- “XVe can get 10,000people into the tunnels in five minutes in case of an airraid. And they can stay down here for several months. ” tions. Republican Vice Presidential candidate George Bush recently took time out from talks with Chinese officials to walk through the dank corridors. Western military experts always have doubted the tunnels could survive massive Soviet air strikes, but the Chinese are proud of them and to a visitor the vast network of interlocking passageways is impressive. High-ranking visitors in their luxurious guesthouses can scurry into the tunnels from hundreds of entrances in a matter of minutes as can tourists in the downtown Peking Hotel or workers in their local factories. The tunnel complex in the central Da Sha Lai district is typical of the citywide system. At the press of a button, an entire section of the concrete floor of the busy Da Sha Lai clothing shop rolls back to reveal a tunnel entrance. Shoppers gawk as a group of tourists pad down underground. “In this one area alone of around 200 yards there are 90 similar entrances,” says Gao Si Feng, the area air raid director who also doubles these days as a tourist guide. “We can get 10,000 people into the tunnels in five minutes in case of an air raid. And they can stay down here for several months or walk through a system of inter-connecting tunnels and reach the countryside outside Peking.” This section of tunnel is on three levels, divided by airtight doors and concealed stairways. The tunnels are equipped with electric light, fresh air generators, toilets, kitchens and even books. The walls inevitably are lined with the sayings of the late Mao Tse-tung: “Dig tunnels deep. Store grain everywhere.” It took thousands of shop assistants from the district 10 years to build this particular section. Many used their bare hands, others picks and shovels. “We didn’t know how to build tunnels,” Gao said. “We had a lot of accidents, but few fatal ones. But there were frequent cave-ins. It took 10 laborers one day to tunnel two feet. ” Another Mao quote reads: “Preparation is better than no preparation at all. At least we can reduce the casualties.” The Chinese are convinced that one day the Russian bom bers will come and the tunnels will be put to their original use. Gao said. “We have to keep the tunnels ready for that day,’ “It will come.” Monday Night Madness Sit back and enjoy the evening with a hot, delicious pizza delivered right to your door in 30 minutes or less! Monday Night Madness Special A Hot 16" Ham, Onion and Mushroom Pizza With Two 32 oz. Pepsi ... only $ 7 50 - Fast... Hot... Free Delivery! Offer Good Monday, Oct. 27 Only 846-7785 For years to come, your wedding ring will be a quiet reminder of your hves together «o choose carefully choose Orange Blossom Only Orange Bloseom otters you so much choice lor the money Make your dreams come true with Orange Blossom Orange Blossom diamond engageme rings are fuBy warranted lor one year after purchase & MANOR EAST MALL M-F 10 AM-8:30 PM SAT 10 AM-8 PM c Liqdsey's JEWELERS We’ve Got THE TOUCH! See what’s in thursday’s Artist at work Pam Richter, a junior from College Station, spends a littled her spare time in MSC Craft Shop working on pottery. Tk Craft Shop is open to all students and offers a wide varietyol craft activities. Doctors worried of risks Caesareans overused? Brian ach cal 3von the < vision IJniversi Texas Su “Whei can play loach D time afte all over tl for winm Joelsoi ating ( omce or Traffic Safety E-Systems continues the tradition of the world’s great problem solvers. - United Press International WASHINGTON — Caesarean births have tripled during the past decade and now account for an esti mated 18 of every 100 deliveries in the United States, prompting con cern among many doctors that the surgical procedure may be overused. Although the safety of the opera tion in which the baby is removed through an incision has improved greatly in recent years, it still carries four times the risk of maternal death of a normal vaginal delivery. The rise in Caesarean births has been accompanied by a dechne in overall infant mortality in recent years. But a National Institute of Health committee noted that many other changes in obstetric and pediatric care also have occurred. “The largest, single concern is, however, whether Caesarean child birth improves the outcome for either mother or child,” said the panel directed by Dr. Mortimer G. Rosen of Case Western Reserve Uni versity in Cleveland. The four most common reasons for a Caesarean delivery are when there is a prolonged or difficult period of labor, a previous Caesa rean birth, a breech presentation in which the baby is positioned for a feet first rather than a head first delivery and when there are indica tions the baby is being deprived of oxygen. The committee said that there are some emergency situations in which a Caesarean delivery is mandatory, but it urged physicians to reconsider many of the reasons for which Caesa rean sections are carried out. Perhaps the most significant of all the panel’s conclusions issued in new guidelines for doctors was one saying Recognized with Archimedes and Newton as one of the three greatest mathematicians, Karl Gauss also pioneered math in astronomy, gravitation, elec tricity and magnetism. E-Systems engineers are continuing in his foot steps today. They are pioneering technology and solving some of the world’s toughest problems in electronic transmission and signal-reception in an interference and noise background using basic Gaussian concepts. E-Systems “pioneer ing” in communications, data, antenna, intelligence and reconnaissance proj ects results in systems that are often the first-of-a-kind in the world. For a reprint of the Gauss illustration and information on career op portunities with E-Systems in Texas, Florida, Indi ana, Utah or Virginia, write: Lloyd K. Lauderdale, V.P.— Research and Engineering, E-Systems, Corporate Headquarters, P.O. Box 226030, Dallas, Texas 75266. E-SYSTEMS The problem solvers. An equal opportunity employer M/F. H, V 6-2 Satur women who have had a Caesanphoff of r before do not necessarily have loffnatch 5- liver all their children that way, B Yet, tl It has been standard precede; point of since the early 1900’s for doctaHvith thre say that once a baby has beentfterfinals vered by Caesarean section, aii Brian Jo sequent deliveries must bfll Caesarean. This was to avoidihefM^ of a rupture during labor at thei JL C A site on the uterus from the preife -p ( operation. t ^ e The panel said more than 98; ja- g at cent of all women undergo a rtf ^ e f ie ]j Caesarean for subsequent prep Straight - cies. | Texcis A low horizontal uterine inciss *' ^ now in general use compared to a 2; vertical cut that used to be stanp|^ an se< The panel said studies haver ha cated that labor and vaginal dei? - 5 after a previous Caesarean use. j^iddg ] low crosswise incision is safe jj.qj g f mother and child in selected c ' and well equipped hospitals. In cases of difficult or prolon labor, as long as the baby is t trouble, the guidelines recon® that doctors attempt other measj to ease the situation before resoif to a Caesarean delivery. As far as breech babies areo I cerned, the panel noted thatbis r presentations are associated will increased risk to the infant ref less of whether delivery is perfon vaginally or by Caesarean. The new guidelines say vagiwll livery of a breech baby main an acceptable choice whe»: baby is believed to weigh less (In pounds and all other conditions normal. The panel said more informal needed on delivery outcomeij babies facing oxygen depriv: The experts said there is still a} deal of difficulty in determii which babies are encounterinf ygen problems which can ci brain damage. There’s a spirit in the woods! OUR GREENVILLE DIVISION WILL BE INTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS NOVEMBER 4. Come shop with the spirit of excitement at Woodstone Commerce Center. Find the un usual ... the extraordinary ... the remarkable. Woodstone Commerce Center has lots of spe cialty stores so you can shop with pizzazz. And Woodstone is a natural meeting place with restaurants, shaded walks and luscious courtyards. Come spend the day with the spirit in the woods. The spirit of good things at Woodstone Commerce Center. p.j Syst WOODSTONE commerce center Hwy 30 (Harvey Road) in College Station