The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1980, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1980 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED DOMINO S PIZZA Now hiring phone and counter help. Apply Domino’s 1504 Holleman. 1 ELECTRIC PARTS COUNTER SALES PERSON for part time and full time. Call 822-4862. 2211 NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS 3.50/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips. Must have own car and insurance. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F at 319 Patricia 846-7785 WAITERS, WAITRESSES, COOKS WANTED Part-time and full-time for night (5 pm. - 10 pm.) or weekend. Contact Carlson’s Restaurant 2712 S. Texas Ave. Bryan 32r4 Now Accepting Applications for day and evening employment. Apply in person only. SCHLOTZSKY’S 100 S. Texas Ave. between 2-5 p.m. 1215 FULL OR PART TIME HELP NEEDED Will schedule around school hours. 3301 Texas Ave. 846-0853 son WAITRESSES, BARTENDERS, BARBACK AND HOSTESS. Call for appointment. 846-9940 or come by THE RED BULL 3606 S. College Ave. 28 ‘Good working conditions ‘Friendly atmosphere TEXAS MOON TAVERN ‘Flexible hours ‘No exp. necessary Part time and full time shifts for: Cooks, waitpersons, and kitchen help. Days — Nights — Weekends Call 846-2322 Come by Dixie Chicken Office 10-11am or 12-3pm Monday through Friday DOMESTIC SERVICES Clean homes with other students. Very flexible hours. 693-1954 $3.50/hour + mileage. Judy Smeins Libby Vastano 1 13 CO b 5« Z N ON O Q. Now hiring Delivery Personnel Must have own car and insurance. $3.50/hour plus commission and tips. Apply Domino’s Pizza 1504 Holleman or 4407 Texas Ave. after 4:30 p.m. r3C BARBECUE #3 0 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time L Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 *cr w-w- nw—■ rxxr CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WITH MEAD OFFICE SYSTEMS The Mead Corporation is an international forest product company headquartered in Dayton, Ohio. Mead serves nine major market areas. Among these areas are the publishing, printing, school and home, and energy industries. Mead Office Systems is Mead Corporation’s newest division. It was specifically formed to take full advantage of Mead's leadership position in array ink jet printing technologies. Mead Office Systems’ business charter includes an integrated series of products aimed at the reprographics industry. These products will employ the current state-of-the-art in ink jet printing systems. A total divisional headquarters, adding full manufacturing and marketing operations to the engineering development, will be permanently located in the North Dallas area. Salaries are open with liberal Mead benefits. The environment is stimulating, advancement paths for the right people. highly professional, and offers a great many PERMANENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: BS, MS or PhD in Electrical Engineering. 0-3 years experience with skills in microprocessor design and memory systems. Starting date: as soon as available. Will be responsible for developing digital logic design, testing of systems. Orientation will consist of on-the-job training. MECHANICAL ENGINEER: BS, MS or PhD in Mechanical Engineering. 0-3 years experience with emphasis on machine design and analysis. Starting date: as soon as available. Responsible for product designing and developing of hardware and mechanisms for office products. Analyze static and dynamic factors related to machine design. Orientation will consist of on-the-job training. Now taking applications for part time salesman and outside computer salesman. APPLY NOW. Radio Shack. Culpepper Plaza. 28tfh IHOP is now accepting applications for all shifts. Apply in person. 103 S. College. 3tfh EARN UP TO $3.80/HR. TEAM ULEAmivo homes and offices during flexible daytime hours. HOME CARE SERVICES. 846- 1905. 26tfn Waitress needed for best Mexican Restaurant in town. Good pay, good tips. Day shift. Los Nortenos Cafe. 779-7337. 201 S. Main, Bryan. 34t5 FOR SALE Brand new open-arm sewing machine and accessories. Gift-never been used. $100. Dana 696-0379. 3411 Waitresses and bar people needed immediate ly at YESTERDAYS. Apply 12 noon - 4:00 pm. 4421 S. Texas 846-2625. 34t2 2 Senior Ticket Books. 846-9365. 3412 WANTED —' The wek • OLD MINE cur DIAMONDS • OLD EUROPEAN CUT DIAMONDS • CHIPPED OR BROKEN DIAMONDS • ANY GEMSTONES OVER ONE til; • ESTATE JEWELRY COLLECTIONS Immediate Cash Paid!! Call today or ship yourstat registered-insured mailfou mediate offer. Mail to: diamond brokers inicrnate; Box 903 College Station 713-693-1647 - PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. iffn Peugot women’s 10-speed bike. $110. 822- 3293. 3413 Guaranteed used Appliances. Refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers. $100 and up. Can deliver. 775-5054. 1603 Cavitt. 3415 ’76 Olds 88 Royale - clean, exc. condition - Call 272-8018, after five 846-3977. 34t5 Senior Boots for sale. Size 9 Vi. Asking $265. Excellent condition. 33t5 FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary S3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6Hn Must Sell! 1973 Datsun 610 4-dr. $600. Call 696-2810. 33«3 1971 Maverick, air, 76,000 miles, runs great. Asking $600. Call 696-3295. 33tl0 Make fun of AGGIE JOKE TELLERS with Aggie Rebuttal Cards! 6 different Business- Card size - $1.25. 3 different Post-Card size - $1.00. CELCO. Box 1597-A, Richardson. Tex. 75080. 33t5 PREGNANCY TERMINATIONS): Free Pregnancy Tesi Confidential Counse (214) 369-52111* you to al Comers Church 846-381 Fre 9 R< LAJUUI North Central | Women’s Center | Dallas, Texas 75243| ■ ’76 KH 500 Motorcycle. Only 2000 miles. Outstanding condition. 696-2645. 33t3 Moving-must sell Women's 10-speed. New. $90. Wendy 845-1827. 30t5 AUTO INSURANCE g FOR AGGIES: ' Call: George Webb | Farmers Insurance Groti:® | 3400 S. College 82J« 1980 Honda 750K 836 miles. Transferred to Alaska. 2,350. 846-2534. 32t5 CHANELLO’S DELIVERYMEN $3.50/hour plus tips and commission and PHONEPERSONS $3.35/hour. Flexible hours. Apply In person. 301 Patricia 1974 500cc Kawasaki, Gibson SG Guitar, and Fender Amplifier. 822-2191. 32r4 1980 Roadmaster moped, under warranty, $250, 846-2661. 34t5 Storage Space FOR RENT Secure • Well Lighted Various Sizes • Behind U-RENT-M in College SUUon The Storage Station 693-0551 FOR SALE $100.00 down, 5 acres, College Station area. COUNTRY LAND CO. 713/468-8501 : needs full or part-time male or female help. Day or night. Apply in person. 201 Dominik APARTMENT 1-BEDROOM Furnished, 10 minute walk Campus, bus, pool, laundry mats, dish washer, central air. $270, utilities paid. 4302 College Main #570 846-9758 after 6 pm. 33ts UI'W Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "YV here satisfaction ii statu la rri eq uipmeni 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 THE ELECTRIC COWBOY now hiring WAITRESSES Apply in person 10-2 846-2277 313 S. College in Skaggs Shopping Center 30t5 CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING CRUNCH? For less than $10,000 invested now, I can solve your housing prob lems for many years to come. 65 X 12 luxury, 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home with manufacturer’s exten sion making the living room 19X21. Fully equipped, but no furniture. House currently located in Temple, TX. I’ll split the moving costs with buyer. Also will finance. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY 775-0345 3313 JOB OPPORTUNITIES H LAB TECHNICIAN NEEdI For clinic in Navasota. Training or experience In Clinical Pathology required Car pooling available. Good salary. Call Pat 1-825-6444 Ext. 204. i SERVICES Typing!! Reports, dissertations, el THE DOUBLE. 331 Universih 846-3755. Typing. Professional, neat, fast. Etp*' scientific papers. 846-2814. ROOMMATE WANTED Male roommate needed to share 1-bdrm apartment. $135/month. On shuttle bus route. 696-7965. 33t5 Professional Typing. 779-2683. Typing, symbols. Notary Public. 823-^. FOR RENT Expert Typing. Gloria. 693-8286. Furnished apartment for boys only. $100. Call 846-5132 after 7pm. lltfh PART TIME HELP WANTED Neighborhood convenience store. Evenings and weekends. $3.25/hour 693-8733 28tfn WANTED Need three non-student football tickets to any home game. Call 846-2908. 32t7 “T! Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY CASH FOR OLD GOLD ! Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St;, Bryan t 846-4708 |Hbfrk Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. dge Sales and Service Sincejj LOST Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $3.25/hr. Apply in person between 9:30 ~ a.m.-11:00 a.m. Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. tttn Two Head-pro Tennis racquets- last Thursday. Please call 775-3784. REWARD. 34t2 UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. Awake or Asleep. Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-8OO-442-4076ir Man’s wedding band inscribed with “Cem to Jeb” 5-31-80. REWARD: 693-7045. 32t5 MINIATURE COLLIE (SHELTIE) SABLE AND WHITE. LAST SEEN MANOR EAST MALL. REWARD. 693-1732 or 693-1584. 28t23 TPFT TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your; als, dissertations or theses ofl WORD PROCESSOR. $ service. Reasonable rates. B/CS 209 University Easl 846-5794 FREE KITTENS to a good home. Please call after 5 pm. 693-6568. 33t5 RULXXJ OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE MATERIALS ENGINEER: BS, MS or PhD in Materials Science or Chemistry. Starting date: as soon as available. Individual with a Materials Science degree would be involved in amorphorous materials compositions and formulations. Individual with a Chemistry degree would be involved in material analysis or material formulation/ink chemistry. Orientation will consist of on-the-job training. SOFTWARE ENGINEER: BS or MS, Computer Science or Electrical Engineering with Software emphasis. 0-3 years experience in any major mini-micro computer product. Starting date: as soon as available. Responsibilities include analyzing, flow charting, coding and testing a software program module as defined in a set of requirements/specifications documents. Orientation will consist of on-the-job training. OCTOBER 27 Interviewing on Campus [Contact Placement Office] (Tfeod OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE English Proficiency Examination ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science must take the English, Proficiency Examination on Wednesday, October 22, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula.... Room 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula Room 231 CHEM j MATH Department Curricula Room 101 Milner I PHYSICS Department Curricula.... Room 301 PHYS «STUDENTS —PROf J Card Keypunch done fast and efficiently. H 779-9602. SPECIAL NOTICE ^ OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. SOUTH TEXAS ESCORT SERVICE Escorts available for women All inquiries confidential and welcomed. Call Denise 846-0722 4-8 pm. In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in accept able English. This requirement may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina tion in English composition (ERE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. 1307 Glenville Dr., Richardson, Texas 75081 [214] 699-1500 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/H. ANY STUDENT WHO FAILS THE WRITTEN EXAMINA TION (ERE) MUST SATISFY THE ENGLISH PROFICIEN CY Requirement by taking English 301 and EARNING A MINIMUM GRADE OF “C”. ,0: ■ s*.:. WEIGHT WATCHERS wishes f skinny new year and would like to you how you can dine excitingly 1 you lose weight. College Station i meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran dent Center, 315 N. College Main further information call 822-7303. ■&Q'oe>ocxpooogg For information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the departmental secretary. Sei