Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1980)
Z/\AIS^$>»S'U UJL, ViXl/ ,<^3A^y \^^>\^^^>\A \A PI oBed Midwest Community QKPRC e e OKBTX o 0 ©KCEN o 0 QKTBC o © KUHT 0 0 ODKHOU CD CD ©KTRK CD CD © KAMI) CD © ©KVUE o 0 ©KTW o o ©KHTV © © HBO o A:00 News News News News Untamed CBS News News MacNeil News News Wonder Monsters, U 5 " World '* Lehrer Woman Madmen & O 30 Hollywood Family TicTac P.M. MacNeil PM Family News Happy Days TicTac Machines V:45 Squares Feud Dough Magazine Lehrer Magazine Feud Again Dough ■TOO World Eight Is World Fat Albert The Fat Albert Eight Is Great Eight Is World Rockford Movie: / 15 Series Enough Series Halloween Ascent Halloween Enough Performances Enough Series Files "You 1 :30 (Tentative) (Tentative) Magic Of Man Magic "Live From (Tentative) Only 1 :45 Dragon Dragon Lincoln Live ft :0 ° Charlie's CBS Movie: Great CBS Movie: Charlie's Center” Charlie's Movie: Twice" A 15 Angels "Pleasure Performance "Pleasure Angels Angels "Son Of A 30 Palace" "Live From Palace” " Julie Paleface" :45 Lincoln " Haris " " " A :0 ° Vega$ Center" Vega$ Dont’ Vega$ HBO Sneak U :15 " " Forget " Preview *1:30 Julie " The " The Beach V:45 " Harris " Khmer Boys In 1 A :0 ° News News News News Dick News News News News News News Concert I (I 15 Cavett " " ** If 30 Best Of ABC News Best Of Carol Burnett Evening At Campaign ABC News Dick ABC News Best Of Benny Movie: X V:45 Carson Love Carson & Friends Symphony Countdown Bonanza Cavett Love Carson Hill "The 1 1 :0 ° Boat •• Campaign CBS Movie MacNeil Boat •• Kojak Deer • I :15 Countdown "The Man Lehrer Hunter" I :30 Tomorrow Tomorrow Late Movie: To Be Who Would " Tomorow X X :45 Police "Riffraff" Announced Be King” Love Police 121 Woman Boat Pol. Woman Woman *■ Thriller EVENING 6:00 HBO MONSTERS, MADMEN AND MACHINES: 80 YEARS OF SCIENCE FICTION Gil Gerard hosts a wide-ranging look at the elements which have made science fiction one of the most durable genres in the world of motion pictures. 7:00 O ffl THE FAT ALBERT HAL LOWEEN SPECIAL Fat Albert and his pals plot their "creepi est, baddest, scariest” Hallow een ever. (R) Outstanding . Movie Ratings . •kirk'k Excellent. . . Very Good . . . . ★★★ Good . . ★★ 1 /z Not Bad . . . . . . ★★ Fair . . . .★V4 Poor ...... ★ 7:30 O 0 PUFF THE MAGIC DRA GON IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING LIES Puff helps a little girl caught in the confused web of her own imagination learn the difference between harm less fantasy and damaging lies. (R) 8:30© ADVENTURES IN ART WITH JULIE HARRIS Actress and art lover Julie Harris guides viewers on a tour of the Nation al Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.(R) 9:00 0 Q @0 THE 1970S: AN EXPLOSION OF COUNTRY MUSIC Top stars in the coun try-western music world includ ing Glen Campbell, Johnny Cash, Roy Clark, Barbara Man- drell and Dolly Parton appear in a special performance from Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. (R) (Note: May be preempted by the seventh game of the World Series) © DON’T FORGET THE KHMER Filmed on location at a refugee camp in Thailand, this documentary focuses on the plight of the Cambodian people -- the violence they have been subjected to and the uncertain ties that the future holds for them. HBO HBO SNEAK PREVIEW Husband-and-wife comics Jer ry Stiller and Anne Meara intro duce the movies, specials and sports events coming to Home Box Office in November. '4 9:30 0 ADVENTURES IN ART WITH JULIE HARRIS Actress and art lover Julie Harris guides viewers on a tour of the Nation al Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. (R) HBO THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The pop music group, which has spanned nearly two decades with tunes of romance and fun in the Cali fornia sun, performs such clas sics as “California Girls” and "Surfin’ U.S.A.” AFTERNOON 1:30 ©THE ATHLETES EVENING 7:00 0QgQ WORLD SERIES Li coverage of the seventh garr if necessary, of the Woi Series from the city of t National League champion. AFTERNOON 3:00 © ★★ “The Deadly Trackers” (1973) Richard Harris, Rod Tay lor. The tranquil life of a peace ful sheriff is shattered when his wife is killed and his son taken hostage by a crazed bandit. 4:00 HBO "Head Over Heels” (1979) John Heard, Mary Beth Hurt. A young man falls deeply in love with a woman having marital problems and goes to incredi ble lengths to win her heart. (PG-1 hr., 38 min.) EVENING 7:00 HBO “You Only Live Twice” (1967) Sean Connery, Donald Pleasence. Secret agent James Bond travels to the Orient to learn who is behind the hijack ings of American and Russian space capsules while they are still in orbit. (PG-1 hr., 57 min.) 8:00 0 © “Pleasure Palace” (Premiere) Omar Sharif, Victo ria Principal. A high stakes womanizer and gambler agrees to help a female casino owner who faces losing her business to the syndicate because of financial trouble. © ★★Vz “Son Of Paleface" (1952) Bob Hope, Jane Russell. After inheriting a large pile of debts, an Easterner marries a wealthy Western girl. 10:30 HBO “The Deer Hunter” (1978) Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep. Three close, carefree friends from a small Pennsylvania steel town are changed forever by experiencing the terrors of war when they are drafted and sent to Vietnam. (R-3 hrs., 3 min.) 11:00® ★★’/z “The Man Who Would Be King” (1976) Sean Connery, Michael Caine. Two daredevil adventurers set themselves up as rulers of a primitive Asian country. (R) 11:300 ★★ “Riffraff” (1935) Spen cer Tracy, Jean Harlow. A gruff fisherman is forced to work alongside an equally tough young lady in a tuna factory. I £ Hi * ! I Nl VI * IS) I 1 < T/DQ/E S/MD/U.S -if 3ME.2<1 7H ST. T'Shirts FM* Reg. $soo-$7.oo EHiJ $2SO - $3. so