The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1980, Image 3

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Mideast accords n result of 'courageous acts , sayslsraelidiplomat
jPeace progress beyond Israel’s expectation
Battalion Reporter
The unbelievable is now happen
ing in the Middle East, Israeli diplo
mat Tzion Evrony said Wednesday
Evrony told 35 people gathered in
the Hillel Foundation student center
on Jersey Street that the peace pro
cess in the Middle East has suc
ceeded beyond Israel s expectations.
Evrony, 31, has been Vice-Consul
in the Consulate General of Israel to
the Southwest, based in Houston,
for two years. He has also served as
Assistant for United Nations Affairs
in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
“What was just a piece of paper is
now real peace,” he said. “There’s an
open border and exchanges of goods,
students, scientists and tourists.”
Evrony said the sale of Israeli beer
and newspapers in Cairo is one sign
of peace progress.
He said the success of the Camp
David peace agreement is due to
great sacrifices. “Israel’s most pain-
ful sacrifice was handing over the
rich Alma oil fields.”
Those oil fields supplied 25 per
cent of Israel’s oil consumption and
had the potential to provide 100 per
cent, he said. “Now Israel will buy
oil from Egypt for $2.2 billion this
year. ”
Evrony said Egypt’s sacrifice was
President Anwar Sadat’s
“courageous act” to end 30 years of
hostility by visiting Israel and
agreeing to begin negotiations.
“It’s good news that Israel and
Egypt stand today as islands of stabil
ity continuing their peace negotia
tions,” he said. Those negotiations
resumed in Washington on Tuesday.
Evrony said the concessions sug
gested by Israel this week regarding
the deployment of Israeli military
forces on the West Bank and a pro
cess of allowing settlers there to de
termine their own fate, are sur
He said, however, that while
Israel is willing to make concessions
for peace, that nation has no inten
tion of committing national suicide.
The United States needs to support
Israel, he said, in order to protect
vital interests in the Middle East.
Evrony, who was in College Sta
tion this week for the first time, said
the width of the Israeli nation is shor
ter than Texas Avenue.
“It takes less than one hour for a
Soviet tank to cross Israel,” he said.
Picks chief
The Bryan-College Station Cham
ber of Commerce has elected Swit
zer Deason president in 1981.
Deason, 39, moved to Bryan in
June 1976 and bought Central Texas
Hardware. Prior to the move to
Bryan, he had served as chief finan
cial officer for a manufacturing com
pany in Ohio.
He is currently serving on the
Bryan civil service commission, the
traffic commission, the hospital
board and is a member of the Rotary
e irratii
a], only
ire gradi
le studei
, on W
pnator fc-
StafT photo by Jeff Kerber
Tzion Evrony
If you like more on your pizza,
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Drill team ‘fish’
for spring h
If there ever was any truth to the
saying “practice makes perfect, ” the
Texas A&M University Freshman
Drill Team is already well on their
Donning fatigues, helmet liners
and combat boots, the 72 freshmen
on this year’s team drill Monday
through Thursday afternoons on a
vacant parking lot behind Kyle
Field. The hour-and-a-half practice
session entails drill under the direc
tion of 10 upperclassmen advisors,
all who were members their fresh
man year.
The sweat which beads the cadets’
brows may merely confirm an obser
ver’s belief that this is some kind of
strange self-inflicted punishment.
But obviously, the 72 freshmen
disagree since they voluntarily chose
to be a part of the FDT which is open
to any cadet regardless of prior drill
experience — or lack of it.
Perhaps one clue to what drives
these freshmen, whom junior advis
er Terry Duran calls “highly moti
vated individuals,” lies in the drill
team’s history of success.
Established in 1947 by Maj. Cal
vin Reese, the drill team was origin
ally created to provide an activity for
^ freshmen since they had been rele
gated to the university annex at the
old Bryan Army Air Base to avoid
P upperclassmen’s hazing. The fresh
man soon proved themselves to be
championship material in a long run
* of trophy gathering, culminating in a
five-year string of national cham-
. -jpionships from 1968 to 1972. The
idem 1 Washington D.C. competition was
p netf; ended in 1974.
0, this* Winning the championship is
refaiW quite an accomplishment, Duran
ct the'#: said, considering freshman drill
red to i" 5 teams are rare.
ssiontl# * “Usually our team is up against
. [jjj; upperclassmen. There are very few
. aJ freshmen on any of the other teams.
id SO j tpjjg on jy ma j or freshman drill
' ter n team is the Air Force Academy,”
pus. Duran said.
t on, t 11 After capturing the national chain-
conti# pionship five consecutive years, the
ve ry sot drill team continued to be a winner,
,s t diS!f by being declared the Texas state
. ggj eS i« "champion in six of the last eight years
® with 1979 being the most recent
1 a meet at Tulane University in
stin and College Station, however,
will the FDT compete with other
Texas drill teams for state champion.
At all three competitions, military
personnel will judge each team in
three categories: inspection, a basic
drill sequence required of each team
and fancy drill. The team receiving
the highest scores in two of the three
competitions wins the state cham
pionship, Duran said.
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—c? .ilj- Ncw Orleans during the spring Mar-
ff di Gras festivities will kick off com-
petition for the FDT this year. Drill
teams nationwide will be competing
, there as well as at a meet in
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