The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1980, Image 10
Page 10 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1980 EASEAS PIZZA SPAGHETTI LASAGNA WATCH THE WORLD SERIES Philadelphia Phillies vs. Kansas City Royals on our GIANT iS 60" SCREEN PITCHERS OF 807 Texas Ave. 696-3380 DIETING? w during the game, come early & get a good seat. "TImh-c's No Pizza Like A Pasta's Pizza I Wc guarantee It I" Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctors orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. vw-WMTADS OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST SY-66SP1 K _ I C3 'gJ-wSjgS \M FISHER oisnrao ooiiog III! O Belt Drive Single or Multi-play Turntable Stereo Receiver You can’t get any better than Onkyo, and the new 27-watt per channel TX-2000 has a Servo- Locked FM section that holds your station drift-free. The Onkyo CP-1010 belt-drive turntable has auto-return. Empire 200-E cartridge is included. Fisher GS-133 speakers are the perfect match for this fine system. Three-way design that handles 50 watts. Get it all at this special system price! You can’t get any better than Onkyo! 45 watts per channel, Servo Locked tuner, and power output meters plus the clean Onkyo sound. ONKYO *329 Dual’s Ultra-Low Mass tonearm and cartridge lets you actually hear music you’ve been missing before! Model 1257 can be used as single or multi-play turntable COMPLETE *199 *599 © <J>' <U> <® O IIII |C* C* 5: Direct Drive Cassette Deluxe Stereo Receiver Feel the TA-2050’s solenoid controls and you’ll feel quality. Front bias control, metal capability. ZSilESS '6 « ocs <3 d ^1) AKAI Nikko Audio GENESIS Full 36 watts per channel and Nikko’s exclusive circuit breaker protection very briefly describe the NR-719 receiver. 3-year warranty. Semi-automatic belt-drive Akai AP-B20 turntable with Empire 200-E cartridge. The Genesis 2 speakers employ a passive radiator for rich-sounding bass at all volumes. Lifetime warranty to original owner. *699 *299 Full 70 watts per channel, power meters, twin tape monitors with dubbing, exclusive circuit breaker protection and 3-year transferable warranty. Nikko Audio *349 Mini size Deluxe AM-FM Cassette Auto-reverse, digital radio, electronic buttons, signal seeking, and mini-chassis for small cars. Digital AM-FM Cassette The Sony XR-50 looks as good as it sounds! Digital radio, plays metal tapes, Music Sensor finds the open spaces between songs. No more than 1% THD. Phono Cartridge 0 Clarion *449 V, SONY mm *279 Make every record you own sound better with the Empire 200-E cartridge. Fits any standard tonearm. ^ ' Metal Cassette Top performance on a budget with Nikko ND-590. Dolby NR* and metal capable. £& *199 rmoaK* !>«. 65 watt per channel Onkyo TX-5000 stereo receiver with digital readout. Super Quartz-Locked tuner, power meters, and the sound you’ve come to expect from Onkyo. New semi-automatic direct drive CP- 1015 Onkyo Turntable with straightline tonearm and Ortofon cartridge. Brand new Altec-Lansing Model 8 loudspeakers bring the brilliance to your ears without the harshness of lesser-quality speakers. Tough to find a better system regardless of price! Blank Cassettes Ultrachrome was proved equal to metal tapes but you can use them on your standard deck. v? $599 Mobile Fidelity Original Master Recordings Through a unique half-speed mastering process. Mobile Fidelity transforms the artists’ original master tape into a thrilling “live” performance. “Pint Under the Wire” by the Little River Bend “Night Movee” by Bob Seger end the Sliver Bullet Bend “Chempegne Jem" by Atlente Rhythm Section “ejm” by Steely Den “Totally Hot” by Olivia Newton-John “Thankful” by Natalie Cole Your Choice *16 95 Graphic Equalizer Make your good stereo a super one with the EQ-1 equalizer by Nikko. Full 12-bands for more tonal control. Nikko Audto *249 \ AtfMMMBiaajniaBlriMMiMl 2-way Box Type ___ Speakers Visonik 5000’s for big sound where there’s no room to cut big holes. Perfect for the office too. Brackets extra. VISONIK *109 V RKO TAPE CORP. W J ^HOICO | ^ iil k V I li —— V ' 1111 1 r i; n jb $ 1399 V emmmm • 3601 E. 29th St. 846-1768 s. „ — 1 1 J r wm ^ dyer All power ratings minimum RMS both channels drivers into a ohms Iron* 20 io Zd.oOOHi. _ r .-'v ^ i Arabs send cash Na to West for safety^ United Press International „ t -A. i kit BEIRUT, Lebanon — Worried about the Iran-Iraq war i tain about the future of their own countries. Gulf Arabs are ; their money to the West by the billions to protect it from the haunting their region. Beirut bankers say there has been a steady outflow of dollars for Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates sinafo fell of the Shah of Iran in December 1978. | CINCH The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Mecca Mosque sWtjjjjjng 0 i in Saudi Arabia turned that steady stream into a flood, crestajtgjgyjsjon September with the Iran-Iraq war. ^ _j ea f c Today, the newly rich Gulf is exporting its money to Europet,k en turn* America almost as fast as its oil. ' jlmes F Bankers estimate the total near half a billion dollars since the »tjj e WCP Amazingly enough, part of it is ending up in Lebanon, sent thert^ujlding, Palestinians and Lebanese working in the oil states who have lostfoyas dead in the future viability of their paymasters. vas set fo: The nationals in the Gulf, although they moved most of their fo “fve be money out last year, have been active too. ie ^d in ; Several banking reports indicated Gulf Arabs have made heavy^ fee day. purchases — for delivery — since the outset of the fighting, tfrlfriend Sending one’s money abroad for security became popular in theC.’here is n after the 1975-76 Lebanese civil war. ’mrgone.’ “The Gulf Arabs always used to vacation in Lebanon," said Anti® Police f< Asseily, director of Beirut’s J. Henry Schroder and Co. SAL invtjoer nun v ment bank. "When the war struck Lebanon, once thoughtofasamaichool, de of stability, they realized it could happen to them, too.” hey woul< The next, and biggest, crunch came between the overthrowof-joor Over shah and the Mecca incident in November 1979, when an estimatedi In hour- billion Saudi riyals, almost $5 billion, was sent West by indivnaid he ex Saudis within three weeks. Another $3 billion was reported tobriend but fled Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates during the to^terview, tuous 12 months of 1979. iad once : “Most of the money went to Europe and the United States," said B “We ph Elias Saba, a former Lebanese finance minister and now a pnrThis whoi consultant. “About 70 percent of it has remained in liquid depoinan’t say ii CDs (certificates of deposit) and bonds, and about 30 percent hasp Hoskins into equity.” /ith five V Despite the U.S. freeze on Iranian assets, which sent a shivenk the spines of Arab money-men, America still is viewed as thesa«^>- haven in these troubled times. ,'{^8 4^ “The Arabs see it as the last great bastion of capitalism,” said Asstiii^ J “If it goes, nowhere will be safe.” The outflow of capital from the Gulf to the West has been facilto? Un by the diffusion of modern banking practicies throughout these ner BOSTC created states. Whereas 15 years ago only the top of the finrfennedy pyramid was aquainted with Western banking practices, or for iPresiden matter paper money, today everyone keeps his cash in a bank tir-used the instantaneously to the world financial centers. every gn There is little governments can do, or trys to do, to stem ixninimum private export of dollars. Whenever there is a liquidity crisis, tb Carter, simply draw on their own tremendous reserves of petrodollars trips to tl inject them into the banking system. veek, a iachusett: This dulcimer maker has one for everyone United Press International CLINTON, Miss. — A dulcimer for everyone is the motto of J.B. wh Keith, who will make you one from a cardboard box for $15 or from hand- cut walnut for about $250. Keith’s “no frills” dulcimer con sists of a narrow black cardboard box, four strings, and bent nails for frets. The wooden dulcimer is another matter. By his own estimate, Keith is one of only 12 dulcimer makers in the United States. Each of the hourglass or tear-shaped instru ments takes him about 35 hours to make, from cutting the thin strips of walnut, mahogany, cherry or maple to rubbing on the lowsheen finish. Keith spends roughly half his work-time making dulcimers a backyard shop and the otk trying to sell them at music andc fairs and in shopping malls HOI the Southeast. actress The dulcimer was the find Tuesda American instrument, excludii! Acco tom-tom and other Indian ins with a ments. Keith first heard onewIr-tJniver lived in East Tennessee as ad “We His new career began eightye» spokesi when he decided to make oaf Tele- himself. was an A lifelong crafts hobbyist, I couple was soon asked to make dulcimer “Acc friends, and within a year he qtr -ghastly { oh with the state Tax Commis® Dete )ecome a full-time dulcimerm* 21, witi 23, was - Ferr short-b file trfr Vasq -Fresno v Ferr |l:10 p minute „ Tink about t S’ “I Wi of the r the mo 1 'The Angele Tink believe ^mimiHiiuiuiiiimiiiiiuiiiuiuiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiuummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFF I CENTRAL TEXAS WORD PROCESSINE INTRODUCES rnicam Local Sales & Service 779-2991 410 Villa Maria We are Word Processing = We are Micom and Word Processing is 2 our business We didn't start out as a computer company Or as a copier com pany Or even as a general office eguip- I ment company We started out and bu»t our name solely on our ability to arrange the printed word giickly and etticientty We are Word Processing. And Word Processing is so many things in the office today Word Processing is = writing, editing revising, storing fiSng and 2 sorting your written documents in a traction 2 ot the time they're taking now H It's printed communication ot uncompro- = mising quality without spending valuable = time and money doing it It's a principle 2 that creates a productive environment 2 freeing you and your staff from tedious S tasks So that they can get on with their H work leaving you to get on with yours TWINS ■n toast & natur; Mai to Central Texas Word Procsssing 410 Villa Marta Bryan. Texes 77801 oread (713)778-2991 We 'd like to see a live demonstration ol Micom Word Processing Equipment Name. Title Company Address City L Phone Number State TiiiiHiiiuiiuuHHiwiiiUiiHiuuiiHiiiiimiiiiimimiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiH