The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1980, Image 8

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    Page 8
Pope’s adultery remark stirs ire
United Press International
VATICAN CITY — Italian com
mentators have reacted with anger at
Pope John Paul II’s statement that a
man is guilty of “adultery in the
heart” if he lusts for his wife.
The pontiff injected the current
bishop’s synod, die meeting to dis
cuss die problems of modem family
life, with its latest controversy when
he told a weekly audience Wednes
day that a man who lusts for any
woman — even his wife — is com
mitting a form of adultery.
In Roman Catholic Italy, the reac
tion to the pope’s statement was
harsh and reached a peak in Satur
day’s newspapers.
A commentator for the Turin
newspaper La Stampa said the pope
was confusing “erotism with hedon
ism” and appeared to be advocating
castration for Catholic males.
“By making that statement, the
pope is trying to make Italy’s abor
tion law useless by stopping concep
tion altogether,” wrote Italian femin
ist Pia Candinas in the Rome news
paper II Messaggero.
Not all of the criticism was harsh.
Catholic writers defended the pope’s
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remarks by arguing that reporters
had taken them out of context.
Alberto Virgilio of the pro-
Catholic newspaper II Tempo said
the pope was arguing that lust is sin
ful and that the marital act per
formed outside the context of love
amounted to a form of adultery in the
“theological” sense of the word.
John Paul, in the remark that stir
red the controversy, said:
“Adultery in the heart is commit
ted not only because a man looks in a
certain way at a woman who is not his
wife, but precisely because he is
looking at a woman that way. Even if
he were to look that way at the
woman who is his wife, he would be
committing the same adultery in the
His statement carried particular
significance at a time when the Fifth
World Synod of Bishops is meeting
in the Vatican to discuss the impact
of modem life and changing sexual
mores on the Christian family.
The synod, which has just ended
the first two weeks of its month-long
deliberations, also has aroused hos
tile comment in Italy because of its
apparent determination to reinforce
traditional Catholic teaching on such
issues as birth control, abortion and
Even American bishops, who have
appealed for greater understanding
for Catholics disobeying the Vatican
ban on artifical birth control, have
made it clear they do not intend to
challenge church teaching.
Cosmonauts come home sali
with record after 185 days
United Press International
MOSCOW — The most traveled
spacemen in history returned safely
to Earth Saturday after 185 days and
72 million miles spent in orbit aboard
the Salyut-6 space station.
One newspaper. La Repubblica of
Rome, satirized the synod Wednes
day with two pages of cartoons lam
pooning the idea of 216 celibate
bishops discussing the problems of
sexuality and marriage.
The bishops promptly issued a
statement expressing their “strong
disapproval at the publishing of two
pages and texts of obscene, blasphe
mous and desecrating drawings. ”
Soviet cosmonauts Lt. Col.
Leonid Popov, the 34-year-old
rookie flight commander, and Valery
Ryumin, his 40-year-old engineer,
landed in Khazakhstan in the Soviet
Union at 4:50 a.m. CDT to a hero’s
welcome, the official Tass news
agency said.
The cosmonauts received greet
ings from the Presidium of the Sup
reme Soviet, or parliament, and the
Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R.,
congratulating them on their “com
prehensive skill, profound know
ledge of the elaborate equipment,
high moral qualities, courage and
heroism,” Tass said.
Both men will be given the Order
of Lenin, the country’s highest hon
or, and Popov will be made a Hero of
the Soviet Union and given the title
of pilot-cosmonaut.
Ryumin, who holds the world in
dividual record for space travel, has
spent only eight of the past 19
months on Earth. Only three more
days in space and he would have
been off earth for an even year—365
days. Ryumin was part of a two-man
crew who set the previous 175-day
space endurance record only last
The mission was the first in space
for Popov, a Soviet Air Force fighter
Doctors at the landing site said
both men felt well and were read
justing to Earth conditions.
During their six months in space,
the cosmonauts have been conduct
ing a variety of scientific experiments
and working to keep their bodies in
shape despite their weightless condi
tion. Remarkably, they put on
weight in space, the mission director
said, the first time that has hap
Besides repair and maiite.
work, the cosmonauts carrief
geophysical research including!
ing photographs of the Soviet li
and other Socialist countries,!
said. They gathered dataonmiK
resources and seasonal change!
land and sea for use in agrio*
and exploitation of the ocean.
They also studied their ownfc
for the effects of weightlessnet
the cardiovascular system, and?
ed out on a specially designed 6
cise bicycle, called a "veioe
meter. ”
They were joined by four die'
visiting crews who flew up fora?
at a time both to help with
ments and, more importantly,
lieve the monotony for the
crew. Visitors included cosmos
from Hungary, Vietnam and C.
trained under the Soviet Inn
mos space program.
Nobel work aids transplants
General tteehna 1 . Q
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United Press Internationa]
cans and one Frenchman, whose
work has made organ transplants
safer and helped unravel the mys
teries of cancer, share the 1980
Nobel Prize for Medicine.
George Davis Snell and Bacuj Be-
nacerraf of the United States and
Jean Daussert of France were
awarded the $215,000 prize by the
Karolinska Institute Friday for their
separate work in the field of im
The 54th and 55th U.S. medicine
laureates and the seventh French
winner were cited by the Institute
for their discoveries concerning
“genetically determined structures
on the cell surface that regulate im
munological reactions.”
Knowledge of genetic regulation
of the body’s immune response
makes it possible to explain the diffe
rent ways people respond to infec
tion, the institute said.
It also helps explain what elimin
ates cancer cells in some circumst
ances but not in others.
Of great practical significance is
the application of their research to
tissue transplants, the Nobel citation
In addition, their work sheds light
on the relation between a person’s
genetic constitution and hereditary
diseases, which experts say could
have a far-reaching impact on treat
ment of such diseases as rheumatoid
arthritis, multiple sclerosis, juvenile
diabetes and psoriasis.
Dausset, 63, said Friday in Paris
the work done by his group and the
two American doctors in “tissue
compatibility” has extremely impor
tant effects in organ transplant and in
the search for ways to combat ail
ments that attack cells, such as
He has done much of his work at
Vfax Tuckei
puppies in f
Paris University’s St. Louis H:-:the area to
Snell, 76, has worked at Jack
Laboratories in Bar Harbor, .VLiJiom l-t
since 1935. He has won major:*' 1 * **
tions by the National Cancer lr——
Economics called the key now
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United Press International
NEW YORK — Large power
plants will be producing electricity
directly from the sun’s rays within 20
years, and some Sunbelt homes will
generate part of their own power
needs even sooner than that, says
Dr. Daniel R. Muss, of Westing-
house Electric Corp.
Solar electrical technology is
known; it is now a matter of econo
mics, said Muss, research director
for the Westinghouse Public Sys
tems Co.
He said Westinghouse resear
chers believe solar electrical systems
will move from the laboratory into
the marketplace on a limited com
mercial basis in this decade.
In 1978, Congress appropriated
$1.5 billion to be spent over 10 years
on photovoltaic research. Muss said
Westinghouse’s recent development
of a low-cost, high-efficiency dendri
tic web technology for making solar
panels from a continuously pro
duced, single-crystal photovoltaic
ribbon was the most important step
in this technology to date.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and
Southern California Edison already
are at work developing a 50-kilowatt
pilot system and are considering a
25,000-kilowatt plant using the new
Westinghouse solar cell technology,
Muss said.
Previous solar energy techniques
did not appear to offer much hope of
economy in scale, but dendritic web
technology. Muss said, does raise
the likelihood of very large, econo
mical plants.
Muss said, however, many homes
in the Sunbelt will get their daytime
electricity from roof-mounted photo
voltaic solar panels before any large-
scale plants are operating.
Friday, October 17, 1980
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equal opportunity employer m/f
tute and was elected in 1970 to!
U.S. Academy of Sciences.
Benacenraf, 59, wasbominCr
cas, Venezuela, but has beenat:
citizen since 1943. He hastau$!i
done research at Harvard Univeit
for four years and has been ents^ United Pres
in immunological research smciyhEYENNE,
early 1960s. 3n encounters
“ I have been working on anal^hn school chi
the immune system — how y'“. ow students t
come capable of defending yo ^ ve language,
against foreign invaders, hr nt ! le Wind I
plained. ! mountains :
Since July 1 Benacerraf has ^t-ccntral Wy
President of the Sydney FarberCiy ear ' 0 ld ran
cer Institute, one of 21 federally! 1 ! 58 ! 10 at the St
signated cancer centers in the l 1005 near fiW
ited States. Se ^ing to s
•ge from extin
n one respect
organism wh
igered. Anthr
tup to 300 Nc
languages exi
it at one time,
prist Wallace (
re 200 remain
' still declinin;
Even if such a residential padoss estimate:
voltaic system cost $15,000 in toicent of the 3,
dollars, it would pay for itsehio on the res<
relatively short time in clinufr language fli
where heavy year-round aircotse are over 35
tioning is a must, Muss said, paho fear the
Even though the major scierttnother gener
spadework has been accompliskUready, Moss
Muss said, the logistical and ildren entering
material costs of development wl heir tribal ton]
formidable. “Incredible amountige. Many fail
copper and aluminum will be pThey make f
bled up in the process.” en they’re spe
The Westinghouse dendritic dned. “I give
bon, he explained, is made diierl I’ll find thei
from molten silicon. Its cost is °w — bits of
stantially below the convention and there.”
method of slicing and polishing dince last yea
con ingot, and it is far more ertschers on the
efficient than either ingot or aim using a 16-
phous silicon. habet develop
The dendritic web can convert^sachusetts an
percent of the sun’s energy ^ Zd ene k Salzr
reaches the panels into electricfhey hope use
derate the el
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