The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1980, Image 11
1»U” —most^ ts the little a ms ofAmerii j’9. Managenj Jordan, ctu it husband ai national insti nubilities asi| [a family c ml their proU bine, Toola in New Ham| as. We sow use our indj me have eipei ([active, pem loth slendei, -both ours (a meight hasn’li md in an attn Jordans are :Jing their ad nirkets ovene from $61,33 oaring price i 'roblem of ‘grea t dimension ’ College sexual mmmmmum United Press International Do college girls worried about their grades initiate romances with professors? Not very often, according to reports on sex ual harassment on college campuses. Much more frequently, when teachers and college coeds get '"involved,” it’s the professor who starts the romance perking. And some profes sors mixed up in this sort of thing make it clear that the student’s grades are affected. A new focus on campus sexual harassment comes in a report in the current Chronicle of Higher Education, in studies presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, and in other studies. A major report on the subject will he issued next month by the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs, which Congress established six years ago. "Sexual harassment of post-secondary stu dents is an increasingly visible problem of great, but as yet unascertained, dimensions,” the report says. The report suggests the U. S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Bights set up a policy to forbid sexual harassment of students. The proposal: sexual harassment of students would be a violation of Title IX of the Educa tion Amendments Act of 1972. There is nothing new about teachers making passes at students. What is new is attempts to stop teachers from making sexual overtures. At Yale University, New Haven, Conn., five former women students are in the midst of a three-year battle now in the courts. The stu dents claim the sexual harassment is a civil rights issue. This marks the first time sexual harassment has been put in that category. Yale claims the charges are moot since a new grievance policy was adopted in 1979 and con ditions that existed on campus in 1977 no lon ger exist. Now students who feel they have been sexually harassed can complain through the grievance channel. Consider a report to the ASA from two sociologists at the University of California, Berkeley: Researchers Donna J. Benson and Gregg E. Thompson said they found 30 percent of the female seniors there had been harassed by at least one male instructor while at Berkeley or another college. They defined sexual harassment as “any un wanted sexual leers, suggestions, comments, or physical contact which (the student) finds objectionable.” It includes "verbal propositions, invitations for dates, touching, kissing, fondling, discus sions about personal problems, obsequious friendliness, and offers of high grades for sex.” “Women students learn that even simple friendliness and academic enthusiasm are often misinterpreted as an invitation for sexual advances,” the researchers said. "‘When such advances are rejected, faculty members often respond with such punish ments as withdrawing intellectual support and encouragement previously given generously, sharp and often sarcastic criticism of work once praised, and assigning a lower grade than a student confidently estimated her work mer ited. ” Do female professors harass male students sexually? Benson and Thompson say that hap pens but it's “insignificant" when compared to the practice by male teachers. An informal poll by the Chronicle of Educa tion drew these comments: “It’s rampant, absolutely rampant” — Jac queline Gibbone, University of Virginia. “It may be highlighting this issue will cause male teachers to become more cautious, less friendly, and less available to female students” — Marcia Millman, Uniiversity of California at Santa Cruz. “I think it’s the trickiest issue in sexuality today”— Patricia MacCorquodale, University of Arizona. Obesity research to hormone it one ol spite soaring ne price eta impany vAol it for his andy to United Press International daily are* PHILADELPHIA — The dumpy Jager gulping another chocolate- Hed cherry or the portly business- nan tucking away another plate of Bied potatoes may not consider Biselves food junkies — but they night be. search by Temple University’s |)r|David Margules indicates that a tormone called beta-endorphin, H:h acts like an opiate, may be losely connected to obesity. Margules said in a recent inter- ^ k ^ at heta-endorphin “lies dor- 18nt and is only called upon in spe- Great Pyre 4 circumstances - ” [omondorta. taoks as if hunger and starva- arshaveinst! °R can bring it out, and stress can ock in it out,” he said. ;rs with thet'tw ow the hormone fits in the chain U.S Agrii ^ even t s awa its to be determined by ieyhopeto^ljf rch ’ said Margules, but appa- geland oftle Bntl y 11 is triggered by food con- irelle Robb UI ® ed *n response to stress or lost 15,000 u “K er and bobcali M a PP ears to be especially active in vear mi ^hires where famines are preva- few ear ' TL . 0 j- Myrtleli^hey feel that if they don’t eat p to 50 per ‘ ey 1 wi 1 11 P er j sh > which }, s a Panful, rs But mtb' 5 j 0 °£ lca em otion, Margules tseenacoyo® “ Fan ? ine j 5 very threatening .,1 Nipamrul, and you eat under this _ s 0 j- jfcuinstance because it relieves that jells riS^ argllles * aid be suspects the food domestkdir ^ ers the release of beta ' jyee keeps] ; his flock. endorphin, the first natural opiate discovered in the body, which acts in a way morphine might. “It will produce constipation. It will also slow down breathing. It will produce a passive, relaxed state,” said Margules, who founded and heads the newly created National Obesity Research Foundation. “Many of its actions help us to con serve energy so we’re less likely to be active when this morphine-like hor mone is working,” he said. Once the passive state is past, he) said, “then we get withdrawal symp toms, and when it’s gone we get more cravings — like alcohol.” “We’ve known for many years that] obese people talk about food as if it were some kind of drug, so we con nected the two,” he said. In preliminary research on rats, Margules found a high incidence of beta-endorphin in obese animals. Naloxene, which counteracts the effects of morphine, stops mice from overeating. Action of the drug is shortlived and has not been tested on humans, he said. Obesity, Margules said, is becom ing a major health problem. “There are 40 to 60 million Amer icans who are overweight. They spend $10 billion on obesity treat ments that fail and up to now there has been no national foundation de voted to obesity research,” he said. s working and guard ly circling arking, war® 'ay, Mrs esearch to give sheep longer life n narkc iSdfc United Press International . LONDON — As every shepherd knows, sheep tend to break some S ,1 H 3 ° y their eight teeth while chomping through their rugged diet of grass suul tic j n summer anc i frozen turnips or similar in the winter. 3 Komondffli When this happens they also tend to break their mouths, and the "htTrl nCXt sto P * s usuall y the dinner table. bor s dogp* Adam Thomson, an Edinburgh dentist, believes he has perfected a operty line s j m pi e device which enables the sheep to keep eating for twice the ■when the usua ^ a 8 e °f hve or six at which their teeth generally start to go. aed on fedei^* h they are able to continue to eat, they are able to continue to raise , . in) j resfi - more lambs, he said. So a comparatively simple device could do a great _ed gj deal to provide more chops and other lamb dishes for the national diet, ■rtail losses Thomson is the son of a hill farmer and knows sheep. He is also a ustrated bvf dentist with a considerable practice among humans and has had experi- ^ jMnce of most of the experimental techniques — such as embedding sition in Ids ^ se teeth in the jaw bone — now under test in various laboratories. *, He was wondering about preventing broken mouths in sheep by ^sorting to the embedding method he came up with what seemed like Si more practical idea. The sheep’s teeth are all in the lower jaw. Why lot, he thought, devise a splint that would attach to whatever teeth mained in the mouth and glue it in place using the new immensely iwerfol adhesives? TIME Plasms SH This would strengthen the mouth and save it from being broken. He tested the device on two valuable prize ewes and it worked. Examination of many other sheep indicated all adult sheep have mouths of three widths. |j “All you have to do, ” Thomson said, “is choose the size, dab the glue on your splint, attach the splint to the teeth and hold it tightly in place for about 30 seconds. The whole procedure should take no more than a few minutes. I Student Floral Concessions is selling Aggie Mums A tradition for nearly 40 years! on sale in MSC: Tues.-Fri. 9:00-4:00 Free Corp delivery Corp personnel please buy from dorm representative. Corduroy Skirts slate blue forest green grey navy burgundy khaki Originally 35 Now 28 50 00 shellenberger's for her Townshlre... Up from Sears. AGGIES! Dou^ Jewe 10% AGGIE DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE WITH STUDENT ID (Cash Only Please) We reserve the right to limit use of this privilege. Downtown Bryan (212 N. Main) and Culpepper Plaza DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctors orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. OPEN Monday tJi roil gh Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST THE BATTALION Pag* 11 MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1M0 Four killed in resort fire Sunday United Press International HOT SPRINGS, Ark. — A fire roared through low-income housing at the bottom of a mountain early Sunday in this Arkansas resort town, killing four people and injuring at least three, officials said. Two brothers, ages 25 and 27, were killed, along with a 90-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman, offi cials said. The woman’s husband jumped from the second story of the burning apartment building and survived. He reportedly beckoned to her to jump, but she refused. Officials said all residents of the housing had been accounted for and taken to a relief center. The cause of the fire has not been determined. The blaze, whipped out of control by high winds, engulfed the old two- story apartment building and six cot tages, residents said. Tne buildings were at the base of West Mountain, and fire authorities said the blaze threatened to sweep up the side of the mountain until it was controlled about 5 a.m. It apparently began about 2:45 a.m. Sunday, authorities said, but fire crews were not notified for about 40 minutes. Attention A&M Faculty and Staff Compare your ORP-TDA AN MFS/NATIONWIDE ANNUITY Now there's a better way tor you to plan tor your financial future. 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MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta WEDNESDAY SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Dinner with Two Cheese and Chicken Fried Steak Mushroom Gravy Onion Enchiladas w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes w/chili Whipped Potatoes and Yout Choice of Mexican Rice Choice of one other One Vegetable Patio Style Pinto Beans Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Tostadas Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTECTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE v Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast (Texas Salad) Mashed Potato w/ gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Combread Dressing Roll or Com Bread - Butter - CoffeorTea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable “Quality First ,, i