The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1980, Image 1

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The Battalion
Serving the Texas A&M University community
Vol. 74 No. 30 Friday, October 10, 1980 USPS 045 360
12 Pages College Station, Texas Phone 845-2611
The Weather
Humidity. . .
.. 0.0 inches
Chance of rain. . .
Gosh, this is interesting...
Sophomore Pam Park is testimony to the fact that some- tions were good ... she had plans to catch up on her
times even the best made plans go awry. Park’s inten- studies, but ends up catching up on her sleep.
|J. S. - Soviet grain contract ends;
China chosen as replacement
„ United Press International
^WASHINGTON — In a new slap at tb
Mviets, the United States and China are 01
ige verge of signing a three-year grain con
tract that could send up to 9 million tons c
wheat and com to the Chinese annually
v.S. officials say.
This pact, in effect, would replace om
| (|jpe United States has had with the Sovie
§ Union for the last five years. The U.S.
fjBoviet grain contract expires this year an<
£|S not expected to be extended.
' W, States has for some tinn
tbecn conducting discussions with the Peo
'Jiff 5 Republic of China on the possibh
^p es °fU.S. grain, ” a White House spokes
Pin said Thursday night. “Those discus
Spns are continuing and the prospects fo
p agreement are encouraging. ”
An official said the impact on domestic
prices would be "minimal” and the issue
“has been carefully considered. ”
The official said the agreement, being
negotiated by U.S. and Chinese officials in
Peking, could involve between 6 million
and 9 million tons a year during the life of
the three-year agreement.
Officials said the agreement, which
could be signed during the next week,
would follow the lines of a five-year con
tract with the Soviet Union.
The Russian agreement, announced Oct.
20, 1975, and effective Oct. 1, 1976, is now
in its fifth and final year. It requires the
Kremlin to buy at least 6 million tons of
American grain annually, half com and half
wheat. The Soviets may buy up to 8 million
tons without American approval.
Carter embargoed 17 million tons of
grain sales last Jan. 4, in retaliation for the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. That grain
had been approved by the administration
on top of the minimum of 8 million tons.
Despite the partial embargo, Carter
abided by minimum terms of the agree
ment with the Soviets for its fourth and fifth
years. Russia bought nearly 8 million tons
for the fourth year and so far has bought 7.7
million tons for the fifth year, which began
Oct. 1.
Officials say it is unlikely the U.S.-Soviet
grain agreement — designed to reduce the
impact of erratic Russian purchases on
world grain markets — will be extended.
Bullock condones
Clayton’s actions
United Press International
HOUSTON — State Comptroller Bob
Bullock says personal knowledge of a union
official would have made him suspicious of
$5,000 handed over as an ostensible contri
bution, but he believes he would have
handled the situation much as House
Speaker Bill Clayton did.
Clayton’s acceptance last November of
the cash, which he later said he intended to
return, led to the Brilab charges he is now
defending himself against in federal court.
Bullock, characterizing himself as a li
beral whose political beliefs are at polar
opposites from those of the west Texas
Democrat, testified Thursday he knew of a
no more honest man in state politics than
the three-term speaker.
Bullock’s voice boomed across the cour
troom as he offered a rambling explanation
of how he would have reacted to the $5,000
contribution offer from Houston labor lead
er L.G. Moore and FBI informant Joseph
Hauser, who was posing as an insurance
salesman when the pair met with Clayton
last fall.
“In this case, knowing what I know about
that labor man, he’s a pretty brassy fellow,
and if he had come into my office with a
fellow that I didn’t know and offered me
$5,000 before he even talked insurance to
me, I would have thrown him out, ” Bullock
“But if he had come in after he had pre
sented that (insurance) program and I
thought it was worthy and I thought it was
good and I thought there was a possibility
Texas might save money on it, and then he
said, T want to make you a contribution,’ I
would probably take it from L. G., ” Bullock
“But now something else. I know L.G. I
know it wasn’t L.G.’s money. I don’t think
Billy (Clayton) would know it, but I would
because Billy is on the other side of the
spectrum. He doesn’t know anything about
labor. I know labor. I know what they give.
I know what L. G. gives and if he came in
and said, ‘Here’s $5,000 from me and I
want to make a contribution to you,’ you
know what I would do?
“I would put it in a drawer and I would
keep it there and the next time I saw him I
would say, ‘L.G., come here. You and I
better have a little talk. That ain’t your
money, friend, and here it is back.’”
Clayton has said he was embarrassed by
the contribution and ordered it kept in a
locked drawer for months until he could
return it. Because it was neither returned
nor reported by Jan. 15, prosecutors said it
was a bribe in exchange for help in switch
ing a $76 million state employees’ insur
ance contract to a company favored by
During questioning by prosecutors, Bul
lock said he would have returned the
money only in person and would not have
mailed it or discussed the incident on the
telephone with Moore until he could "look
him in the eye” and explain such financial
support was not necessary.
Bullock testified he not only considers
Clayton the most honest member of the
Texas House, but he said he would “stake
my life” on the honesty of Clayton’s co
defendants, Austin law partners and former
Bullock employees Randall Wood and
Donald Ray, accused by the government of
aiding the alleged bribery scheme.
Better late than never
Kick-off at 10:30 p.m.
Persons holding some temporary-seating tickets to the Texas
A&M-Houston football game will be seated in Astrodome Auxili
ary Field Level sections 101A and 101B, an Athletic Department
spokesman said Thursday.
The spokesman said the seating arrangement will mean sta
dium workers will not have to set up the chairs for general
admission ticket holders.
Temporary-seat ticket holders are asked to enter through the
west entrance.
Kickoff for Saturday’s game is still set at approximately 10:30
p.m., due to the Houston Astros’ National League playoff game
earlier in the day.
Football fans are being asked to monitor the progress of the
baseball game. Texas A&M and Houston should start their game
no sooner than four hours after the end of the baseball game. It
will take three hours to convert the stadium to a football configura
tion, and players and coaches want at least an hour to warm up on
the stadium surface.
Fans should not leave for the stadium any earlier than 90
minutes prior to the anticipated kickoff time, in order to minimize
traffic problems.
Houston officials are projecting one of the city’s worst-ever
traffic jams around the Astrodome Saturday night, as 50,000
departing baseball fans run into 50,000 incoming football fans.
Yell practice site found
Finding a place to have midnight yell practice at Houston
before the Texas A&M-Houston football game has been as diffi
cult as determining the starting time for the game.
Yell practice will be held at the Whiskey River Club, located at
Gessner and Westheimer in Houston.
The trouble with midnight yell practice is the Aggies’ fault,
according to Mark Outlaw, head yell leader at Texas A&M.
“We called many places in Houston, including the Astrodome,
trying to find a place to hold yell practice, ” Outlaw said. “We were
turned down by all the places except the Whiskey River Club. The
main reason we were not allowed to use the places we called is
because most of the places have heard we leave a lot of trash.
“The management of Whiskey River was nice enough to let us
use their parking lot,” Outlaw added, “so the least we can do is
clean up after ourselves when we leave. Bad conduct and exces
sive litter will make it even tougher to find a place for yell practice
next year.”
The trouble with the starting time is being caused by the
Houston Astros’ quest for the National League baseball cham
pionship. The Astros’ afternoon start will cause a delay of the
scheduled 7:30 p.m. kickoff time, since about four hours is needed
to convert the field from a baseball to a football arrangement.
The game is expected to get under way between 10:30 and
11:30 Saturday night.
Missing colonel said dead;
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. Upited Press International
« 10 u 5 AN ANTONIO — Col. Charles Shelton
o ® ® 13: oo V 0 ,*. 0WT1 ov er Laos 15 years ago on his
S’f 2 5;■ ‘d birthday and the only Air Force
■§ ^ n 5^5! aSUalty t ^ le Vietnam War still un-
5'ao f ' ounte d for — is legally dead in the eyes
5 S | IS )!" a military review board, but his heart-
6 3 I. i J ^ r< Ti n V ^ e sa y s b er quest will never end.
W Tk j Uree-member board voted 2-1
ursday to recommend that the Air Force
1Shelton killed in action.
„ le decision, which came after three
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= p o 2 'AGHDAD, Iraq — Iranian aircraft
: S ^ arne d across northern Iraq in fierce
z s tnkes that killed 13 people, and Iraqi war-
P anes pounded vital Iranian cities on the
uthern front banking the Shatt al-Arab
erway, the Baghdad military said today.
o of ’* s Circes besieged the city
u . .* z bd in an apparent effort to cut the
a i nes ^at carry crude oil, heating oil
] f o' J *5; . gasoline to Iran’s capital of Tehran. But
i . an Cja imed it had blunted the Iraqi offen-
f JJ Ve along the 400-mile Persian Gulf war
S front.
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days of hearings at Randolph Air Force
Base, will be referred to Air Force Secret
ary Hans Mark, who need not abide by the
board’s findings.
Marian Shelton, leaning heavily on her
attorney for support and her eyes red-
rimmed from weeping, called the vote “de
vastating,” but said she had made no deci
sion on further legal action.
“It kind of breaks my heart that three
men can decide the fate of my husband,”
the San Diego woman said at a news confer
“I’ll have to think about it a while. It’s
kind of devastating.”
She said the latest blow was worse than
all the years of watching prisoners of war
come home and seeing names of other mis
sing-in-action soldiers released. She lashed
out at President Carter for what she said
were promises unkept.
“He has consistently lied to us,” she said,
referring to Carter’s 1976 campaign vows
Woman, child killed in Iraq raid
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A Baghdad military statement said Ira
nian aircraft swept over a 160-mile stretch
of northern Iraq at Mosul, Kirkuk, and
Suleimaniya, killing 13 people and wound
ing 11 others.
But Iraqi fire shot down five of the raid
ing aircraft, the military said. One crashed
into a house in Mosul, killing a woman and
a child.
Iran’s thrust, starting late Thursday and
continuing early today, was aimed at “civi
lian installations and housing areas,” Iraq
Iraqi jets inflicted “big losses” on Iran “in
both its military and economic installa
tions” across the southern war front be
tween Dizful and Ahvaz, Baghdad said.
The Iraqi military reported the “setting
ablaze of the Dez refinery, near Khurram-
shahr, and destruction of enemy concentra
tions” between Ruheima and Ahvaz, about
80 miles northeast of the huge Abadan oil
refinery on the waterway.
While Iran said it had blunted the Iraqi
offensive, it was also reported seeking di
plomatic visas for delegates to present their
views on the war at the United Nations in
New York.
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Widow denies plotting Chinese coup
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, PFlTTMri ™ „ United Press International i . i
then , The late Chairman Mao Tse-tungs wife, who led
Ibre-tri 'i nous Cang of Four, turned on a judge in anger in secret
^ plenty ln ^ erro 8 at '°ns, and refused to cooperate or admit she
£ jfxky t0 overt brow the government, Japanese news reports said
! io!s of jj! Mari' 0 J 0n ^~ awaitec * trial the Gang of Four, in prison since
°T Conch i u * n * s expected to start early next month and
uoti the end °f the year, the Kyodo news agency said,
Th rk hinese sources '
renort . binese Foreign Ministry refused to comment on the
monfi, ru ut ^ our ’ ^ ed by Mao’s widow, Jiang Qing, but last
sn P p. i lna established an extraordinary 35-judge court and a
^Prosecutor’s office.
ts f i 0 .. re P or t e d the prosecutors have been grilling the dcfen-
issenfi }° try t° obtain confessions, viewed as politically
b"1 beforli <l> e trial can start.
joopg e £ an 8 members, and especially Jiang, have refused to
in? j nt e ’ and Mao’s widow even “turned upon the judge dur-
it Rogations and closed-door hearings, Kyodo said.
There have been diplomatic reports the potentially explosive
trial has been delayed by Jiang’s refusal to admit her guilt and her
threat to tell all she knows about the ruling Communist Party and
some of its leaders.
Jiang and her colleagues, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan and
Wang Hongwen, are charged with trying to overthrow the gov
ernment and establish a fascist dictatorship.
All the charges carry the death penalty and Chinese officials
recently indicated the maximum sentence could be passed on
some or all of the gang members, who virtually ruled China during
Mao’s declining years until they were overthrown in a power
struggle in 1976.
Legal experts believe if they receive the death sentence, it will
be quickly commuted to lengthy imprisonment.
Six followers of the late Defense Minister and Mao’s one-time
heir apparent, Lin Biao, will also stand trial at the same time. The
charges against them are similar, but they face the additional
accusation of trying to murder Mao.
wife denies decision
not to resume trade with Vietnam or allow
that country a seat in the United Nations
until all Vietnam-era military personnel
were accounted for.
She insisted the reverse has been true in
offical government actions concerning
Vietnam since Carter took office.
Her attorney, Walter E. Shjeflo of San
Diego, said the board declined to tell them
what kinds of evidence prompted the deci
“There is no requirement that they give
us the rationale. They merely have to give
us the decision and the vote,” Shjeflo said,
adding that he believed the split vote re
sulted because “somebody was not con
vinced by what someone else was con
vinced by.”
Shelton earlier had indicated she would
contest the review board’s decision in civil
court if it deemed Shelton dead, but Thurs
day she said: “I don’t know; I’ll have to
think about it a while.”
She said no matter what turn her quest
takes, it will continue.
“I have been living 15 years without
him,” she said, “I can go on. I feel like I
should find out what happened, whether
he’s dead or alive.”
Shelton, who will receive 55 percent of
her husband’s retirement pay if he is de
clared legally dead, said her children have
“kept my faith up.”
Flu season descends once again
Beutel treats colds
Battalion Reporter
Sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing. Chances are
that if you go to A.P. Beutel Health Center with these symp
toms, you will be referred to the cold clinic.
The cold clinic is a service of the health center, operated
primarily by nurses, that only treats patients with cold symp
toms. Its purpose is to filter out those patients who do not need
to see a doctor. This reduces the waiting time for patients, and
lightens the daily case loads of the doctors.
“When the students come in to the cold clinic, they are seen
by a nurse,” Dr. Claude B. Goswick Jr., director of the health
center, said. “She evaluates without really diagnosing their
If she sees a problem while examining a student, then she
will send the student around to see a doctor, he said.
“If any antibiotics are in order, she sends them around to the
front, also,” Goswick said.
Goswick said that, as often as they can, they try to operate an
express clinic.
“As much as possible, one of the physicians works in the cold
clinic area so that those students who would otherwise be
referred around to the front can be seen right there,” he said.
“We’ve been so terribly busy lately up front, as compared to
the cold clinic, that it really hasn’t been feasible to have
somebody seeing patients down there. So the ones that need to
see a doctor are sent up front and put in the stack,” he said.
“We try to go by sign-in times as far as waiting is concerned, ”
Goswick said. “We don’t like the waiting times anymore than
anybody else. I know how unpopular it is, but it is just physic
ally impossible to see that many students in a day, by that small
number of physicians.”
Goswick said that if the cold is uncomplicated, the student is
given over-the-counter medications at the cold clinic.
Flu epidemic predicted
Battalion Reporter
The flu season is almost upon us, and this year it is predicted
to be a bad one.
A major flu epidemic is forecasted for the Houston area,
according to Baylor University College of Medicine expert Dr.
Robert Couch.
Since Baylor and Texas A&M University do studies on a
collaborative effort, what Couch forecasted for Houston should
apply to this area also, said Dr. J. M. Quarles Jr., a Texas A&M
“We’ve found in the past that our overall results in terms of
what’s happening are very much like in Houston,” Quarles
said. “Frequently it shows up in Houston a week or two
Couch said that the most common types will be the A-Brazil
and A-Bangkok flu strains.
Scientists from Texas A&M and Baylor will continue to test
anti-flu vaccine on campus next month as part of an on-going
research project that two years ago included 2,000 students in
the nation’s first major human testing of anti-Russian flu vac
Tests on student volunteers will be done with live, attenu
ated vaccines, which give a person a mild dose of the disease in
order to trigger immunity without causing illness, said
Volunteers for the flu research program are recruited
through an advertisement in The Battalion.
They are asked to sign a consent form before receiving the
The vaccine is given in the form of nose drops. After a certain
amount of time the students are asked to come back to give
blood samples.
Volunteers receive $10 for each blood sample given.