The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1980, Image 1

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    IThe Battalion
Vol. 74 No. 27
10 Pages
Serving the Texas A&M University community
Tuesday, October 7, 1980
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
The Weather
Humidity- ■ • •
. . . 80%
.. 0.0 inches
Chance oi rain. . .
... none
llitlifting Con-
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Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby
Staff photo by Pat O’Malley
Battalion Staif
Education should be the major priority
for the upcoming 67th Legislature, Lt.
Gov. Bill Hobby said Monday night.
- More than half of the $26 billion available
for the 1982-83 general appropriations bill
will go for education, Hobby told an audi
ence of about 100.
“About 53 percent (of the state funds
available for appropriation) is needed to
operate school districts, junior colleges and
universities,” he said.
Increasing teaching salaries, Hobby
said, “is an important part of the Legisla
ture’s tremendous responsibility towards
Hobby said he proposes a 22 percent
salary increase for teachers.
“This would work by a 6.8 percent in
crease in base pay and, assuming a two-step
increase on the way, 22 percent in two
years,” he said.
“That’s no number to be ashamed of,”
Hobby added.
“Salaries in the past 10 years have just
kept up with inflation,” he said. Secondary
school teachers have faced a 1.6 percent
loss of purchasing power, he said, but col
lege educators have lost 24 percent of their
purchasing power.
“This neglect of higher education has had
its effects on the institutions and state it
self,” Hobby said. “We re borrowing from
the future with this pinch penny-
There is no incentive for graduates to
seek higher degrees, he said, and gave an
example of a petroleum engineering gradu
ate whose starting salary is higher than the
professor who taught his last course.
“This is foolish,” he said. “And it’s going
to be tough, but it (salary increases) should
be the Legislature’s priority for the next
session,” he said.
The other big issue for the 67th session is
redistricting, Hobby said. A possibility ex
ists that redistricting could be an issue, he
said, if the final census data is delivered by
April 1, 1981.
Prompt delivery of the census data will
leave 60 days in the session, and this is
clearly adequate time for redistricting, he
said. A constitutional provision states that if
redistricting is not done by the first regular
legislative session following the submitting
of the census data, then a redistricting
board must do it.
If the data is delivered late, then some
one will have to decide how much time is
adequate, he said.
“But the constitution or laws cannot
command the impossible,” he added.
Nationally, redistricting will probably
result in two and possibly three additional
Texas seats in Congress — from 24 to 26 or
27, he said.
MSC Political Forum sponsored Hob
by’s speech.
Carter, Reagan
‘bruise" each other
Iran, Iraq fight for major oil route
it not only fool
unt, Pass & If
United Press International
iated in time kliURKAMSHAHR, Iran — Iran and Iraq poured
across the HniiMbrcements into Iran’s southern Khuzistan province
he older gm- “ a Y * n w h at shaped up as a major battle for the vital
ed to the coll|r iln re h ner V and total control of the Shatt al-Arab
mve emerged Ir ute to the West
Iflerce fighting was reported on the highway from the
| uJjured Iranian port of Khurramshahr to Abadan, 25
P/lk' 1 r" 9 s southeast along the disputed Shatt al-Arab water-
l ' ly, a vital outlet to the Persian Gulf for the two warring
-omplex, >™ || 1 | )ei . s 0 f OPEC oil cartel.
petition — M a,, i ran i an military communique today said “Iranian
e attempt ateWjmg troops” moved in to attack “Iraqi reinforce-
ree distances ents” around the two cities. It claimed 30 tanks and
ve scorers in I)
each activity!
>ra Minifee in
• TAMU re;
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vehicles were destroyed and said 80 Iraqis were killed or
wounded in the assault on the armored column.
Iraq moved up more tanks, troops and pontoons for
temporary bridges into the area of Khurramshahr, the
major Iranian port Iraqi troops surrounded and all but
totally captured Sunday and Monday.
One Western correspondent said the bridge-building
equipment indicated that a direct assault on Abadan
across the Shatt al-Arab might be planned.
Air attacks picked up in pace. Iran claimed it shot down
two Iraqi MiGs attacking Abadan and its giant oil refinery,
which was pounded and set afire by Iraqi artillery
It claimed three other Iraqi planes also were shot down,
two in a raid on Bushire, a Persian Gulf port southeast of
Abadan, but conceded that an Iraqi raid had left part of
the northern oil installation at Tabriz near the Soviet
border in flames.
Iraqi planes hit Tehran Monday in the deadliest raid yet
on the Iranian capital. Iran admitted four people were
killed and 60 were wounded in strikes on Tehran airport, a
huge petrochemical complex and Iran’s largest car assem
bly plant.
Baghdad radio claimed Iraqi planes also wrecked oil
and fuel tanks and military vehicles in bombings across a
200-mile stretch of western Iran covering Ahvaz, Dizful
and Kuhdsht.
United Press International
Ronald Reagan charges President Carter
with manipulating government inflation fi
gures; Carter suggests again Reagan may
lead the nation into war and adds a Reagan
victory might split the U.S. religious and
racial communities; John Anderson com
pares the president’s campaign with
Richard Nixon’s in 1972.
And Patrick Lucey, Anderson’s vice
presidential running mate, says the inde
pendent ticket can win because the major
party candidates are “bruising each other”
with negative campaigning.
All three candidates were on the road
Monday, seeking votes in the Midwest and
In Chicago, Carter hit hard at Reagan,
suggesting the former California governor
might be a divisive force.
“You’ll determine if well be unified or if
I lose this election, whether Americans will
be separate — black from white, Jew from
Christian, North from South,” Carter said.
The president, in his first stop Monday,
called Reagan’s proposal for cutting taxes,
balancing the budget, increasing military
spending and stopping inflation simul
taneously “quicksilver economics,” and
said it couldn’t be done.
“The only response I would give is that’s
what’s wrong with the country — he
doesn’t understand economics, Reagan
said. “Mine is a very well thought out plan.
It can be done and I did it in California.”
Reagan, addressing a shopping-mall
crowd in Cherry Hill, N.J., also accused
Carter of “jimmying” the September pro
ducer price index so it would show a favor
able 0.2 percent drop instead of the real —
but gloomy — 0.4 percent increase.
The index, released last week, did in
clude two new items — automobile rebates
and discounts. But Janet Norwood, career
commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Sta
tistics, said the decision to include the fi
gures was made months ago, and no one
outside the bureau was involved in, or was
aware of it.
Returning to the war issue, Carter said
“abandoning arms control is probably the
most serious mistake in keeping the
He did not mention Reagan by name,
but said at a suburban backyard meeting:
“If you have just a strong military and
you’re jingoistic in spirit, and you want to
push everybody around and show the
macho of the United States, that’s an excel
lent way to lead our country toward war.”
Anderson, also in Chicago, was asked to
explain his linkage of Carter with Richard
Nixon in a weekend United Press Interna
tional interview.
He noted the 1972 Nixon campaign “be
came famous — or infamous — for a De
partment of Dirty Tricks.”
He then ticked off a list of tactics the
Carter campaign has used against him.
When Lucey was asked how their Na
tional Unity Campaign could win, he said
Carter and Reagan are “bruising each
other” with increasingly negative advertis
ing, and that could open the way for Ander
son. Lucey told about 750 students Carter’s
policies are wrong and Reagan’s are irrele
Taps to honor three
Silver Taps w ill be held tonight for three
Texas A&M University students who have
died in the past month.
The ceremony will honor Shelley Gaile
Culver, Jay Gill Hawes and Mark Alan
Silver Taps will be held at 10:30 p.m. in
front of the Academic Building. It is the
final tribute to students who have died
while enrolled in classes at Texas A&M.
Students are requested to be quiet on
their way to and from the ceremony, and to
have lights in dormitory rooms and offices
extinguished from 10:20-10:50 p.m.
utting site finally found,
ith 75 acres of trees
‘Petition ane | By BERNIE FETTE
by the IM-fiJ Battalion Reporter
ree activity, A three-month headache has finally en-
and plans for the 1980 Aggie Bonfire
~ Black on schedule.
|ie bonfire coordinators recently ac-
d a cutting site which contains appro-
tely 75 acres of what Head Coordina-
Singer called “really good trees for
site is located 26 miles northeast of
p.m.-midnigk'HTexas A&M campus, near the Old San
a.m.-midniglftnio Road, and is owned by Granada
and and Cattle Company.
p.m.-midnigl’Singer said he met with Jim Eller, an
a. in.-inidnigli [ecil tiveof the company and a Texas A&M
puate, after a cattle auction recently,
| Eller told him they were welcome to
a section of the land.
He said he had a place he was going to
p.m.-10 pm
oon-l:30 pm
& 3:30-6 pm
1 p.m.-6 pm
All Da)
All Dai
All Daf
I Day (ligl> te j
- evening i> sc
ear with a bulldozer for pastureland, but
we could cut it if we wanted to, ” Singer
Everything out there is straight as an
row,” Singer said. “I think it’s the best
ace we’ve ever had.”
Problems with finding a site developed
[ply when the coordinators were told
(the site they had intended to use this
year was no longer available because the
Texas Municipal Power Agency had
already started strip mining operations
there. Since then, more than 20 other pos
sibilities for a site were turned down.
Singer said that Eller seemed to be eager
to help out in any way he could.
“He said he’d have his bulldozer out
there if we wanted to make a road through
the site. If we needed help, all we have to
do is ask for it.
“But this is a one-shot thing,” Singer
said. “He’s going to have the rest of the land
cleared after we re through.”
Situations like the one this year are not
new. The 1978 bonfire didn’t have a source
of logs until a week before cutting was to
The problem this year, as in the past, has
been due in part to the rising cost of fire
“A lot of people just aren’t willing to give
their wood away when it’s selling for $150
per cord in Houston,” Singer said.
According to Singer, finding a cutting
site may continue to be a problem in future
“I’ll bet there won’t be much left in five
years or so,” he said.
barter trying to reconcile
til-rich Nigerian relations
United Press International
WASHINGTON — President Carter in-
ted Nigerian President Alhaji Shehu Sha
ri to the White House for what U.S. offi-
tls said was the culmination of four years
trying to improve relations with the oil-
-I African nation.
Shagari, president of the most-populous
ican nation, addressed the United Na
ims General Assembly Monday, before
iming to Washington for his meeting to-
ty with Carter.
U.S. officials pointed out that in 1976,
iringthe Gerald Ford administration, re
lions between the United States and
igeria were so bad Secretary of State
enry Kissinger, who was scheduled to
sit Nigeria, had his invitation canceled by
te Nigerian government in a policy dis-
ute over the war in Angola.
Nigeria, which sells an average of 1 mil-
barrels of oil to the United States per
ay, is coming under pressure to increase
siproduction and exports to the United
tales in light of the cut off of Iranian and
aqi oil.
iHistorically, U.S. officials say, Nigeria
a| been eager to export as much oil as it
an sell, but it is not expected Shagari, who
elds a government modeled after the
LS. ederal system, will be able to make
16 decision on his own.
onday, before the U.N. General
Assembly, Shagari gave a tough speech on a
bject expected to be raised repeatedly
during his Washington talks: the differ
ences between the two countries on how to
deal with the Republic of South Africa.
“I find it intolerable the independence of
Namibia continues to be bedeviled by the
intransigence of South Africa,” said Sha
South Africa has governed the former
German territory — also known as South
West Africa—under a mandate granted by
the League of Nations, since 1920.
The mandate was withrawn by the Un
ited Nations because of the racist policies of
South Africa's white minority government.
“Nigeria will no longer tolerate the pro
vocations by South Africa or the dilatory
tactics of her allies in the Western bloc with
regard to self-determination and majority
rule for Namibia, ” Shagari told applauding
“We deeply deplore the collusion be
tween South Africa and its Western allies,
which continue to deny the people of that
territory their inalienable rights. ”
U.S. officials say Shagari will be told
Congress has passed legislation that effec
tively forbids economic boycotts, with the
single exception of Iran.
Furthermore, officials said, the adminis
tration does not believe economic boycotts
are effective in bringing pressure on a
target regime. Although the United States
forbids the sale of arms to South Africa,
there are no economic restrictions.
Sly friends rush Thanksgiving
Battalion Staff
“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause
... and yes, Bryan, Thanksgiving
came early this year.
Thanks to some crafty friends, Thank
sgiving got moved up a few weeks for
Bryan Foy and Julie Peterson.
“How did y’all do this without me
finding out about it?!’ was the first ut
terance Bryan, a senior Aggie bands
man, could make after almost five mi
nutes of gaping open-mouthed at his
fiancee who was flown from Minnesota
for the Texas Tech — Texas A&M game
by two of Bryan’s friends, who collected
enough money for Julie’s plane ticket.
Mollie White and Valerie Vickers col
lected money from members of the
Aggie Band, friends in Mosher Hall and
several student leaders.
Julie said she and Bryan had discus
sed her coming down for Thanksgiving,
but no definite plans had been made
when the two women called her to see if
she was free for the weekend.
“I just about died when they told me
they were sending the plane ticket,”
Julie, a senior English major at St. Olaf
College in Northfield, Minn., said.
Julie was sequestered Friday after
noon, after flying into Houston Inter
continental Airport at noon and coming
to College Station by car, until band
practice on Kyle Field was over. There
the carefully planned surprise reunion
was executed.
Julie waited calmly in the stands,
watching Bryan and the rest of the Aggie
Band practice for Saturday’s halftime
performance and talking to Mollie and
As the bandsmen gathered for their
last critique and instruction from the
drum majors, the well-laid plan began
to unfold. Julie, Mollie, Valerie and a
host of well-wishers made their way
down the bleachers to the ramp, then
around the outside of the stadium to the
south end of the field.
The girls had arranged to have a
meeting of the senior bandsmen called
after the rest of the band was dismissed.
While the seniors met, Julie — sur
rounded and hidden by friends —
walked toward the group in the center of
the field.
“Hey, Bryan, have you had a good
day?” one of the seniors asked.
While another senior distracted
Bryan, Julie walked up behind him and
embraced him before he even knew she
was there.
His first reaction was to hug her,
then, realizing what had happened, he
stepped back about three feet and
stared, his mouth occasionally moving,
but not uttering a sound.
Finally he managed to speak, saying
only, “How did y’all do this without me
finding out about it?”
“Bryan, you’d better hurry and get
your midnight wired — you’re going to
the Bob Hope concert,” Ken Cross,
Corps commander, said, as he handed
him his own reserve tickets to the
night’s performance.
“How?” was all Bryan could say.
Later, Bryan said, “I knew that any
thing I said wouldn’t have made sense,
so I didn’t say anything.
“I can’t believe so many people knew
about it and no one told me,” he said.
“1 know everything, ’” Valerie teased,
repeating a statement the two girls say
Bryan uses often.
Sitting next to him in the Kettle res
taurant Sunday night, Julie said, “Even
if you had guessed it, you wouldn’t have
believed it.”
“I probably wouldn’t have,” he said.
Julie said she thought she gave away
the secret when she talked to Bryan on
the phone.
“He was talking about how much he
wanted me here for the Texas Tech
game, and I just kept on cracking up. ”
But the secret remained just that until
Friday after drill.
Bryan and Julie, who have been dat
ing since their high school days in Ger
many, plan to get married sometime
after they both graduate in May, Julie
Valerie said she and Mollie made
announcements about the plans to fly
Julie down for the game in some of their
classes where people knew Bryan.
“One freshman girl that didn’t even
know Bryan donated money because
she thought it was a neat idea,” Valerie
Mollie and Valerie collected over
$230 for the ticket and made the
arrangements for Julie’s trip.
Most of the money came from band
members, Molly said. About 30 to 40
people contributed, with some donating
$20 to $30.
Staff photo by Becky Swanson
“How did y’all do this without me finding out about it?” a ties. Bryan, a senior Aggie bandsman, had no idea that
confused Bryan Foy said after friends flew his fiancee, friends Mollie White and Valerie Vickers had collected
Julie Peterson, in from Minnesota Friday afternoon for enough money to fly Julie in for the game,
the Texas Tech—Texas A&M football weekend activi-