The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1980, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1980 Graduate to a higher challenge. Texas Instruments. For years youVe been proving- to your pro fessors just how good you are. Now it’s time to prove it to yourself. With a higher challenge. With Tbxas Instruments. Prove yourself where innovation's the rule, not the exception. As a matter of corporate policy, TI has built-in budgets for new, innovative ideas. If you have a revolutionary concept that deserves to be put to the test, the money’s there. That’s just part of the TI challenge. Prove yourself in the world's “hot" technologies. No technology is hotter, or more fan tastic, tham microelectronics. And no com pany is hotter in it than TI. Example: The TI 59 handheld calculator has more than twice the primary memory capacity of the three-ton computers of the 1950s. And look at these credentials. TI is: • The world’s leading supplier of • The patent holder for the single-chip microcomputer and the handheld elec tronic calculator. • The designer and producer of the most complex MOS chip and the most popular microcomputer. • The inventor of soM-state voice synthesis. • The largest producer of microelectronic memory products. • The world leader in Veiy Large Scale Integration. • The primary supplier of airborne radars to the U.S. defense program. • The leading developer and producer of in frared and laser systems. • The world’s foremost geophysical survey company. semiconductors. Prove to yourself where you have the freedom to grow. Because TI is like many companies in one, you have the opportunity to move laterally from one specialty to another as well as move up. Without changing jobs. TI’s advanced system for lateral career mobility lets you move up faster. Because the freedom to move sideways is the best way to com pare technologies and define career goals early on. The frequently published TI Job Oppor tunity Bulletin lists openings at all TI facilities and gives TI people first crack at them. Prove yourself where it counts. TI has been acclaimed as one of America’s best-managed companies be cause we’ve stayed young and vital while growing big. One major reason for our high energy is our move-up environment. New people don’t get buried at the bottom of a pecking order, because there isn’t one. So if you get a good idea your first week on the job, it gets heard. And you get rewarded. At TI, you get eveiy chance to show what you can do. And prove what you deserve. Prove yourself in an international company. TI has hometowns in 19 countries on six continents. You’ll find manufacturing in Singapore. Dallas. Ibkyo. Nice. Buenos Aires. And many other cities around the globe. TI has hometowns to match your lifestyle. No matter where you call home. From New England to Tfexas to California. Texas Instruments is interested in graduates from the following specialties: • Electronics Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Computer Science (Software/Hardware) • Industrial Engineering • Materials Science • Solid-State Physics • Engineering Physics • Engineering Science • Metallurgy • Metallurgical Engineering • Chemical Engineering • Chemistry • Mathematics • Plastics Engineering • Manufacturing Engineering Technology • Geology/Geophysics Campus Interviews *TI Consumer Products Group. P>om calculators and watches to home computers, electronic learning aids and more. Nov. 4-5 TI Finance and Ac counting. For group, division, corporate staff or multinational. *TI Digital Systems Group. A leader in get ting the computer clo ser to the problem through distributed logic and memory. Nov. 4-5 & 18-19 *TI Equipment Group. Electro-Optics, Radar and Digital Systems, Missile and Ordnance. Nov. 4-5 & 18-19 TI Facilities Planning and Engineering. Re sponsible for facilities necessary for manufac turing and testing TI products. *TI Information Systems and Services. State-of- the-art computer sys tems and services to TTs worldwide operation. Oct. 16 TI Materials and Elec trical Products Group. A world leader in engi neered materials sys tems and home appli ance and industrial controls. Geophysical Service Inc. A world leader in the search for oil. *TI Semiconductor Group. Semiconductor components, materials and technology. Nov. 4-5 *TI Corporate Research, Development and Engi neering. Pioneering the technologies required by present and future business opportunities. Nov. 3 :,: Only these groups will be interviewing on campus. If you are unable to attend these interviews at this time, or if you wish to apply with another group, send data sheet to: George Berryman Texas Instruments, Corporate Staffing P.O. Box 225474, M.S. 67, Dept. CG Dallas, TX 75265 Innovation Texas Instruments I INCORPORATED An equal opportunity employer M/F Copyright© 1980, Texas Instruments Incorporated See Texas Instruments’ videotape “The Heart of Your Decision” at placement office. I Buddy KhM Ur when he any aver; wilted an ever. Benz, floral des his life. I design, v monstrat By thi retire, 1 nowned s had opei Ippy rig! three sue But none in taking cided. That’s mater, ci became t The th in the fle been rep around tl Jim John Benz c student £ teach his Johnsc enough t florist ry, business lege Stati “Ther working \ ing his cu thusiastic know wh they wan batteries, Benz’ f week, int |.m., tet and mecl Bower ar "It’s on and line £ “but it’s anchor th Seven : Louisiana held at T “It’s be for me. I of the st worked a for six m< “I didr good,” he designing I needed Johns< s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦