The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1980, Image 20
come to Backstage Mcuieg ..‘Buiiii apuM aqi oj ^eds am m,, Suhmoq dnojB am papuno^ Buiimoq pue uopiaAA ‘jaSBUBiu ssauisnq s.Auedujoo am Sj oi(M ‘MOJjeg uojbus ■ « ■.«=« i By SCOT K. MEYER Battalion Staff The man is sweating heavily. Heat will do that to you. He has just dragged his friend (passed out? tired? dead?) across the floor. It is hot in here; the lights are bright and shine down like a desert sun. The man seems to age several decades. He still looks young, but he has an air of advanced age, and he speaks in a high, cracked voice. “By jingo, looky there. We’re really in trouble, Mel. Them birds. See them birds, Mel? See what they’re doing? I seen them things in Utah. Vultures. Condors or somethin’. Mean, nasty birds. They eat cows, Mel. I seen 'em eat a whole goddam cow like it weren’t nothin’." The man goes on talking, oblivious to the fact that his friend, who apparently wasn’t unconscious, dead or sleeping after all, has gotten up and is leaving. Finally he notices, stops talking and turns around. “You can go ahead and keep talking,” his friend says, “you’re doing fine. But I’ve got to get going now...” It is quickly agreed that Tom Stimson can leave, because all he does for the rest of the play is get dragged around anyway. Besides, Stimson, a senior theater arts major at Texas A&M University, has another rehearsal to go to, with the Aggie Players. Which puts an end to the rehearsal of the Sam Shepard play, “Cowboys #2.” But there are still the other two plays, “Chicago” and “Rock Garden”; so the troupe rehearses some more. The troupe is known as the Texas Actor’s Thea ter, and it will be performing the three short Shepard plays at Backstage this Friday and Saturday night. William Weldon, the actor who kept his eyes pealed for buzzards in “Cowboys #2,” describes himself as the “autistic director” of the company. Weldon had started an acting company in Albu querque, N.M., when he lived there. “I like to act,” Weldon said, “and I like to make the choices about which plays get done.” Weldon’s wife is Ellen Dowling, who teaches in the Texas A&M English department. He said he "tagged along with her” when she moved here, and formed a company here to continue acting. A CAMPUS “CUCTC CENTEE INC. "Your Friend In The Photo Business' Canon The Possibilities are Endless. Canon SPED Lenses AV-1 A-1 with fe, Ccnon Motor Drive MA CALL 846-5418 Full Line of Darkroom CERTIFIED PHOTOGRAPHIC COUNSELOR Supplies 401 UNIVERSITY DR. NORTHGATE COLLEGE STATION 6:30 7:00 7:30 10:00 3:00 4:30 8:0C