The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1980, Image 14
STINGS BOOKS S RECORDS f-ciue l*+ I nc D/A I I/AL.IWI'J THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1980 TREASURE HUNTER. Are you one? Then come to HAPPY COTTAGE GIFT SHOPPE Ti for treasures like these: THURSDAY LADIES NIGHT • Music Boxes • Miniatures • Fashion Jewelry • Accessories For Dorm Rooms And Apartments 822-9393 809 E. 29th (3 Blocks East of City Nat'l Bank) Bryan Silk Flowers Stuffed Animals Plus Much, Much More I He a vyweigh t figh t tonigh t JUS* OF CC Ali, Holmes battle-rea UNESCORTED LADIES NO COVER AND ONE FREE DRINK MSC OUTDOOR RECREATION EQUIPMENT RENTAL Phone: 845-4511 4 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR 4:00-5:001 3 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR 5:00-6:00 2 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR 6:00-8:00| DALLAS NIGHT CLUB IN THE DOUX CHENE APT. COMPLEX BEHIND K-MART, COLLEGE STA. Hours: Monday 8 a.m.-12 noon Tuesday 12 noon-5 p.m. Thursday 1 p.m.-6 p.m. Friday 1 p.m.-6 p.m. canoes backpacks stoves tents lanterns and so much more! AiepiA |iii3 (mmmm FOOTBALL MUMS! FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS & TO TWO OFF CAMPUS BIST. CENTERS!! many styles and prices On Sale Monday - Friday MSC : 9-5 bi sa, commons: 11-1,4-6 AP0... e Deliver!! Equipment rental is open to students, faculty and staff of TAMU. Reservations may be made up to two weeks in advance of rental date. A reservation list is located by MSC Outdoor Recreation cubicle in room 216 MSC. Equipment not reserved is available on a first come, first serve basis. Call during rental hours (845-4511) to check on availability of any item. All equipment is picked up & returned behind Grove Screen. JAZZERCISE IS HERE Jazzercise — one of the most unique types of dance fitness around — is now being offered in the College Station area. Jazzercise is an approach to total body conditioning using joyful dance movements to music. It’s your chance for a wild and wooly work-out that will condition you totally and lift your spirits. Underneath the fun and music, the point of a Jazzercise class is cardiovascular, muscular, metabolic, and emotional improvement. There’s 50 minutes of bending, stretching, jumping, and dancing, built around warm-up, peak-work, and cool-down periods. The routines are composed of dance movements that anyone can do, and memorization of the dances is not required. They have been matched to fit specific music and specific purposes — each routine designed to improve the body with total fitness in mind. The Jazzercise technique was developed by Judi Sheppard Missett in response to increasing demand for a fun way to total physical fitness. Ms. Missett holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University and has danced professionally in Broadway shows, on TV, and in industrial theater shows, as well as conducted California state-sponsored dance and movement workshops. All Jazzercise students are encouraged to pace themselves and do their own level of exercise. This allows for a very personal atmosphere. Teachers are trained in positive motivation, instructing their students to relax, smile, yell and shout their troubles away. This gives the class the added feature of improving mental relaxation. Students walk away from class with a smile on their faces for a job well done. Maybe this accounts for the 70,000 students in 29 states and 11 foreign countries Jazzercise has accumulated. Locally, Jazzercise classes will be held at Valerie Martin’s Gallery of Dance Arts, 206 Dowling Rd. (intersection of 2818 and Wellborn Rd.). Enrollment is now taking place for classes starting October 6. Classes take place twice each week for one hour — Mon. and Wed., from 4-5 pm or Tues. and Thurs., from 6:45-7:45 pm. Each four-week session, two days per week, costs $15. Enrollment js continuous and can be done by calling instructor Cindy Jochen at 693-1309. Any person, regardless of age, size or shape can Jazzercise! (HASTINGS BOOKS & RECORDS eft a FOR SOUND RESULTS IN AUDIO maxell 2.99 list 5.25 UDXL - II THE TAPE THAT SOUNDS LIKE “CHROME”. BUT ISN’T! ELECITFIOIMICS CORF*. 3.99 Wait till you hear what you’ve been missing. list 7.40 OPEN TIL 9 P.M hasting’s books & records Culpepper Plaza Shas WE ACCEPT VISA and MASTERCARD TINGS BOOKS & RECORDS By TODD HEDGEPETH Battalion Reporter With tonight’s bout between heavyweight champion Larry Holmes and challenger Muhammad Ali getting ever so close, many still wonder why Ali is doing this at age 38. It’s a very good question because, really, what more does he have to prove? He held the heavyweight crown three times and was the first black heavyweight to retire with the title. But still, there are some factors that weigh pretty heavily in favor of an Ali comeback. First, there’s the money. It’s hard to turn down a few million dollars for just one night’s work. Ali has always lived an extravagant life and maybe he needs this money to retain that lifestyle. Who knows? Even if he doesn’t need the money, it’s still hard to refuse an offer like that. Then, there’s his opponent, Larry Holmes. It’s not like Ali will be fac ing a Joe Frazier or a George Fore man in their primes. He’s fighting a man over 30 who’s an excellent box er, but doesn’t really have much of a knockout punch. The fighters that gave Ali trouble were men who put constant pressure on him, who were all over him the entire fight. But Holmes is a standup boxer who won’t put pressure on Ali much at all. It’ll be a boxer vs. a boxer, and Ali has never been outboxed. e Texas has wac rather e£ 7 wins : Larry Holmes Muhammad Ali Another factor was brought up by Holmes a few weeks ago. What does Holmes have to gain from the fight? If he wins, the critics will say he should have won, that anyone can beat a 38-year-old ex-champ. On the other hand, Ali has little to lose. If he does get beat, they’ll say ‘well, he shouldn’t have come back, that he was the greatest in his prime.’ One more factor might he men tioned — the psychological edge. Holmes used to always say how Ali was his idol, and how he copied much of his style from Ali. Holmes was also Ali’s sparring partner for a few years, and it was this training. Holmes said, that developed him into such an excellent fighter. So what will happen when Holmes steps into the ring and has to punch his idol, his teacher? It’s an interest ing thought. the t er watei e a few 13m a little mt they’ve But, even lay be no So it seems Ali knows wkloops, and a doing by taking this figlitB our th Holmes. He’s makingalotofni|i ns this fa he’s fighting a man who realkB 15 in the that dangerous, he really ne-half of have that much to lose, anditJere agains he should have a psychologiw|*nis, sue on Holmes. Throw in thefacldipnien s L is down to 217 j>ounds and»0uston Stal ported to be in great shape, Aggie; think we have the making ofi of Lori set. So here’s my prediction:!®. h ave sh rally late and capture a d ents faced t round decision. Volleyball Get your Xerox copies ON THE DOUBLE at Northgate, above Farmer's Market Inexpensive, High-Quality Copies On Our Xerox 9400 FREE COLLATING in most cases. We specialize in REPORTS and DISSERTATIONS. Also: Self-service copying, typing, binding, resume writing, editing, translating. ONE STOP service for reports and dissertations. ON THE DOUBLE V 331 University 846-3755 Open M-F, 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat., 9-6 *. team to pla Their hitti le most plea each Bill G Led by th< fiese, the A itting over . ,ie offense Th< women l^iem last yea onal tourna: Texas A&M Univ In that to /olleyball teani«nlshed thin hosting Texas Women’s UnnVO games Lr at 7 p. m. today on the main fired the eve CL Rollie White. Admission ittion. The women will play the best : The pitchi of-five games. lestion. Th« Starting for the Aggies wtoll had a fir senior Wendy Wilson, junior Ms year has 1 ten Bloom, sophomore Sue V currently 9 and freshmen Lisa Johnson, i Vera ge of O Frederick and Lisa Sanders, ith an ERA Friday the team travels t On defens. nine-team Lamar Invitationlonger. Beaumont. The traveling squafllt s looki be determined after ThutHse, ’ said ( night’s play. ;en pressed At this point, with a youn;“ ei i behind relatively inexperienced ttP not sure Coach Terry Condron says; “wBefensivel taking one match at a time and*at a .960 c each one as a learning experiesIU games. On Friday, r iKilleen to ouston Inv WHO WILL BE MR. MACH01 Ladies find out at ZACHARIAS GREENHOUSE Thurs. 8 P.M. Discover LEWIS SHOES The Best GalTDang Little Boot House In Texas! Aggies wear boots. You'll be glad you heard about the boot offering at LEWIS SHOES. We can shou you dozens of boot styles for men and their ladies. Come take a look. You'll be impressed with how much class your money will buy. I&ms Sitae. Storied Culpepper Plaza #6846. Dan Post Iguana Lizard in Peanut Brown or Chocolate. B&D widths in Peanut. 199.99 Compare elsewhere for $50 more. Lizard Prints from 59.99. Other boots for men starting at 48.99. 8 to 12, B-widths, & 7 to 12, 13, D-widths, in some styles. The El w th mi SI Sti CQ