The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1980, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1980 State /National DRINKS ENTERPRISES. INC. 106 N. PACKER Mon Fri. 7:30-6:00 Sat 8:00-5 00 (Between W 25th 6. W. 26th) DOWNTOWN BRYAN 779-9518 775-2095 Teacher group to back Carter WEEKENDS SPECIALS (Prices good Thurs., Oct. 2-Sat., Oct. 4) Heineken (6-12 oz. Bottles) Carta Blanc.. (6-12 oz. Bottles) Dos Equis ... (6-12 oz. Bottles) Schlitz (6-16 oz. Cans) Miller . . (6-16 oz. Cans) Budweiser.... .. (6-16 oz. Cans) $3.83 $2.19 $2.69 $2.35 $2.30 $2.25 TIDDIES DRINK HUGGER Skoal (8 can roll) 80C $5.40 SOFT DRINKS Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, 7-Up 6-12 oz. cans *1 55 TOBACCO & SNUFF Cigarettes King $5.50/caiton Longs $5.60/carton Copenhagen (8 can roll) $4.26 Hawken (8 can roll) $5.15 Skoal (8 can roll) $5.40 SHOP US FOR ALL BRANDS OF DRINKS, PARTY GOODS, CANDY & GUM. n United Press International AUSTIN — The president of the Texas State Teachers Association said Wednesday President Carter clearly has a better record in educa tion than Ronald Reagan and the teacher organization will support the incumbent. “We’re convinced that our mem bers will make a difference in the upcoming election,” said Dora Scott. “And we feel certain that our legisla tive package will get the support it needs next year.” Scott said TSTA also was endors ing 109 other candidates in Texas, but this was the first time the educa tor group has backed a presidential candidate. VATICA She said the Texas Educators Poli tical Action Committee, TSTA’s poli tical arm, had decided to endorse Carter in October 1979 and that de cision was reaffirmed in September. “Our support for the Carter- Mondale ticket and the 109 other candidates around Texas is a logical outgrowth of TSTA’s longtime parti cipation in politics,” Scott said. “We know that political participation is the only way to lay a foundation for the betterment of teachers’ profes sional lives.” Scott also said President Carter had kept a 1976 campaign promise to create a cabinet-level Department of Education, while Reagan proposes to abolish the office if elected. The TSTA president said the orga nization also was pushing a four- point legislative program for the 1981 Legislature to consider when it convenes in January. The program calls for a 33 percent increase for teacher salaries, due process and fair dismissal procedures for public school employees, group health insurance which would be similar to that provided other state employees and collective bargaining rights for teachers. “We feel that we are within sight of winning on all counts, ” Scott said. “We have these positive feelings even though our collective baffly su PPoi ing proposal has already beetM w '^ w o judged and threatened with aw their lea Gov. (Bill) Clements beforew^Brchbish have a chance to give it a jBement c hearing.” led about \ Scott said TSTA memben Ijthe Unit work to get Carter and theoltiBNeither candidates the group ercpi 60 * or eh elected. She said the teacher r eontrace zation would mount door:.’$ Ce Neit canvasses and set up telephonrf 6 exiling mittees. ^niiuli on "By backing pro-education(tf on h J sio dates, we’re supporting thefurfi? se the country. We invite allTeJ&hops me join with us in our cause,” stieP 11 * 1 ’ 0 ! ^an A report ( JJ'S Wholesale Warehouse Our Hours Fit Your Hours. No Hassle Hair and No Hassle Hours. We’re now open until 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. No more rushing from class or work to have your hair done. 696-6933 693-0607 Featuring: LONE STAR 29" Use of penicillin might aid infants B called Hficial bir |“The inte ifmaking tl ffiderstoocl no told tl Bnan Cat jfltracepti’ The subje lyes has be< Party Keg Price includes: 50 lbs. ice 50 cups SCHWEPPES TONIC WATER 89C 822-1042 1219 Texas Ave. v United Press International —onoauci BOSTON — Penicillin given to babies within an hour after birjbdern fan may reduce the incidence of serious infections but might open thedofltardinal for other bacterial diseases resistant to the antibiotic, doctors reponlhurch’s 191 Wednesday. ' B further A two-year study of 18,738 infants found strong indications tW penicillin reduces “Group B streptococcal” infections, which occult up to three of every 1,000 live births and are fatal about 50 percentlL the time. T> ¥7 Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Centerl*^! JZ Dallas said they are continuing the study to determine whetherthilf can prevent the infections without unleashing a Pandora's Boxofotll^/ltT diseases. W l/-* J Chief Investigator Jane Siegel said penicillin reduced Group* streptococcal infections and did not increase other diseases duringotf Unitc< year of the study reported this week in the New England Journal: — Medicine. B 0115 have But she pointed out that during the team ’s first year of research, tbr 111 ^* 65 ^ treatment increased the appearance of bacteria not affected by pcniciiTO fighting lin while it did very little to stop Group B infections. ith a 10 J.J. Ruffino '73 Watch the Batt. for Weekly Specials! drive In a telephone interview, Siegel conceded the results were contn|P uct * on E dictory and said doctors should proceed with caution. n rJ>y °“ lc * “The message that we have is that penicillin may prevent the infet|" lcia ^ s a< tion, but it should not be used on a wide basis at present because n have not ruled out that there is an adverse effect,” she said. ■ as Kuwi She suggested penicillin could be used “as a temporary measure’ tFj Arab prevent Group B streptococcal infections in a limited way, “butnot(C c uce a ‘ M a widespread basis. B - “We certainly don’t want to trade off one disease for another, sl« said. Group B streptococcal infections can cause “early onset syndrome, which can occur in the first 24 hours of an infant’s life, bringing witbi respiratory distress or pneumonia. Babies may go into shock or de velop meningitis. Bacteria that are resistant to penicillin include Escherichia coli, normally harmless bacterium that occupies the human intestines, can, however, cause infections that are especially hard to treat i infants. , Doctors were studying use of penicillin, Siegel said, because of tin danger involved in Group B streptococcal diseases and the accidenti discovery in 1975 that the antibiotic seemed to protect babies fromtln infections. Aggies, after the Tech game, it’s THE place to be for Dancing, Drinking, Food, A Mariachi Band, Car Bash, and plenty of beautiful Texas Women. OCTOBER 4, 1980 featuring Whiskey Drinkin’ Music 6 p.m.-l a.m. $3.00 ADVANCE SALES $4.00 At the Door