The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 02, 1980, Image 10
t Page 10 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1980 ARE YOU GETTING HAIRICANE’ CUTS? calm them down — come to the VARSITY SHOP USED GOLD 846-7401 301 Patricia Behind the Dixie Chicken Across from the Campus Theatre ■111 LEARN TO FLY THE CPC WAY AND GET YOUR FIRST AND LAST HOUR OF INSTRUCTION FREEH That’s right. We are going to give free of charge the first and last hour of instruction to the first twenty Aggie students who sign up for the Cessna Pilot Center Ground School. Don’t forget about our $20 Discovery Flight and to ask us about obtaining college credit for our ground school. Cessna^ PHOT CENTER BRAZOS AVIATION 696-8767 EASTERWOOD AIRPORT COLLEGE STATION WANTED! § Cash paid or will swap for Aggie Ring | Diamonds. diamond brokers international, inc. w - . Dennis Ivey's Lake view Club The Very Best In Country-Western Music and Dancing' WEDNESDAY FREE BEER 8-9 P.M, Students with Current ID Get In Free And Music By DENNIS IVEY & THE WAYMEN THURSDAY 5C BEER Men $3.00 Ladies $1.00 Coming Soon! Or Amarillo, The Mechanical Bull! Now Serving, Wine Coolers On Tabor Road the speaker warehouse GRAND OPENING SALE PRICED ETR 410 s ETR 412 s 4-way speaker with passive radiator and 10" woofer. 4_wa y speaker with^passive radiator and 12 j 93dB sensitivity ^sensitivity 1 75 max power handling Range — 50 Hz — 22 KHz LIST — $550 SALE PRICED $ 190 max power handling Range — 45 Hz — 22 KHz LIST — $650 SALE PRICED $ a pair BOTH SPEAKERS COME WITH A 5 YEAR WARRANTY. a pair We Specialize in Speakers, But We Carry A Full Line of Home Stereo Systems. Our Other Spedalties: CUSTOM COMMERCIAL SOUND SYSTEMS • CUSTOM HOME STEREO INSTALLATIONS • BUSINESS BACKGROUND MUSIC SYSTEMS • BIAMPED OR TRIAMPED BAND SOUND SYSTEMS 2806 Pinfeather (Just north of the Cowboy) "Owned & operated by Aggies, Class of ’80" Mon.-Sat. 10-7 775-4290 Romance is remedy Sex bores couples IV I 693-1647 ! ^ Please, no plated, layered or gold-filled items as their precious metal content is minimal. ^ United Press International NEW YORK — For most American couples, sex has become boring and mechanical, as exciting as “brushing one’s teeth” and as much fun as shining one’s shoes, sex therapist Debora Phillips says. Despite the sexual revolution, which Phillips claims is all but dead in most marriages, lovemaking between longtime partners suffers from numbness and a lack of romance. “Married couples don’t put a high priority on their lovemaking and they settle on a dictatorial regime in which no pleasure can survive. They do it at the same time, in the same place, the same way with the same tired, sleepy face,” Phillips said recently in an inter view. “Everyone makes love during the North American mating hour, right after the nightly news at 11:30 p.m. They turn off the news and bedsprings across America begin to creak,” she said. Phillips, who holds a Ph. D., operates a sex counseling clinic in Princeton, N.J. and teaches human sexuality to medical students and psychiatrists at Temple University Medical School in Philadelphia. She also is the author of a new book “Sexual Confidence.” Most couples, Phillips said, make love at the end of the day when they are exhausted, after they take out the garbage or after they have finished worrying about money. “Lovemaking then becomes as exciting as brushing your teeth. It’s now a habit not a pleasure, ’ she ft; And boredom in the bedroom occurs not ju$U|L old marrieds. Phillips sees it happening even a*; young couples and couples who practice recreatio* young couples casual sex. She said casual sex has caused a high rate ofimpoS among young men who suffer from guilt and “peijE ance anxiety.” Phillips also believes casual sex does not allowjK pie to become intimate in the true sense of the “True intimacy involves romance and the i,X ploitation of the other person. That means eacii[J^ASl must have a deep respect for each other andoneBr ^ en not get that respect by picking up someone in aluM e ear making love two hours after you met,’ she said. P® er 8 er Sex is the “hidden agenda of divorce, she said P 6 ™*! 1 ly 19 out of 20 marriages that end in divorce havehiW r ' cers lives as the real reason for separation. Pli! 1 a * “Sex is the cement of the relationship, It wasTe**^ 6 see Williams who said ‘When a marriage ends j; J PP|_ 0Ve ' rocks, the rocks are usually in the bed, she ^ How can one tell when a marriage or reiutionshiplF sen . trouble? ^roval Phillips said when the two people are noloneeri ut a Senate t friends, when one person won’t change and whe Althoi only thing that keeps them together is physicalalL „ , tion. ^ h The only real way back to an exciting sex life, she® e< is to put romance and intimacy back into one’s Whii ta b urger ‘winn er ’ loses ope ratio Ifaue wh dent act< sure. United Press International AUSTIN — A Dallas man has no standing to sue Whataburger, Inc. under the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act even though the firm and its advertising agency refused to deliver a 1930 vintage car the man won as a prize in a 1977 sales promo tion scheme by the hamburger res taurants, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. Mike Rutherford filed suit against Whataburger, Dally Advertising Inc. and DalWorth Whatco Inc. to force Whataburger to deliver a repli ca of a 1930 Bentley Phaeton adver tised as the grand prize in the six- week sales promotion. The company said the replica, which one witness at the trial de scribed as being built on the frame of a “worn out 1968 Volkswagen”, was not safe to drive and refused to award it to Rutherford. Rutherford filed suit accusing the firms of violation of the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, but a trial court granted a summary judgment in favor of the restaurant on grounds Rutherford did not qualify as a con sumer under the law because he did not purchase the car. The Supreme Court, without writ ten comment, upheld the lower court decision that Rutherford has no grounds to sue under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act. His purchase of a hamburger^ french fries at a Whataburgi taurant during the sales promJ did not qualify him as a consi( with respect to the automoWR. court said. Bi At one point during the dig) Whataburger offered Rutherfoit choice of automobiles as a subslj for the Bentley. He selected al tiac Trans-Am, hut thecompan| fused to go along with that reqa Rutherford’s suit also ace Whataburger of breach of oral tract, but that portion ofthecasfl is pending in a Dallas district U WAS I Carter s panel fee culture announc expande during tl One i crop insi 42 years half of tli of slow c ^ Carter MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE presents 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA THURSDAY, OCT. 2 7:30 P.M. & 10:00 P.M. 601 Rudder 75C with ID culniinat Hons to gress. Bergla expansio U addition: next five rapid bu ance cov The pi 0 all major ties. In 198 disaster gives fan miums, 1 wheat, c In a si ve Ion lly ha eferab ms no cers.” He sai [little mo 'usually t benefit.’ For IS fall feder if they eli for disa said. In lett after plar fipH be I choice o ier wl eral subs i|iums fo crop y jFarme insurance percent Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. K Each Daily Special Only $2.13 Plus Tax. | Partof “Open Daily” ptceded Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00P.M MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Youi Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Buttef Coffee or Tea Private iffer fire ftfe law, would be ite insui cided t Ice. Some c THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTECTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SATURDAY SUNDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL NOON and EVENING NOON and EVENING BREADED FISH SPECIAL ROAST TURKEY DINNER FILET w/TARTAR Served with SAUCE Yankee Pot Roast Cranberry Sauce Cole Slaw (Texas Salad) Cornbread Dressing Hush Puppies Mashed Roll or Corn Bread - Butter- Choice of one Potato w/ Coffe or Tea vegetable gravy Giblet Gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Roll or Corn Bread & Butter And your choice of any Tea or Coffee Tea or Coffee One vegetable J