The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 14, 1980, Image 5
nor ing ide '^national '' a ■ ~ For® win Edwi,j a re rivil iir, isc Cajun coi A11 shington h ter at stoi cuff jokes, ag not be nn; 5 a live sel r ecord prodij ilonday. Gov. Edw s this ideai In fact, he: it a banqiir e said thali 1.” Edwards ass governor l port about vould explc Wards did ag himselj be hired aid thereoi ) “every nuj :xas, Arkaii! i well as ) dates sell g the he saidh be donated 1 issociation, Orleansn jld play bad n the recoa 51)61 nan ues Q&A on election, Iran, hostages United Press International TEHRAN, Iran The following questions and answers seek to explain the complicated Iranian election situation and what it means for the hostages, Iran and its president. Q. Who won the election Friday? A. Final results are awaited, but Moslem fundamentalists led by the Islamic Republican Party have won the majority of the 270 seats in the Islamic parliament. The fundamentalists are the strongest backers of the militants who are holding the 53 American hostages in more than a dozen cities in Iran, according to their own pronouncements. Q. What does the victory mean for the hostages? A. The fundamentalists have not said clearly what they intend to do They have not responded either to the militants’ demands that some oif the hostages should go on trial for espionage. Rut anti-American feeling is at its peak since the failed U.S. rescue mission. Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, leader of the Republican Party, has said the hostage issue is only the second most important item to be discussed by the parliament when it convenes. Parliament’s mood therefore is unpredictable. Q. President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr is seen in the West as com paratively moderate. ]Vhat does the fundamentalists’ victory mean for him? the election result does not not make his job any easier. He has indicated he wants to name a prime minister who will be able to work with the fundamentalists. He does not want a confrontation. Most political analysts believe friction between Bani-Sadr and the fun damentalists would have unpredictable results for the hostages. Q. When will parliament meet? A. According to a government schedule, parliament is to be in session by June 5. Earlier estimates by Beheshti said the legislature may not convene until the last week of June. Q. Is it not impossible to expect a favorable decision for the hostages as long as there is a fundamentalist ruling party in parliament? A. The attitude of the fundamentalists may be influenced between now and the convening of parliament by such factors as Bani-Sadr’s efforts to cool the mood of the country and the relationship between the president and the parliament. Q. Is there any likelihood Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini will over turn a favorable ruling from parliament? A. The parliament was designated as the final authority on the hostage issue by Khomeini himself. But Khomeini still reserves the right, and has the constitutional authority, to overturn any parliamen tary vote. Q Will the hostages’ captors accept a favorable ruling from parlia ment? A. The militants’ attitude simply cannot be predicted. Pope plans more trips THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1980 Page United Press International VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul II brushed off complaints of his whirlwind travels today and began to work out plans for more of the same — trips to France, Brazil and the Philippines. “I don’t intend to change,” John Paul told reporters on his plane from Abidjan in the Ivory Coast to Rome at the end of his 11-day, six-nation African tour, his most extensive yet. “This is a fatigue to which I will ingly submit myself.” Almost as soon as he gets back to his desk, John Paul will plan the de tails of his next journeys — to France at the end of this month, to Brazil in July and to the Philippines in the fall. During his 11,000-mile tour of the Judge considers anti-Iranian suits United Press International SAN ANGELO — A federal dis trict judge is expected to rule later this week on a request to dismiss two separate lawsuits against the govern ment of Iran. U.S. District Judge Halbert Woodward of Lubbock, in San Ange lo for Northern Judicial District pro ceedings this week, heard argu ments Monday from a Dallas attor ney seeking dismissal of both suits. One of the suits was filed in federal court in Lubbock last month by Asso ciated Builders Realtors Inc. The firm alleges a chain of events, includ ing the takeover of the U. S. E mbassy in Tehran and the taking of 53 Amer ican hostages, precipitated a crisis leading to the freezing of Iranian assets. Because the assets are frozen, the plaintiffs contend, a house once occupied by the deposed shah’s son and currently owned by the Iranian government cannot be sold. The realty firm said it had been deprived of a $19,000 commission as a result and is the victim of a breach of con tract. Beverly Brown, representing the national b'ltyWsl ce settle* noney. o deliven iickels,di : office of! Mondays -out a ton, sy buHts to give it nickels ii Paying »i jeout oft! annedtop ;d his mis orney ng harasse •tting bad ction it’s | larry W LLEGS r Terms 1980 SEP mckup truck used in bombing of embassy United Press International SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — Unidentified men in a speeding pick up truck bombed and machine- gunned the U.S. Embassy in San Salvador, officials said Tuersday. A spokesman for the U.S. Embas sy said there were no injuries or damage in the incident which occur red late Monday. One gunman sprayed the embassy with machine-gun fire while two others in the back of a speeding pick up truck tossed bombs at the com plex in the northern section of the capital, witnesses said. Neither of the two bombs made it over the concrete wall surrounding the embassy complex and exploded on the adjacent sidewalk, they said. None of the political groups active in the violence-torn Central Amer ican nation of 4.8 million immediate ly claimed responsibility for the attack. U S Ambassador Robert E. White, besieged for 2 days at his resi dence by right-wing protesters until UA. Marines got him out Monday morning, was in the embassy at the time of the attack, the spokesman said. Almost simultaneously with the embassy attack, an undetermined number of leftist guerrillas opened fire on a national police outpost less than a half-mile from the complex, police said. No injuries were re ported in the incident. In another development, El Salva dor’s military leaders sacked former armed forces commander Col. Adol fo Majano and appointed Col. Jaime Abdul Gutierrez to take his place, sources close to the ruling junta said Tuesday. Majano, also a member of the rul ing junta, was one of the leaders of the coup Oct. 15 that ousted former President Carlos H. Romero. Majano, who the sources said “had been the target of a wide campaign of defamation by the extreme right,” is considered a progressive and will re tain his post in the junta, the sources said. His successor, Abdul Gutierrez, who also helped lead last year’s coup, will assume his duties as commander in chief immediately, they said. ICE Kathy & Kent Caperton Say Thank You ••• Dear Friends, We are extremely grateful to the many people who helped us suc ceed in the Democratic primary. Our campaign was geared towards all of the people in the 5th Senatorial District. We talked about the issues of vital concern to our families and communities: Education, Law En forcement, Senior Citizens, the Economy, and Efficiency in Govern ment. We will continue to stress these issues in our campaign for the general election, and our door will always be open to you. Once again, thank you very much. We hope to visit with you soon, and earn your support for the fall. Best wishes. Sincerely, (Zpi/ent <& (Zpi/dtky a'petton Kent Caperton. A new kind of senator for a new decade. perton *for Texas Senator. T™ M , * K.„, Iranian government, argued the U.S. government froze Iranian assets and, therefore, is responsible for making it impossible to sell the house. Motions also were heard Monday on a wrongful death lawsuit filed in Lubbock by former Singer Sewing Co. employee Wendel T. Reed, who names the Iranian government as de fendant. Reed contends the government was negligent in providing ap pliances for the residence where he and his wife stayed when he was sent to Iran by Singer in 1978. He cites as specific negligence the government’s installation of a stove, which he said short-circuited and electrocuted his wife the day after they moved into a house at a Tehran air base. He seeks $250,000 dam ages. Part of Miss Brown’s dismissal mo tion on the Reed case stemmed from her argument that an American court does not have jurisdiction in the matter. heart of Africa, the pope crossed the equator four times and the continen tal divide twice to become the most traveled pontiff in history. In all, on his fifth trip outside Italy, he delivered more than 60 speeches and sermons — most of which he wrote himself. Some Vatican officials complain the pope’s journeys and the prepara tions for them leave little time for taking care of essential church mat ters at home. But John Paul, scoffing at the com plaints, says he can’t come to grips with the church’s problems by being a deskbound pope. “The Africans said I had to go there because even with all the re ports I receive, I wouldn’t be able to understand them without meeting them,” he told reporters. “I can now see and understand many things I didn’t know before.” ALTERATIONS IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS "DON’T GIVE UP — WPU, MAKE IT FIT!" AT WELCH'S CLEANERS WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCELLENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPE CIALIZE IN ALTERING HAF\D TO FIT EVENING DRESSES. TAPERED SHIRTS, JEAN HEMS. 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Sit yourself down to a taste- delight’n, eight-piece dinner with a fami ly order of fries, a pint of reaf-cool slaw and six butter melting rolls baked from scratch. For only $ 5.99 with this coupon. “That’s a lot of cluck for your ol’ buck. So, 111 say ‘chow’ for now!" ■ip Chicken ’n rolls | COUPONl $5.99 S Chicken Chow Down I Chick ’n Pak—8-piece dinner with family orders of slaw, french fries I and 6 rolls. All for a little scratch. I Offer good only at participating Tinsley’s Chicken ’n rolls. I Not in conjunction with any other offer. Coupon expires 5/31/80. 705 N. Texas Ave. 822-2819 512 Villa Maria Rd. 822-5277 1905 Texas Ave. 693-1669