Fhe Battalion 73 No. 151 Thursday, May 1, 1980 USPS 045 360 ’ages in 2 Sections College Station, Texas Phone 845-2611 —> Bush's schedule at A&M Here is the itinerary for George and Barbara Bush’s visit to Texas A&M University today: 1:00 p.m. — Bush’s plane arrives at 1 Easterwood Airport. Bush departs air port for Texas A&M. 1:15 p.m. — Bush arrives at Rudder Auditorium 1:25 p. m. — Bush begins his speech on “The ’80s: Decade of Decision.” The speech will be followed by a ques tion and answer session. 2:05 p.m. — Bush leaves for Easter wood Airport. 2:30 p.m. — Bush’s plane leaves. I / Residence status if Iranians unclear by JANA SIMS Battalion StafT Icials are awaiting word of the effects severing of diplomatic ties with Iran have on Iranian students at Texas A&M versity. lie United States broke off relations i Iran April 7. ifty-eight of Texas A&M’s 64 Iranian lents are here with a permit called a m 1-94, also known as a “permit to ,’The other six have either pending or roved permanent resident status, t one time, I-94s had to be renewed rly. But in an effort to cut down on erwork, the Immigration and Naturali- on Service replaced the annual expira- i dates. he new forms allow foreigners who ntain “valid student status’’ to remain in United States. obe qualify for those terms, an under- duate student must be enrolled in at ;t 12 hours a semester. A graduate stu- it must take nine hours, unless he is in final semester or is working on a disser- on. United Press International ,ON DON — A heavily armed three- n Arab suicide squad occupying the Ira- n Embassy threatened to blow up 20 stages and themselves today unless atollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s regime :s91 Arab prisoners in Iran, icotland Yard “blue beret” snipers and icemen wearing bullet-proof vests ring- the embassy through the night as some Iranian students, who offered to ex- ange* themselves for the hostages, anted pro-Khomeini slogans and “Allah bar” (God is Great) outside the com- md. Ihemen, who claimed to be members of Thirteen students here, however, still have I-94s with expiration dates. Dr. P. Wayne Gosnell, director of Inter national Services, said he is expecting word from the INS “any day now’’ on the fate of Iranian students here. For the time being, he said his department is advising Iranian Aggies to submit applications for permit renewals and to go about their business as usual. Nevertheless, Gosnell said the INS is “holding up action (on renewal applica tions) until they receive word from Washington.” As a result of Carter’s actions, Gosnell said, “No visas for entry into the United States are now being issued, except for compelling humanitarian reasons. But, I haven’t heard of any such exceptions. ” Gosnell also said the closing of the Ira nian embassy in the United States might make it difficult for a passport to be re newed. However, Algeria has agreed to represent Iran in the United States. “But,” Gosnell said, “I do not know of any Texas A&M student who has yet attempted to secure a passport renewal the “Group of the Martyrs,” were armed with automatic weapons and pistols. They stormed the embassy about 11:30 a.m. (5:30 a.m. CDT) Wednesday. Shortly after ward shooting was heard inside. The gunmen said they were fighting for autonomy of Iran’s oil-rich Khuzestan pro vince and demanded Iran free 91 jailed ethnic Arabs. They also demanded Britain supply a plane to fly them and the hostages to freedom. The gunmen told the BBC by telephone unless their demands were met by noon (6 a.m. CDT) “we will kill the hostages and blow up the building. ” Iran promptly blamed the assault on from the Algerian embassy.” Gosnell said another problem for Iranian students created by the severing of rela tions is monetary. Before the breaking of relations, an Ira nian student in the United States who needed to receive money from his family at home filled out a form from Texas A&M certifying his student status and sent it to the Iranian government. “Now the procedures are uncertain,” Gosnell said, “but we are advising the stu dents to proceed as before but to submit their certification to the Algerian embassy.” Until the International Services Office receives any further word from the INS from Washington, Gosnell said his depart ment is keeping in touch with Iranian stu dents through letters, conversations, and contact with the Society of Iranian Stu dents. Iranian student Fred Fiyouzati, in his second year at Texas A&M, said he doesn’t think he will have to leave. “I’m hoping for an improved situation,” he said. embassy Iraq. Iranian Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, on a tour of the Persian Gulf, said in Abu Dhabi, “Iran will not submit to any demands whether they are from indi viduals, countries or groups.” Among the hostages were a policeman on guard outside and two BBC television newsmen who were applying for visas when the gunmen burst into the ornate, white-columned mansion overlooking Hyde Park. Police negotiators spent much of the night talking to the gunmen by phone or through an open window. Food was brought into the embassy late Wednesday, some 11 hours after the siege began. President to resume traveling United Press International WASHINGTON — President Carter, ending the travel ban he imposed five months ago to deal with the Iran hostage crisis, says the issues facing the United States are “manageable enough” that he can make limited trips and do some cam- paigining. The president’s spokesman said Carter will not debate Sen. Edward Kennedy, his challenger for the Democratic nomination, but will take on the Republican candidate. Carter told several hundred community leaders invited to the White House Wednesday he would begin to travel “with in a few weeks.” “It has been a long time that I have stayed in the White House, under extraor dinary circumstances,” Carter said. “But times change, and a lot of the responsibili ties that have been on my shoulders the past few months have now been alleviated to some degree. “I will always keep before the American people the plight of the American hos tages,” he said, “but we have now com pleted a rescue operation that was compli cated, and which, unfortunately, was not successful.” A White House aide said the president would make a series of short trips, “prob ably out and back the same day. ” He said no trips have been scheduled yet, and the type of appearances has not been decided. Student by NANCY ANDERSEN Battalion Staff Student Body President Brad Smith named his executive committee and the senate unanimously approved his appoint ments at the first meeting of the 1980-81 senate Wednesday night. The senate also elected a speaker and speaker pro tempore. Agriculture econo mics sophomore Ken Johnson was un opposed and unanimously elected as speak er. Biology senior George Pappas was elected as speaker pro tempore by a 39 to 23 vote over freshman Blaine Edwards. Smith appointed Greg Dew as executive vice president, Jerry Fox as comptroller and Cheryl Swanzy as communications director. Dew will serve as Smith’s number two man. He will substitute for the president in his absence and perform any duties assigned to him by Smith. The communications director is a new position created by Smith to eliminate what he called the senate’s severe problems Caddying kids Senior Marilyn Faulkenberry has quite an armful as she takes her twins for a Stroll across the Texas A&M campus. Staff photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr. [t abs hold Iranian Microbiology major Sue Guthrie has found a unique bother her if people laugh. “Tm a senior. They can way to keep her nose from sunburning. It doesn’t think whatever they want,” she says. Carters refugee policy Bush tells Fort Worth United Press International FORT WORTH — GOP presidential contender George Bush Wednesday de nounced President Carter’s efforts to block an influx of Cuban refugees in the United States, calling it a foreign policy outrage. “The Carter administration — the so- called inventor of human rights — is doing absolutely nothing to help and indeed is prosecuting Americans who are risking their lives to carry captive people to free dom,” Bush told members of the Tarrant County Bar Association during a luncheon speech. “We’ve got to turn around this policy of shame.” Bush suggested Carter’s vacillation on by TODD WOODARD Battalion Staff About 600-800 Texas A&M University students who registered April 18 have re registered, according to Willis Ritchey of the registrar’s office. Packets for 2,154 students registering on that day were misplaced. Students who do not re-register will not be able to attend in the fall. “We’re in the process now of sending letters asking these youngsters to come by,” he said. “We have an ad in the Batt. We’re trying to get in touch with as many youngsters as we can.” Not all of the records for Friday were lost. But Ritchey said, if you registered Friday, “assume that you’re not reg istered.” foreign policy issues was encouraging Soviet aggression and discouraging Amer ica’s allies from fully supporting U.S. stands. “I think that’s why our allies are moving away from us,” Bush said later on a televi sion talk show. “They don’t believe this guy has any guts at all.” Bush criticized Carter for convincing West Germany to agree with the deploy ment of neutron bombs and then changing his mind. , “The Soviets started a massive propagan da campaign,” Bush said. “In the face of this Soviet propaganda Jimmy Carter pul led back, vacillated and displayed a lack of fortitude. Bush said he believes his prospects in the Saturday Texas primary are improving but Ritchey said the registrar’s staff went out to the dump, but were unable to find the missing packets. “When you’re working in an area like the (Rudder) Exhibit Hall, and you leave some thing there, it’s gone,” he said. Richey said that an alphabetized listing of all 2,154 students has been compiled. He is checking what packets were turned in against that list, and scratching off names of students who re-register. “All they have to do is come by and fill out the forms,” he said. He said that if a student does not come by the Registrar’s Office in Heaton Hall before the summer, he will get a letter at his listed home address. “But there’s really no reason for them not to get to us,” he said. shameful, audience acknowledged, “I’m fighting for my life here.” Bush said lie will continue his press for the GOP nomination even if he loses in his home state but said it would be harder if he does not defeat the heavily favored Reagan. Bush said he was concerned about Car ter’s selection of Sen. Edmund Muskie, D-Maine, to be Secretary of State because Muskie’s stands on issues such as the B-l bomber, neutron bomb, Panama Canal Treaty and disarmament are in conflict with the views of key administration officials. Bush will visit Texas A&M University for a speech early this afternoon. Silver Taps to be next fall Silver Taps for 20-year-old Tho mas H. Newman, a Texas A&M Uni versity sophomore from New Braun fels, will be held in September, offi cials announced. In keeping with Texas A&M tradi tion, no Silver Taps ceremony, which honors currently enrolled stu dents who die, is held between Aggie Muster on April 21 and the beginning of fall classes. Newman died in Houston Sunday from injuries received in a motorcy cle-car collision in College Station. Services were held Monday in Ca nyon Lake with burial in Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park in New Braun fels. The marine science major is the tenth student to die in a traffic mis hap since the fall semester began last September. Newman and all other Texas A&M students who die before next fall will be memorialized in a joint Silver Taps ceremony at the start of the fall Re-registration held after error senate OKs appointments with student and press relations. Swanzy said she will try to increase cov erage of the senate, and will have three sections under her to accomplish this. These are press relations, student relations and a director of information. Smith also appointed Paul Bettencourt as the Judicial Board chairman, and his appointment was unanimously approved. Eight other members of this board will be appointed by Smith with senate approval in the fall. The judicial board has official jurisdiction over cases arising under the student body constitution or student government legisla tion. Smith also mentioned the possibility of creating a senate liaison to the Board of Regents, but said the Regents have not been receptive to such an idea. He said he will keep trying to push the idea through. Smith also appointed students to serve on University committees. A complete list will run in Friday’s Battalion. In legislative action, the senate called an emergency vote to unanimously approve a revision of the bylaws pertaining to the internal affairs committee. The revisions will expand the committee from eight to 12 senators and revamp the interview system for replacing senators. An amendment to the bill left the speak er’s power to appoint committee members intact. The original bill allowed the speaker and the five legislative vice presidents each to appoint two senators to the committee. Under the bill that passed, vice presidents will only be empowered to make recom mendations to the speaker. After some haggling about the financing, the senate unanimously voted to continue the consumer guide project. Vice Presi dent for Finance David Collins said the new guide will have a new name, bold graphics and more information than last year’s. The senate heard first readings of a bill on special seating for students who wish to sit at football games, and another that would allow the MSC Basement Coffee house to request permission to apply for a permit to sell beer on weekends. No action will be taken on either bill until the first meeting next fall. Pappas, the sponsor of the seating bill, attempted to gain emergency status for the bill, which would have allowed the senate to act on it. He was unable to get the re quired two-thirds vote of approval. The bill recommends that the Athletic Department set aside 588 seats on the third deck of Kyle Field for Aggies who don’t want to stand during football games. Prior ity would go to graduate students and seniors. Any remaining tickets would go to juniors. The bill was originally written to include seating for the handicapped in this section, but Pappas deleted the provision in an amendment, saying that such sections already exist. The basement and the seating bills were referred to the student services committee for further consideration.