S LO UC H By ,im Earle “I think your participation in Earth Day might be a little to the left of the mark, but you might be on the right track. ” Opinion Olympic Committee made difficult, responsible decision Delegates to the United States Olympic Committee who voted not to send a team to the summer games in Moscow deserve praise for their patriotism and good sense. It was a difficult decision; nevertheless, the committee hardly could have decided otherwise. It would have been unthinkable to defy their president and ecnourage communist traps by insisting on fun and games as usual in Moscow. It also would have damaged the Olympic movement’s future in this nents. Whatever the motive, the purpose k clear: to strip the Senate of some of its moil liberal Democrats. It is not a small undertaking. Chun±, McGovern, Bayh and Cranston are alien-1 trenched veterans who have run the gaunt let several times. McGovern was in 1972 the Democrats’ presidential candidate and Church and Bayh sought the same ^ four years ago. Cranston is assistant parr, I leader in the Senate. None of them and not Culver—finishing I his first term — are patsies who will be ei$\ to pick off. But if the conservatives have the musde | to defeat one or even two of them, (lie warning will be there for all the other liber-1 als: Move right or risk moving out. W I as tl Arch atth (leavi a I derl wate who causr prote Hi | Texas togr 'If I mess destre | herita Ev< I al wa destro iedera 1 .Also, ( j pearec I they w Coc I lies no | it can Hes I is in da stitutio treasu Fisher Spanis! I lie the | off the IfFk Irell sai (states a | not war Cock | destroy hreckt | except f 'edge, Cock I take tw I sites sh | experts 2) No I should I whip.” He sai liven si the : (hound b Coder icirgo s |«epers. It’s n P'eryboi Th 40 Co Don’t try tro use the elevators and crowd onto the center stairs. Th er e*j® exits along all the outer walls on all Move away from the building 50 equipment can get in and so you don hurt by exploding glass. Finally, the alarm system ing properly now, and we ve had . one fire drill. All the other ^ m 1 es cleared the library were the resul. fellow Aggies. You will P r0 ^ a ^ ^ during your studying for finals, fr 1 u x , can stop these false alarms, be leave — often. If you won t leave during an University Police may take y° ur you see anyone pull an a i arnl , | cause, please notify someone on staff. We ll tell the University po® maybe we can get this annoying ^ gerous activity stopped. The uWJIl ^ can t be everywhere, so we need help you can give us. •? i^i Nancy E- Readers’ Forum Guest viewpoints, in addiW" Letters to the Editor, are we ^ All pieces submitted to f* forum should be: • Typed triple space gJ • Limited to 60 characters line • Limited to 100 lines De, Thi 27. Dri anc We mo Sav Hir met (ter of bro Chi yoi On met On tfte ft*