Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1980 Aggies plan — The Battalion Classifieds parents’ vi SPECIAL NOTICE | SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE HELP WANTED 3C BBQ j Members Dates 3.50 PINFEATHER 4- BARBECUE Pre-Vet Barbecue Today 5:30 YELLOW LT. VFW ] 2818 ta * ¥ -K * ★ ★ ★ * * * * * ★ * * ■K + ★ ★ * ★ ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES MAY GRADUATES MAY GRADUATES Graduation Announcement Orders Are Ready For “PICK UP” BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY IN ROOM 216 A&B — MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday MAY GRADUATES WHO WERE UNABLE TO PLACE AN ORDER: EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL GO ON SALE MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1980 Eight O’Clock in the Morning Room 217 — MSC Student Finance FIRST COME — FIRST SERVED WANTED REWARD!!! Armadillo needed by April 22. Call 696-3748. NEED RIDE!!! Need ride or flight with someone from Midland to College Station for Gradua tion weekend. Call 696-3733. So my brother can be here for my gradu ation. 14113 Wanted: Aggie men for Summer work. Call 779-5837. 137H9 Expert typing. 3266. Call Gloria. 693-8286, 779- 133tl8 Wanted: IBM Selectric Typewriter - Good condition. 696-3785 or 846-0592. 132t7 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544... Itfn Typing. Full time. 823-7723... 76tfn Symbols. Notary Public. 14113 'hr- I CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wadding rings, worn out ( gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan , . 846-4708 Earth Day Street Dance Live music tonight. Behind northgate. Please bring Aluminum cans for recycling. LOST FOUND I Lost grey and white cat with silver collar. 693- 5043 or 693-1234. 141t2 Found black mix puppy North side of Cam pus. Call 846-6865. 13914 PERSONALS Found Shepherd mix puppy North side of Campus. Call 846-6865. 13914 Large black male dog. 846-8136. 14115 "PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tfii FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, w/AC, close to campus. 693-5682. 14216 Two bedroom duplex. $275/month. Half mile from Campus. 1000 sq. ft. 693-5068. 14115 Sub-lease apartment in Sundance for Sum mer. 2-bedroom - 2-bath. $365/month plus bills. Furnished. 693-3076. 13815 Large 2-bedroom. 3 blocks from campus. May 15-January 1. Partly furnished. 696-1770. 140t5 TWIN CITY GOLF DRIVING RANGE Now Open Hrs: Mon-Sat NEW 4-PLEX APARTMENTS TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT! | Two bedroom, one bath, furnished! or unfurnished, On Carter Creek, Washer and Dryer. Swimming pool. Call 846-2354. Village Dr. at Brentwood. i $260/Summer-$280/Fall { 779-8853 136121 * O 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30. Service Road Going South - V* SHALLOW OIL & GAS LEASE: PRODUCTION Excellent return on investment. Big potential for local owner, operator. Non-resident owners. Must sell before May 15. P.O. Box 16280/ Ft. Worth, TX 76133 miles. 135tfn SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TYPING. IBM correcting selectric Symbols. Editing. Personal service. Across from Skaggs. Cali Ramona til midnight. 846-2127. 138110 Class papers, dissertations, theses, and re ports prepared and edited on computerized system. Barbara Boles, 846-1731. 138115 SUMMER APARTMENT One bedroom, furnished, $170/month plus electricity. May is rent free!!! Call Paul 846-9135 or 845-3710. 13914 * PRE-LEASING OFFICE SPACE Southwest Parkway at Anderson 779-8853 i Typing. Accurate, meet deadlines. All kinds. Specialty — Scientific papers. 846-2814. 131122 Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. HOtfn NEW FALL RATES 1 $175. month. One bedroom from $195 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Jimbeth Hite, manager. 822-7772. MH SPACES FOR STUDENTS -Over 400 spaces (many shaded) -Swimming pool -Club House -Laundry -Security Patrol Can accommodate 12 ft. to 14 ft. homes. | $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 DELUXE APRIL COURTS TOWNHOUSE Large, 2-bedroom, Pool, View, Quiet. Couples or Grad Students. 696-1951 Summer Rates 140(5 Typing. 823-4579. ^erviceTo^ll Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR ! COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1411 Texas Ave. v 823-811 1922 PETS '.A.K.C. Great Dane puppies. For information call 779-6694. 14112 UNIVERSITY ACRES UNIVERSITY ACRES A 0 WICKES LBR. CO. TO WELLBORN | WELLBOfth ^ COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES... NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR UPCOMING VACANCIES. 1 & 2 Bed room Fourplexes and Duplexes. $170 - $225. Tenant pays electricity. $50.00 Deposit. Nine (9) month minimum lease requirement. Come by 1878 Greenfield Plaza in Bryan (located behind the new Post Oak Center off East 29th Street) or call 846-5796. Earn $350/week working at home! No experi ence needed. Start immediately! Write Rain bow, Box 147-P. Jenks, OK 74037. 141t3 First .United Methodist Church, Bryan, cor ner of Houston and 28th St. Accepting appli cations for paid nursery workers. Call the church office. 779-1324. 138t5 Bookkeeper. Part-time. Flexible hours. Call 696-1148. Shala’s Shoes. 707 Texas Ave. 13815 j“ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 1 Part-time student with general craft experience needed for summer em ployment at the MSC CRAFT SHOP. $3.10/hour. Application deadline April 25. 845-1631 14116. DANCERS WANTED (female) at the beautiful new BLUE DOLPHIN CLUB Highway 6 South One mile from College Station. Apply in person between 4 and 8 p.m. AA A* ** HA ** »UMU» A* HAW? PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. GROVE SUMMER FILM ' POSITIONS Applications and Information Avail able at SPO Secretaries Desk - Room 216 MSC. Dealine: Manager applications 4/18/80 5:00 pm. Other oositions 4/25/80 5:00 pm. 13ats DANVERS RESTAURANT Needs full or Part-time help - Male or Female Day or Night Apply in person. 201 Dominik Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears DOMESTIC SERVICES Full or part-time, for Summer, Team cleaning homes. Starting salary $3.30/hour plus travel compensation. 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano 12815 I TEXAS MOON TAVERN 11 | Full time cook needed. f f Apply in person at " k 120 Walton 4 (Main oata of A&M 1 FOR SALE (Main gate of A&M.) ^693-5 1 49^ 135tfn ^ Ten-speed bicycle - Ladies’ Schinn, like new condition. Negotiate price. 696-3708. 14212 ’74 Chev Malibu. 3314. Good buy. $650. 779- 14215 By TERRY DURAN Campus Reporter Students who use their cars this weekend may find there is nowhere to park on campus, as parents from throughout the state and nation de scend on Texas A&M University for j Parents’ Weekend 1980. The first event scheduled is the MSC Town Hall presentation of .country singer Ronnie Milsap at 7 tonight in G. Rollie White Coliseum. A Town Hall spokesman said the $3.25 general admission tickets will probably be on sale up to show time. Casino, sponsored by the Resi dence Hall Association, is the next event on today’s agenda, starting at 8 • p.m. and running until 12:30. The Las Vegas-style gambling event will be held on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center. Casino night gamblers will receive play money as they enter, which they will then wager on such games as blackjack, craps and the roulette wheel. There will also be a can-can girls’ chorus line and an auction at the end of the evening for players to buy prizes with play money they have won. Admission is $2.50 before opening and $3 at the door. Also tonight, the Aggie Players will present “Guys and Dolls” at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater and Aggie Cinema will show “Escape from Alcatraz” at 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Saturday will begin with Federa tion of A&M Mothers’ Clubs activi ties, followed by an exhibition on the main drill field by the Texas A&M Skydivers Club at 1 p.m. Next year’s football team will play at 2 p. m. in Kyle Field as the annual Maroon and White game pits the Maroon team, composed of next year’s first string offense and de fense, against a White squad drawn from the rest of the team. Admission to the game will be free to Aggies with their ID’s, $3 for adults and $1 for high school age and younger. Saturday at 8 p.m., the Singing ta Un 'NEW ’ irator ( ian he or cated c let face feC-TV fogram order { itobiogr “You wi Cadets will perform in ditorium. Tickets are $2,58: MSC Box Office and $3 at tits Saturday at midnight, Aggiti ma will show the movie’W Grove. Sunday morning activities/ gin on the Corps Quadasou! ,| er-pinning ceremonies 7:30. At the ceremony, has a carnation pinnedonliiini commanding officer’s motlie:- if the cadet’s mother is living if she is dead. Awards within the outfit#! be handed out at this time, W medals for drilling and onto, freshmen and sophomores. j v i At 9 a.m. Sunday, there«|^ us i y( j a Parents' Day program inRui t con( j uc ditorium, where outstanding j[ iat w; mic students will be recognii, JicmKcinr Corps-wide awards will bek|j.y yg-y out ' , . _ j COnspiratt Also, Aggie Parents of tl: identified selected from nomination. “ Deu t ra lu within the student body, tri w Lklcly’s announced at this time. Tbeii “Wjjj” d e of the Year are selected by or j^j] rents’ Day Committee. allegedly After a reception and coffee: identity o parents in Rudder Exbibil: ^i 0 jf no there will be an 11 a.m. devoii: fegn 1q1] { the All Faiths Chapel, follo*t fj, e djsclo program on Aggie traditionsi/W in Rudder Theater. The Texas A&M WomeaiJ Team will perform on them field at 12:15, followed byan tion by the Ross VolunteerCr at 1 p.m. The Corps of Cadelr announce awards for the ye#: standing outfits in Kyle Field: p.m. The Corps will review, followed immediate!) performance by the Fish Drill Parsons’ Mounted Cavalni perform on the Duncan ii field at 3:30, after which iti - ' WASHI Volunteer Company will b foreign po own awards ceremony in thef used that The Texas Aggie Band ri Soviet Ui form in Rudder Theater at4:11 Interventi: Uni Sunday. SALESPERSON WANTED! j Aggressive salesperson interested in management career. Retail in 1 electronic — background a plus, j Going to start in sales position. Apply now. RADIO SHACK Culpepper Plaza. 693-1444. i40«n both supe own comb Church organist. First Presbyterian Church. 823-8073. 137111 HELP WANTED: City of Bryan is accepting applications for Librarian I. Prefer applicant with degree in Library Science or closely related field. Apply in person at City of Bryan Employ ment Office, 300 S. Washington, Bryan, Texas 77801. AA/EOE-M/F. 13815 THE ORIGINAL TEAM | CLEANING AGENCY Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car for residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hourand up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn BOGEN X-35 ENLARGER VOSS 50MM F35 LENSE GR76 AUTOMATIC TIMER Paper safety bins, 4 way easel. Brand new. $120 Call Mickey. 845-4609. i42ti FLASHY 3-YR OLD 15.2 hand AQHA Appendix Filly. Seal brown with white star. Well behaved, lunges well on voice com mand, well broken but spirited. Great English pleasure or Junior Hunter prospect. $2000. 272-8486 after dark. Hits Carter gains delegates terfere in The Ar 'East-West mer diploi nomist Jol nessman E proposal t Have fun this summer. Kawasaki Jet-ski. Ex cellent condition. $650 or best offer. Will go lower! 696-1386. Lisa. 14 It7 | Cushman 3-wheel scooter w/enclosed cab and 'truck bed. 846-4100. 14115 Weight bench. Must sell. Will sacrifice at $80. Call 693-2240. 141(5 Pioneer PL 12-D turntable. Pickering XV15 1200E Cartridge Marantz 2240 receiver. 693- 6368. Lewis. 13716 HOUSTON CHRONICLE is taking applications for Sum-1 mer and Fall morning paper routes. Carriers are paid $400 to $700/month, plus liberal transportation allo wance. Call Julian McMurrey at 693-2323 133110 ’75 Honda CB200T, 6500 miles. Excellent condition. $675. Phone 845-7808. 13915 United Press International President Carter gained a bit more ground today on rival Edward Ken nedy in Idaho’s Democratic cau cuses, and Repulican front-runner Ronald Reagan Thursday added a dozen North Dakota delegates to his steadily growing tally. Carter, however, fell just short of winning a majority of Idaho’s 17 Democratic National Convention delegates, picking up eight to Ken nedy’s five. Four delegates will be uncommitted, party officials said. With 34 of Idaho’s 35 legislative district caucuses reporting early to day, Carter won 49 percent, or 181, | ’72 Buick LeSabre. Loaded. 88,000 miles. Good condition. $600. Two twin size beds. Like new. $75 each. 693-3461. Moving Over seas!!! 140t5 Senior Boots. Size 12V2. Two boot pants: winter and summer. Excellent condition. Call 846- 8447. 14015 AGIO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 1974 Toyota Wagon. Air. AM/FM Stereo. Graduating, must sell. $2400 or best offer. 846-6422. Call after 5:30 p.m. 138t5 12x60 mobile home. 846-6782 after 5:00 p.m. 136tl0 DOMINO’S PIZZA Now hiring delivery personnel. Must have own car plus insurance. $3.25/hour plus commission and tips. Apply DOMINO’S PIZZA 1504 Holleman after 4:30 Alvarez Model 5046 Acoustic Guitar w/pick- up. Includes case and maintenance kit. $199 or best offer. Call 846-9490. 140t7 1979 Honda CM400. Like new. 693-3337. 140t7 ’72 Buick LeSabre. Loaded. 8800 miles. Good condition. $600. Two twin size beds. Like new. $75 each. 693-3461. Moving Over seas!!! 140t5 BMW 530i. 23,000 miles. ’77 model. AM-FM. New tires. Call 845-1065. Ask for Bill Mor ris. 140t7 Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE ‘ Where satisfaction is standard equipinent" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 of the 380 delegates beingcte 1 the state convention. Kennfc ’l 30 percent, or 109 state ( and 83 delegates, or 21 pt!’ were undecided. Idaho Democratic Wayne Fuller said somefiM came in later than expected, the mountainous Challist Democrats had to take too®' try skis to reach a party metf.' Idaho’s national Democrat Unit gates will be named at the# ^ WASHII vention June 12-14 in Podel % r0 P riat ho’s Republicans choose ttei "“Y narrov gates on the basis of results I n | 0ne y Pro: state’s May 27 primary. registra The Idaho and North Dalf rJ' suits gave President Carterat t, e I3 1 ' 942 delegates. Kennedy W ™ 115 ® t J lo ° and 30.5 were uncommitted ’ the nomination, a candidatemf^p, e 1,666 delegates. 'j|L e con Reagan now has 513dele:£ *?!? i P ve . 1 . ar Bush has 79. John Anderson, toward a race as an independe an 56. Another 70 delegates are® 0 rnont mitted and four are pledgedh j? 5 ratlori nois Rep. Philip Crane, who! on 8' I1; day got out of the race. Toi®f 1 nomination, a candidate nrf ^ er 998 delegates. Urteran Later, in Texas, Reagan W as P ar around a saying of W Roosevelt’s in scoring Carteri- ling of the Iran crisis, sayitf] trouble with this adpijnisW that it walks stickly and carrit'J soft.” LEASING COORDINATOR (part-time opportunity) A permanent part-time weekend position is immediate ly available at a large apartment complex. Experienced individu al preferred but other qualified applicants will be considered. Good starting rate and excellent working conditions. Qualified applicants should fill out appli cation at Plantation Oaks Apts. Leasing Office. 1501 Hwy. 30 College Station. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! FOR SALE: 1974 Porsche-914 AM/FM 8-track Stereo, 5-speed, 2- seat convertible, 25 mpg., excellent ! condition. Call 845-3886. 13914 OFFICIAL NOTICE ROOMMATE WANTED GRADUATING Need a male roommate in Hous ton? Residential home. Will have own bedroom, bath, study. $185 plus V2 bills. After 6:00 pm. call 693-0115 or 1-713-776-9954. 14015 Wanted: Female roommate. Two bedroom house. Fenced yard. Pets allowed. $140/month plus Vi utilities. Call Debora. 779- 3396 after 5:00 p.m. 140t5 Roommate wanted: To share 3-bdrm house over the summer. Male. Close to A&M. Air Conditioned. Call DJ. 693-3029. 13815 ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS!! If you have ordered a 1980 Aggieland, please stop by the Student Publications Office, Room 216 Reed McDonald Bldg, and pay a $3.00 mailing fee along with your forwarding address so your Aggie land can be mailed to you next fall when they arrive. Hispanics fight chan§ IUMMER EMPLOYMEN Dixie Chicken Miranda’s Apply now. Texas Moon Tavern Chicken Oil Co. Needs cooks, bartenders, waitresses, and general help. Minimum wage - flexible hours - friendly atmosphere. No experience necessary. Apply Dixie Chicken Office 9-5 Monday through Friday 309 University 846-2332 i3 5 tf n LEARN A SKILL TO LAST A LIFETIME. The Philosophy and Humanities Dept, offers two courses teaching library and research skills. HUMANITIES 101: for freshmen and sophomores, to introduce lib rary use and termpaper research skills. HUMANITIES 311: for juniors and seniors, to teach advanced re search skills required in graduate school or a research profession. Call 5-5741 for more information. 133(10 United Press Interna lion*' INDIANAPOLIS — caucus leaders in the I Methodist Church comp Thursday that one of their« would be demoted in prop® tructuring of church staff. The complaint contrasted call for unity by Bishop Carl ders, of the Birmingham,^* made Wednesday on thefiri 1 the 1980 General Conferei® denomination’s 1,000 membt 1 lative body. The Rev. Jose R. Velazqui ident of Methodists Associal resenting the Cause of Americans — MARCHA-' plained the board of disciples] shown a “lack of sensitivity 1 restructuring of its staff whid' mean the Rev. Roberto Esfl* Nashville, Tenn. , who is the!* ranking hispanic staff membt* 1 denomination, would not be* 1 tor of a new department. | Velazquez said MARCH0 continue negotiating with W If necessary, the caucus will denomination’s Washington Commission on Religion ar for investigation of the boards pliance with affirmative*‘ guidelines, he said. AD MIS: adults. S^'dren ' w 6y ear ^33 Ui