The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 1980, Image 9
nation and a tyupi Three Mile residents show stress symptoms United Press International ma ; HARRISBURG, Pa. — Over 10 Irofll percent of the residents near Three heralfc! Mile Island experienced abdominal longei pains, rashes, insomnia, irritability 1130 at and other stress symptoms after the 130 pt plant’s nuclear accident, a new study tatioiu Reports. fe The stress symptoms have per- ininjR ament i Idistulg icioea# liwiAll Board states credit uses United Press International | WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve Board, the nation s chief jponey manager, Wednesday re fined the credit controls established in March to curb America’s credit- ngry consumers. The board said its credit controls 11 apply not only to open-ended ’ ures % tredit, but also to open accounts. |i Open-end accounts allow a con- J ' sinner to pay off his balance in install- '8 in v f ments. Under an open account, the •m ate;r ^jnsumer may make new purchases xnibitipi jjjj 0 j)t a i n new credit advances, but irtsAs jj expected to pay the full amount of ffls bill when it arrives, amic sc,: . pbe board said its controls do take Mt " L precedence over all other limita- : not te {ions, such as those set by the De- use it•■fftment of Energy to govern oil company credit cards, tve nave! - tinentnl >■ standard didn't k . ork. Tb ure. Btiti nothinji sisted in some cases for almost a year' since the March 28, 1979 accident and the situation has become “chro nically disturbing” for many resi dents, said a Pennsylvania Health Department study released Wednesday. The findings — taken from inter views with some 2,200 people living within 55 miles of the plant — also showed local citizens relied more heavily on sleeping pills, liquor and cigarettes to ease the tension during the weeklong nuclear crisis. A 112.5 percent increase in the use of sleeping pills was reported during the crisis, while drinkers said they drank 31.9 percent more alco hol and smokers smoked 13.6 per cent more cigarettes. Immediately after the accident — and continuing at least until January 1980 — over 10 percent of the local population experienced such physic al stress symptoms as headaches, di arrhea, constipation, abdominal pains, sweating spells, stomach trou ble, frequent urination and rashes, the study reported. The study also found similar num bers in the population experiencing behavioral stress symptoms, such as loss of appetite, insomnia, shaky feelings, lack of clarity in thought, irritability or extreme anger. In addition, the report said various incidents at Three Mile Island since the 1979 mishap — including the continuing release of low-level radia tion and the well-publicized debate over the plant’s future — has made the situation “chronically disturb ing” for many people. Between 50-60 percent of the peo ple living within a 10-mile radius of the plant indicated they opposed the proposed reopening of Three Mile Island. The Health Department’s findings indicated stress diminished among citizens further away from the strick en plant. Nearly 30 percent of those within the 10-mile radius reported being “quite upset” following the accident — compared to 10-20 percent within 15 miles. THE BATTALION THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1980 Page 9 Oil profits rise while others fall United Press International WASHINGTON — While oil company profits are increasing by record amounts, those of most other industries are falling. The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that corporate profits overall, based on current production, fell at an annual rate of $4.4 billion during the fourth quarter of 1979, October- December. This was a substantially larger drop than the $1.2 billion decline the department had estimated earlier. During the quarter, oil com pany profits increased at an annual rate of $6.5 billion, the report said, the biggest dollar in crease ever. In most other industries, pro fits either declined or stood still. On a percentage basis, oil com pany profits rose 30 percent in the fourth quarter alone and were 65 percent higher in 1979 as a whole than the year before. Overall cor porate profits rose only 8 percent during the year. Government and private eco nomists said soaring energy costs and interest rates are squeezing the profits of most industries in the same way they are cutting into the real income of individual Americans. Rising oil prices, caused both by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the be ginning of domestic decontrol, account for a quarter of recent U.S. price inflation. Analysts said, therefore, it is not surprising oil companies be nefit while other profits are squeezed. I , ■ The Council on Wage and Price Stability reported in Febru ary most of the increase in oil company profits prior to October had come from their overseas operations. DIETING? :ven though we do not prescribe diets, we make\ \it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal\ >hile they follow their doctor’s orders. You will\ \be delighted with the wide selection of low\ \calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the\ \Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Base-\ \ment. OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST ional ctorso(fi Exposte de Mi) howwil f exeat led tk: 14 KT. SOLID GOLD BEAD SALE Now you can build a necklace of everlasting beauty and increasing value — inexpensively — one gold bead at a time: i'hd sf io-’ j:/:■;!* jed. rom i 800-331-1000 intkeof Work as a Manpower eandif temporary. Flexible nypoint Schedules. Good pay. Assignments available in madel y our college town or catedoe hometown. Please call, he am free. nferentt .f- leedscd, their o No. 25 One 4mm 14K bead on 15" It. drawn 14K chain No. 29 Three 7mm & (our 3mm 14K beads on 18” chain No. 28 One 4mm 14K bead on 15" gold lilted chain No. 1 One 7mm 14K bead on 18” 14K gold rope chain No. 41 One 7mm 14K bead on 18" It. drawn 14K gold chain - Reg. Sale $mni. 17.25 15.75 7nim. 9.30 7.40 6mm. 6.40 5.10 5mm. 4.50 0.60 4mm. 2.75 2.10 6mm. 1.50 .99 / Thirty Your Univorsily Thaler /Iris Program -four Seasons of TKoafer af To*as based on a story t characters by Damon Runyan 6lry$t90U$ -4 MuSieAV. msifc of 9RoAfmy APRIL 15, 16, 17 18, 19 8p.m.-RUDDER THEATER Tickets at MSC Box Office OR AT THE DOOR /UM STUDENTS *2 OTHERS *3 Start yours now at -3* No. 14 One 7mm 14K bead on 18" gold lilted curb chain luxr e | MANPOWER’ £ TEMPORARY SERVICES ^ on \^e< C 'YOUR J€M:LPY STOPE No 5 rt h U g "S CrSl ' yDri '' e 846-5816 m ► SPECIAL o 0 ^ BULLETIN s Ooffi Announcing a special lecture series for the first time at Texas A&M... IS GOD RELEVANT TO THE 20TH CENTURY?" — IS CHRISTIANITY CREDIBLE IN THE ACADEMIC WORLD? Where: msc fountain area When: MONDAY, APRIL 21-FRIDAY, APRIL 25 M W-12 T TH-12:30 FRI-11 Topics: "is god relevant to. .. MON. ... SOCIOLOGY?" TUES. ... PSYCHOLOGY?" WED. ... PHILOSOPHY?" THURS. .. .LOVE, SEX, AND MARRIAGE?" FRI. ... FUTURE SURVIVAL?" (PROPHECY) Speaker: ron tewson, national campus lecturer DON'T MISS THIS CHALLENGING SERIES — A MUST FOR EVERY INTELLECTU ALLY HONEST STUDENT! OASIS BLOCK Main at 19 St. Downtown Bryan Don’t miss this week’s SUDS SLERP at the Slammer Friday - 8 til 12 All lady Ags FREE Guys $3.00 Saturday - 9 til 1 All Parents 1/2 Price Guys $3.00 Gals $2.00 DRAFT FR ALL NIGHT GREAT KICKER MUSIC BY MADISON PL US!! Tonight 8 til 12 The Fightin’ Aggie Band is sponsoring a DANCE and DRINK-IN Everything FREE (including Wine Coolers) except Popcorn & Nachos. GUYS $3.00 GALS $2.00