The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 1980, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1980 WE BUY BOOKS EVERYDAY! ... AND GIVE 20% MORE IN TRADE ON USED BOOKS! ^/upfnamba Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 aFLOUPOT'SH* BOOKSTORE Northgate — Across from the Post Office THUNDER ROAD SPEEDWAY DESTRUCTION DERBY APRIL19,1980 OVER $3000.00 IN CASH PRIZES RACING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 8:00 P.M. BEER & BAR-B-QUE Street Stocks, Hot Stock and Super Stock NAVASOTA, TEXAS ADMISSION Hwy. 6 S. Conroe Exit Adults $4.00 Children . . . .$1.00 Over 6 Years HIGHWAY 6 SOUTH n NAY- IJUl) aauM MTrUilM) If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . . We call It "Mexican Pood Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northweat Hwy 3S2-8S70 save energy a very bright HOWDY WEEK APRIL 14-18 HEY AQS, show your Aggie spirit by greeting fellow students and visitors with a warm smile and a friendly “Howdy.” HIGHLIGHTS: — MYSTERY PERSON CONTEST: A FREE HOWDY T- SHIRT AND FIVE DOLLARS WILL BE AWARDED TO THE 100TH PERSON TO SAY HOWDY TO ONE OF THE 5 MYSTERY PEOPLE. HOWDY T-SHIRTS ON SALE IN THE MSC. AT LAST, AN ACCOUNT OF WATERGATE BY SOMEONE WITH NOTHING Nixon, Haideman and Erlichman have all told their tales. Now, Judge John Sirica in TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT, has written his revealing no-holds barred, personal account of Watergate from a unique vantage point - behind the bench. “What he couldn’t stomach was hypocrisy, the smug assumption that justice was somehow different for the powerful... He wanted the truth and ultimately he got it!” - Los Angeles Times. $3.50 A Signet Paperback Bestseller world Rhodesia greets prince United Press International SALISBURY, Rhodesia — A young mulatto girl stretched across a fence to give Prince Charles a quick kiss on the cheek Wednesday upon his arrival to turn Africa’s last white colony into an independent Zim babwe under black majority rule. The young woman was among ab out 5,000 people crowded along the walls of the city hall grounds to catch a glimpse of the 31-year-old bachelor at his first official stop. As Charles walked along the wall shaking the outstretched hands, she thrust her head forward to give him a quick peck. The prince’s VC-10 jetliner’s arrival touched off three days of hec tic independence celebration. Charles was met by President Ca naan Banana, Prime Minister Robert Mugabe and a group of other military and civilian officials. Cannons boomed a 21-gun salute and a police band struck up Britain’s national anthem, “God Save The Queen,” as four Hawker Hunter jet fighter- bombers zoomed overhead. Schoolchildren and African women in traditional dress waved flags on the balconies. The prince’s arrival was greeted gleefully by the nation’s majority blacks, but the response from the white community surrendering pow er varied from enthusiasm to open bitterness. Policewoman Pauline Clark, who was assigned to the city hall, gave voice to the latter view. FR “I am only here becausells | be,” she said. “I am onlyBrili * contamination. It isnotmyfe Her attitude contrasted will] nie Leach, 68, who spei three hours at the city hall catch sight of the prince in la naval uniform. “Charles, I love you,” she when he shook her I gorgeous, just lovely, wash my hand again.” NE PE BAl ca; ME PCKIKG A ft GAKttCH 111 CHINESE RESTaURAKT Si STUDENT SPECIAL SPECIAL COMBINATION DINNER 3.50 NOON BUFFET — MON. thru ERL 2.98 SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET 3.95 All You Can Eat! 5:80 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. OPEN DAILY — 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1313 S. College Ave. 833-7661 Red Brigades leader tells all PR] BUi IF IT’S AUTO & TRUCK PARTS — WE HAVE THEM! LEONARD AUTO SUPPLY COMPLETE LINE OF WHOLESALE & RETAIL United Press International TURIN, Italy — Breaking the Red Brigade’s strict code of silence, a leader of the urban terrorist group has told police how the gang operates and confirmed it has intricate ties with the Palestinian guerrilla move- ment, police sources said Wednesday. By allegedly making a 70-page “confession” to police, Fabrizio Peci has become a man marked for death. Peci, 27, was arrested in Turin two months ago along with fellow gang members. He is accused of 39 sepa rate crimes in connection with the kidnapping and assassination of for mer Premier Aldo Moro in 1978. Police sources said Peci’s alleged confession described the Moro kill ing in detail and revealed Red Bri gade leader Mario Moretti,«! rowly escaped arrestinarous suspected terrorists in Fr»‘ is month, was also involved, Peci told police he an took part in the Moro kidnappi: r (( did not use any weapons, thei: ^ said. They said Peci also said used by Italian guerrillas, e ^ MS( the Czech-made Skorpira machine gun used to kill Mon obtained from Palestinian OV] BU! groups. Peci’s revelations top headed by anti-terrorist e: Carlo Alberto DallaChiesa investigators, who thought hj only the head of the Turin ! and not one of the ganp leaders, the sources said. i FRONT END ASSEMBLIES — FENDERS — HOODS — DOORS i — QUARTER PANELS — DECK LIDS, FOR LATE MODEL CARS 5 & TRUCKS & ALL FOREIGN CARS USED GENERATORS • STARTERS • FUEL PUMPS ETC. OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 12 P.M. WE BUY WRECKED & RETIRED AUTOS Cuban refuges leave embassy T\\ TEX TAM TEX tii 823-8127 LOCATED BY ft. UNDERPASS ON HWY. 21 & HWY. 6 INTERSECTION ^lil 1501 N. SIMS - BRYAN United Press International SAN JOSE, Costa Rica — Two hundred fifty Cubans screaming “freedom, freedom, freedom,” land ed in San Jose Wednesday in the first part of an air evacuation of 10,800 refugees holed up in the Peruvian ! rJTV»Viaec,/ in 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimimmiir ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOC. GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING 'embassy in HavariatV The refugees were forced to run a gauntlet of about 300 pro-Castro Cubans who shoved them, screamed obcenities and punched at least two of them as they left the Peruvian mis sion, Costa Rican officials said. “Viva Costa Rica,” the Cubans shouted as 152 of them stepped off a gleaming Boeing 727 and, one hour later, 98 others arrived aboard a BAG 111 jetliner. Carlos Aguilar, a Costa Rican cabinet member who went to na to pick up the first group fugees, said the scene oul Peruvian embassy was so hope 1 never have to again.” About 300 supporters of Pifr^idebt Fidfel Castro either side of the street the refugees and shouted such as “worms” (gusanos) walked to buses that tookthec! airport, he said. Juan Alberto Rodriguez, “Castro followers helped h 1 police” punched him in thefi| knocked him to the ground the gauntlet run. Anothermsl! refused to give his name'said" punched on the nose. ELECTIONS FOR NEW OFFICERS BUDGET CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS PLACE: MSC RM. 206 DATE: THURSDAY APRIL 17th, 1980 TIME: 7:00 P.M. drive You talk. We listen. You win! How arc you handling these problems? Who Am i? Where did I Come From? Where Am I Going? UNIVERSE LUTHERtf CHAPEL 315 N. Main The Eternal Questions Huo«rt liS* If ow you answer these qut IF THESE QUESTIONS AND OTHERS LIKE THEM HAVE BE: BOTHERING YOU, WE WOULD BE GLAD TO TRY TO HELP YOUSf THROUGH THEM AND COME TO SOME RESOLUTION FREE TO CALL OR COME BY AT ANY TIME. WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:15 A.M. AND 10:45 Al BIBLE CLASS 9:30 A.M. Worship Study 6:00 p.m, CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION SERVICE WEDNESDAY AT 10 P.M. ©splnxsfe? WcstroeM® . . <y