mce l APO plans world record banana split, tickets sold THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1980 Page 5 ••.t: W MSC AGGIE CINEMMMmWu ‘ant have | 'unomy Sn ationai ipotfcl By JOHN BRASHER , Campus Reporter as tnecnJI Calorie counters beware: Alpha n also L p^j Omega is going to tempt your ass said, power on April 26. ent dacK|y APO’s “Split For the Summer” candidal f or the service fraternity to con- andappL: (met the world’s longest banana split. The estimated proceeds of be- M at If ; tween $25,000 and $30,000 will be with the 1 gj V en to the Boys Clubs of America, hoomfol» The idea’s originator, Ken Lewis, lor thevj C e president of the project for thedaiKt: APO, said the banana split will be ' lt ‘ pa? R one mile and 575 yards long and will vnerol he recorded in the Guinness Book of Houston World Records. The current record m the' i s one mile and 99 yards, held by a w l bade high school in Australia, try NcwiH Lewis, whose favorite movie hap- I McReyj pens to be “Willie Wonka and the vs direct^ Antonio, ton Chocolate Factory,” said the massive banana split will require 34,200 scoops of ice cream, 11,400 bananas, 270 gallons of topping (chocolate and pineapple), 110 gallons of whipped cream and 170 pounds of nuts. APO will sell up to 11,000 tickets to the event. The banana split, which will be placed on tables, will loop four times around the Kyle Field track and will spell TAMU on the playing field. “On Monday and Tuesday of the week of the event, APO will begin scooping the ice cream and will re- ffeeze it until Saturday,” Lewis said. “On the day of the banana split (April 26), 100 APO members will begin building it in 100 different places. A truck will drive between the rows of tables to hand out the ice cream to each APO member, who is responsible for 70 feet.” Jarvis Miller, Texas A&M Univer sity president, will officially open the festivities at 10 a.m. with the first bite. Miller will then signal to the people in the stands, who purchased tickets, to come down and join him. “It should be a terrific sight to see 11,000 people wearing bibs, run down to the tables to eat their assigned section of the banana split,’ Lewis said. The project will cost about $6,000, and Lewis said APO needs to sell at least 2,200 tickets to break even. “So far, the response for helping us sell tickets has been tremendous. We’ve been getting help from the Exxon Corporation in Houston, the alumni, different churches in the Bryan-College Station area, the dorm counselors, other fraternities, and individual Corps members.” Students interested in eating a section of the world record may pur chase tickets for $2.50 at the Rudder Box Office or at the APO table on the first floor in the Memorial Student Center any time through April 25. If all 11,000 tickets aren’t sold by April 25, the remaining tickets will be sold for $3 at the gate. Lewis said since there is a limited number of tickets, students should buy tickets as soon as possible. crnationil \ -Hh ia Bullet irter Met am. it camei eat the i hose fa* ier sintf vnerofC iesiB ng Pools ith Sun*! Saunas! S setot; rou' { ion PLITT Southern UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 646-6714 & 846-1151 TTTTTTTTT TT XT XTTTTTTTTTTJJ TP PLITT Southern TZeaStM UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-6714 & 846-1151 BEST HORROR FILM 1977 the Academy of Science Fantasy and Horror Films THE HILLS HAVE EVES * W H N * H h A nice American family. Friday & Saturday r.Tidnite Tickets on sale at 10.30 Cinema 1 33.OO * Manor East 3 * JMANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 J * * See him before he sees you. 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Dr. 4- CAMPUS 846-6512 i WANDERERS 4- ^rjK'k'k'kii'k'k'k'k'k-kirk'kickii'kickirif'k'kick+'k'k'k'k'k'k'k * > 4- 4- 4- > 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- * 4- 4- 4- 4- * 2000 E. 29th 822- 3300 SKYWAY TWIN EAST ALSO AT 9:30 KRIS KRISTOPHRSON AND ALI McGRAW CONVOY WEST 7:30 & 11:00 Jennifer O’Neill and Chuck Norris ALSO AT 9:15 SOMETHING IS OUT THERE SXZZXXXE ••••• •••«• ••••* ••••* ••••* #•••• ••••* ••••* ••••* #•••• #•••• ••••* #•••. #•••• #•••• ••••* ••••• #•••• ••••• ••••• ••••* ••••* ••••• ••••* ••••• ••••> ••••* ••••* ••••* ••••• #•••• ••••* #•••• #•••• ••••* ••••* #•••• ••••* #•••• ••••« #•••• ••••• #•••. ••••« #•••• ••••* •••— •••••■ •••*- •••— •••— S:::: ••••- •••— WINNER C ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING: BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR • BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR A UNIVERSAL REtEASfBM PANAVISIOir \/ C tere univ*asal. citv stuokjs me all rights mesenvea FRIDAY APRIL 11 7:30 P.M. RUDDER AUDITORIUM SATURDAY APRIL 12 7:30 P.M. GROVE $1.25 WITH TAMU ID FRIDAY APRIL 11 IF THERE'S A MOVIE THAT IS Funny.** Outrageous ••• and Entertaining* •• IT'S COT TO RE... « -• 4*. Auditorium TAMU I.D. A Burnli W. Heller and Bobbin Culhnen Presentation Starring Joan Sumner , W.P. Dremak, Marlow Ferguson, Jeff Alin, and THE GRATffUl FOR ANYTIME PLAYERS. K Film by Chuck Vincent , A Sp.tlrum Films, Inc* • IN EASTMANCOLOH • Rl CASABLANCA STARRING HUMPHREY BOGART INGRID BERGMEN SUNDAY APRIL 13 7:30 - GROVE $1.25 WITH TAMU I.D. (UNRATED) ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE MSC Box Office MON.-FRI. 9 a.m.-4 p.m TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE 45 MINUTES BEFORE SHOWTIME ?•*• ••••** •••*# ••••# ••••# •••*• ••••# •••09 • ••*# • ••*• • ••*• ••••• >•••• ••••• *•••• ••••# ••••# *•••• ••••# «•••• *•••• •••*•• *••••• •••*• •••*•• —llm —••m —•om •••**• •■••*• —*•• *••••• —•om —•om —om .—•om —OQ —•om —•om —•om —om —•om -••om —om —om -••om —om —om —om -••om -••om —om —om —om —om —om —om —om —om —om —om —om —om —•om —om —om —om -••om —om —om —om —om -••om —•om •••om •••m ■•••om ■•••om •••om •••om —om —•om —•om ■•••om —•om ••••om -•••m —om ■•••om ■•••om —••m ■•••om -••om —•m -••om -••om -••om -••om -••om —om —om -::x —•om -••om -••om —•om -••om -••om —om —•om —om —om —•om —om —•om —om —om -••om -••*• •••*•• ••••e ■••*•• *•••• ••••# —om *•••• ••••** •••*# *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' >000000*00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 >mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn * • • • • >••