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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1980)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1980 Nazi goes Republican in North Carolina racf HELP WANTED Food Town is now hiring cashiers and meat wrappers. Come by 600 N. Main for an interview. 130t5 FOR SALE WANTED SCHLOTZSKY’S Now accepting applications for part-time employment. Nights and weekends. Do not apply if not willing to work weekends. Apply in person only. Schlotzsky’s 100 S. Texas Ave. College Station Honda CB 200. New exhaust, windshield. $500.00 firm. 846-6761. 126t5 Excellent condition. 126t7 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544... Itfh Senior boots size O'/zD. Good price. 845-6200. ’73 Mercury Marquis. Clean, $800.00. 693-3889. dependable. 127t7 New Kay Banjo with case, offer. Call Julie after 6 p.m. $185.00 or best 696-4286. 127t3 1977 Trans Am, T/A 6-6 Auto Velour interior. AM/FM Cassette w/equalizer. Excellent con dition. $5000. 822-4516. 127t3 DRIVING JOB Delivering pizzas. Great work schedule for students $3.25/hour plus commission on every pizza delivered. Must have own car. 18 years or older. Apply at 319 Patricia. 846-7785 PIZZA EXPRESS 13015 ’76 Capri Hatchback. $2600.00. 846-2506. Excellent condition. 124tl0 Weight bench. Almost new. 2240. Call 693- 129t4 Best Pizza in town! Full and part-time day and evening shifts available. 779-2431 or 846-4809 for appointment. 13 ii J.I.L. in-dash AM/FM Stereo, 8-track, CB all in one. $125. 846-9086. 129t2 1968 Mercury Park Lane Green All-Power. Good Condition. 845-3156. 129t4 Senior Boots, size 6V2D. Excellent condition. Great price. 779-9670 after 6 pm. 120U3 Ford 150 Ranger Pick-up. Good year grips, automatic, power, automatic transmission. A/FM/CB. Bums regular. $4500.00. 823- 7342. 130t5 United Press International RALEIGH, N.C.—Inmostofthe South, a Republican state primary stirs little excitement. Rarely does such a race attract more than one strong candidate, and Republicans usually bide their time until the general election campaign heats up. Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. Rut things Could be different this 823-7723...76tfn y ear j n North Carolina. To the chag rin of the party, one of the GOP can didates for attorney general is a Nazi — leader of the National Socialist Party of America. Harold Covington, son of a World War II veteran, rose to national party leader of the NSPA last December, shortly before his predecessor and founder of the Nazi splinter group, Frank Collin, was arrested in Chica go on charges of sexually abusing young boys. Before and since his rise to the party leadership, Covington has been working to cultivate an im age of Nazis working within the American political system. CASH FOR OLD GOLD * Class rings, wedding rings, worn ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. y The Diamond l Town & Country Shopping 3731 E. 29th St 846-4708 He says he is running as a Republi can because it was the easiest way to get his name on the ballot. State GOP chairman Jack Lee has made it clear that he disavows Covington’s candidacy and will do what he can to ensure that the Nazi’s opponent, Asheville attorney Keith Snyder, gets the nomination. He hopes that all it will take is a few messages to county Republican chairmen, letting them know of Covington’s Nazi ties. It is not the first time Covington has run for public office. He lost by lopsided margins in local races in Raleigh for mayor, the city council and the state Senate. The bid for attorney general is his first campaign for a statewide office. “The important thing is that this is the first time he has run outside the immediate area,’’ Lee said. “There may be people around the state who haven’t heard of him. When Covington filed for the state Senate in 1978, he was the only Re publican running in a race in which three candidates advanced to the general election. GOP leaders quickly rounded up three® and Covington finished foi Snyder, a former state judge and a U.S. attorney,nil tain a low profile until aftertli primary. “I don’t intend to make push in the primary. Ike chairman has said the party care of the primary. 1 will calling, probably some letter to county chairmen tofindou cities have good Republiet out, Snyder said. 91c. j d Room 5 spplng Canter L it., Bryan i 38 a,r ^ A A LOST LOST!! Engagement ring. Marquis solitaire. REWARD Call 845-8431 or 845-7792. 130,3 French ‘New Right revives Nazi fears ■* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ t MANOR EAST 3 J MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 Stereo, integrated amplifier. 846-6976. Good bargain. 130t3 Stereo. 6976. AM/FM tuner. Brand new. 846- 130t3 FRANK’S BAR & GRILL Part-time cook needed. Apply in person. 913 Harvey Rd. ! Chevrolet Malibu ’70. $500. Good condition. Color TV Sharp 17 inches. $150. Call 846-0860 or 845-4837. Aiga. 130t7 LOST One gold cufflink in shape of state of Texas. Lost Friday, March 28, in Zachry Engineering area or Library area. If found please call Heston Cherry. 845-7841. REWARD. i29t2 Yamaha 78/400 RD. 693-2224. 1800 miles. $1100.00. 130t5 1977 Red El Camino. 10,000 miles, condition. Like new. 846-5905. Perfect 130t5 Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears w MIRANDA’S needs waitresses 5-8 shift or 8-12 shift. Flexible hours. No experience necessary. Apply MIRANDA’S 846-9150 i25tfn HOLD THOSE PRICES! ChartPack Transfer lettering has taken a jump in price but we are rolling it back. New price for single sheet - $3.50-. Our price — $2.95 — ! Engineering Office Supply in Redmond Terrace. LOST CAT Missing from area north of Skaggs - Milam and Cross streets - orange and white cat. Neutered male called Tom. Any information please call 846-1954 evenings. i29ts THE ORIGINAL TEAM CLEANING AGENCY Wants reliable, energetic employees with phone and car for residential or commercial cleaning. $3.30/hour and up, plus travel HOME CARE SERVICES 846-1905 112tfn PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. SITUATION WANTED: HOUSE-SITTERS; available 6/1; call Carolyn 822-5447. 130tl0 SPECIAL NOTICE ’’PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tfh BABYSITTERS NEEDED Must have own transportation. Apply in person between 4-8 p.m. 106 Williamson Bryan 779-8900. 127110 WEIGHT WATCHER^^arT show you how losing weight is fun without starving. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. 1370 DOMESTIC SERVICES Full or part-time, now/this Summer, Team cleaning homes. Starting salary $3.30/hour plus travel compensation. 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano 128t5 THE MATHEMATICS DEPT. will be taking applications for under graduate employment and graduate assistantships from April 1-14. Applications may be picked up in 102 Milner. 128111 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TEXAS No. 2788 Notice is hereby given in accord ance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that CLYDE JACKSON PORTERFIELD, SR. has filed ap plication for a Package Store Permit License or Permit, said business to be conducted under the trade name of CUT RATE NO. 6. Location of said business to be 1204 West 25th St., Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Witness my hand this the 25th day of March, 1980. FRANK BORISKIE County Clerk, Brazos County, Texas By: Wilhelmina Bukenfeld Deputy Clerk JOB OPPORTUNITIES: TEACHERS WANTED: elementary and Sec ondary. West and other states. Placements since 1946. SOUTHWEST TEACHER’S AGENCY P.O. Box 4337, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87196. 130tl United Press International PARIS — A movement of influen tial young rightist intellectuals in France has evoked dark fears of a revival of theories of human inequal ity and an elite European race 35 years after the defeat of Nazism in World War II. Dubbed “The New Right” by commentators, the group encompas ses perhaps 1,500 activists. It is dis missed by many as a political sideshow with no future in a nation LJ 846-67 b NEEDED HARD WORKING PEOPLE who need extra money to do house cleaning. Good money. Work own hours. 779-8900. i27tio > m« tm m# w« vv vu «ni w w DANCERS WANTED (female) at the beautiful new BLUE DOLPHIN CLUB Highway 6 South One mile from College Station. Apply in person between 4 and 8 p.m. a* a* «m fu« «m mi ** ha m FOR RENT Choice 1/bedroom studio near Campus. Sum mer. $175.00. 693-2224. 130t5 BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS : ! Preregistration for the Fall Semes- ter 1980 will be conducted during the week of April 14 - 18, 1980. Fall Semester Schedule of Classes will be available on or about April 10. All Biomedical Science majors are £: required to schedule a conference ij:; with their Academic Advisors and :£ obtain an approved Course Re- v: quest Form for use at preregistra- tion. You can avoid long waiting periods by making an appointment with your advisor and having your £: Course Request Form approved prior to the week of preregistration. When you have obtained the ap- proved Course Request Form, de- g liver it to the Biomedical Science office, Room 332, Veterinary Medic- :$ al Administration Building. During preregistration week, you should re- jj: turn to the Biomedical Science of- :j:j fice to pick up your registration xj packet and complete your preregist- ration. SEE YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR SOON £ \28t8.'p JOBS! CRUISESHIPSl/SAILING EXPEDITIONS!/ SAILING CAMPS. No experience. Good Pay. Summer. Career. NATIONWIDE, WORL DWIDE! Send $4.95 for APPLICATION/INFO/ REFERRALS to CRUISEWORLD127 Box 60129 Sacramento, CA 95860 d 1 ;a 1 • a # Jo b For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University PERSONALS HELP AGS! My car was hit in the parking lot of Hall of Fame, Monday, March 31, at around 10:30 pm. I need to know the name of the person who saw this and left me a note. My car was the blue Camaro. Please contact me at 845-5451. I need your help. 13013 NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn PRE-LEASING MH SPACES FOR STUDENTS -Over 400 spaces -Swimming pool -Laundry (many shaded) -Club House -Security Patrol Can accommodate 12 ft. to 14 ft. homes. $75/month; $50 Deposit Call or come by WESTERN VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 2001 Beck St. Bryan 822-6912 1i; MISCELLANEOUS: Win $500 cash for your vacation this summer. No obligation. To receive entry form send self addressed stamped envelope to Summer Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 730, Coeru d’Alene, Idaho 83814. 130tl SERVICES Typing. 823-4579. 121t35 Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. HOtfn TYPING. Prompt, professional. 823-5726. 113tl8 ST """"""^emceToWn" 1 Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting I HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. I Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922« ^ 1411 Texas Ave. _ 823-8111 | if*-**-*-*-*-**--* J I LOVE * J MY 4 * CHOLLY * J BUM ,30,, 3 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 Address yourself to a new lifestyle ■■■■■■ You’ve made it through another semester with flying colors. Now treat yourself to a better lifestyle. You deserve it. □ A new ad dress that has campus conveni ence. Patios or balconies for outside entertaining. Wooded seclusion or lively atmosphere. □ Southwest Village has a quiet atmosphere perfect for heavy studying. And you’re only minutes from campus via the shuttle bus. Southwest Village offers four floorplans, furnished or unfurnished, for families or adults. In your spare time, try our tennis courts, pool, wooded picnic area, and clubhouse with saunas and gameroom. □ Country Place caters especially to your needs: walking distance to campus. Semester leases. Lively all-adult atmosphere. Six floorplans, from efficiencies to two bedrooms ideal for roommates. To lure you away from too much studying, Country Place has a large swim ming pool and recreation room. □ Next semester, address yourself to a new lifestyle. No one deserves it more than you. Country Place 3902 College Main. 846-0515 Southwest Village 1101 S.W. Parkway 693-0804 Now accepting applications for summer and fall semesters. - COMPASS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. committed to egalitarian democracy since the French revolution of 1789. Yet its rolls read like a Who’s Who of political and intellectual new comers. Controversy boiled into violence last December when attackers iden tifying themselves as the "Jewish Defense Organization wielded iron bars and bottles of acid outside a New Right conference, causing sev eral injuries among the movement’s workers. New Right spokesmen dismiss the incident as the work of radicals stir red up by “our enemies in the leftist press. But since the rightist news paper Le Figaro opened its weekly magazine to New Right writers last year and gave them widespread exp osure, others besides the left have had questions. GRECE, a “think tank around which the movement has grown, re cently embarked on an active promo tion campaign and published works decrying the mixing of races as caus ing a “retrogradation” of European racial stock. GRECE’s name is an .MIllHHIHlllllllillllllllllHlllllllHIIIIIIIIII ||,| !tmnn ! ^ MSC AGGIE CINEMA Movies this | Weekend IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT Winner of 6 Academy Awards iTues. 7:30-Thea. WOODY ALLEN’S a Everything you always wanted to know about sex-x- -X- BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK If abbreviation for “Group for and Research on European0 tion. ’ There have been accusafo GRECE members have neo-fascist rituals at their me Among leading names link GRECE are Alain Benoist, losopher who two years ag Academy Francaise’s coveted essay prize, and Yvan Blot,3i ing politician who ran thet partv’s legislative election in 1978. Blot has organized theClu! loge, a small but influential group that has promoted C views. Many of the club’sn* are young graduates of Frantf stigious National Administ School who hold government Parties of the right-centei tion that runs France haven distanced themselves fromce ersial New Right doctrine. Right intellectuals haveconto to writings of Michael Poniat former interior minister and political aide of President Giscard d’Estaing. GRECE leaders have ait supporters of the “Judeo-Cli ethic for seeking to impose“tl que truth of equality of men Cod’ throughout the world Fri. & Sat. Mid.-Thea.i uGNS Fri. Sat. 7:30 & 9:45-Thea 7:30-Thea. ii I Animation Festival |featuring a collection of |some of the best animated | cartoons and shorts ever produced. Sunday 7:30-Thea.| MINHUN “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTERS BEGINNING MARCH 1, 1980 Furnished & Unfurnished On Shuttlebus Route Efficiency, 1, 2, & 3 Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Bedroom Apartments Tennis Courts (Lighted) 24 Hr. Professional Maintenance Party/Meeting Room with Sund* Service Health Spas, Including Saunasl’ Families Welcome Men & Women Pets permitted Three Laundry Rooms Basketball/Volleyball Court Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 Sundays 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011