Slouch By Jim Earle “Could this be right? Harold Stassen running for class secretary?” Opinion Letter writers miss point Two letters received at The Battalion Tuesday have con firmed what we suspected earlier — a segment of our read ers perceive our coverage of last week’s senate meeting as a Battalion-senate war. Both of the letters attack our news coverage and our editorials on the matter. Our response: the attacks on our news coverage are in error, and we don’t have to defend our opinion. But, both of the letters show us that we have failed to make one point clear — this action by the senate involves every student at the University. This intense coverage is not as a result of a “news-no- matter-the-consequences” policy as the letter printed below states. It’s a “truth-no-matter-what” policy. The writer below supports President Miller’s financial tomfoolery involving the student senate. We don’t. We think the students of Texas A&M have the right to know what they’re being involved in and we want to tell them. That’s our job. The student senate and the adminsistration no doubt believe that what they’re doing is for the ultimate good of the University. Our intent, although it isn’t apparent to some of our readers, is the ultimate good of this University, too. And the revelation of the truth will lead to the ultimate good of the school. the small society by Briclcman The Battalion USPS 045 360 LETTERS POLICY MEMBER le tters to the editor should not exceed 3fX) words and are Texas Press Association subject to being cut to that length or less if longer The Southwest Journalism Congress editorial staff reserves the right to edit such lettirs and dins Editor RoV Bragg not guarantee to publish any letter Each letter must he . ’ ' ' L.* i ..i' ^ % 1 signed, show the address of the urtter and list a telephone Associate Editor Keith Taylor number for terifuatum News Editor Rusty Cawley Address correspondence to U ttirs to the Editor. The Asst. NeWS Editor Karen CornelisOIl Battalion. Room 21fi. Reed MeDr/nald Building, ( tdlcgc CopV Editor Dillard StOllC ,,r "' " ^ Sports Editor Mike Burrichter,s. nu d nahonaBv b> National Educational Adyr- Focus Editor Rhonda Watters tising Services. Inc.. New York Cit>. Chicago and lais Angeles. City Editor Louie Arthur The Battalion is published Mondac thnn.Kh Fridas fnnn CampilS Editor Diane Blake September through May except during exam and holiday Staff Writers Nancy Andersen,- u-riods and the summer, when it is publishe d on Tuesday Tricia Brunhart, Angelique Copeland, hrough Thursday Edwards Carol Hancock, Kathleen McElroy, Mail subscriptions an- *16.75 per semester, wj 2.5 per Debbie Nelson, Richard Oliver, school year, Vio (10 per fidly ear Advertising rates furnished Tim Sager% Steve Sisney, on r« OUT WHAT OCCURRED CAN) CML THE CART00MCT-gXCE?T BATT JOOROALVSTS WHO MIGHT RUT \T 10 PRIWT. "•’TJtr /NVOLMED NO TT-?ANJSfiEflS.Grrakai