The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 01, 1980, Image 3
UC&UAY, AKMIL 1, lytiU ocal vise nore Council to pay for its awards Offshore plants could ease crunch By GAIL WEATHERLY Campus Reporter An extra $800 will be spent this 'ear on awards to be presented at the Memorial Student Center Awards (anquet. About $2,500 was spent to purch- se plaques, certificates and tie tacs br recipients, said Vice President of ograms Teresa Beshara, in a memo the council. This was an increase m the $1,700 spent last year. The MSC Council will have to sorb the cost into other parts of its lidget this year, but members voted itheir meeting Monday to seek out- |de funding to cover the additional sts in the future. Beshara said the amount allocated the present budget for awards comes from student service fees. This is not enough to allow extra awards to be given to students who donate much of their time to the MSC projects. Also negelected, Beshara said, are faculty members who work with the council just on specific projects, rather than on a continuing basis. “Our present system recognizes only those faculty who serve for a long period of time, and does not recognize those faculty members who may contribute much time and energy on a single project,” she said in a memo to the council. In order to give more awards in the future to deserving people, the council voted to submit a request to the MSC Enrichment Board of Candidates qualifications ?re: largeJ K. Strif B. Mels McDoni i Caldw ITwo names were left off of Mon- y’s listing of candidates for the lass of 82 President. They are: JOE RICHARDS I Major: Pre-Med f Age: 20 V Hometown: Cleveland [Qualifications: Pre-Med Society mber, Wesley Foundation, also a stinguished Student. litform: Richards would like to increased participation in class ities through better communi- n between students and the Cal. He said this might be done sans of a regular council report, vould like to preserve Texas University traditions, possibly ving a Howdy Week drive. RRY ROSE jor: Animal Science 20 netown: San Antonio dlinesa! :s cove!® atiepre [anted It follow! ituredr 'ewitli ! of the* ictts pj rse AmL terKe# 1 larch > irisel 01* Cart j-' headlif LADIES NITE All unescorted ladies drink FREE ALL NIGHT from 8:00 to 12:00 $2 Cover Happy Hour starts at 4 p.m. with 4 FOR 1 1401 FM 2818 — Doux Chene Complex o maW : owdeel THE ARMY WILL HELP FINANCE YOUR EDUCATION - IN JUST 2 YEARS. Making it in college? Then hang in there. But ...if you’ve already decided to leave be cause of financial pressures, the Army can help. Now, if you qualify, the Army’s 2-Year En listment will offer: 4 An Educational Savings Plan so you may return to college later. Through the Veterans’ Educa tional Assistance Program your contribution is matched 2 for 1. *A $2,000 Education Bonus. ^ Guaranteed training. * Other benefits. Sound good? Check it out. The Army’s 2- Year Enlistment with Education Bonus. Also available are 3 and 4-Year enlistments with education bonus. Call Army Opportunities at SSG Gary Huey 1242 W. 43rd St Houston, Tx Ph 686-3779 Join the people who’ve joined the Army. An Equal Opportunity Employer Directors at its meeting April 12 that the board fund these supplemental awards that are beyond the budget allowance of the MSC Award fund. The council set a minimum of $1,000 funding per year from the En richment Fund for next three years. The council also voted to authorize the MSC Enrichment Fund to raise money to provide for an endowed lecture series. Beshara said, “Details of how it will operate will be decided later by the students and the MSC Council.” In other business, the council voted to have a MSC calendar of events printed on-campus and made available to students next fall at $2.15 per calendar. Cole said the calendar is not a fund raising activity but a service to con solidate all student programs activi ties into one calendar booklet. “We re just trying to break even on it,” he said, “but if there is any money left over it will be applied to the next year’s calendar.” Monday’s meeting was the last one for the 30th MSC Council. The federal government is study ing two locations in the Gulf of Mex ico as potential sites for offshore pow er plants that produce energy by mixing massive quantities of sea wa ter, one of the scientists involved said at Texas A&M University. The Ocean Thermal Energy Coversion program (OTEC) is also considering two sites in the Hawaiian chain and one off Puerto Rico as test sites for the generating stations that are largely still on the drawing board, said Dr. Pat Wilde of the University of California Lawr ence Berkeley Laboratory. He told a Sea Grant-sponsored marine fellows lecture that tremen dous engineering and ecological problems still lie in the path of de velopment of OTEC, but that future world energy situations may push the idea forward. “OTEC depends on OPEC (Orga nization of Petroleum Exporting Countries),” Wilde said. “If you didn’t have OPEC, you wouldn’t need OTEC.” For now, researchers can’t even estimate the cost of building a single OTEC unit — although it will be in the tens of millions of dollars — and have no idea of how much time would be required before a unit would pay for itself, he told Texas A&M scientists. He said the drawback to the Gulf sites — near Louisiana and off the west coast of Florida — was the high incidence of tropical storms and hur- ZACHAR1AS GREENHOUSE club & game parlor never a cover charge BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENT TONIGHT 8 P.M. 1201 Hwy. 30 in the Briarwood Apts., College Station 693-9781 Qualifications: two-year class council member, participant in Pre- Vet Society and Student Y, freshman member of Ag Council. Platform: Rose would like to orga nize the class better and get input from classmates on various matters, especially the class gift. He would like to use a type of survey to get ideas from members of the class and to find out why meetings aren’t attended. Collecting cans and having car washes are some fund-raising ideas Rose has. The information of Kathleen Mil ler, a candidate for vice president for academic affairs in student govern ment, was incorrect in Monday’s paper. She was a member of the Ag Council last year but is not currently a member. MSC TOWN HALL presents: Friday April 18, 7 p.m. G. Rollie White Coliseum Tickets $ 3 25 , $ 4 25 , $ 4 75 MSC Box Office EASTER EGG HUNT LOOK FOR EGGS APRIL "1-4 TAMU MAIN CAMPUS GRAND PRIZE CLUES: DAV "1 IN THIS BUILDING, THERE’S NO CLASS, THERE’S THE FLAGPOLE YOU’VE JUST PASSED DAV S DAV 3 SPONSORED BY MSC RECREATION 1 2 3 TAKE YOUR Two Speed Cassette Decks ©O© T-I CASSETTE DECK • T wo speeds (17/8 ips, 33/4 ips) • Boardband Electronics • Low wow & flutter List SALE $300 $209 ©O© T-2 CASSETTE DECK • Two speeds (17/8 ips, 33/4 ips) • Memory Rewind 0 Extended 45dB range peak meters $350 $249 GO® • Two Speeds (17/8 ips, 33/4 ips) • Broadband Electronics • Four complete Dolby NR circuits allow simultaneous encoad/ decode LIST T-3 CASSETTE DECK • Three Heads maximize performance • Dual Capstans control Tension Transport • Dolby FM COPY Highspeed tape 'handling Memory Rewind Record Safe mute switch - uoioy rin i sft 4Th ^ $549 SALE $35*? 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