The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1980, Image 7
THE BATTALION MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1980 Page 7 campaign ‘80 'ntheir qualifications and platforms n n: Junior uce Dallas «•' 1977-78 W . 1978-79 tresj Age: 21 ([f:» intends to look into the 1 meal/day or 2|meal/day board plan. Senior Yell Leader |HIL DAVIS iMajor: Agricultural Economics nance commit^ ) vears. WHometown: Longview Cox wc , 1 MARK OUTLAW ‘ student smitjl Major: Agriculture nave a canpuJ student input s: Age: 21 uld also liletolj Hometown: Devine what sen’icest, irWCENE HAWKINS Major: Civil Engineering Age: 21 Hometown: Houston through s program v another naur students know,; iident of I egulatm Junior Vaco in would liketti traffic • is opposed to 1 campus to It -a viable solufe s, cars and pe > plans to claii|i ersity elecfat esident h t Servm D Junior 1 Science illas ED FRANZA Major: Industrial Distribution Age: 21 Hometown: San Antonio DAVID RUIZ Major: Environmental Design Age: 20 Hometown: Dickinson s: 1979-80 itii id regulations0 RICKY FAIRCHILD Major: Engineering tfel^e: 21 Hometown: Portland DAN QUINN Major: Management Age: 21 Hometown: Blutheville, Ark. Junior Yell Leader ANDY SMITH iMajor: Business | Age; 20 5 Hometown: La Porte FRITZ CLAYDON Major: Engineering Age: 19 Hometown: Raleigh, N.C. MIKE McCARLEY Major: Mechanical Engineering Age: 20 Hometown: Lufkin NORRIS HODGIN Major: Animal Science Age: 19 Hometown: Tilden CHRIS WALKER Major: Accounting Age: 19 Hometown: Houston MIKE THATCHER Major: Agriculture Age: 19 Hometown: Spring JASON FLOYD Major: Business Age: 20 Hometown: Spring LAYNE CROWE Major: Biology Age: 20 Hometown: Spring Off-Campus Aggies President PAULA SORRELS Classification: Junior Major: Business Age: 22 Hometown: Magnolia Qualifications: 1979-80 OCA sec retary. 1977-78 seit§ committee ® ry judicial me" rford would ft 'iblity of settwij i line in the If t to users. Sun Theatres SAT MCAT' • gre bio OCAT'Wf SAT* JOB ED 80S LEX • VQE B I • NLE “55. ifW' mONFOB ! EXAM t„ Suit* X 1 ' 1, jlTN.W#' 1 py- nit Pleasi Ci" 196^ 333 University 846-! The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fri.-Sat. No one under 18 Ladies Discount With This Coupon BOOK STORE & 25C PEEP SHOWS 846-9808 COURTYARD APARTMENTS “College Station’s Standard of Quality” New— Convenient—Comfortable Now teasing for Summer & Fall Early Bird 12-Month Lease Special Academic Year & Summer Rates Doming Arcing COME BY: Saturday 9-4 600 University Oaks Stallings Dr. at Hwy. 30 & University Oaks Open Evenings 'til 7 p.m. 693-2772 Sunday 1-4 MANAGEMENT SOCIETY YEARBOOK PICTURES WILL BE RETAKEN IN THE MSC LOUNGE APRIL fat 6:30 ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD AFTER PICTURES IN 302 RUDDER Platform: Sorrels would like to in itiate programs that will familiarize off-campus students, especially freshmen, with the University. She would like to do something about the high price of apartments and ac quaint students with possible op tions. Residence Hall Association President: SHERRIE BALCAR Classification: Junior Major: Accounting Age: 20 Hometown: Schulenberg Qualifications: dormitory repre sentative for three years, 1978-79 RHA Outstanding Delegate, presi dent of Mosher Hall dorm council, current Casino co-chairman. Platform: Balcar would like to work toward a cross-dining program for students on a periodic basis. She hopes to extend food services to alle viate the current and predicted over crowding in the dining halls by get ting vending machines and micro- waves in the lounges. To increase unity among the dorms, she would like to coordinate money-raising activities between them. BILL WAY Classification: Junior Major: Engineering Age: 21 Hometown: Houston Qualifications: 1979-80 RHA vice president, 1978-79 hall representa tive, Casino co-chairman. Platform: Way plans to go through the proper channels to obtain facili ties the dorms are lacking such as ice and change machines, vending machines and recreational equip ment for intramurals. He would like to place more emphasis on public relations and intends to work closely with RHA’s 14 committees to de velop better communication be tween them. Hometown: San Diego, Tx. Qualifications: active in Class of ’82 Council, MSC Political Forum officer. Platform: Correa would like to coordinate class activities around class members’ time schedules so they will be able to participate. He wants class members to know what they want is what the class coucnil wants. Class of ’83 President MIKE LAWS HE Major: Industrial Engineering Age: 18 Hometown: Dallas Qualifications: 1979-80 class of ’83 vice president. Platform: Lawshe would like to have get-togethers for the class after football games and have more infor mal dances throughout the year. He said he would like to sell T-shirts or posters to raise money for the class. MARIE KELLY Major: Accounting Age: 18 Hometown: Dallas Qualifications: active in class council and Student Y. Platform: Kelly would like to in crease participation in the class council by possibly sending out flyers to inform class members of the meetings. She wants to avidly work on money-raising projects to go to ward the class gift. Class of '82 President BURBA CORREA Major: Political Science Age: 20 GARY BRANCH Major: Engineering Technology Age: 20 Hometown: Blue Ridge Qualifications: works with Student Y, class council member, on SCONA committee. Platform: Branch wants to get ideas for activities and fund-raising from class members and let their in put determine what the class will do. He also wants to start working on ideas for a class gift. CHARLOTTE MAULDIN Major: Marketing Age: 19 Hometown: Houston Qualifications: two-year class council member. Platform; Mauldin would like to have sales for special dates such as Valentines and Easter to raise money. She would like to organize the class’s publicity to get more par ticipation. MAUREEN O’BRIEN Major: History Age: 19 Hometown: Houston Qualifications: 1979-80 co- chairman of Halloween dance, active in class council. Platform: O’Brien would like to better the communication between the class council members and let them know what their duties are. By doing this, she said the council could increase its effectiveness and have more participation. JOE RICHARDS Information unavailable. BARRY ROSE Major: Agriculture Information unavialable. Class of ’81 President JESS MASON Major: Marketing Age: 20 Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colo. Qualifications: 1977-78, 1978-79 class vice president, 1979-80 class president, Distinguished Student, marketing honor society. Platform: Mason would like to continue and finalize plans for the dedication of the class project, hopefully during a football game next year. He said he would like to plan a senior picnic early enough where studying would not be a major interference. Mason intends to redesign the class T-shirts to include an elephant. ROY BRANTLEY Major: Marketing Age: 21 Hometown: Belton Qualifications: three-year class council member, 1977-78 state offic er in Future Farmers of America, leadership training through FFA, public relations sergeant on Corps Staff. Platform: Brantley would like to increase participation in the class council by having more orderly meetings at a consistent time and place. He said he would like to get in touch with newspapers and radio stations to publicize the dedication of the class gift next year. Brantley is also considering having short programs during the class meetings to encourage attendance. YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO EAT OUT? Check the Battalion ads! ATTENTION diK vr (town holll MSC Town Hall Option Pass holders! BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars $Q TtZ plus PARTS Oil change FILTER 1 * OIL $4.00 Tune up & oil change • PLUS OIL 4 PARTS £ yjj By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. Priority period to purchase tickets for RONNIE MILSAP Mon. March 24 thru Mon. March 31 Tickets not purchased at this time will be released for sale to the general public. HAMKEMMIP CAREER OPPORTUNITY My Company is inter ested in interviewing Aggies that are responsi ble executive or sales- type individuals. We have a salary plus incen tive compensation plan. Position offers stable career with substantial income and managerial opportunity. Thorough training locally and at home office schools. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CALL OR WRITE; THOMAS ASSOCIATES P.O. DRAWER CQ COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 (713) 696-7714 ATTN: CHARLES THOMAS. CLU REPRESENTING m yi PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COIVIRAIMY MOfVtE OFFICE - BIFlIVtllMGMAIVI. ALABAMA .g$MSC AGGIE CINEMAQmrwnnfg. presents “ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED” PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTERS BEGINNING MARCH 1, 1980 Furnished & Unfurnished On Shuttlebus Route Efficiency, 1, 2, & 3 Two Beautiful Swimming Pools Bedroom Apartments Tennis Courts (Lighted) 24 Hr. Professional Maintenance Party/Meeting Room with Sundeck Service Health Spas, Including Saunas for Families Welcome Men & Women Pets permitted Three Laundry Rooms Basketball/Volleyball Court Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 . 693-1011 // FRANK STEWART who will speak on Film production: Studio to Box Office MON. MARCH 31 7:15 p.m 301 Rudder Free Admission HJillli ;:VV • • • • <