The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1980, Image 3
P THE BATTAL MONDAY, MARCH 3‘ Cace Corps offers Vet students host horse show work, cheap travel Page 3 By ROBERT LEE Campus Reporter Have you ever thought about going overseas? Paris, Rome, Lon don or Madrid? Maybe even the Riviera? That probably would be quite an interesting, if not expen sive, experience. ■ Overseas travel is expensive, and sometimes it can turn into a rip-off Because of the tourist clientele that ||he big cities cater to. There are inany alternatives to the standard European or Africian trip, but prob- al'iy none as enduring or rewarding as the Peace Corps. And even Bough the Peace Corps isn’t as visi ble to the public as it was 10 years ago when it had ads on television, it is still performing its steady job in other countries. K Today there are Peace Corps volunteers in 65 countries, and in places ranging from remote jungles in southeast Asia to bush lands, in ■central Africa. Peace Corps volun teers are required to serve for two years. They usually are stationed in rural areas where the needs are the I greatest. V While the Corps never says it will jbe easy working in those outlying places, it does promise a unique ex perience and some other compensa tions, like traveling expenses and take-home pay. But the experience is the motivat ing purpose behind the Corps, says Paul Marcott, campus coordinator for the Peace Corps at Texas A&M University. “The Peace Corps experience can not be duplicated anywhere else,” he said. “And you can learn more about yourself in two years than in lifetime.” Marcott, a graduate student in agricultural economics, served as a volunteer in Southeast Asia in 1968- 70. “There was a lot of tension in the cities, but I didn’t feel it because I was stationed in a jungle two and a half days from any city,” he said. Describing his first day on the job, Marcott said he was taken to the end of a dirt road and pointed in the direction of the village where he was to work. Told it was 50 miles in that direction, “I started walking,” he said. He made it in two days and ended up staying for two years teaching the native villagers what he knew about agriculture. “It took me one year to get over the culture shock,” he said, andle-powered ars make tracks I • office has i f the action is tel ;a of keeping tli frightening, they can get aw ’re wrong. They!! i the students o( They don’t tow - they are part a enate does invoi t body. Closing* i entire student ey are madep on of the public — Eof By CHARLIE MUSTACHIA Campus Reporter ■ Celebrating the centennial aim iversary of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Texas i A&M University held a design com petition for vehicles powered by birthday candles in the lobby of achry Engineering Center over the 'eekend. Universities from Texas, Louisa- na, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Mexico ere represented at the competi tion. K The cars ranged in size from a few inches to over a foot, said Virginia fee, Texas A&M ASME student chairman. B The objective was designing a car that would go the furthest per candle ith a maximum of 10 candles, Jee id. The first place winner was John ’ellkamp from the University of Texas. Tellkamp’s vehicle travelled ; #8.5 feet per candle. The Aggie award for the most ela borate vehicle went to Gabriel Kri- korien from the UT-Arlington. Other awards were presented to Mitchell Mauck and Robert Herd of Texas Tech for the most spectacular run and the most innovative design. Jim Short ofTexas A&M was given the award for the most efficient vehicle. Jee said the best thing about the competition is the experience the students gain. The mingling of students who have comparable interests, Jee said, is also a learning experience for the mechanical engineering students. ASME national president Donald N. Zwiep said the competition Was an opportunity for the students to bridge the gap between their acade mic work and their work as prac titioners. Zweip said the type of competi tion is mainly a “catalyst to bring the students together. ” “but the second year was very pro ductive. ” Besides the main motiviating pur pose behind the Peace Corps, Mar cott list three others: the exchange of manpower capabilities, the sending of young Americans overseas to learn about another culture, and allowing the other culture to meet someone from the United States. The last two examples make it easier for the two countries to get along, he said. In addition to Marcott there are about 30 other staffers at Texas A&M who have served with the Peace Corps. One of those is Cynthia Gil lette, an anthropology professor. Back in 1965 Gillette, like many other Peace Corps volunteers, had just graduated from college. She said she wanted an overseas experience and the Corps appealed to her. “I was a liberal arts major and they were looking for school teachers,” she said. Even though she had no teaching experience, in about one year she was in central Africa teaching girls at a British boarding school in Tanzania. “Being a volunteer was a very positive experience for me,” she said. “You have to care about people ... as long as you really care and show you’re interested, people will pick up on you.” At first, she said, she had a tough time getting used to the strict system of education in Tanzania, where all the girls dressed alike and every mi nute of the day was occupied by a specific purpose. She said there was no room for boredom — a fact the volunteers would have trouble over coming. Gillette said the Peace Corps was like a paternalistic institution. “They don’t send kids overseas and let them go,” she said. “The Corps is always there. You could always count on them if you needed help. By BRIAN BLALOCK Campus Reporter More than 350 entries from all over the state participated in the Third Annual Open Horse Show, sponsored by the first-year students at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. Contestants competed in two ma jor divisions: western and English. The western division consisted of halter, pleasure, reining and horse manship classes..The English divi sion included dressage, equitation, pleasure and hunter classes. Barrel racing and pole bending competition were also held. High point in the western division went to Steve Aubrey and his horse Lecturers Bar Pride. There was a tie for the reserve champion between Melinda Harris and Danny Yeager. Jennifer Holloway and her horse Christopher Robin were high point in the English division with Elissa Sanders taking the reserve cham pionship. A $75 award was presented to the high-point rider in both the English and western divisions. A $25 award was given to the reserve champion in both divisions while plaques and rib bons were awarded to the first six places in each class. The high point rider was deter mined through a point system which awards five points to a rider for a first-place finish in a full four horse class. Second place received three points, third got two points and fourth place was worth one point. During the noon break in the all day show the large crowd was treated to some entertainment by the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medi cine, who participated in a greased pig chase. The show was held at the Eques trian Park two miles west of College Station on FM 60. The labor and concessions for the show were provided entirely by the first-year veterinary students. 0 obberies mar ■CS weekend 7 5 a senate meetin! 1 newspapers wen The Tokyo Steak House was rob- [ed of $1,700 Friday. The cashier told police that a man ame into the steak house, looked round, then went to the cigarette aachine. He asked the cashier for jjehange. He pulled out a revolver and told e fashion to put all the money in a |ack. She handed him the sack, and pie then fled on foot toward the Townshire Shopping Center. No jnstitutional e vote that off 1 valid. ;n t that has'is sed session i” :ssion isn t ig a compl 31111 !t Judicial Boi 1 jy the senatd 11 en in closed 0 law, it is D/n s suspect was listed on the police re port. A burglar took over $6,500 from a home at 3902 E. 29th St. Saturday night. Jan Stewart said that when she came home both the front and back door were open. Drawers had been ransacked, with a braclet, gold heart and ring missing. Also taken were several appliances and some meat from a freezer. 846-8223 DOLLAR DAYS #2s (Pressed Ham & Cheese) and #11s (Turkey & Cheese) Monday and Tuesday pOfiJl MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR! Beer Vi Price (In cups) FRIDAY NIGHTS IOC BEER (12oz.) with whole sub sandwich THE ARMY WILL HELP FINANCE YOUR EDUCATION - IN JUST 2 YEARS. 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