The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1980, Image 12

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age e 6
MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1980
At Manor East Mall
Penberthy Celebration Smashing Success. ..
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The Tournament
The softball tournament ran
50 hours and 20 minutes
through Friday night’s chill,
Saturday’s dust storms and
wind, and Sunday morning’s
rain and drizzle. The tourna
ment was a double elimination
in men’s, women’s and corec
All the final games were
close and exciting contests. In
CoRec play, Half Fast came up
through the losers bracket to
beat the Gusto Gang in the
The finals game was a close
one with no score until the top
of the fourth inning. It was a
three up, three down game
until the Gusto Gang brought a
man in to home on a double
and a single. The fifth inning
saw no scores, but in the bot
tom of the sixth. Half Fast was
suddenly inspired into motiva
tion and scored three runs. The
Gusto Gang loaded the bases in
the seventh inning, but only
managed to bring one man in
home to give the game to Half
Fast 2-3.
This tied the two teams and
threw play into a deciding “if’
game since each team had one
loss. The game started off slow
ly in the first inning with each
team only getting one runner
on base before retiring at bat.
The second inning started Half
Fast’s momentum as they
scored 2 runs. The third went
by quickly with no scores, but
Half Fast picked up another
run in the fourth.
It was not until the fifth that
the Gusto Gang got moving,
but when they did, it was a
Great Job!
To all the officials, super
visors, EMT’s and all student
workers — congratulations on a
job well done. Your profes
sionalism was well proved dur
ing the Penberthy Celebration
of Sports.
Your efforts contributed to
the overall success of the
weekend, despite the long
hours and adverse weather
conditions. Thanks for all your
time, effort and dedication.
momentum that scored 7 runs
for them. The sixth gave three
runs to Half Fast and two more
to the Gang for a score of 6-9.
Half Fast managed a tie in the
seventh and another score in
the eighth to lead 10-9. The
weekend had finally worn
down the illustrious Gusto
Gang who just couldn’t fight
the final score and lost the
game and came in second place
in the tournament 10-9.
In women’s play Half Fast
came up through the losers
bracket to face Lucky Strikes.
Luck was a lady that Penberthy
weekend as the Strikers
managed to pull ahead in the
last innings from far behind in
several tournament games to
It was almost that way in the
final game as the score stood 7-
3 in the third inning for Half
Fast. The Strikers managed no
hit innings to bring their tally
up to 5 when Half Fast scored
to put the tally 8-5. The sixth
inning was the Striker’s lucky
The Opening Ceremonies
Friday night opened the
Penberthy Celebration of
Sports with a short program
honoring Mr. W. L. Penber
thy. Many dignitaries and IM
people attended.
Dennis Corrington, Director
of Intramurals, presided. Dr.
John Koldus, Vice President
for Student Services, Roderick
Toler, Chairman of the In
tramural Advisory Council, and
Dr. Carl Landiss, former head
of the Health and Physical
Education Department made
remarks. Dr. Jarvis Miller,
President of Texas A6cM Un
iversity, presented Mr. Pen
berthy and his wife with a re
plica plaque of the one which
dedicates the Intramural Com
plex to him.
The ceremonies ended with
the turning on of the lights by
“Mr. Penny ”. Mr. Penberthy
then pitched the first ball of the
tournament with Dr. Koldus
officiating and President Miller
at bat.
Other Events
Other events besides softball went on during the Penberthy
Celebration of Sports. Several Extramural Clubs gave excellent
sports demonstrations. Those participating included Fencing, Judo,
Polo, Roadrunners, Tai Kwan Do, and Women’s Rugby.
One of the highlights of the day was the tobacco spitting contest.
Spitters competed for a mounted golden spittoon. The record
distance was spat by Doug Allmand during the spitoff for second
place due to a tie with Gary Click. Doug spat 19 feet to break the tie.
Winners were —
Distance: 1st George Myrick
2nd Doug Allmand
3rd Gary Click
4th Mike Hansen
5th Goby Long
Accuracy: 1st Gary Click
2nd Drew Temple
3rd Paul Hastings
4th Danny Pate & Bill Fidler
5th Roy Kothman
17 ft. 11V. in.
17 ft. 7 in.
17 ft. 7 in.
17 ft. 0 in.
13 ft. 8 in.
50 points
45 points
40 points
35 points
10 points
In the home run hitting contest, Andy Fraselle scored 2 home runs
out of 5 trys against strong and gusty Saturday afternoon winds.
Congratulations to all winners and participants. It was a good time for
charm as they scored seven
runs to lead 12-8. Half Fast
managed six scores in the
seventh, hut the Strikers made
it to 15 to win the game and
tournament 15-14.
The men’s competition was
fast and fierce. The Ballbusters
came up through the losers
ranks to match up in the finals
against the Warriors. Each
team got off to a good start with
a run each in the first inning.
The juices did not start flow
ing again until the fourth in
ning as the Warriors scored
their final point and the Ball-
buster racked up 5 runs. Even
with the bases loaded, neither
team could get another man
home and the Ballbusters took
the game and tied the tourna
ment 6-2.
The “if’ game took 11 in
nings to decide the winner.
Ballbusters started off with two
runs in the first inning. The
Warriors pitched a no-run in
ning and scored a run in the
second inning. In the third the
Ballbusters kept the Warriors
from scoring and managed to
add 3 runs to their own score.
The fourth was a stalemate, but
in the fifth the Warriors scored
again to trail 2-5. The sixth
gave the Busters another tally,
but it was the seventh that
turned the tide. The Busters
gained 2 points for a total of 8,
and the Warriors crossed home
plate 6 times to tie the game.
It was a stalmate again until
the eleventh inning when the
Warriors made the final score
after the game had been tied
for 3 innings. Final score was 9-
8 to give first place to the
Mens: 1st Warriors
2nd Ballbusters
3rd Rousters
Womens: 1st Lucky Strikes
2nd Half Fast
3rd Ruggers
CoRec: 1st Half Fast
2nd Gusto Gang
3rd Infield Fungus
The Penberthy Celebration was a weekend filled with something to
please everyone. 1) A tobacco-spitting contestant “loadsup” for the
accuracy spitting contest. 2) Vice President John Koldus speaks
during dedication ceremonies for Penberthy intramural complex.
3) Rick Majewski shows mock anger over an “almost” home run
during the softball home run hitting competition. 4) Sophomore
Jennie Klepper helped man the concession stand. 5) Members of
the judo club demonstrate that size isn’t the most important thing
7# m
in judo. 6) Joanie Massengale watches one of the softball gain 6 *
with her father, Scott. 7) Melinda Cloud takes a well-deserve res
after an intense softball game.
The Winner’s Circle
Handball Winners
Congratulations and a hand massage to the new IM Handball
winners. Great job, Ags.
Men’s Class A - Mike Moore & Jeff Bronson
Men’s Class B - Jerry Kirkland & Mark Patterson
Men’s Class C - Steve Folk & Tom Shults
CoRec Class - Beth Rowley & Ricky Seawright
CoRec Class B - Rocky Smith & Cathline Stevenson
This ad is sponsored by your local Stories by Michelle Wolstein, Pic-
McDonald’s Restaurant at Univcr- tures by David Hurst,
sity Drive and Manor East Mall.
Gymnasts Close Contest
On Saturday, March 22, the
Texas A&M Men’s Gymnastics
Team lost a close contest to t.u. in
Austin. Top scorers of the meet
were as follows:
Vaulting: Mark Hartwell - 1st, Ray
Moltz - 4th, Danny Wilson - 5th;
Horizontal Bar: Scott Holman -
2nd; Parallel Bars: Ray Moltz -
4th; Still Rings: Mark Hartwell -
4th, Ray Moltz - 5th, Scott Hol
man - 6th; Pommel Horse: Scott
Royce - 2nd; Floor Exercise: Dan
ny Wilson - 3rd, Mark Hartwell -
5th; All Around: Ray Moltz - 5
Extra Acts
Scott Holman - 6th.
Congratulations to gymnast of the
meet Danny Wilson. Recognition
also goes to Jim Foght, Rick Zapa
ta, and Francisco Sun whose
scores contributed to the team’s
overall score.
For the Birdies
In the spring the birds come
out, and this spring so are the
birdies! The TAMU badminton
club is hosting a badminton tour
nament April 4 and 5 (Friday &
Saturday). Jlay starts at 5:00, April
T ^ White’s main floor.
Entry deadline is Thursday, Ap
ril 3. Entry forms are available on
G. Rollie White’s main floor or in
1 the IM office, DeWare Fiel-
dhouse. Entrants are allowed to
enter up to five events at a fee of
$2.00 for the first event and $1.00
for each additional event entered.
Divisions are A,B, and Novice.
Events include men’s doubles and
singles, ladies singles and doubles,
and mixed doubles. Awards will
be presented to the finalists in
each event and to the consolation
snioe c
Entries Closing:
Slowpitch Captain’s Playof
5:15 pm
5:00 pm
Wednesday, AP n * 2
Tuesday, April 1
Rudder Theater
Thursday, A i inl 3
Rm. 267, C.R.