The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 27, 1980, Image 1

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The Batt4uon
Vol. 73 No. 126
22 Pages in 2 Sections
Thursday, March 27, 1980
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
&M senate decides against fee increase
Senators hold debate on athletic funds, TSAin closed session
l^The Texas A&M University student sen-
j i 1 :? Wednesday after much debate agreed
i a workable alternative to increasing
Lstudent service fee by 50 cents.
Instead of upping the fee as George
jk, vice president for finance, prop-
m, senators voted to reshuffle the
budget allocations previously set.
Black urged the senate to make provi
sions for the publication of InRol, a student
handbook of rules and traditions that pri
marily benefits incoming freshmen.
Senators finally heeded Black’s advice
and passed his amendment that will recom
mend these changes to the Texas A&M
administration: the reduction of the stu-
. S. is allowing
anians in with
ittle scrutiny
► i
18 ■
19 I
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Despite FBI wam-
terrorists from Iran may be trying to
|ter the United States, thousands of Ira-
are being admitted under a policy
|at limits inspections and clashes with
J i ■dential claims of close scrutiny.
Si A United Press International investiga-
I tm into the processing of Iranians has unc-
| uered what amounts to an unwritten but
| al policy of avoiding any incident that
3 light provoke Iran and endanger the
,Merican hostages in Tehran.
Jjust about have to have the guy admit
me he is a terrorist before I can do any-
pg,” grumbled a frustrated inspector for
1 Immigration and Naturalization Ser-
|ince the Nov. 4 seizure, more than
Iranians have been admitted to the
jted States, presumably with visas
jjiied before the embassy takeover or visas
jed in other countries. The number
's at the rate of about 50 a day. In the
previous years, 11,079 entered.
'hile projecting an image of cracking
on Iranians in this country, govem-
it officials point to “secondary inspec-
[s” as proof of vigilance.
::lnose examinations, which follow an ini-
|g check by INS agents, are ridiculed by
t Sunday, at John F. Kennedy Inter
nal Airport in New York, a young man
ith a student visa issued at the U.S.
[bassy in Tehran, dated before the Nov.
Jceover, was admitted after such an
ndary inspection.
uring that check, the inspector found a
itary-like field manual that told how to
e bombs and mines, fieldstrip the
eli Uzi submachine gun, and use a wide
ige of other weapons.
Jim ashamed to admit it,” the examiner
later, “but I let him in. My hands are so
up that I couldn’t stop him. Call the
h Department and they say ‘Give ‘em a
S(Bver. We don’t want an incident.’”
• .Several INS agents said when they
I light advice from the Iran working group
| lithe State Department, they were told “to
] Mid any incident” that might anger Iran
| ■ complicate efforts to free the hostages.
It s nutritious,
iif nothing else
United Press International
BALTIMORE — Southerners have
been eating chitlins — cooked pigs’ in
testines — for generations.
According to folklore, they are cheap
and nutritious. Now a Maryland college
professor’s research shows the folklor
ists are right.
“When I was growing up in the South
(Rock Hill, S.C.), I was told to eat chit
lins because they were nutritious,” said
Moses W. Vaughn of the University of
Maryland-Eastern Shore in Princess
[Anne, Md.
“I liked some of them, but there was
very little information to support what I
was told.”
Vaughn was given a $114,067 re-
jsearch grant from the U.S. Department
of Agriculture to investigate the nutri
tional value of chitterlings — popularly
[called chitlins — and other pork by
So far he has found cooked chitlins
compare favorably with commercially
available meat patties with textured
| vegetable protein added, or with a mix
ture of about 60 percent lean beef and 40
percent soy protein concentrate.
They have a protein efficiency ratio—
an evaluation of a food’s protein content
for nutrition — of about 1.9. Most meats
range from 2.3 to 2.9, Vaughn said in an
“They’re not as good as pork chops or
..pj steak in nutritional value, but they’re
jj; j better than I expected, ” he said.
He also cautioned that chitlins are
high in saturated fats and cholesterol.
I wouldn’t mind eating a big bowl of
chitlins, but I wouldn’t do it every day,”
said the 66year-old professor. “I’m not
advocating that you go out and buy them
every day.”
Maryland Department of Agriculture
statistics show each American con
sumed an average of 65 pounds of pork
last year, an increase of eight pounds
from 1978.
Vaughn said many dietitians and wel
fare and public health workers making
surveys have asked for data on the com
position and nutritive values of pork by
He said Southerners may have first
recognized chitlins as food, but that
they are sold everywhere in the country
“There was a time when you could get
them for almost nothing, but they’re not
as cheap anymore,” he added.
Vaughn also refuted the common be
lief that chitlins are eaten mainly by
“Every year they have a Chitlin Strut
in Sally, S.C., where they cook 500
pounds of chitlins and all kinds of people
come, not just blacks,” Vaughn said.
He estimated up to 10 percent of all
Americans eat pork byproducts.
While he found chitlins nutritionally
acceptable, pigs’ ears are not, he said.
With a protein efficiency ratio of only
0.8 percent, they they do not make an
adequate source of protein when eaten
alone, he said.
Vaughn is still trying to determine the
nutritional value of pigs’ feet, knuckles,
tails, neck bones and hog maws.
dent government budget by $4,000, the
reduction of the student service fee reserve
by $5,000 and the increase of InRol’s
budget by this creation of $9,000.
In another bill, the senate voted to
oppose the Traffic Panel’s recommendation
of a $5 ticket increase that would bring the
price of a single parking ticket up to $10.
Paul Bettencourt, vice president for
rules and regulations, had to make several
amendments to the student senate bylaws
before they were approved.
One change in the bylaws allowed a
closed session to be called by a two-thirds
vote instead of the previously required
unanimous vote. And another amendment
made it possible for a bill to be effective
immediately after being signed by speaker
of the senate Rip Van Winkle and student
body president Ronnie Kapavik.
Both these amendments played heavily
in the senate’s calling of a closed session to
discuss a proposal to withdraw from Texas
See related editorial, page 2
Students Association, a state-wide lob
bying organization for students interests.
The other item discussed in secret was
the 50-cent student service fee increase
that included a proposal for funds to given
to the athletic department.
In other business discussed in open, the
senate voted to continue distribution of the
survival kit, retained the MSG cafeteria
coffee refill issue in committee and tabled a
bill requesting permission that the Base
ment Coffeehouse be allowed to apply for
a liquor license.
Brad Smith, vice president for student
services, said the idea of selling liquor on
campus comes up every year.
“This bill needs to be looked into some
more,” he said. “I think the timing is bad
now. The administration won’t take it se
riously and I can tell you that it won’t pass.
But it will probably be brought up again
next year. ”
One other bill that stimulated a round of
debate asked that the first six rows of sever
al sections in Kyle Field be designated for
graduate students to sit during football
games instead of stand.
Graduate student Dale Laine presented
the bill on behalf of the graduate student
“I will stand during games whether this
passes or not,” Laine said. “But I think we
need to consider grad students who did not
do undergraduate work here and recognize
their wish to remain seated during games.
These seats could also be used by pregnant
Laine proposed that a total of 588 seats
be set aside. He said there are about 5,000
graduate students here.
The senate voted Laine’s bill down.
This senate meeting was the last one for
several senators since elections are Tues
day and Wednesday.
In one case, an Iranian entered without
the required visa, but promised to go on to
Canada. He had with him photographs
taken inside the U.S. Embassy in Tehran of
hostages and conditions at the facility.
When an immigration officer called
Washington about this, he was told to
waive the visa requirement. UPI later
obtained the photographs.
Asked about UPI’s findings, White
House press secretary Jody Powell said,
“We are looking into it.” Commenting on
the fact agents are being told to avoid inci
dents, he replied: “Our policy is not based
on that at all.”
Two weeks ago, President Carter told a
news conference: “We have screened the
immigrants very closely, and in every inst
ance, they have been determined to have a
real, genuine, legal interest and reason for
coming to our country.
“This was a decision made by me, it’s in
accordance with the American law.”
But immigration headquarters in
Washington have issued a memo to interro
gators ordering “Iranians shall not be ques
tioned as to whether they are pro or anti
shah, Khomeini or U.S.A.”
The orders also specify Iranians “shall
not be questioned about past or future par
ticipation in demonstrations unless related
to the details of an arrest. ”
Immigration inspectors are frustrated.
“I pick up a piece of paper in one hand
and it tells me terrorists might be coming, ”
said one. “Then I pick up another and it
tells me not to ask questions. Does that
make any sense?”
Several said they have found materials
that would apply to the warning about ter
rorists 1 — but none of the individuals was
denied admission.
Some inspectors look at it this way:
“If the people coming in are not part of an
active, dangerous group, it’s by luck,” one
observed, “not because of anything we re
doing. ”
David Crosland, acting INS commission
er, responded by saying, “Sometimes you
have people who don’t understand the total
picture and they are voicing their frustra
tions over the total picture.”
Light for the night
Staff photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.
The Texas Aggie baseball team began practicing under the new lights at game. The Aggies will host the University of Southern California Trojans
Pat Olsen Field this week as the team prepared to play its first home night for a double-header April 2. The first of the two games begins at 5:30 p. m.
Deterioration of Kyle Field track
prompts relocation of CS relays
Sports Reporter
In 1970, Texas A&M University installed
Astroturf on Kyle Field. At the same time,
an 8-lane Tartan track was installed.
In the ensuing decade, a baseball sta
dium was erected, new tennis facilities
built and a massive addition made to the
football stadium.
With a few exceptions, these financial
expenditures have placed Texas A&M in
the upper echelon of athletic facilities in
the nation.
One of those few exceptions is the track.
It looks no different now than it did in 1970,
save for the scars it bears from years of
tennis shoes, horses, cars and cadets.
The track has become so deteriorated
that after nine years of hosting the presti
gious College Station Relays, it is no longer
suitable for competition and the 32-school
meet had to be moved to Rice University.
“It was a super meet,” assistant men’s
track coach Ted Nelson said. “We really
hated to lose it.”
Nelson said the track is not in very good
shape for the team to practice on.
“As of now, it is usable, but soon it won’t
be,” he said.
He said the track has become so thin in
some places that the runners’ spikes go
through to the foundation.
“This has caused some complaints of shin
splint,” Nelson said.
The track victimizes everyone and
women’s track coach Bill Nix said he en
counters the worst problems when it rains.
“The track gets slippery, just like an ice
rink,” he said.
Although the coaches can see the prob
lems firsthand, no one is closer to the heart
of the matter than those who spend hours
working out on the surface.
Track team captain Tim Scott, said he
thinks it is “pathetic” that Texas A&M has a
worse track than many junior high and high
“The recruits come from their high
schools to visit, take a look at the track and
say Ts this for real?’ he said. Then they go to
Baylor or Texas and visit, see their superior
facilities and it makes them wonder why
they should sacrifice their career here.
“The runners could hit a bad spot on the
track and hurt their ankle. It hurts me,
because I would like to have a few home
Because of their poor facilities, the
Aggies have made 21 consecutive road trips
this season.
“It takes away exposure from us, and we
cannot make money for the school,” Scott
Scott’s teammate, Billy Busch, who runs
the mile relay, said Texas A&M has an
“ungodly” team, in spite of the track.
“We beat teams by 70 and 80 points and
they have better facilities than us,” he said.
Busch said he was promised the Univer
sity would have a new track three years ago
when he was recruited in high school.
“If I were being recruited today, I
wouldn’t come here,” he said. “I’m here
now, though, and I will stay.
“Right now, I’m just fed up with the
waiting on it, being used, run over and
forgotten about.”
Head track coach Charlie Thomas said
there is no way a meet could be held at
Texas A&M: “Someone would get hurt out
He said that after about five or six years
tracks begin to show their age.
“The first thing that happens,” Thomas
said, “is when the pebbles or cinders that
are used
(Continued on page 9)
Carter promises to avoid cutting
Medicare, Social Security funds
United Press International
WASHINGTON — President Carter,
evoking his favorite 1976 campaign themes
of competence and love, has promised not
to cut Social Security, Medicare, meals on
wheels and federally assisted housing con
struction in his budget pruning.
In talks at a reception for a White House
Conference on Aging and the annual
Democratic Congressional Dinner
Wednesday, Carter had the same message:
“We will adopt a budget with a special
sensitivity so we will not damage the peo
ple of our country about whom we care
most deeply.
“We are not cutting Medicare, we are
not cutting Social Security, we are not cut
ting SSI (supplemental security income),
we are not cutting housing construction
assisted by the federal government, we are
not cutting meals on wheels,” Carter said,
citing specific programs for the first time.
Carter had a light public schedule today,
including an infrequent meeting of his
Cabinet and another meeting with com
munity and civic leaders, this time from
Carter, who met with Democratic mem
bers of the Senate Appropriations Commit
tee, plans to send details of the first ba
lanced federal budget in 20 years to Con
gress on Monday.
In one of his first political speeches since
the American hostages were seized in Iran
more than four months ago, Carter used
the themes he made famous four years ago
— love, compassion and competence in
But Carter drew applause from the con
gressional Democrats only twice — when
he said not one American soldier had been
killed in combat during his administration,
and when he said, “I am determined that
we will win in November.”
Carter jokingly referred to his twin de
feats in the New York and Connecticut pri
maries Tuesday. “I’m sure a lot of you are
wondering what happened yesterday in
New York and Connecticut, he said. “You
are not the only ones.
“I’ve spent all day making an analysis
using the modern 1980 techniques. I’ve
come to the conclusion we won a tremen
dous victory yesterday,” he said, drawing a
good amount of laughter.
Press secretary Jody Powell held open
the possibility earlier Wednesday Carter
might bend his prohibition against political
trips if the hostages were still held during
the general election campaign in the fall.
“If we face a situation in the general cam
paign and the hostages are still there, we ll
deal with that, Powell said.