THE BATTALION Page 13 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1980 in statue quested [ou:t el p that ml: # Tj meets opposition in London no Kramer '|, K M s between nd Kramer between Castro arnla United Press Internationa! > in Central t: LONDON — A statue of Charlie act thatCa.jjiaplin in his native London from install jemed like a great idea. Then the pat began. is have heetfBfow it looks like Iltydd Harring- i this situati )n ’ s dream of a statue of one of the himself has Arid's greatest film comedians is cts with the ielj n g to come true this summer, aunist partitrjjjut Harrington, deputy opposi- ps of many on leader of London’s government, ons,’ KraneiipCreater London Council, had to id, "Itisnot ght more than two years to get a in the yearsiAue of Chaplin, one of his child- tral Ameri.j obd heroes, actually cast in bronze. ? kindofiner §‘If you start an idea, everyone system tha' lits to put it down, grumbled the redastheloufcl e ar-old native of Wales. ■ today. Here’s a great deal of inertia in pylon on this type of thing. k “People are scared of making deci- % Bis. That’s the trouble with Britain JL i y '’’ Ehaplin was born and grew up in ne of south London’s toughest fcighborhoods. Yet the council Bed Harrington down when, just mr days after “The Little Tramp’’ Ton Christmas Day 1977, he for- ly broached the idea of a memo- ftstatue. necessary to (Only when a private company tiins. Bed a few months ago to pay 90 ck June JonaBent of the statue’s $20,000 cost ns testified Dlfihings really get off the ground — to control a »hat was after cities in India and ■ already hard erected Chaplin ?stly say, wit!, P es - not be playinj Cl T15 Claude Peppf acob to recni I* archers to mi John Doubleday, a 32-year-old British sculptor, was commissioned to do the statue and Harrington re cently saw Charlie Chaplin in bronze, unveiled for private inspec tion in a west London foundry. But where to put it? The fight be gan all over again. Harrington, who works as a schoolmaster when he’s not at city hall, wanted it erected in the area of Chaplin’s unhappy childhood, near his birthplace in London’s South wark, south of the River Thames. Sculptor Doubleday, however, wanted a more central site for his work. A lengthy debate settled on Leicester Square. “It’s the heart of the entertain ment area of London,” Harrington said. “Quite a lot of people feel the area needs one or two objects in it which will bring in more people to look. But personally I don’t share their view. ” He contended the statue will be more a tourist attraction than a memorial in its new planned loca tion. “I think it’s unfortunate, because in the southern part of the city we have a very barren urban environ ment,” he said. j. United Press International f "W 0 gpGOTA, Colombia — The gov- t ^ /Bent reported some progress in ■ f 11 yB*vith leftist guerrillas holding 32 including 19 diplomats, in IDominican Embassy, for a letter tlsl|ii rC es said another round of to TarnowerikBiations may be held today, rot to death inlBspite the optimistic report on N.Y. ptest meeting Monday, a guer- id the grand jilBffer to free five of the hostages if re defense at! Tgovernment “showed good faith” urrender the If® talks had not materialized by ions question wfcll thenticityofth Hie negotiations in a van parked Be the embassy, the sixth ses- e grand jury) i||ince the hostages, including econd degree wAmbassador Diego Asencio, 'S intent, andJtseized 28 days ago, produced fa weapon in tlifPantagonism” than in the pre- ich also shows l 1 five meetings, a government communique said. “Progress was made within the framework of the constitution and laws of Colombia, ” the government said. The talks Monday followed what has become an established routine with a blackhooded woman repre senting the so-called April 19 guer rillas, also known as M-19, sitting down to talk with Camilio Jimenez and Ramiro Zambrano, two Col ombia foreign ministry officials. As before, hostage Mexican Ambassador Ricardo Galan accom panied the woman to the van and attended the talks as a witness. Before the talks began, a neighbor who lives near the embassy said a woman guerrilla had yelled to her, “We are prepared to celebrate April 19 here.” The date will mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of the leftist group. The one-hour and 42-minute talks ended with smiles on the faces of the three men and an exchange of hand shakes. as maintained ll istress of the S 1 ) reenway, Va., r’s estate to be?P that the doctor*1 WORSHIP uggle for the ^ SERVICES AT J:15 A.M. AND XXXXXJllPlO:45 A.M. University Lutheran Chapel S'fS N. College Main 846-6687 BIBLE CLASS 9:30 Return to Wednesday Evening Candlelight Service 10:00 P.M. kCOS ith coupon) a^Very SgeciaL^ TPlace inTime Celebrate the Passover with us Sunday evening at 6 p.m. Call if you intend to come so that proper preparations may be made. Get your Xerox copies N THE DOUBLE at Northgate, above Farmer’s Market Option iss hold® Copies only 30 each for 2000 or more copies, 48-hr. service. FREE COLLATING in most cases. We specialize in REPORTS and DISSERTATIONS. n. Marc^ i at for sale ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 Open M-F, 7 a.m.-lO p.m. Sat., 9-6 * If it’s sick to love a pen, then the world’s going crazy. People are fanatics when it comes to their Pilot Razor Point pens. They’re reluctant to give them up. And when someone borrows one. what happens is inevitable. First, they love the way it writes. Really smooth and extra-fine. They go wild over its clever metal collar that helps keep the point from going squish. Naturally they “forget” to give it back, although it’s only 79#. This can be very embarrassing when they're caught in the act. Others have pocketed Pilot’s Fineliner pen, The one with the slightly less delicate stroke. It’s only 69#. So if you borrow someone’s Razor Point or Fineliner pen you'd better be prepared to pay the consequences. But, for much less than a dollar, you’d be smart to buy your own. fineline marker pens More than just something to wrtfe with. MSC Arts Committee PRESENTS CRAFTS FAIR APRIL 9-10 RUDDER FOUNTAIN 9:00-5:00 South Koreans sink communist spyboat olombians report progress guerrillas over captives United Press International SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean military units sank an armed North Korean spyboat Tuesday less than 48 hours after repulsing frog men infiltrating from the north, the defense ministry said. Four South Koreans were killed — one navy man and three fisher men who were gunned down when the fleeing North Korean vessel fired indiscriminately at fishing boats. One fisherman was missing and one South Korean navy man injured. It was the second bloody clash be tween the two Koreas since early Sunday when three armed North Korean frogmen were shot and killed as they crossed to the south at a point less than 15 miles from Seoul. Barely 45 hours later, the North Korean spyboat approached the southeastern coast and was spotted Israel can live, says PLO chief United Press International VIENNA — Palestine Liberation Organization chief Yasser Arafat de nied in an interview published Tuesday that his movement wants to destroy Israel. It is my intention neither to kill or destroy anyone,” Arafat told the dai ly Die Presse in reply to a question on whether the aims of the PLO in cluded the destruction of Israel. Arafat’s remarks were made in Beirut during an interview with Die Presse. It was the first time the PLO lead er has publicly denied his aim was the destruction of Israel. During his visit to Austria last year he carefully avoided making any such statement. early Tuesday 12 miles east of Pohang. A South Korean navy high-speed patrol craft approached the unidenti fied vessel and ordered it to heave to, the ministry said. Instead, the North Korean boat opened fire and then began fleeing eastward into the Japan Sea, accord ing to the announcement. The patrol boat, while giving chase, radioed a message for air sup port and as a result a joint sea and air operation sank the North Korean vessel at a point 35 nautical miles east of Pohang. Following the Sunday incident, the United Nations Command led by a U.S. Army general sought a meet ing of the Korean Military Armistice Commission to protest the infiltra tion, military sources said. North Korea has not yet responded, the sources said. □ •— n n n n (rrrn n n n n 11 n n (i c i t) t rn~i > n r SWEnser-c SPRING SPECIALS ^ SUPER MEAE DEAE A FREE Super Soda or Treasure Island Float with the purchase of any sandwich or hamburger (Save 81.15-1.45) MONDAYS SUPER SUNDAES 2 for $2.65 (Save 81.85) WEDNESDAYS LIGHT LUNCH FREE Single Scoop WITH ANT SAEAD FRIDAYS TAKE HOME BUT A V* GALLON (2»A EB.) AVI* GET A DOZE A FREE COVES (CAKE OR SUGAR) SWEVSEHTS GOVE BAVAVAS A DOUBLE SCOOP (V* LB.) CONE FOR PRICE OF IbakISa flavors^ CUEPEPPER PLAZA • COLLEGE STATIOV • 693-69*8 OIT Y 11:30 A.M. MON.-SAT. NOON SUN. • CLOSE 10:30 I’.M. (11 P.M. FBI. & SAT.) nun no n’trn n n ’nTrn'n'n'n n’n'n tun m Images Of Texas You are invited to attend a show and sale of Charles Beckendorfs wildlife fine art prints and his collectors edition book- Images Of Texas. Ramada Inn Ballroom Thursday, March 27, 1980 11 am to 9 pm WILDLIFE ART GALLERIES 519 East Main • P.O. Box 728 Fredericksburg. 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