The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 1980, Image 9

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requested shah
to stay in Panama
ition,” he said,
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harge on discoual
arge banks.
United Press International
^WASHINGTON — The United
States tried to persuade the deposed
Bh of Iran to remain in Panama,
fearing that his departure might
Bther exacerbate the Iranian hos-
^t§ge crisis, it was learned Monday.
■ Obviously, our desire was that
the surgery be performed in Pana
ma, said a White House official.
‘Whether that (the shah’s trip to
Egypt) has any impact on the hostage
■ation is debatable. We obviously
wmld have preferred not to take a
i But the official also indicated all
i not been well between the Pana-
ian government and the shah de-
ite earlier assurances from Panama
bat he was welcome in the country.
■There were some statements
Bade by the shah’s people which
iffended Panama,” the official said.
Ie did not elaborate.
The official said the shah “always
iad assurances that he would not he
extradited to Iran.” But it was also
learned that the shah was puzzled
over why Panama continued to indi
cate to Iran that it would consider
extradition of the shah with the filing
of a petition from Iran scheduled this
White House national security
adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski said
Sunday the administration was com
mitted to allow the shah to return to
the United States for surgery, but
the shah decided he would be bet
ter off in Egypt.
White House chief of staff Hamil
ton Jordan flew to Panama last Thur-
say with the President Carter’s chief
counsel, Lloyd Cutler, to try to
smooth out a rift between the Pana
manian government and the shah
over his medical treatment.
The official said Jordan ironed out
the difficulties and got the problem
of the shah’s surgery resolved be
tween Panamanian and U.S. doc
tors, “But by that time, the shah
had made up his mind to leave.”
The official also denied — despite
claims by Iran — that former Secret
ary of State Henry Kissinger and
Chase Manhattan Bank Chairman
David Rockefeller were involved in
the latest developments involving
the shah.
The White House official ques
tioned statements by Iranian Fore
ign Minister Sadegh Ghotzbadeh
that, with the filing of an extradition
petition in Panama, the Iranian mili
tants would have turned custody of
U.S. hostages over to government
“We have absolutely no indication
that they were about to release the
hostages,” the official said.
“I don’t think there’s anyone who
takes that serioiusly. They haven’t
kept their promises before. They
have always said if they got the shah
back they would release the hos
tages, and we have said we can’t op
erate that way.”
fghans appeal for help
1 *71
A ^ ■ f United Press International
M M M 11 j Afghan rebels have appealed for
t[p in their struggle against Soviet
.cupation troops, warning that mas-
] ve Russian reinforcements
■atened the very existence of the
l Bstance forces.
Khe appeal Sunday by the Hizbe
ifficials sent qiifsBni group, backed by other rebel
ery candidate fuBces, estimated the number of
imission, andHrpviet troops in Afghanistan had in
add were the (® leased by 20,000 to more than
ACORN spol' 00,000. It was the first indication by
idez said he raillfirgents that they are having prob-
>m Kidd's reply Ps.
opposed the pei|
, who
■r Jim Nugent ii|
primary, called
ulations minimal
lable Texan can
e and fairness
id. But the lift United Press International
>ebothered,and# N K ARA > Turkey — Turkey
iddies on the coewM shoot to kill” orders against
ant to be terrorists Monday and
El it has arrested 210 people on
;aid no action ha :^° rism charges in the past 15
>ublic hearing Ffw’
the Railroad Coit* iter * or Minister Mustafa Gulcigil
he gas servicer ^ the dozen alleged terrorists still
ist they can do lfted would be given 15 days to,
Render, but thereafter would be
K on sight.
He said the 12 are accused of
Ping security officers and of other
ders, bombings and armed rob-
It contrasted with the steady re
ports of heavy Soviet and Afghan los
ses since Soviet forces invaded
Afghanistan Dec. 27.
Rebel sources said the increase in
Soviet troops equipped with the
most modem weapons means all re
sistance to the Soviet-backed Afghan
government in Kabul will vanish in
no time if significant assistance is not
rushed to the rebels.
The rebel sources reported at least
30,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan’s
eastern provinces bordering Pakis
tan and about 500 tanks in Kunar
province, an equal number in Nan-
garhar province and 100 tanks in
Paktia province.
Afghan rebel organizations in
Pakistan said they believe Soviet and
Afghan troops have succeeded in
cutting rebel communications and
may be trying to seal off the Pakistan
lobe shot
ig land'
Police said seven more people
re killed in political violence
roughout Turkey Sunday and
ess international Gulcigil said police had seized 15
— A Housesubtjjjpnbs, 127 rifles, shotguns and pis-
;duled apublichls and 1,561 rounds of ammuni-
rivestigate the e>
foreign ownersl
d in Texas.
irman of the Hi
I Livestock Suk
icultural Land
tip of land is
>er Texas Panhi
»t Texas and
de Valley,
d speculators
ie rising cost ofl
t the same time
fits. Unfortunalj
have a regisl
1 O
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Furnished & Unfurnished On Shuttiebus Route
Efficiency, 1, 2, & 3 Two Beautiful Swimming Pools
Bedroom Apartments Tennis Courts (Lighted) _
24 Hr. Professional Maintenance Party/Meeting Room with Sundeck
Service Health Spas, Including Saunas for
Families Welcome Mon a. wnman
Men & Women
" single out
‘filthy five'
United Press Internationa]
WASHINGTON — An environ
mental group Monday named its
“filthy five” — corporations it said
have bad cleanup records supported
through big contributions to sym
pathetic members of congress.
The five companies singled out by
Environmental Action were Dow
Chemical Co., International Paper
Co., Occidental Petroleum Corp.,
Republic Steel Corp. and Standard
Oil Co. of Indiana.
The group, which also hicks a “dir
ty dozen” members of Congress at
election time based on voting re
cords, said the five companies gave
$694,272 to 352 candidates for feder
al office in 1978. Of that $39,072
went to anti-environmental candi
dates compared to $122,227 to
proenvironmentalists, it said.
Sex lawsuit
review set
United Press International
WASHINGTON — The Supreme
Court Monday ordered review of a
class action lawsuit filed against the
city of Greenville for sex discrimina
The civil rights suit, filed by Min-
da Satterwhite after she was turned
down for a job as Greenville Muni
cipal Airport manager in 1972, was
dismissed in the 5th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals ruling Satterwhite
was not a proper representative of
the class allegedly harmed by discri
Satterwhite appealed to the Sup
reme Court, arguing she was denied
a hearing to show she was a represen
tative of the discriminated class.
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