The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 1980, Image 1

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The Battalion
Vol. 73 No. 123
10 Pages
Monday, March 24, 1980
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
Two still missing
after oil rig blast
United Press International
GALVESTON — An oil rig 100 miles off
the Texas coast exploded into flames early
today, injuring at least 13 persons. The
Coast Guard and the rig’s operator said two
men were believed killed.
A Coast Guard air search found no signs
of the missing men and officials of Penzoil
Co. were awaiting confirmation on the
deaths. A Coast Guard spokesman in New
Orleans said 24 men were rescued un
harmed by two passing boats.
Private oilfield helicopters evacuated the
injured from the permanent drilling plat
form, located about 95 miles southeast of
Galveston, Texas, in the Gulf of Mexico.
Several crewmen suffered burns and back
Penzoil spokesman Bob Harper said the
rig exploded between midnight and 12:30
a.m. today. At sunrise, it still was burning,
“When they evacuated the platform,
most of the people got into the evacuation
capsules and were lowered into the water
and then were picked up into the two boats
and then taken to a nearby platform and
treated medically,” he said.
Helicopters, planes and boats searched
the area for more survivors and the bodies
of the two men believed killed.
“The helicopter from New Orleans is out
there and some of the people have been
evacuated by PHI (Petroleum Helicopter
Inc.) helicopters,” said Coast Guard
spokesman Kenneth Link in New Orleans.
“Our helicopter is making a small search
of the area but hasn’t been able to find any
signs of the five people who are missing.”
The injured were being flown to a Gal
veston hospital, Link said.
The Coast Guard also dispatched an air
plane from Corpus Christi, Texas, a heli
copter from Houston and the cutter Mon
roe from Freeport, Texas, to assist in the
search for the missing persons.
The rig, owned by Pool Offshore Co. of
Harvey, La., and operated by Penzoil Co.,
was reported on fire by the Pennzoil dis
patcher in Galveston, a Coast Guard
spokesman said.
The injured and missing were not im
mediately identified.
Nobel winners
to speak Tuesday
Stealing them blind
Twig Little (1) steals second base for the Aggies as the baseball team swept
a double header from the Texas Tech Red Raiders on Saturday. The 3-0
and 5-4 victories give the Aggies a 22-4 overall season record and 9-3 mark
in Southwest Conference competition.
Please see related story on page
Staff photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.
egents meet today and Tuesday
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Staff Writer
j The Board of Regents for the Texas A&M
[niversity System will be asked to approve
rminees for 10 executive positions at their
[ceting today and Tuesday.
Many of the job openings were created
the reorganization of the system prop
ped by Chancellor Frank W. R. Hubert,
lames of the nominees were not revealed
;fore the meeting.
The board’s four committees started
[leir meetings today at 8:30 a.m. in the
Jgents’ wing of the Memorial Student
[enter. The full board’s meeting will start
8:30 a.m. Tuesday and is expected to
ss at 10:30 a.m.
Regents will also consider a construction
proposal designed to eliminate mold in
Texas A&M’s first modular dormitories.
Cost of the construction will be about
$250,000, but the regents will only consid
er appropriating $10,000. The rest of the
money was included in the original con
struction contract.
The board will also consider raising resi
dence hall rent 10 percent.
Regents will be asked to approve
appointments for the following system
positions: deputy chancellor for engineer
ing, associate deputy chancellor for en
gineering (plans and operations), associate
deputy chancellor for engineering (admi
nistration), deputy chancellor for agricul
ture and associate deputy chancellor for
agriculture, assistant chancellor, and assis
tant executive vice chancellor for adminis
The board will also be asked to pick a new
director for the Texas Engineering Exten
sion Service, a dean for the College of Edu
cation, and an assistant dean for the College
of Engineering.
Hubert’s reorganization was put into
effect March 1. It restores direct control
over several state agencies to the chancel
lor’s office.
The agencies reported to Chancellor
Jack K. Williams until 1978, when universi
ty vice presidencies for agriculture and en
gineering were created. The offices then
began reporting to President Jarvis E.
The deputy chancellors for engineering
and agriculture replaced the university
vice presidents.
Two committees also came about as a
result of the revision.
One of them, the Joint Committee on
Agency Relations, will make decisions in
volving agencies and the main Texas A&M
campus. It will have jurisdiction in matters
of land use, personnel, facilities planning,
development and renovation — all of which
were previously under Miller.
Campus Staff
Nobel prize-winning economists Milton
Friedman and Paul Samuelson will present
their views on government’s role in eco
nomy to a sellout crowd in Texas A&M
University’s Rudder Auditorium at 8 p.m.
MSG Great Issues committee is sponsor
ing the program. The Center for Education
and Research in Free Enterprise helped
support the program financially.
Since the program is sold out, Dan Ayre,
Great Issues chairman, said tickets are on
sale at the Rudder Box Office for closed-
circuit TV. Tickets are 500 for students and
$1 for others. Ayre said a large screen will
be set up in 701 Rudder. Seating capacity
for the room is 350. If that sells out TV
monitors will be made available for viewing
in room 301.
“In light of the present economic situa
tion,” Phil Frink, Great Issues vice chair
man, said, “I think the timing for this prog
ram is perfect.”
Frink said that although Friedman and
Samuelson do not agree on government’s
role in economy, the program will not be a
“We’re trying to avoid a debate struc
ture,” he said. “Each one will give a 30
minute presentation, then we’ll open up for
questions and answers.”
Frink said cards will be distributed with
the programs so the audience can submit
questions in writing. Dr. Haskell Monroe,
dean of faculties, will serve as the mod
Friedman supports the “quantity”
theory that views the amount of money in
circulation as the key influence in the na
tion’s economy. He has argued against the
Federal Reserve Board’s power regarding
the size of banking reserves and has sup
ported legislation that would direct it to
increase the supply of money at a steady
and constant rate.
Friedman is opposed to what is in his
view the danger of ever increasing gov
ernmental regulation. He has advocated
the abolition of Federal Regulatory agen
cies such as the Securities Exchange Com
mission programs including the existing
welfare system.
He has proposed a negative income tax
that would provide direct payment by the
IRA to families whose income is below a
certain level.
Samuelson sees government spending as
a device to overcome fluctuations between
periods of prosperity and depression. He
thinks the government, having accumu
lated budget surpluses during prosperity,
should spend more than its revenue during
depressions to finance public works and
relief measures and to promote full em
Samuelson is known for making econo
mic analysis clear by using mathematical
concepts and for applying Keynesian
theories to American problems.
Both men have served as presidential
economic advisers: Friedman to Richard
Nixon and Samuelson to John F. Kennedy
and Lyndon Johnson.
oard examines modular dorms
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Campus Reporter
Modifications to improve conditions in
e modular dorms will he considered by
eplanning and building committee of the
Jard of Regents today.
The changes which will be proposed by
'stem Facilities Planning and Construc-
M, are for Haas and McFaddin, which
ere built last summer, and for the C-D
complex which is under construction.
Assistant director of System Facilities
Planning and Construction 7 Dan Whitt said
Haas and McFaddin have had problems
with humidity and unstable water tempera
ture in the showers since they were built.
The bill proposes three plans to lower
the humidity in the dorms and one plan to
regulate the water temperature in the
ising costs reason
or increasing fees
Campus Staff
p Increases in 1980 residence hall room
fees, board rates and shuttle bus fees for
the Fall 1980 semester will be up for
approval at the Texas A&M University
System Board of Regents meeting next
In written proposals submitted to the
board from President Jarvis E. Miller’s
office and recommended by Chancellor
Frank W.R. Hubert, rising costs are
named as justification for the increases.
Adoption of the agenda item would
raise residence hall rents 10 percent,
with semester increases ranging from
$18 in Hotard to $50 in the Commons
area. Dorm rates now range from $175
to $496, and with increases would range
from Hotard’s $193 to the Commons
Area’s $546 a semester.
Coordinator of Housing Services Lar
ry Pollock said residence hall rents were
last raised in Fall 1979, up 6 percent to
the best of his knowledge.
As a justification for the new increase,
the proposal states it will compensate
for higher federal minimum wage re
quirements for personnel, rising utility
costs, and an expected 13 percent in
crease in debt service costs resulting
from new construction.
Also suggested is an increase of $35 a
semester for the five-day board plan
(from $427 to $462) and $39 for the
seven-day board plan (from $478 to
Although board fees were increased
five percent for the present fiscal year,
the proposal states, continued rising
costs require a minimum 8 percent fee
increase for fiscal year 1980-81. Causes
cited include 13 percent higher food
costs and increased employee wages
and benefits.
The third proposed fee increase, in
shuttle bus rates, is blamed largely on
inflated fuel costs.
Individual student passes would go
up $8 a semester, from $30 to $38. Stu
dent and spouse passes would rise $10,
from $45 to $55. Also up $10 would be
faculty-staff passes, from $40 to $50.
High humidity has caused mold and mil
dew to form in the rooms. Director of Sys
tem Facilities Planning and Construction
Wesley Peel said they tried to correct the
problem over the Christmas hoilidays by
inserting electric heaters in the dorms to
dry out the rooms.
“For about two weeks after the Christ
mas holidays, everything was all right,”
Peel said. “But soon the mold and mildew
came back.”
The first plan proposed to reduce humid
ity is to create a negative ventilation in the
crawl space between the bottom of the
dorm and the gorund. To do this a fan will
be added to the complex and both fans will
be turned to the outside.
Peel said he hopes the negative pressure
created by the positioning of the fans will
keep the crawl space dry and prevent damp
air from getting into the dorm rooms
through the vents.
The second plan for reducing humidity is
to place humidistats in all the fan and coil
units of the dorms. Cliff Junek, systems
mechanical engineer for System Facilities
Planning and Construction said the humi
distats will control the humidity in each
The third plan is to air condition the
halls. Peel said this is being proposed for
comfort reasons and also to prevent moist
air in the halls from getting into the air
conditioned rooms. “Many students like to
leave doors open and moist air gets in,”
Peel said.
Soviet gold may
hike world price
United Press International
BEIRUT, Lebanon — The Soviet Un
ion, faced with a recession and an energy
shortage, could dump up to 500 tons of gold
on the world market in a move that would
wreak havoc with global inflation, a leading
Middle East economist says.
The weekly An-Nahar Arab Report and
Memo, in the current edition of the news
letter, suggested the Soviets could cushion
their recession and ease an energy shortage
by using gold sales to buy new oil technolo
gy. The Soviet Union ranks behind only
South Africa as the largest exporter of the
“It is now widely recognized that the
Soviet Union is facing an economic reces
sion and that its energy sector is not de
veloping at a rate anywhere near projec
tions because of the lack of equipment and
sophisticated technology,” said Marwan
Iskandar, the editor of the weekly, said
“If need be, the Soviet Union can easily
export 500 tons of gold a year from current
Should the price of gold again soar to
$800 an ounce, the economist said, Mos
cow could “end up with $30 billion or more
from this resource alone” for equipment
and technology needed for its petrochemic
al industry.
The Soviet Union is the world’s largest
producer of oil, but most economic experts
predict its own demands are so large that it
soon must become an oil importing nation,
perhaps by 1985.
Eddie Chiles puts
anger on airways
Staff Writer
Before becoming American iolk
heroes, Davy Crockett had to defend
the Alamo, Paul Bunyan had to cut
down trees and Jesse James had to rob
So what has Eddie Chiles done to be
called a folk hero? Eddie has made
“mad” commercials.
“I didn’t start out to be a folk hero,”
Chiles said, “but if I’ve achieved it,
great. ”
Chiles, who has become fairly well-
known recently for his conservative
radio and TV commercials against the
federal government and his “I’m mad
too, Eddie” bumper stickers, was in
Bryan Friday as a guest on the “Muck
and Mike” program, a talk show on radio
station WTAW.
Chiles came to Bryan to appear on the
radio show and to visit the local district
office of the Western Company of North
America, an oil service company. Chiles
is the chairman of the board and chief
executive officer of Western.
Chiles’ commercials criticizing the
way the federal government operates
appear on over 500 radio and TV stations
in 14 states. He pays for the ads himself
and uses them to voice his conservative
views to the public.
The purpose of his advocacy cam
paign, Chiles said, is to preserve for the
young people of today the same oppor
tunities he had.
“Everything the government does is
badly managed and badly handled,”
Chiles said. “You can look at anything
they do, it’s not done very well. “This
country was supposed to be a free coun
try where a man could enjoy the fruits of
his labor.
“This great country, the America we
all love, provided that sort of thing for
me, and I took advantage of it, ” he said.
“I’ve got to say I’ve enjoyed it all the
way. I think that same thing should be
available for a youngster in high school
Chiles started his media campaign
“about the middle of ’77. ”
“I was storming around my office
kicking things around and I said I was
going to get on top the building and
scream like that guy in the movie (Net
work),” Chiles said.
His advertising man walked in and
told him that no one would hear him,
and suggested he buy advertising time
to get his message to the public.
Chiles said the commercials were not
a ploy to get more business for Western,
but they have increased sales “because
people agree and say, ‘we re going to
give you a lot more of our business. ”
Chiles’ advocacy campaign has not
been the only thing that has kept him in
the media spotlight lately. He name has
appeared in connection with something
else — he is now one of the new owners
of the Texas Rangers baseball team.
When asked if he would still advocate
the capitalistic system when negotiating
contracts with his baseball stars. Chiles
“Certainly. Baseball stars have a ta
lent to sell and we (the management and
owners) are the buyers. We ll do the
best we can. If their price is too high,
we ll have to say no, and get another
player from somewhere else.”