The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 21, 1980, Image 3

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show set
Campus Staff
Music, comedy, dance, ventrilo
quism ... all are ingredients for a
good variety show, whether at a Las
Vegas nightspot, on a Hollywood
sound stage or in the Memorial Stu-
T dent Center.
This year’s variety show will be
Saturday at 8 p.m. in Rudder Au-
Kathy Campana, the show’s chair
man, said 17 student acts are fea-
ecret however llr turcc ^ in ^is year’s show. Variety
rtain percentaK ; > real, y is , th 1 e theme of the show, with
bsidv into camp. acts includin § a ro,ler skater, a clas-
1( , r thines thev *’ sical P ianist ’ a Kenyan student sing-
st (uTinan voter:; in | a native , son S> a flutist and vocal
the debts are pilir and mus ! L ; al acts ran g in g from reh -
i . gious to bluegrass.
here maintain pert & - -
izations that area;
field of 57 in preliminary auditions,
its pai > o icesn®! j^ e jjy MeElroy, Miss Texas A&M
: University, will be featured in a tap-
dance routine. The show also pre-
i ising oists. v ie WS the theater arts production of
“Guys and Dolls,” Campana said.
• judges Joe McHale, from a public
relations firm in Houston, Harry
Gooding, a local musician, and
Helen Sodders, from KBTX-TV, will
award the winning act with a plaque.
’ As of Thursday afternoon, plenty
of seats were still available at the
Rudder Box Office for the show at
$■50 for students and $2 for non
The first variety show at Texas
Publicity chairman Keith New
man said the acts were chosen from a
insly seeking waysti
noney. They haveta
isful in persuadingfe
n template an iflcreast
for donations. Buttle
w being considered,!
‘Marlin’ needs
more polish
FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1980
Page 3
Campus Staff
Having to compete for an audi
ence with “Showboat” didn’t help
the already lagging performance by
the Aggie Players in “Marlin the
Magnificent” Thursday night.
Two minor characters, the prince
and the second guard, managed to
steal the show in this off-beat fantasy.
The prince charming, Mike
Steege, dressed in pink and with a
lust for cooking, gave a funny per
formance as the petulant son of the
moments of real comedy.
The title character (Tom Stimson)
is a lost magician lacking in self-
confidence. Stimson wears a per
plexed frown from the beginning of
the play — a frown that almost nev-
ers leaves his face as he seems to stay
confused about both the action in
play and his character.
Despite a slow start, the action
picked up in the second act and the
audience began to respond to the
adult humor in this basically chil
dren’s show.
lie current election
inentum, West Gen
idox. Throughingem
ud work, theyhaveli
[i one of the worlosi
nornies. 1 heir pdiN A&M was the Intercollegiate Talent
lowever, simply o show, featuring first- and second-
place winners from individual shows
at Southwest Conference schools.
•, editor of the Hapa Newman said the show, which pack-
e Zeitung, writes on ec l G. Rollie White’Coliseum yearly,
urs in West Gera* was then the biggest entertainment
event at Texas A&M.
to speak
in library
evil queen (Mary-Alice Helman) as
he tried to avoid marrying the out
cast princess (Jill Moore). His facial
expressions as he pouted and hung
on the queen’s skirt were both com
ical and convincing.
The second guard (Terry Martin),
petrified of being turned into a statue
by Marlin, together with Steege
picked up the action in the second
act helping to give the show some
The set was beautifully done with
a soft glowing backdrop befitting a
fantasy world. The stage props were
sparse, accenting the scenes and the
action not detracting from them.
As a children’s show, the play
would have been more successful
had it run at a faster pace from the
beginning. But for the older crowd,
it needed more character depth to
give the audience something to iden
tify with.
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'All Court." White canvas tennis shoe with blue trim. 6V2 to 13.
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Steve Vogel plays banjo and sings for the Skillet Lickers, one of
the acts performing in the MSC All-University Show Saturday
in Rudder Auditorium. Staff photo by Lynn Blanco
Corps set to entertain
The MSC Basement Coffeehouse
has brought some class acts to Texas
A&M University and Corps Night,
tonight, will be no exception.
Beginning at 8:00 p.m. members
of the Corps of Cadets will provide
all the entertainment up until some
where around midnight. The acts
will vary with anything from singing
to guitar playing. Admission is 500 at
the door and everyone is invited.
The next group night the Coffee
house has planned is Greek Night on
April 10.
KFreelance writer Robert F.
Karolevitz will address the Friends
of the Texas A&M University Lib
rary at their meeting today in the
Sterling C. Evans Library.
ifThe 2 p.m. meeting in the library
conference room is open to the pub
lic and will be chaired by Friends
president-elect Loran Laughlin.
R: Several of Karolevitz’ 15 books
have earned national recognition.
His subjects include biography,
humor, nostalgia and history. The
South Dakotan has also published
more than 1,000 magazine articles.
IT He is a former newspaperman,
ghost writer, military public infor-
mation officer, advertising copywri-
j ter and public relations counsel.
Karolevitz is a veteran of World War
Iliand the Korean conflict.
His most notable book, “Where
Your Heart Is,” is the biography of
Dakota-born pioneer artist Harvey
Dunn. It received a coveted Wrang
ler statuette from the National Cow-
VE V boy Hall of Fame and Heritage Cen-
wrr^,^, ter in Oklahoma City.
|; Karolevitz is a charter inductee
into the South Dakota Heritage Hall
of Fame, along with Dunn, Laura
Ingalls Wilder and Lawrence Welk.
The Friends speaker is a South
Dakota State University graduate
and Distinguished Alumnus. He also
holds a master’s degree in journalism
from the University of Oregon.
I' He and his wife Phyllis now live on
their farm near Mission Hill in Yank
ton County, S. D. Karolevitz has de
scribed their farming experience in
another book, “Everything’s Green
dislays, speakers Thumb ”
two years, they p»t*f he fa ™ , raised , corn ’ and
ilays. After a co-spoils ' the neighbor s eyebrows, he says.
iture the Spirit of Cb
Kong Club, the)
was attracted
autifiil scenery of Clite 1
preliminary planning
the Summer of ffl
ese student membersl®
ich to the international
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