The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 18, 1980, Image 3
s >Iay ] / " / /© '•i i ■ ■Pbuglqjr (jT/Tflll ment studies on tfe • i it iris in ninsideriUt eneral Accounting leral Nue collar mi, ul prcvailinf; ratef nt at .1 competitive)! market.” tudies have condudeil lute collar pay andi a large number tl lire than theircounta] itry. card say he realized it retirees hisisalj ject, ‘ but someonell it’s happening. ’ easoning leads manrij freeze will reinl irters to reduce e rer than pile upesce lanks. c the UnitedStateslj > far greater than ai)] achieved,” argt accomplished notli is a far-fetched beaa e to make someoft \s more attractive II they otherwiseBfl en I equate tbep oard, a country li od an investmentjl rcial consideratioall he institutions. < of Brazil is inti ank of America a«li| So if the pt not put my i ill be one oftbesi s of the freeze." pects a mass exod stments from 1 ) freeze, America lj But Middle ious on one point| • same, and Finance Mini >in Khalifa al-Tbad Gulf when hetol ;our taste 1 mg Grahi RE.CT6S Reveille s seizures prompt visit to vet THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1980 Pa Chris Tolson, from Bryan, finds Reveille IV a better attraction than one of last year’s basket ball games. Reveille was taken to the Texas A&M University small animal clinic for treat ment of two mild seizures before spring break. Staff photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr. By SUSAN HOPKINS Campus Reporter Reveille IV, Texas A&M Universi ty’s mascot, was taken to the Texas A&M small animal veterinary clinic the week before Spring Break after having two mild seizures. Mascot corporal Doug McGown said one seizure occured in the dor mitory, where Reveille stays with Company E-2, and the other occur red in the Memorial Student Center. Both seizures happened during the first week of March. Dr. Neil Van Stavern III, associate professor of small animal medicine at the veterinary clinic and Reveille s doctor, said Reveille has hypothyr oid condition, and it is not unusual for her to have convulsive seizures. However, Van Stavern said the veterinary clinic plans to keep a close watch on her to be sure any possible seizures in the future are not more severe. An electroencephalogram, which traces brain waves, was done on Re veille and Van Stavern said nothing alarming was found. He said it is pos sible that Reveille is an idiopathic epileptic, which means she has a form of epilepsy that has no known cause. Van Stavern said it is some times linked to genetic problems, although they are not sure in Reveil le’s case. She will be put on thyroid medica tion, which she had been given dur ing the 1979 football season, Van Stavern said. The medication was given then for a skin problem that caused hair loss, a dry, dull coat, and weight loss. He said if the thyroid medication does not help the convulsions she will be put on anti-convulsants. Van Stavern said Reveille’s life is in no danger, however. Reveille, a 4-year-old collie, was donated to Texas A&M in 1975. Reveille is Texas A&M’s fourth mascot since 1931. The first, a stray, was hit by the car of some Aggies. They took her home and she was named Reveille because she barked continuously during the bugle calls each morning at the Corps dorms. Imported coffi 41 varieties Teas-buik & b over 150 varietie Munchies European & doit Open Thurs. till 8 pnifiit TEAS (BLENDS Of BIM-lilVING«HMBHH 3609 Place E. 29th - Bryan Sena torial Candida te blasts Moore during visit to A&M KAPPA ALPHA/PABST SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT MARCH 28,29, & 30 — BEE CREEK PARK ENTRY FEE $40 16 PLAYER LIMIT 1st, 2nd & 3rd PLACE TROPHIES also 10 INDIVIDUAL TROPHIES FOR ALL TOURNEY TEAM ANY FURTHER INFO CALL KEITH FROEBEL, 779-8525 ELEGANT EVENING . . . for that special touch of class. TUXEDO SAL! & RENTAL forma 111 College Main 846-1021 846-4 By RICHARD OLIVER Staff Writer Public education, university fund ing and the government treatment of businesses are issues which must be confronted quickly, a candidate for the state senate said Monday. Officials set election class Brazos County is sponsoring a school for election officials and other interested parties for the seven- county region in cooperation with the secretary of state’s office. The school will be held Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Brazos Center. The session was designed in pre paration for all upcoming elections and has been designed to train offi cials on polling place procedures, voter registration, with special em phasis on recent changes in the law. Two films will be shown explain ing the punch card and paper ballot systems, followed by a joint discus- Kent Caperton, speaking to a Texas A&M University political sci ence class, said schoolteachers in Texas are not being paid enough. “Schoolteachers (in Texas) are not compensated in accordance with their abilities, ” he said. “It’s a legiti mate issue that must he faced.” Caperton is running against in cumbent Bill Moore, D-Bryan, who has served as senator for 31 consecu tive years and who has not been con tested for the position in 14 years. “I believe in the spirit of competi tion,” Caperton said. ‘‘I am a clear alternative to the incumbent. ” Caperton added other persons have considered running against Moore in the past, but he has always “intimidated potential challengers from running.” Legislators should not hold office too long, Caperton said. “I’m going to serve, make my con tribution and get out,” he said. “We don’t need to have professional poli ticians running government. “I’m going to introduce legislation which would limit the terms of sena tors and house members.” Caperton said he felt three terms at the most was sufficient for legis lators. Caperton also stressed the import ance of the Permanent University Fund (PUF) to the Texas A&M Uni versity system. Texas universities have recently come under criticism by Gov. Bill Clements for money waste. “The PUF must be retained,” he said. “There is waste at the staff level in any university. I’m very content with our academic structure (at Texas A&M). But it is wise for any institution to examine itself and see that its staff is running as it should. I disagree with the governor’s approach to the subject, but we must look at individual institutions and agencies. “I had a businessman tell me the other day he had Texas A&M faculty members coming up to him and ask for work because they were bored. They had nothing to do at A&M.” Caperton was upset about Moore’s refusal to debate on the issues. “It’s indicative of the incum bent,” he said. “I’d love to debate. Obviously I was disappointed.” Caperton also said small business was being hindered by government JFMSC AGGIE CINEMAmrnmip^ § *This Week's Movies* § ALTERATIONS IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING -*• SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS •DON'T GIVE UP — WELL MAKE IT FIT!" AT WELCH'S CLEANERS WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCELLENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPE CIALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES. TAPERED SHIRTS. JEAN HEMS, WATCH POCKETS, ETC (WE RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) The Third Man unrated Wednesday 7:30 • High Quality •Quick Service -| / •NoMtalmuim * ir • Large Orders £ ** ■ • Legal 8be4ft* OVERNIGHT RATES — 4« DURING THE DAY Reductions €? Dissertations tUMatton & Binding&Pad*Bng WE HAVE A XEROX 9400 — THE BEST COPYING MACHINE IN THE WORLD! Einko’s Graphics, Inc. 201 College Main St. (713)846-9508 3555§ The story continues... United Artists I PC Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:45 MONTY PYTHON AND PG THEHOLY GRAIL Fri. & Sat. Midnight 1W1M | Sunday PC 7:30 LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND RESEARCH ASSISTANT POSITIONS INTERVIEWS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY A major Houston law firm is expanding its successful Legal Assistant Program in such sections of the firm as Public Law, Litigation, Banking, Corporate and Commercial Law. We seek persons with advanced academic training in the Liberal Arts (M.A.’s or Ph.D.’s) with excellent academic credentials. Persons holding a B.A. degree in Business with at least a 3.4 grade point average and some work experience will be considered for the Banking law position. No previous legal experience is required. We do require good written and oral communications skills; the capacity to master and organize a new body of knowledge quickly; and the ability and desire to work with ail kinds of people. A representative of the firm will be on campus to interview students interested in learning more about these positions on Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1. A seminar on the utilization of advanced academic training in lawfirms will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. March 31. Please contact the Career Planning & Placement Center at 845-6551 to attend the Seminar or to arrange an interview. For further information, call Dr. Patricia Holmes at 713/651-2213. intervention. “Businesses need and want a mar ketplace free from government in tervention,” he said. “Of course, we would need certain reserve require ments to keep small businesses strong. There needs to be more con trol over the bureaucratic arm of the government. First, we need to address it at the state level and later at the national level.’ Caperton said antitrust legislation is vital. “I couple deregulation of busines ses with stronger antitrust legisla tion,” he said. “Government regula tion has created a lot of inconsisten cies in the marketplace. Stronger antitrust legislation ensures a stron ger marketplace. BILL’S AND JAY’S AUTO TUNE UP all cars $Q ~7tZ plus ZJm t %j parts Oil change filter 0 !oil $4.00 Tune up & oil change PLUS OIL & PARTS $12 75 By appointment only 846-9086 3611 South College Ave. LADIES NITE All unescorted ladies drink FREE ALL NIGHT from 8:00 to 12:00 $2 Cover Happy Hour starts at 4 p.m. with 4 FOR 1 1401 FM 2818 — Doux Chene Complex In the World of Life Insurance and Leaders The Future is Unlimited United Fidelity Life and its associat across America are always lookii for leaders . . . the professionals oft! life insurance industry who ha achieved a successful career throu; the sales and service of life insurant For almost 60 years. United Fideli Life has been helping both the nc underwriter and the experience agent achieve full business potential- If you are interested in learning mo about an unlimited future, call me f! an interview and let’s talk it over. College Marketing Experience Preferred R. R. Johnson, CLU 1025 Elm Dallas. TX 75202 (214) 741-3091-Collect UNITED FIDEUTNT LIFE MSUIUNCE COMPANY Pizza & Pitcher Special Order your favorite large thin crust or medium Sicilian pan pizza with one topping and a pitcher of cold beer OFFER GOOD THROUGH MARCH 26. OFFER GOOD ONLY AT ONLY $6.95 SUN. THRU WED. COLLEGE STATION