The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 18, 1980, Image 1

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■ ■«
The Battalion
Vol. 73 No. 119
8 Pages
Tuesday, March 18, 1980
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
barter is
n Illinois
ill take place at DeW^jQ VO T*1 f"0
ouse April 11, 12, ^ V/J. M. L
ic interested in the*
ients or in the TAMC Bj
lub should contact La
45-6841) or Richard United Press International
45-3103) CHICAGO — Ronald Reagan and John
- Submitted by Riff ffcson ^ere locked in a tossup race and
pdent Carter was favored over Sen. Ed-
rd Kennedy in today’s Illinois primary
t probably won’t eliminate anyone from
't 1980 presidential chase,
ilection officials predicted 2.5 million of
(state’s 5.7 million eligible voters — a
■ent record — would turn out for what
Jsters said would be another big victory
the Democratic president and a tough,
at BOP race.
Hie weather was favorable — a forecast
unny skies with temperatures in the 40s
populous northern Illinois and into the
/oters in both parties had two ballots to
il with. Each had a preference vote — a
;auty contest” — and separate ballots for
ional convention delegates.
The Republicans elect 92 district dele
es and will select 10 more at-large later
mr i®te convention. Democrats elect 152
Myy t flps by district and will add 27 later
Bon the outcome of the statewide
Hilar vote.
garter went into the primary well ahead
Kennedy — 303 to 165 — in the race for
66 Belegates needed to win the Demo
tic momination. Before Illinois Reagan
1167, George Bush 45 and Anderson 13
with 998 needed for the GOP nod.
• rae latest statewide public opinion poll,
wqago Tribune sampling taken Friday
I Saturday, showed Carter leading Ken-
iy 56 to 23 percent. Reagan had a narrow
to 34 percent lead over Anderson in a
ne-state battle, while Bush trailed with
laner had lost six points from a poll one
ekearlier, but those flipped to the unde
ed column, not to Kennedy. Because
ttois does not register voters by party,
ic said this signaled a big crossover to
GOP ballot — with Anderson the likely
feagan had overtaken Anderson in the
jlbnd poll, but the difference remained
the survey’s 6 percent margin of
ks big loser was Bush, who had drop-
1 eight points in a week. But he refused
Kcede anything, telling a Springfield
Bee Monday:
The polls are wrong and I need you to
out Tuesday to show these hotshot
Isters and upstate political pundits
y’re wrong. ”
s ; ds<> designed foi hedging that, Bush also said Illinois
tion ceremony, spori' jild not doom his candidacy— no matter
of some of the goiK'at. He treated Anderson’s recent spurt
mtaquirk in a strange political year, and
March 21 5:30 p.Di | he would press his campaign to the
March 21 6:00 p.m ional convention in Detroit in July,
y, March 22 12-3piteinedy also was taking out insurance
Ht a popular vote loss. He told repor-
s Monday, “We are going to make a very
ong showing in the delegate area,”
Hp> T think we ll do significantly better
n that poll.”
glpnedy got his largest public exposure
,y March 22 124pf® e campaign Monday, marching in Chi-
Jo’s St. Patrick’s Day parade,
p estimated 300,000 gave him and his
I Joan a generally warm reception as
w walked ahead of Mayor Jane Byrne,
b has committed to him the once awe-
Blbut now divided local Democratic
Come join (he fun! I
un r*, {feagan fight
or delegates
United Press International
CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire
ipporters of John Anderson say they will
)ntest any decision that keeps the Repub-
can presidential candidate from taking
vo of the state’s delegates to the GOP
, ational convention.
! The Illinois congressman recently de-
Med and got a recount of New Hamp-
^.lire’s Feb. 26 Republican primary. When
ie ballots were retallied, Anderson
nished with 9.82 percent of the vote, only
81 votes shy of 10 percent,
j ; Secretary of State William Gardner has
lid state law prevents him from awarding
uy delegates to a candidate who finished
ith less than 10 percent.
But Executive Councilor Malcolm
IcLane, who represents Anderson’s New
lampshire campaign, reads the state’s sta-
Tuesday, JfcfM a little differently.
McLane said Monday one state law in-
gucts the secretary of state to round to the
,, , >i; Nearest whole number, ” which in this case
Monday, ^-^id be 10 p ercent .
Mondajr ,"^ere going to be filing an appeal in a
Monday a y or McLane said. But he added he
is not sure whether the appeal would be
m in Superior Court or with the Ballot
Friday, Sat ^ Commission.
March 21,$ ^ ^l 16 Anderson camp loses its appeal,
Reagan, the big winner in the New
lampshire GOP contest, would walk away
ith 15 convention delegates. George
Ush would end up with five and Howard
gK§r, who has since dropped out of the
ice, would receive two.
^ If Anderson wins the appeal, he would
i jk J ^awarded two delegates, both of them
" ^ W | |>ming from Reagan’s total.
” " The Anderson forces had until 5 p.m.
(onday to challenge the recount itself,
hey didn’t.
Gordon Echols, associate dean of the College of the “ultimate Q-drop.’
Architecture and Environmental Design, performs
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Staff photo by Lynn Blanco
Dean makes last Q-drop
biggest of the semester
Campus Staff
To symbolize the “ultimate Q-drop,
two senior environmental design stu
dents made a plaster of Paris and card
board Q and had Gordon Echols, associ
ate dean of the College of Architecture
and Environmental Design, drop it
from the roof of the architecture build
ing Monday.
Echols tossed the white, two-foot
high letter into the wind at 5 p.m. — the
deadline for Texas A&M University stu
dents to drop a class without penalty.
The letter landed on the sidewalk,
but didn’t break. The Q designers,
David Applebaum and Bruce Walker,
yelled to fellow students on the ground
to step on it. Only a few students
gathered to watch the drop.
Applebaum and Walker said they
wanted to see Echols make the very last
Q-drop of the semester, by hand and not
by computer.
“We really wanted to do this to have
some fun,” Applebaum said. “Since
architecture students are finishing ma
jor projects or starting new ones, the
main signifigance of the drop is to get
endurance and start momentum. And
also as a gas-off or giggle period for stu
dents and teachers.”
Applebaum said they hope to drop
the symbolic Q every semester.
“We thought of doing this because
Dean Echols wrote a letter to The Batta
lion a couple of years ago, ” Applebaum
said, “and said the only reason to Q-
drop should be for medical reasons so
we thought it would be appropriate for
him to make the last one.”
Carter’s new guidelines
have advisers in hot seat
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Some members of
Congress are having a problem with the
budget portion of President Carter’s new
anti-inflation program — they don’t know
what it is.
Carter’s top economic advisers Monday
made their first appearances before Con
gress since the president announced his
package of budget cuts, credit controls, an
oil import fee and expanded monitoring of
voluntary wage and price guidelines.
Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker
was to be on the firing line before the Sen
ate Banking Committee today.
At hearings before the banking panel and
te Joint Economic Committee, chief infla
tion fighter Alfred Kahn and Council of
Economic Advisers Chairman Charles
Schultz came under heavy questioning ab
out the delay in the budget proposals.
Carter plans to cut the 1981 budget by
about $13 billion in an effort to balance it,
but he has not revealed where the cuts will
be made. That list is expected to be sent to
Congress by the end of the month — after
the March 25 New York primary.
Sen. Adlai Stevenson, D-Ill., said, “I
continue to support the president’s efforts,
but it’s difficult to support cuts before you
know what they are.”
Stevenson was the only senator at the
banking committee hearing with kind
words for the Carter program.
Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., the
chairman, said if Carter intentionally de
layed his budget announcement for politic
al reasons, it would be “unforgivable and
wrong.” He asked Kahn, “Why don’t you
tell us so we can go to work?”
Kahn answered, “I’m not privy to politic
al decisions. I think people don’t trust me. ’’
But speaking hypothetically, he said, “I
think politically it would be worse to inten
tionally delay releasing” the budget deci
At the Joint Economic Committee hear
ing, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., criticized
the administration for not moving ahead
fast enough after Carter’s announcement
Friday. He asked Shultz to say exactly
when the revised budget would be ready.
Shultz said he couldn’t say exactly, but
that budget chief James McIntyre was
“making the final decisions on the line
A White House spokesman said Carter
himself was involved in making the tough
decisions on where to slash the budget.
Carter told a congressional conference of
the National League of Cities Monday his
proposed budget cuts are crucial to halting
a skyrocketing inflation that “threatens to
rage out of control.”
He called the anti-inflation program “bit
ter medicine” that must be shared by all
sectors and said he will consider possible
tax cuts once it is certain the 1981 budget
will be balanced.
In the House, Speaker Thomas O’Neill
said Congress will move ahead with its own
budget cuts, indicating that Carter’s list
will be secondary to the list made up by
Democratic leaders...
Also Monday, House budget staffers put
the finishing touches on recommendations
to be made Wednesday by Budget Com
mittee Chairman Robert Giaimo, D-Conn.
The panel will begin writing the budget
without Carter’s detailed proposal and
apparently will try to make substantially
more reductions than the president prop
U. S. to plead case
against Iran again
United Press International
President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr has
announced plans to reorganize Iran’s army
in an attempt to further consolidate his
power, but his opponents took an early lead
in election returns for Iran’s parliament.
At the same time, the United States re
turns to the International Court of Justice
in the Hague to press its case against Iran
for backing the militants in the holding of
50 American hostages at the occupied
U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The hostages are
in their 136tb day in captivity.
Bani-Sadr went on radio to announce his
plans for a reorganization of the army,
known to be poorly disciplined since tbe
dismantling of the shah’s forces and execu
tion of generals following the revolution
last year.
But at the same time, his opponents in
the Islamic Republican Party took a strong
lead in scattered returns in the election to
the 270-member parliament, the Majlis.
The Islamic party is made up of ayatollahs
and clerics who generally take a harder line
than Bani-Sadr on dealing with the West.
Tehran Radio, monitored in London,
said Bani-Sadr called the army’s organiza
tion an “urgent issue” and warned breaches
of discipline would now be “dealt with
The move was seen as an attempt by the
president, who is commander-in-chief of
the armed forces, to have at his disposal an
armed force more disciplined and answer-
able to authorities than the present Revolu
tionary Guards.
Bani-Sadr said if any individuals in milit
ary uniform form a gathering in the streets
this will be regarded as “an act of insubordi-
Ford, survivors
settle Texas case
United Press International
AUSTIN — Ford Motor Co., cleared last
week of responsibility for the fiery deaths of
three people riding in a Pinto, has closed a
similar Texas case with out-of-court settle
ments variously described as “substantial”
and “not large.”
Attorneys for the three Texas victims,
killed on Jan. 20, 1979, when their 1972
Pinto was rearended and burst into flames,
revealed Monday that the settlement had
been reached without going to trial. No
criminal charges had been filed against the
automobile manufacturer in the deaths.
Damage awards went to the survivors of
Josephine G. Maldonado, 53, of Del Valle
and two passengers in her car, Miguel
Mireles, 18, and Juan Urbina, 30, of Au
stin, and to another passenger who was
severely burned in the crash.
The driver of the other vehicle was
charged with drunk driving and sent to
Ford Motor Co. was accused of reckless
homicide in a landmark case prompted by
the deaths of three Winimac, Ill., teen
agers. A jury there last week acquitted the
Lawyers involved in the Texas case said
the damage suits were hampered by ques
tions about whether some of the victims
were dead before the car burst into flames.
Don Davis, attorney for the two dead
passengers and the one who was burned,
said he reached a settlement for a “substan
tial amount of money” but that the agree
ment with Ford stipulated the dollar
amount would not be disclosed.
Mack Kidd, attorney for the driver of the
Pinto, said Mrs. Maldonado s six children
did not want him to divulge the amount
paid for her death. He called it “not a large
sum of money,” and other sources indi
cated the Maldonado suit was settled for
United Press International
WEST LIBERTY, Iowa — Dan Ehl,
who describes himself as one of the “hip
pies from the ‘60s,” has Muscatine County
in a stir over his race for sheriff.
Consider some of his pronouncements:
—’’The only difference between the
police force and the Boy Scouts is the Boy
Scouts have adult supervision.”
—’’Police officers should all wear buttons
saying, ‘Hi, I’m a member of the West
Liberty police force. If I am lost, please call
the mayor.’”
—”1 regularly offend the police. I’ve
heard a rumor that if they ever see me
walking across the street, and there’s no
witnesses. . .”
Still, the bearded, long-haired 29-year-
old has his admirers among the upright folk
in his eastern Iowa County.
“There’s days when I listen to the little
bastard, and look at the overall situation,
and he’s almost got me convinced,” said
Norm Singleton, area editor of the Musca
tine Journal.
Efil is involved in a five-man race for the
office of Sheriff Richard Oppelt, a 20-year
incumbent who is taking his political licks
for allegedly being hard to reach, un
cooperative with other law officers and re
sponsible for two wrecked patrol cars in the
last few months.
A satirical columnist for the West Liber
ty Index, Ehl regularly takes on the Musca
tine County establishment. The column,
composed mostly of bon mots, flights of
fancy and good-natured jibes, occasionally
has raised the hackles of certain citizens.
“I could almost be called anachronistic; I
believe in flower power,” Ehl said.
“There’s a lot of us hippies from the ‘60s just
biding our time.
“Once I got a letter that said, ‘You ought
to be ashamed, you ought to be afraid to go
down the alley at night.’ Unsigned, or
course. So in my column I said I had hired a
handwriting analyst, and he had deter
mined the letter writer was genetically de
ficient and should write back right away.
Among his qualifications for sheriff, Ehl
lists his expertise with a BB gun as a child
and his ownership of a police dog. Turning
serious, though, he proposes adding at
least one Hispanic to the police force be
cause of the large number of migrant work
ers who have settled in Muscatine County.
“I’m for the people who have traditional
ly not been represented — the normal,
average man,” Ehl said. “I’d much rather
see an image of police helping people, in
stead of arresting people. Law enforcement
is like an aspirin covering up the symptoms
of a cold; it’s our system that creates crimin
Asked about Ehl’s electoral chances, his
publisher, Jerry Westra, chortled: “Have
you ever heard of an ice cube in Hell?”
$5,000 offered
for bank bandit
United Press International
HOUSTON — Police today sought
the bandit who fatally shot a 21-year-old
woman teller in robbing a bank of an
estimated $10,000.
Madeline Rae Peters was shot in the
head shortly after 11 a. m. Monday and
died about an hour and 30 minutes later.
Witnesses said a man walked into the
Bank of Almeda, disarmed a security
guard and took money from each teller
except Peters.
Peters was on the telephone and,
when the bandit reached her window,
he told her to hang up, she said “What?”
and he shot her, witnesses said.
Friends said Peters, known as
“Smiley,” had selected a dress Sunday
for her August wedding.
The Houston Clearing House Asso
ciation, which exchanges checks and
securities between banks, offered a
$5,000 reward for information leading to
the killer’s arrest.
nation or a plot. ”
Bani-Sadr has favored finding a solution
to the hostage crisis, now in its 20th week,
but Iran’s strongman, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini, has ruled their fate will be up to
Iran’s parliament, not expected to convene
until May.
The president, who received over 70
percent of the vote in the January election
to the presidency, has charged the par
liamentary elections were marred by fraud
and may have to be staged again in places
where the allegations proved true. His
attempts at organizing a slate of candidates
fell far short of the organization shown by
the Islamic Party.
Results from the first phase of the elec
tions, held last Friday, still trickled in but
the final outcome was not expected for two
weeks. A run-off will be held for seats
where no candidate received a majority
Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh,
in an interview aired on QBS News Mon
day night, said: “I think we are closer to the
resolution of the problem” of gaining the
release of the Americans. But he added,
“It’s unwise to calculate and predict be
cause most of the time predictions and mis
calculations have destroyed the whole pro
A U.S. Embassy spokesman in the
Hague said today’s hearing in the Interna
tional Court of Justice on the United States’
case against Iran was the “beginning of the
actual case.”
Last December, the court ruled Iran
violated international law by condoning the
seizure of the U.S. Embassy and the taking
of its diplomatic personnel hostage.
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Flower power sours
candidate’s foes