The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 04, 1980, Image 3

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Page 3
' ! I
April KAMU auction
S helps station, donators
Campus Reporter
If your life-long dream has been to
wn an Arabian horse or something
|ss majestic — like a lady’s Hamil-
jn quartz watch — you might want
D tune in on the Second Great
ontation behvci AMU-TV auction to be held April
ould come to a t: 3-1 1
vhich ivodd be a, T exa s a&M University’s KAMU,
U I | Ma iT part of the Public Broadcasting
u (i a ) t c out erv i ce) j s sponsoring the auction to
ms lavedeepiu rovic j e additional funding for the
w niobilizedc omjn g y ear , sa jd p enn y Hyden,
sens whose (a: oor dj na j or 0 f the function,
the largest singled
Friends of KAMU, a volunteer
heir conflict will r0U P mainly from the Brazos Valley
o assert that lie t rea > collects the merchandise to be
;s to reduceinllati jc ti 0nec h s h e said,
t and cut taxes-,-
at he is Mamin;:v.
> other hand, ife
c’s impatience »i;|
power of the
Merchants donating to the auction
benefit by having their name men
tioned on the air, Hyden said, and
their donations are also tax deduc
The Arabian horse, donated by
Blocker Trant, and the watch, are
the only contributions to the auction
so far, Hyden said, but the auction is
still seven weeks away.
Donations to last year’s auction in
cluded antique beds, dinner with
Dr. and Mrs. Jarvis Miller, a flight to
Houston with dinner included and a
football autographed by the Texas
A&M team, she said.
The auction, which will be in Stu
dio A of the on-campus station, will
be preceded by a showing of all dona
tions April 3-6 at a site not selected
yet, said Hyden.
KAMU will begin its auction at 8
p.m. April 13 and end at about mid
night after five consecutive nights,
said Hyden. The event lasted three
nights last year, she said, but it will
be expanded this year because of the
good support by donors in the past.
The auction will be organized so
that merchandise will be posted on
one of six boards, Hyden said.
Four of the boards will each con
sist of one of the letters from KAMU
so that items can be easity referred
to. A fifth “quicky board’’ will be for
smaller items such as feather jewel
ry. The last “super board’’ will in
clude items retailing for over $250,
she said.
uses to be fierce,
r is likely. Tie
Australia’s pop:
sfire of a battle tk
i going on here
stralian newspapi
n current affairs
Debate team takes third;
speakers receive awards
The Texas A&M University de-
ate squad won third place sweep-
akes honors at the Sam Houston
tate University debate tournament
i Huntsville last weekend.
The team competed against 21
ther schools from Texas and Okla-
In the senior division debate,
lichael Shelby and James Starr won
rst place, beating Houston Baptist
in the semifinals and finals. Shelby
and Starr were the only undefeated
team at the tournament and Shelby
was ranked the second place
Kathy Hauschild and Lainee
Kobeluch placed third in junior de
In individual events, Keith Barber
placed first in extemporaneous
speaking and advanced to finals in
informative speakine.
Joe Shaughnessy made the finals
in persuasive speaking and com
munication analysis.
Aggie semifinalists were James
Starr, Joe Shaughnessy and Robin
Joyce in extemporaneous speaking;
Lisa Shelby in persuasive speaking;
Jimmy Jolly in informative speaking;
Valencia Smith in prose interpreta
tion; and Valencia Smith and Lydia
Johnson in duo-dramatic interpreta
Inm a tes ’ legal fees
ust be paid by sta te
United Press International
WASHINGTON — The Supreme
'ourt Monday let stand a ruling that
te state of Texas must pay $39,000
t fees to a lawyer representing in-
tates who had filed suit to overturn
ules against prisoners helping each
ther on legal matters.
The justices declined to hear an
ppeal by Texas from a ruling stating
must pay the fees under a 1976
tderal statute even though the ser-
ices were performed before the law
wk effect.
The case arose in 1968 when some
exas prisoners filed a class action
uit contesting the Texas Depart-
lent of Corrections prohibition of
dsoners giving each other legal
The prisoners lost in federal dis-
ict court, but the 5th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals reversed the deci
sion, holding the state could not en
force such a rule until it provided an
adequate legal assistance program
for prisoners.
But the state corrections depart
ment continued to enforce its pro
hibition and, in 1972, the prisoners
renewed their suit. Federal courts
ordered the state to allow any mutual
legal aid on any civil legal matter.
William Bennett Turner, the
lawyer for the prisoners, then sought
legal fees under the Civil Rights
Attorney’s Fees Awards Act of 1976.
The law took effect in October of
that year — two months before the
final arguments were made in the
case before the 5th Circuit.
A federal district court awarded
the attorney $39,000. A three-judge
panel of the 5th Circuit affirmed the
fudge wants to know why
ts do not wish to’- 1 • •
ty themselves, fc imon violated his orders
irried couples toilf
>t have children; BEAUMONT — A judge has
their hearts to a rdered the Oil, Chemical and Ato-
d. Is that notthei lie Workers Union to court Monday
) explain why its members should
ations Charteron ot be found in contempt for violat-
n 1948, guarantef ig his orders in a series of strike-
ght to life; childrei elated incidents,
consideration in t Gulf Oil claims seven members of
ht to life should l ie union, on strike since Jan. 8,
; well as after bird five engaged in harassment and vio-
it you have a rigk mce since District Judge Melvin
ly that same rigl
whether it be a ft!',
a handicapped y«
in or woman,
ociety supports till
o kill our unbornll
ay that one day it''I
lling of all i
/en you?
Combs Feb. 8 injunction prohibit
ing picket line violence.
Gulf says a company supervisor
was attacked in a motel room; that
strikers have photographed the com
ing and going of vehicles at the Gulf
refinery; persons who saw an earlier
picket line skirmish have been
threatened, and that persons work
ing during the strike have been sub
jected to obscenities
Inquire About Our Terms
Starting April 1, 1980
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907E Harvey Rd.
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Mon. 1-6 Tues.-Sat. 10-6
, IK'
award and sent the case back to the
lower court to award a “reasonable
fee” for the time taken to pursue the
Texas Attorney General Mark
White appealed to the U.S. Sup
reme Court, arguing the lawyer fees
could not be awarded for services
rendered before the effective date of
the act.
White maintained the 11th
Amendment of the U.S. Constitu
tion bars Congress from imposing a
retroactive demand on a state’s treas
ury, and said the lawyers’ fees could
amount to over $300,000., In re
sponse, Turner said the state had
paid — without protest — $181,000
to the Houston law firm of former
Gov. John Connally in a prison rights
case where the “great bulk of ser
vices were rendered prior to the
1976 act.”
We’re Spring Cleaning and that
means $avingsfor poul It’s time
to move out all our demos fast, so
we’ve slashed all our prices to
12”. 3-way speakers
Response: 27 Hz to 22,000 Hz
Capacity: Minimum 10
watts (RMS)
Maximum 80 watts (RMS)
Circuit break protected
Reg. List $280 ea
SALE $139
Disco Monitors
15”, 4-way speakers
Response: 25 Hz to 22,500 Hz
Power Capacity: Minimum 12
watts (RMS)
Maximum 90 watts (RMS)
Circuit break protected
Reg. List $420 ea.
SALE $199..
Too good to be true!
1 2", 3-way speakers
Response: 29 Hz to 21,000 Hz
Capacity: Minimum 10
watts (RMS)
Maximum 60 watts (RMS)
Circuit break proteefed
Reg. List $240ea.
SALE $99.o
Buy of the century!
916 MP Turntable
The 916 combines the ultra-low
mass dynamic balance tone arm and
plug-in arm with computer digital drive
for superb tone arm record playing
capability and silent precise turntable
Or course, it has the VIA Isolation
System The top plate is in striking
brushed aluminum. It comes complete
with friction-hinged dust cover
Reg. List $200
SALE $139^95
AO FMorMeerr RG-l
Dynamic Range Expander
911 Turntable
The 911 contains a wealth ot exclusive features,
smart styling, and exceptional performance for
this price category
GThe VIA Variable Isolation System which isolates
the motor from the turntable and allows the user
to tune out acoustic feedback or shock vibrations
□ The advanced b»i»c 24-pole 330 rpm low
speed synchronous motor isolated from the
turntable by a belt
PVariable pitch control with an illuminated strobe,
which is user-adjustable for viewing angle
□Oil-damped cueing system with cue range
control and three scale anti-skate adjustment
□Precision 9" static balance tone arm with
jeweled vertical bearings and an adjustment for
stylus overhang
□Metallic silver gray
□Complete and ready for use. with friction-
hinged removable dust cover
^ f cxELrvrrreex by (u> pioiMOEnr
Stereo System
A dynamic range expansion/
noise reduction component for
the enchancement of realism
in reproduced music and the
elimination of unwanted tape
and record noise.
Reg. List $250 SALE $149
Hurry for this one!
rrWXi AA-1125
Stereo Receiver
TH-2211 The Centrex* AMfFM stereo system has
a 8-track playback deck and automatic record
changer Receiver includes tuning meter, stereo
indicator and LED-type tuning dial. Tape deck
features automatic channel advance BSR changer
has cueing, adjustable tracking force and anti
skate Hinged dust cover Comes with matching
CL-30 acoustic-suspension speakers for quality
home audio
SALE $139
Such Value!
25 watts per channel
This stereo receiver packs 25 watts
of power per channel and delivers
a sound virtually free from distortion
to give you the utmost in listening
pleasure Its ability to serve as an
amplifier as well as a tuner, plus two
tape monitor switches for monitoring
independent tape decks or dubbing,
make the AA-1125 perfectly versatile
to fit your every audio need.
R.. Liar msoSALE $157
AH 7851
' / ' vj
7 'kJ
30 watts per channel: continuous power bandwidth—
20 Hz-20kHz; THD- 08%.
Reg. List $310 SALE $199
Come on down and help us
Clean it out!
* \\
/ ,, " ' * '