The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1980, Image 8
i ! i t ' ! 1 age 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1980 Explosion hurts 3 in Waco state United Press International [ WACO — Three city workers j *ying to stop a natural gas leak at an I vacuated shopping center were in- : tied Tuesday in the explosion of the j as line. All three were treated and Released and damage was minimal, j Officials at Midway Shopping ‘Center, a 15-store shopping area in j^he suburban community of Wood way, smelled the gas and immediate ly ordered the complex evacuated and summoned city crews, gas work ers and the fire department. City manager John Lynch specu lated the gas fumes were ignited by a heater. Lynch said four stores received minor damage. He estimated the damage at about $100,000. Baylor controversy with Playboy 44 Chelsea Bash, Wednesday Night 99 • Three-for-one drinks • 9pm - Midnight • Prizes • A small $ 1.00 cover • The best live entertainment in town (Eljelgftt Street FOOD • SPIRITS • ENTERTAINMENT 4425 TEXAS AVE. swells to question of free press SMU IN OXFORD July 6-August 8 Southern Methodist University is pleased to announce its third summer study program in Oxford. Live and study with a distinguished SMU and British faculty at the Queen’s College, Oxford. For information, mail the coupon below. Return to: International Programs Office Southern Methodist University Box 391 Dallas, Texas 75275 (Phone: 1—214—692-2338) Please send me information on the SMU-in- Oxford program. Name Address. Telephone School attending. United Press International WACO — Officials of church- owned Baylor University obviously don’t want Playboy Magazine’s photographer around but what started as a controversy over naked and nearly naked women has swelled to include freedom of the collegiate press. University President Abner McCall Monday said the student newspaper, The Lariat, was too con cerned with “the plans of a pornog raphic magazine’’ and said the 30- person staff should either resign or refrain from criticizing his anti- Playboy stand. McCall has threatened to disci pline Baylor’s students who pose for Playboy’s “Girls of the Southwest Conference” photo layout. Editor of The Lariat Jeff Barton Tuesday said the staff may indeed resign, but in protest of McCall’s heavy hand. McCall contends that since the Baptist-owned university pays the newspaper’s expenses, Baylor officials have the power to de termine what is published. Barton maintains the staff should be publishing things that are of con cern to students and that includes Playboy magazine coming to town and McCall’s opposition. “Playbov has been of great interest to students. It’s dominated our let ters (to the editor) section and what we’ve tried to do is keep up with student interest,” Barton said. “We perceive a very great interest. There have been no organized stu dent protests against Playboy and the Baylor women are split in their opinions. One student, who refused to give her name, said she was considering posing semi-nude and felt the Baylor administration was overreacting. “I don’t see anything wrong with it,” she said. “Things like that don’t bother me, and I don’t think it’s any of their business.” Two women, who also refused to T.J.’s is bringing the Aggies Rusty Weir WED — MARCH 5 8 P.M. Tickets: $000 $000 ESTA,HX-liiM Er> IN UTM with A&M id TICKETS SOLD IN ADVANCE 707 COMPLEX COLLEGE STATION 696-0388 piiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniL^ GIRLSl TH, | COUPON ADMITS ONE (GIRLS! FREE = STUDENT GIRL FREE | pp^rl Saturday, MARCH 8 (Student ID required) Sunday, MARCH 9 WANTED: MUSICIANS To Play in the GUYS & DOLLS ORCHESTRA FOR INFORMATION, CALL THEATRE ARTS 845-4151 OR DOUG SEGUR 845-4244 1K?1| 7) T WiSi mm: ,1 TEXAS WORLD OPEN CHILI & BAR-B-Q CHAMPIONSHIP Fun and games, overnight camping and country-western band TEXAN 250 and the TEXAS RACE OF CHAMPIONS V Texas World Speedway Hwy 6 South College Station, Texas 713-693-2500 Want to start something? Need a spare key? Come by the gift shop on the main level of the Aggie Bookstore. We’ve got a new Curtis key machine to make all the spare keys you might need. Come on by the bookstore in the MSC. give their names, said women who pose would not be “well received” at Baylor. “I think it would be a disgrace to Baylor but it’s up to the individual,” one said. “I think you will see a lot of uproar if there are people from the campus that are included in the magazine.” Barton says more Playboy stories are planned but the university has imposed some restrictions. The Lariat staff was told Monday that all editorials must be submitted two days before publication so they can be checked by editors and the news paper’s faculty adviser. McCall contends the newspaper is an extension of the university nistration since it pays for expei and that gives it publisher’s ri| control editorial comment. “Freedom and discretion to t dent editors and reporters is iW; matter of constitutional right bull exercise of discretion by the lisher as to accomplishing the es sought by the publisher,” he sail Barton said McCall’s directive^ out editorial comment has dem ized the staff and a mass n is possible. United WASHIN Carter says t “a crisis stage gy supplies a ers are study the price spir controls. Press secrc day told repc to reject man "Unless something happei ease the tension, there’s aj® chance we ll resign, he said, Siamese twins gain stren SCi United WASHINt United Press International HOUSTON — Tiny, 23-day-old Puerto Rican twin girls joined at the chest have gained 5 ounces in less than seven days and doctors Tuesday said they might be strong enough for separation surgery by the end of the week. "■ state govern j ^ JL Democrats - III with adminis W A A c j es adopted embargo hav on farmers. The twins were bom by Caess ^They took section Feb. 3 to Evelyn Mon I- ec,„u, s ;^ Morales, 38, an unempli members of mechanic. Blue-eyed, brown-haired Ivonne and Ivette Morales together weighed? pounds, 9 ounces Tuesday compared to their 7-pound, 4-ounce weight upon arrival at Texas Chil dren’s Hospital from San Juan last Thursday. “They’re holding their own,” a hospital spokesman said. “They’re in critical but stable condition, just the way they have been. They are still on the respirator and will be until surgery.” A team of five surgeons and fou expert consultants was assembled to carry out the surgery, originally planned Tuesday, but postponed af ter a meeting in which the doctors agreed the twins remained too weak. “They decided to delay it until late this week or possibly next week to give the babies a chance to build up some more strength,” said Pat Kiley, a hospital administrator. Neither the hospital nor the doc tors, whose names have been with held, have disclosed details of the twins’ anatomy, particularly whether they have fully separate hearts or some combined heart function. “The family has requested that no medical information be disclosed,” a spokesman said. However, the fact that the surgical team was being cal led a “cardiovascular team” indi cated at least some delicate heart and blood vessel surgery was antici pated. Police nab r runaway bill Committee, The twins developed near k'T‘ ous .^ i ^, s ! heart and lung problems at tk!r^, ratloI \ s pital and San Juan and Puertofc® 111 ^ Gov. Carlos Romero arranged!. . not " er v ' emergency jet ambulance flir [ ni U ' e > ^ cn - Houston. former gover mitment fror A special fund at the hospi Bob Berglai paying for the hospitalizatioi; change in fai surgery, unofficially expectedtcr^Bergland ■ about $25,000. to set higher last year’s c placed into serve, the se ' Although J not as much would be th rates in hist alleviate far United Press International lems. SAN ANTONIO — Police are;'^Montana ( trained in animal control so wc grain prices 700-pound Brahman bull loose^the embargo the Union Stockyards Tuesday, jMsfine day: simply used standard operatintpwheat sold i cedure. They handcuffed the !«Power, Mor and dragged it back to its pen located grair “Thc\ nist handcuffed itandtiLast VVedm it back,” the dispatcher reported $2|59 per be ter six patrol cars and six officers!};.'.The 35-ce dued the hull that made a spirisresents a $37 run for liberty down San Meofgrain store Street. „ Bl. J The thret ’We’re not really set up to®Democrat; A livestock, so it’s not too simple governor of 1 plained Sgt. Sidney Marsh.‘M finally got it put under control Stockyard officials said the M man escaped because a truck did) hack all the way to an unMj ramp, leaving space for him tow Sun Theatres 333 University 846-1 The only movie in town Double-Feature Every.Week 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fri.-Sat. No one under 18 Ladies Discount With This Coupon BOOK STORE & 25C PEEP SHOWS Memorial Student. Center GREAT ISSUES COMMITTEE DR. HAL C. BECKED SPEARING ON MIND INFLUENCE AND SU5LIMINAL SUGGEST10 DID YOU KNOW THIS AD MIGHT BE INFLUENCING YOU? FEBPUAQY 28 8 PM PUDDEP THEATQE Students Non-dtucb $1.00 ■A