The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1980, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1980 Food chains hoping fo' Battalion Classifieds big sales in ham bisci HELP WANTED FOR SALE SERVICES WANTED FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.15/hr. •FREE FOOD •PAID VACATIONS •ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT •GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT *NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FULL OR PART TIME 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2a.m. APPLY IN PERSON BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. 501 S. TEXAS AVE. '78 TRANS/AM 400-AUTOMATIC. Good Condition. $4950.00. 779-9121 after 4 pm. 103r6 Brown couch. $100. 845-3411 (24) 779-8790. Richard. 110t2 “How to Make (A) on a Quiz” written by an honors graduate of one of the nation’s great universities. Send $5 to LEARNING EXPERI- ENCE/Box 765/Tyler, TX 75710. 105t7 Expert typing. Call Gloria 693-8286. 103tl0 Senior Boots. Size 11!/2 - 12. 693-3038. 106t5 For Sale: RCA Color television, good condi tion. $150.00. Call 779-9096. I09t4 New! Room for rent. $115.00/month. Call 779- 9096. 10915 JOB (OPPORTUNITIES Help wanted. Experience with cars. Good per sonality. Apply at Piper’s Gulf Station by the Ramada Inn at the corner of University and Texas. 102tl0 WANTED $500/thousand addressing and stuffing circu lars. Free information. Z J Enterprise/2318 Woodburn/Middletown, Ohio 45042 llOtlO WANTED TO BUY: Dissecting microscope and metal detector. Call 822-5358. 105tl WAITRESSES FULL AND PART TIME DAYS FRANK’S BAR & GRILL 913 Harvey Rd. College Station loets WINCHELLS Accepting applications All shifts A-B-C $3.10 to $4.00/hour. 846-9869 I08t5 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544 ... Itfh Tvping. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823-7723... 76tfn w mm CASH FOR OLD GOLD < ' Class rings, wedding rings, worn out . ► oold iewelrv. coins, etc. gold jewelry, coins, etc The Diamond Room < Town & Country Shopping Canter j 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan i 846-4708 ^ A ^ — — — — MEN! WOMEN! JOBS! CRUISESHIPSI/SAILING EXPEDI- TIONSI/SAILING CAMPS. No ex perience. Good pay. Summer. Career. NATIONWIDE, WORL DWIDE! Send $4.95 for APPLICA TION/1 N FO/R E F E R R A LS to CRUISE WORLD 127 Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. loan 8' Xo J o For employment information at Texas A6tM University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Ac tion. Texas A&M University Unexpected Pregnancy? Services thru the 20th week Awake or Asleep Women’s Health Services DallsiC T<*V£1Q (214) 349-9533 Call Collect ROOMMATE PROBLEMS?? Roommate not sharing expenses? Losing money? Would you like to receive some lost cash? For this type of problem with roommates call: 779-9096 for more information. 10914 YOU’LL FIND All Your Plumbing & Hardware Supplies at WHITE HOME & AUTO STORE Northgate Bike Repair— Dorm Refrigerators 10815 SWENSENS Accepting applications for dishwashers, cooks, fountaineers, and cashiers. Pick up applications at SWENSEN’S in Culpepper Plaza LOST PART-TIME/NOW FULL-TIME/SUMMER National Marketing Co. will appoint six local representatives to contact A&M Students. Above average pay, flexible hours, car necessary. For local interview call 800-821-5838 Jim Beasley. io4t-. REWARD!! $100 for the recovery of a diamond solitaire engagement ring. Call 846-8624.109t2 Girl s Class of ’80 ring. Polished style. Lost between Rudder and SLAB. $50 REWARD! 693-5123. 107t5 SHERWOOD HEALTH CARE INC. has full time and part time openings for LVN's 6-2 and 2-10, RN 2-10. Excellent salary, benefits and work ing conditions. Contact E.P. Sulik, Admin. 822-7521 • ..... , . .95118 REWARD: Male yellow Lab puppy. South of Campus. Call Terry. 845-7816 or 693- 7303. 107t5 Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears HELP!! Lost: Girl’s Gold Watch Monday night — RCC area. Call Dianne — 845-7404. GIVE YOUR SUMMER TO A SPECIAL KID A summer job with meaning. Coun selor at camp near Dallas. Salary, room board, insurance. Make appoint for Camp Directors visit to campus, February 27 and 28th at The Placement Center. For more information: Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place, Suite 123, Dallas, TX 75235. (214) 634-7500 10418 ■ "Service TocWI™ 1 Chrysler Corp. Cars f Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR | COMPANY INC. ■ Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922« 1411 Texas Ave. . 823-8111 ■ United Press Internationa) RALEIGH, N.C. — Not too many years ago the ham biscuit was to be found only in backroad Southern diners. It had — and has — its devoted fans. Critics, too. Some called them light as only a home-baked biscuit can be. Some said those homecooked biscuits we ren’t always so light. Brace yourselves, Yankees. The fast-food industry has hold of the ham biscuit; sausage, too. In pursuit of the breakfast trade, Wendy’s, Hardee’s, 7-Eleven, even the golden arch crowd, have been testing them, mostly on South erners. There is the story of the New York girl who came to Raleigh hungry. She wanted a bagel. Her Southern friend didn’t know bagels. He bought her a sausage biscuit. It didn’t look like a bagel. Biscuits are kind of white and golden — no hard crust, generally. They taste dif ferent. And there’s the meat — patty or slice. Sometimes it sticks out. Sometimes it stays in. They cost 40 cents plain, around $1 stuffed. Size varies. Some are round as a telephone dial, a bit thick er. Others are big as a hamburger bun. But what he bought her came close to your average bagel, but no hole. It is said, after that, she gave up bagels for biscuits — the sausage kind. Ham, too. Maybe the fast food chains heard that story. They figured there’s a market. Several are moving on the North and West. There’s the 7-Elevens. Alisa Mar tin, of that Dallas-based chain, says they’ve had sausage biscuits in their artillery for seven years. She boasts they’re now in 6,700 7-Elevens in 42 states and the District of Columbia. “One of our best selling food items, ” she says. The 1,250-store Hardee’s chain began offering biscuits in 900 South ern outlets last year. Now biscuits account for 12 percent of sales. “It’s a resounding success,” said Hardee’s Ron Wertheim. He said Hardee’s western outlets are offering biscuits now. Northeast ern franchises will be pushing them this spring. McDonald’s is test marketing ham and sausage biscuits in parts of Virgi nia and the Raleigh area. Wendy’s has them here and is trying them out on Ohio. The ultimate in biscuit mania is the 17-store Virginia-based chain called Biscuitville. The stores offer 16 kinds of biscuits, including pork tenderloin, cheese and egg. There is talk of beefsteak biscuits; fried chick en, too. The people who speak for the chains say biscuits make sense for commuting breakfasters. They con tain neither the gooey fillings of doughnuts nor the sticky icings of sweet rolls on which the quickie breakfaster has been hardened. There is only biscuit and filling, a combination that doesn t crumble or spill. And they’re simple to make, con sisting mainly of milk, flour and eggs. They’re filling. Too filling, dieters may find. While a piece of toast has 70 calories, a yeast doughnut 175, the typical sausage biscuit weighs in at nearly 300. Marjorie Donnelly, a home eco nomist with North Carolina’s agri cultural extension service, says ham and sausage biscuits probably were invented by poor blacks who used starchy baked goods to fill out a meal. Wayne Bunting, operations direc tor for the Biscuitville chain, said Biscuitville started in 1971 when he and the other owners of a six-store pizza chain decided to sell biscuits during the hours before the pizza trade began. The flour and ovens they used for pizza crusts were easily adaptable to biscuits. Soon some of the stores were making more money selling biscuits than pizza. In late 1977, Hardee’s conducted its first tests. The company is based in Rocky Mount, N.C. Half its stores are in six Southern states, acquainted with biscuits. “The educational proas M id west and the North is cult, so your advertisingnniij to explain what a biscuit eim said. Speaking for McDonald's, nie Skurdy said their bisoj] have met with “a certain success ” but may not be soli the nation’s 4,860 .McDonalo Wendy’s said it has b sweet rolls and English mi with biscuits in Lancastere do, Ohio. The company t ided yet which to sell nal One chain in the braldast Burger King, is staying cb cuits for now. SHARE GF in the M [ tamu ro. front ste kl HILLEL: V lambda RUDDER’ Military LEAGUE( Mideast BRAZOS C Western made by |“DERSU 1 story of £ the wild portrait CPHI THE! in 502 F " People through the countf a certain expectation for bn said Paul Reinhard, manage: porate public relations The chains keep theirbi mulas confidential, buthertij cipe that works well at bout In a large bowl, 2 cups all purpose flour.iia ; NEWMAN 1 teaspoon salt sf Student 1 tablespoon double-acfev^ j4\(U HA powder 7:30 p.r present SOCIOLO graduati £ INTERNA at 6 p.m membei in jomir SNOW SK Break t FOR RENT Two male roommates wanted. Three blocks south of Campus. $115/month plus V* bills. Available immediately. 696-3932. 106t5 OFFICIAL NOTICE Older home. Near TAMU. 3-bedroom, 2-bath. Living room, dining room, fireplace. $500. 846-4929. '‘V'■v~.■ <.v4j8lttflr m— •— New! room for rent. $1257$$/rnonth. Call 779- 9096- U)5t5 OFFICIAL NOTICE REWARD: Ring left in ladies’ restroom, old Engineering Bldg. Friday afternoon. If found please call 693-5827 110t3 A “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline - March 1, 1980 Application forms for Spring Awards £ Program may be obtained from the j Student Financial Aid Office, Room | 310, YMCA Building. All applications I must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 PM, March 1,1980. Late applications will not be accepted. 80133 ! REWARD Lost blonde male Cocker Spaniel puppy. Last seen in vicinity of College Main and Nagle. Has congenital birth defect. NEEDS MEDICATION! Please contact 846-5896 or 693- 7306. 11015 Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal Arts has two available claims representative positions with the Social Security offices in Brenham and Houston for the sum mer and fall semesters. A minimum of sixty hours is required and sociol ogy or psychology majors are prefer red. Interested students may obtain further information by contacting Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary at 107 Harrington or 845-7814. tosts BEAUTIFUL MODERN APARTMENT Carpeted, 2-bedrooms, small living room, kitchen, bath with shower stall. Near university. Only $200/month. Must see to appreciate. 693-2647 after 5 pm. SPECIAL NOTICE TOWNHOUSE Have unfurnished 2-bdrm townhouse, 1500 sq. ft., large enough for 4 students, IVz miles from campus. $350/month plus utilities. Phone DeeDee Ramsey 696-4104 lostio FOUND PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258.. .62tfn FOUND: Young Springer Spaniel on campus near Drill Field 3 weeks ago. Call 845-1187 or 713-828-4257 or 713-828-4465. 108t5 Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal Arts has several avail able management-trainee positions with Foley’s Department Store in Houston for the summer and fall semesters. Interested students may obtain further information by con tacting Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary at 107 Harrington or 845-7814. 108t5 SPECIAL NOTICE PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 TOWNHOUSE Want two girls to share furnished town- house '\V2 miles from campus. $115/ month each plus equal share of utilities. Washer and dryer. Phone Dee Dee Ramsey 696-4104. lostio SERVICES Typing!! Reports, Dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. llOtfn WEIGHT WATCHERS is a unique program of weight reduction that helps you to lose weight without starving and also shows you how to keep it off fore ver. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303.i09ti TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT RESIDENT ADVISOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Resident advisor candidates must be senior or graduate student classification with overall 2.25 GPA and some residence hall experience preferred but not necessary. DUTIES: Live with the student athletes in Cain Hall, serve as coun selor to the athletes, and act as Nason between Resident Manager and Athletic Department administrators. STIPEND: Room and Board In-state tuition waiver APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: Cain Hall (campus) or Leroy Sutherland 845- 4692 108tfn NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. I77tfn AVAILABLE NOW 2-bdrm 1-bath Upstairs Duplex off Broadmoor $230.00/month gas paid. Call Jacob Beal Real Estate at 822-4518 M-Fonly. foitto Get your Xerox copies ON THE DOUBLE at Northgate, above Farmer's Market • Self-service copying 14 hours a day • Oversized reproductions • Reductions • Reduced rates on large jobs Bring your Typing and Binding jobs, too! One-Stop Service for Letters, Resumes, Reports, Theses, Dissertations, Book Manuscripts. ON THE DOUBLE V 331 University 846-3755 Open M-F, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Sat., 9-6 With a pastry blendercutaijj; lard until mixture resembles crumbs. SAILING i Add */•» cup milk all at once with fork until a softdougby pulls away from the sides of lU| Turn dough onto a lightlyl surface and knead 6-8 times rolling pin to lightly roll tkeJ about ‘/z-inch thick for reguk cuits or about ‘/i-inch thiddbiij ones. Cut dough with a flouredil biscuit cutter or glass. Pres mings together by hand additional kneading; reroll until all dough has been used With a spatula or pancake transfer biscuits to ungreasee sheet. Set them about 1 ind for crusty biscuits or almost for softer ones. ^ Bake 12-15 minutes, or unfil ly browned in pre-heated® F oven. Makes 18 or more,d ing on thickness. Split biscuits, preferably!)] BAPTIST Supper CAMPUS ing Cla W5AC-TF 504 Ru r< United Pi rather than with knife. InsertiBOSTON filling — your pick of available ave been call age, ham or whatever. Ur times. Since the ne An F. Kennei ______ IK months ag JHIfeof the most ■ STORAGE lb U - LOCK • IlrtfeTyAe"' U - LOCK-IT! 10 x 20-$25 693-2339 AUTO insurance! FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Groii| 3400 S. College 8231 emistic co overlookin ie weekend ople line nes waiting ; library a remonies < er and 6,0' y of whor ed the Ker e library \ ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment r e 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 r ar PERSONALS £‘on otes -QIJ. sijosay i>js oj aoiAjag jiy ^na-ig guudg REGISTER FOR SPRING CLASSES Bicycle Maintenance and Repair Jewelry Casting Stained Glass Suncatchers Woodshop Safety Macrame Antique refinishing Pine Cone Wreaths Beginning Calligraphy Coiled Baskets (Indian Pottery and Firing) — Seminar (Japanese Pottery) — Seminar Register at MSC Craftshop Monday through Friday 10 am to 10 pm Saturday 10 am to 5 pm Sunday 1 to 7 pm 845-1631 MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Salisbury Steak Dinner with Two Cheese and Mushroom Gravy Onion Enchiladas Whipped Potatoes w/chili Your Choice of Mexican Rice One Vegetable Patio Style Pinto Beans Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Tostadas Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased Witli These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods Each Daily Special Only$1.99PlusTax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. —4:00 P.M. to7:00Pl WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread andBi Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast (Texas Salad) Mashed Potato w/ gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee (“Quality First”i SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Corn bread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter! CoffeorTea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any || One vegetable